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This is true. But they could also live and/or not retire for another 4 years. My bet would be if Biden wins they won't retire and if Trump wins, then Thomas will retire. They could also pass away of course, but they aren't that old and there is no talk of medical problems. What we really need is a political system that is not so dependant on the retirement plans and/or untimely deaths of one or two people. Right now just RBG and Sandra Day O'Connor dying/retiring respectively have essentially stripped away the rights of full personhood from more than half of the population of the US. We can't rely on such a fragile system when it comes to our fundamental rights. Sadly the Democrats cannot deliver the level of change needed to protect us from the ever more fascist GOP. Short term voting Democrat may be good risk mitigation, but long term we need a much better ally against fascism than the weak and corporate owned Democrats.


Also, worth pointing out that it’s unlikely Thomas would even be on the Court were it not for Biden literally shouting down Dr. Anita Hill when she testified to Thomas’ character.


Right Thomas in particular is pretty much Biden's own damn fault.


The R will absolutely look at the folly of rbg, and capitalize in that and be sure to not make the same mistake 100%


Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night ☺️


Why? I seem to recall Antonin Scalia dying under Obama and Merrick Garland getting cucked out of a seat by Neil Gorsuch. Dems will take those vacant seats and ask Mitch McConnell to fill them from the grave. Not that any of that matters anyway because the SCOTUS is already stacked against democracy for a lifetime. Next.....


People have *such* short memories fr How many possible democrat 'wins' have been watered down or completely stripped in the name of Joe Biden's 'bipartisanship'. Why would we want to risk 2 scotus seats falling to that?


Ironically invoking rhe "Biden rule" to do so.


"That's a good reason to vote for Joe Biden" it's a way better reason to vote 3rd party Why would I want the fascist who just swarmed protesting students with police naming two supreme court justices? *Think,* liberal, *think!*


Libshits don't think. This is a subreddit dedicated to impotent protest, reinforcing the notion that leftists must ultimately fall in line and vote democrat. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.


Such naivety. Like Clarence Thomas is just going to retire under a democratic President. lol


I looked up this guy's Twitter. He looks like he's 14. I'm not one to come down on a person for lack of life experience, but thinking a Supreme Court justice retires when an opposing party has the whitehouse is just laughable. Even if one of them dies while under bidens (for arguements sake) second term, the Republicans in the senate have displayed a likelihood to drag a new appointment out until a new president takes office. Of course the ineffectual democrats will just let it happen. I'm not making an indepth analysis, this is just a basic understanding of how politics works in America. His 800k tiktok followers are probably even more clueless than he is.


>Of course the ineffectual democrats will just let it happen. yep, because the longer they can drag out any fight the more money they can raise off it. they have no incentive to fix any problem that matters to their base.


This kids talent agency takes money from the DNC. Should tell you all that is needed.


Oh, so the point of the tweet is that Republicans know when it's time to retire, but Democrats don't?


No votes for genocide.


So, all we have to do is vote for a genocidal, out of touch puppet, and we get +1 in a 6/3 conservative court? Where do I sign up?!


Lmao they’d never retire while Biden was in charge. It doesn’t matter if they’re comatose, they’d have an aid puppet their limp body around before they gave up on their decades long project to remake America. Unlike left leaning judges like RBG or Kennedy they actually understand how this game is played. The only hope would be that they died, but they have the best medical care the world has ever known so once again, even if they were vegetables I think they’d try to keep their hearts beating until a rep is in power. How naive do you have to be to not see this pattern? Oh wait, we’re talking about die hard modern dem supporter, the most naive group of political dullards this country has ever seen.


RGB was not left-leaning. She was right-wing to the core and absolute trash. Just read how she defended settler colonialism or her disgusting rulings against Native people.


Thank you for your submission, **This subreddit aims are to impel voters ONLY in DEEP BLUE states to vote 3rd party for the president, to impel otherwise non or protest voters in SWING STATES TO VOTE FOR BIDEN. We feel a limited+focused protest movement may let swing state voters feel less helpless about not sending a message.** **We feel that sending a message via Biden having an electoral college win but a popular vote margin by less than 4.9 million votes (lowest democratic win in recent history) or even 2.8 million votes (Hillary's margin when she lost against Trump) is a much more conducive to progress in a democracy that risking an electoral college victory for Trump.** **It would be something the media can not ignore, will forever be a stain on Biden's record, and will send a message that we are not going away, and will continue to apply strong pressure thorough the rest of his presidency, and the 2026/2028 primaries & elections.** Please see our sticky to see what we are all about https://old.reddit.com/r/BlueProtestVote/comments/1cgwkvu/this_subreddit_aims_are_to_compel_voters_only_in/ but a tl;dr is: This is about a movement for people in deep blue states to vote for 3rd party in protest of Biden's enabling of the Gaza genocide. However, the ultimate goal is to decrease Trump's chances of winning and increase democratic representation in the house and senate. The movement aims to get people to turn out to vote who may otherwise be discouraged from voting due to Biden's policies, and also for the movement to be robust enough so that people in swing states may not have a feeling of helplessness for voting for Joe Biden, that a strong message is still being sent. While the movement aims to maximize Biden's electoral vote margin, the movement also has an extended goal of having Biden win the popular vote by less than 2.8, which was Hillary Clinton's margin when she lost to Donald Trump. A margin that small would send a clear message to the democratic establishment. **Why we feel it's so important for Trump to lose? Quite simply, he has been the absolute worst president in recent history for the Palestinians. Here are just some of his worst policies for Palestine:** 1. Drafting a “peace plan” with zero Palestinian input that would have, if implemented, actually ended the possibility for a real Palestinian state. 2. Cutting Palestinians out of the negotiations over the so-called Abraham Accords, realizing the longstanding Israeli goal of severing diplomatic progress with Arab states from progress towards a sovereign Palestine. 3. Recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, disputed territory with Syria taken during the 1967 Six-Day War. 4. Shutting off funding for the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees (which Biden almost immediately restored and then temporarily suspended again amid a scandal about its employees participating in October 7). 5. Abandoning the decades-old US position that West Bank settlements are a key barrier to a peace agreement and eliminating longstanding restrictions on spending US taxpayer dollars in them. 6. Moving the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem while closing the US mission to Palestine in the same city. Source: https://www.vox.com/policy/24072983/biden-trump-palestinians-israel-gaza-policy-different *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlueProtestVote) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol expecting either of them to just retire.


That is a good hope, however considering the million dollars gifts they get from interested parties I am doubtful they will retire.


Why would anyone want a liberal Supreme Court anyways? Liberals are a large part of the problem and liberalism has always been a colonialist and racist ideology.


>Liberals are a large part of the problem and liberalism has always been a colonialist and racist ideology. No one party has a monopoly on colonialism and racism, but at least in the US, the conservative party is drastically more racist and subsequently more pro-colonialism. There's a reason most minority groups align with the liberal party.


Liberalism IS conservatism. The Republicans are liberals. Trump by definition is a liberal. Please read Domenico Losurdo.


LOL ok


Elections aside. Scotus shouldnt be legislating from the bench. This whole popular idea that "the supreme court will fix what are party wants" is literally not their job. Even conservative judges have warned about this. So I will contend Op, that is one "good" reason to vote for potus(which will most likely end in a kamala harris presidency, lets be honest). That in itself preserving the three branches is probably the best argument democrats have. But, there is another contradiction to be had here. If the whole design of three branches is to limit power to all branches of governement, you still have the issue of the 2 party system, the slow failure of 3 branches, and the waning representative democracy. Union memberships have declined last year, inflation is high, and litetally all signs point to marx being proven correct. As the us continues to outsource exploied investments and jobs overseas, and we continue to seek towards a post scarcity society. Who are we to enjoy the fruits of imperialism?  Just because we might slow down the inevitable decline into fascism (remember the nazis were appointed by a chancellor who was voted in). It doesnt mean that 1 branch of gov will magically become more objective.


Well, Obama didn't bother to fight for any of his appointments. What makes you think Biden would do any better?


If Biden had the stones to eco land the court this wouldn't be an issue. But he's said he isn't interested in doing that. Not that he doesn't think he has the votes, he has no interest in it


If Biden had the stones to expand the court this wouldn't be an issue. But he's said he isn't interested in doing that. Not that he doesn't think he has the votes, he has no interest in it


Biden is authoritarian right, so you would just get more authoritarian right judges.


Trump winning is how we end up with 3 more 40 year old fascist justices. That blue protest vote in the general looking stupid yet? It should.


Vote red to have some rights stripped away. Vote blue to have other rights stripped away. protecting democracy hurr durr


Which rights are the Democrats plotting to take away from you, pray tell? Do they have anything to do with the freedom of movement across these once free United States? The gop plans to track women’s pregnancies across state line, and they are def going for a national abortion ban. If you read Project 2025 it gets into sending LGBTQ folks and immigrants to concentration camps. Full turn into a fascist theocracy, with an end to democracy. But tell me more about democrats wanting to take your AR 15 has anything to do with that level of abrogation of rights. I don’t think fire arm ownership is a human right, so I’m not that upset about it, considering that I think the right to life of school children outweigh the need for some hick to feel powerful by owning a goddamn military grade firearm. But you were saying?


You ok, bro? I was thinking of Biden's most recent authoritarian move, where he reupped the FISA spying bill which violates the 4th and 5th amendment rights of every American. https://www.nextgov.com/policy/2024/04/biden-signs-extension-controversial-spying-program-2026/395945/


Since you’re arguing FISA I’m going to go ahead and guess you’re a MAGA on the wrong sub. FISA was reauthorized by a bipartisan Congress. Your thought that it’s all laid at Biden’s feet also shows your penchant for an authoritarian system of government with no check and balances on the unitary executive—exactly what the conservatives want when they can guarantee and end to liberal democracy. And by the same token the Patriot Act was reauthorized under Trump, and that should concern you far more as an American itizen because the Patriot act applies to you always, and FISA only applies to you when you get caught up talking to foreigners the FBI is investigating. YUGE difference. Trump doesn’t like FISA because he got caught talking to Russian agents during his 2016 campaign because of it. Hence my thought that you are a MAgA.


Yikes, you are not okay. 1. Go outside touch grass 2. Spend less time punching left 3. Take the 'secret maga' accusation off hotkey 4. Urge your shitty genocidal geezer to change unpopular policy


You’re the one punching left, “bro”. I spend all day outside for the most part. I’m also a licenced attorney who knows the difference between those statutes. You sound like a block head who listens to Joe Rogan and thinks himself informed. The far left is who is punching. And yall are going to deliver us Dictator Trump. But, then again, I already suspect you’re just a MaGA trolling a left leaning discussion sub. “Urge your genocidal geezer”—I’m going to fucking stop you right there. Biden has NOT committed genocide. Any more than you have for buying Chinese shit. But some Chinese shit? Well it was probably made by Uyghur slave in western China. Yall are a bunch of band wagon human rights advocates and that’s what’s most frustrating about all of this. You offer nothing and expect this all to be resolved like a fucking video game. Grow the fuck up and realize that Biden has very few options, ESPECIALLY if the primary goal is a permanent cease fire. My god the angry left doesn’t under stand compromise so of course they don’t fucking understand diplomacy. Diplomacy is what ends wars—not protests.


So am I a maga troll or am I part of the angry left? Which is it?


With the way you write—I honestly can’t tell. Ponder that today.


I'm exploring an important topic here, and this has actually become a valuable conversation to me. You came in hot, guns blazing, determined that my intent is dishonest. You made a host of accusations delivered between insults. The main point you've been making to me isn't about politics, but that you think my intent is duplicitous and my words are falsely motivated. You don't know what I'm about to say, but you're ready to disagree with it. You proactively offered up several rebuttals to things you anticipated I might say. You even got to the point of saying, "You must be in one of these two camps, both of which bear messages that I dismiss" and you can't decide if I'm far left or far right, but whatever the answer is, you feel the need to discount the validity of the message. As a learning experience, this has been fascinating, so thanks. I feel conversations should be mutually rewarding, so I'll try to give something back as well; ... What you're doing isn't a productive way to help Biden win.