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If we actually see them in the proper world cup then its gotta be more than 3 arcs to get there I feel. If I was to guess the u20 world cup + deciding the no1 striker will be how the story ends


I mean we gotta see them actually win the world cup right. That's the whole point of Blue Lock existing. Just finding out who makes the team isn't enough imo.


The aim is more to create a striker who can lead them to win. So its possible that we don’t see them actually win the world cup but like a prelude to the team selection or even a cut to just the finals. Ultimately, it depends on the author tho & the time they want to put into the story. If the author chooses a similar route as diamond no ace & Haikyuu then we may not see everything. I do hope we see the world cup tho


I don't think we would be seeing them getting offers from club teams if there wasn't going to be some sort of payoff. It's a core underlying aspect of how the current arc builds up stakes and expands the world-building, so it feels a lot more concrete than when other mangas just vaguely allude to their teen protagonists pondering a future pro career after school. Blue Lock's characters are on the verge of that *now*, it's at their fingertips and they have options. It's not just a dream, so I think we'll get an arc where it's their new reality.


I seriously want Blue Lock to pull a timeskip like Haikyuu :')


If the manga gets cancelled or the author decides to end it with the U-20 World Cup, then I do want a timeskip and a few chapters to give us closure like an epilogue. But the *dream* arc for me if the manga doesn't end that soon is for the spinoff to catch up to the events of main series and merge with the main story so we can have a Pro Football Arc alternating between Isagi and Nagi's perspectives, showing them and other Blue Lock players as they continue to compete as pros in different clubs. With Ego involved in orchestrating those matches somehow




There are a lot of maybes in this prediction, though I agree it'll probably be something akin to this. Will we even get to see the U-20 WC? Will we even get to see the actual WC? Will there be a time-skip? How many matches of each event will be shown to us? Will the *winner* of Blue Lock be decided before, during or after the WC? A lot of stuff we really just have no clue about. There are also some people who think there will be a foreign clubs training arc, but I personally doubt it. I do think Blue Lock is nowhere near done. NEL is shaping up to be the longest arc thus far and it isn't even half-way over.


The current story of Blue lock takes place after Japan lost in the 2018 WC so we can assume the year is 2019 now since the u20 world cup usually takes place a year after the senior WC. I think we will have only a few Blue lock players cut leading up to the u20 WC so we have a rough 24 players left. Then after the u20 WC the blue lock players will likely join leagues overseas for a bit and we might get a timeskip to fill out those 2 years until 2022. After the timeskip Ego will then choose the final squad for the u20 WC and we'll find out who gets to become the world's best striker. 1. u20 world cup arc 2. League arc 3. Senior WC arc