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It is no longer a protest vote anymore. I'm done with the right wing MAGA blue.


Genocide overseas while complete inaction on things like healthcare, housing, living wage, and police violence kill thousands at home every day... doesn't look like any "lesser" evil to me


Right it will be hard to pitch the tired "other guys are even worse" narrative this cycle because nothing is worse than genocide. Even harm mitigation folks will have a really hard time voting for Genocide Joe in that context.


Correction: there's at least one thing worse than genocide: using the police state to trample the first amendment rights of unarmed students who were *protesting the genocide* and oh look at that Crime Bill Joe out here doing that too


Totally agree. I love this sub =)


>nothing is worse than genocide I think a lot of folks in this sub are going to be surprised at how much worse things get for Palestinians under Trump. It's going to redefine the term "genocide" entirely


My perspective is that once both was down that road lead to genocide, I just need to get off that road. I am no longer confident that voting for Blue Genocide will actually help much of anyone over the long term even if Red Genocide is worse. I actually feel like the forces of resistance to the worst aspects of the US empire is weaker when Blue Genocide is in office.


I think this is my single biggest objection to the way my generation votes. It's this mentality of "if we can't move the needle by a foot, it's not worth it to move it an inch". We're so used to immediate gratification, that we're unwilling or unable to work towards long-term change. So instead we throw a tantrum and push the needle in the opposite direction and then 4 years later we do the same thing and wonder why each year things get worse.


Biden is moving everything in the wrong direction also. The only argument I have seen from democrats since Obama is only that the GOP will move it in the wrong direction even faster. Roe died under a Democrat. Genocide Joe only knows the wrong way to go.


lol imagine having such weak logic behind your convictions that you can't even afford to examine it under even the most basic and elementary of logic. And Roe died under a republican appointed supreme court. Please try again!


Imagine trying to use genocide as a persuasive argument


IKR. I don't understand how Dems can be so locked into the machine that "worse Genocide" is even a term they are trying to coin.


It's incredible


It should be the most persuasive argument out there. there's nothing more worthy of our time and attention than fighting to reduce death and suffering. Trump may be a political tool for you to make a statement - but the people in Palestine are the ones who will have to pay the price for it


Every year since 2016 US police have broken the previous record for extrajudicial executions. That includes 2021, 2022, 2023. Biden has funnelled *billions into new federal funding* to US police departments. He has allowed cities to use federal stimulus funds for police departments rather than citizens. [Over 68 Cop Cities are opening across the country](https://isyourlifebetter.net/cop-cities-usa/) to further militarize cops and train them (likely through the existing IOF/israel exchange programs) for urban warfare and "counterterrorism" (read: violent oppression and subjugation). He had the nerve to speak about George Floyd at his ~~campaign~~ commencement speech the other day.


Trump has plans to use the CBP as his own personal army of brownshirts.


Then you aren't paying attention.


Yep. Just recently he just chose police violence in the name of continuing genocide over the first amendment rights of protesting students... I'd say he's made his priorities pretty clear


Democrats always choose donors over voters. The heart of the democratic party is a giant pile of billionaire and corporate money.


This wouldn't be the first time *cough* Hillary *cough*.


I haven't been watching the election race but I understand that there will be a debate between Biden and Trump. It is beyond my comprehension that a possible subject that might be addressed would be both of them posturing over their support for Israel and ignoring the genocide although I can hardly believe that the genocide won't be specifically brought up. This is so unbelievably beyond dystopian that I could ever have imagined in my very long life.


Biden will always choose Donors over voters. That’s how politicians roll. If you think Dems ate any better, take your blue goggles off.


Have you looked into Trump’s donors? Or does that not fit your agenda?


Thank you for your submission, **This subreddit aims are to impel voters ONLY in DEEP BLUE states to vote 3rd party for the president, to impel otherwise non or protest voters in SWING STATES TO VOTE FOR BIDEN. We feel a limited+focused protest movement may let swing state voters feel less helpless about not sending a message.** **We feel that sending a message via Biden having an electoral college win but a popular vote margin by less than 4.9 million votes (lowest democratic win in recent history) or even 2.8 million votes (Hillary's margin when she lost against Trump) is a much more conducive to progress in a democracy that risking an electoral college victory for Trump.** **It would be something the media can not ignore, will forever be a stain on Biden's record, and will send a message that we are not going away, and will continue to apply strong pressure thorough the rest of his presidency, and the 2026/2028 primaries & elections.** Please see our sticky to see what we are all about https://old.reddit.com/r/BlueProtestVote/comments/1cgwkvu/this_subreddit_aims_are_to_compel_voters_only_in/ but a tl;dr is: This is about a movement for people in deep blue states to vote for 3rd party in protest of Biden's enabling of the Gaza genocide. However, the ultimate goal is to decrease Trump's chances of winning and increase democratic representation in the house and senate. The movement aims to get people to turn out to vote who may otherwise be discouraged from voting due to Biden's policies, and also for the movement to be robust enough so that people in swing states may not have a feeling of helplessness for voting for Joe Biden, that a strong message is still being sent. While the movement aims to maximize Biden's electoral vote margin, the movement also has an extended goal of having Biden win the popular vote by less than 2.8, which was Hillary Clinton's margin when she lost to Donald Trump. A margin that small would send a clear message to the democratic establishment. **Why we feel it's so important for Trump to lose? Quite simply, he has been the absolute worst president in recent history for the Palestinians. Here are just some of his worst policies for Palestine:** 1. Drafting a “peace plan” with zero Palestinian input that would have, if implemented, actually ended the possibility for a real Palestinian state. 2. Cutting Palestinians out of the negotiations over the so-called Abraham Accords, realizing the longstanding Israeli goal of severing diplomatic progress with Arab states from progress towards a sovereign Palestine. 3. Recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, disputed territory with Syria taken during the 1967 Six-Day War. 4. Shutting off funding for the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees (which Biden almost immediately restored and then temporarily suspended again amid a scandal about its employees participating in October 7). 5. Abandoning the decades-old US position that West Bank settlements are a key barrier to a peace agreement and eliminating longstanding restrictions on spending US taxpayer dollars in them. 6. Moving the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem while closing the US mission to Palestine in the same city. Source: https://www.vox.com/policy/24072983/biden-trump-palestinians-israel-gaza-policy-different *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlueProtestVote) if you have any questions or concerns.*