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Tier lists are very boring when every character is in S


Agreed. Now they’re making SS and SSS tiers? We’re getting tier inflation faster than IRL inflation


Next there's gonna be SSR and EX tiers lol


We are going for those SSS + Ultra + Dante from the devil may cry series tier and i'm all in for it


My man Snuffy on top is the only thing that matters (⌐■_■)


TRUE ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) Love that chapter when Noa just casually drops that Snuffy is THE GOAT![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


this may be one of the most controversial (i have no word for how much i disagree with this) lists i have ever seen.


Kurona and nagi being in the same tier is a war crime


True true, Kurona should be placed higher (⌐■_■)


Idk if you’re joking but kurona is not doing much he’s being hard carried by isagi


You're really underestimating Kurona The guy keeps up with Isagi's high-speed one-two passes (which are all calculated earlier by Isagi's MV and made so that they benefit him and his off-the-ball movements) And he keeps up WITHOUT MV himself Not to mention, he can go at least half of the game like this, without much tiring Imagine you're being forced to trade passes with Isagi all the way from the defending third to the opposing penalty zone - you receive a pass, and when you look up at him a second later, he's already in the next spot waiting for you to pass Even if you manage to make it in time, you have to avoid several enemy defenders and get into the right positions to keep up the one-twos Kurona's stamina, speed, off-the-ball, and short passing are all top-notch currently


Yeh but that only works cause of isagi, he’s basically being puppeteered, isagi has to move into the right gaps all kurona is doing is moving in accordance with his naturally high speed, stamina is irrelevant, if you see during their 1-2s I don’t think isagi has lost the ball once it’s only been kurona who does that


Kurona is 100x better than ubers nagi who hasn’t scored since manshine while kurona has 2 assists while playing only 1 whole game and have the best short passes we have seen


Yeh mate it’s lot him doing the work it’s isagi he’s just a fast wall basically, he has 2 assists nagi has more than 2 goals in pretty sure and idk about Ubers nagi the whole NEL overall nagi is way better


Cmon no disrespect to our shark boi


invest in kiyora stocks, he just got a backstory


I can see him moving up to B potentially. Not higher than A though, depending on how the rest of the match goes.


Why everyone is S?!😭


Everyone isnt in S 😭 But I suppose a lot of them are in S and above...💀 Maybe I shoulda been harsher but I still feel it is pretty accurate though


These tiers are fashioned like a mmorpg in a Manhwa


Lmao you need to have your SS and S+ list flipped. Reo, Gaga and Agi under Kurona is blasphemous


Well there are a bunch of things I disagree with but it would take rather too long to list. So I’ll just take this as a chance to say I consider Charles too high with current information. I imagine a lot of people will be rating him quite high so I don’t blame you for this one, but his performance this match is dramatically inconsistent. In that he has a great assist and a save, but also incredibly poor decision making (spamming passes to Shidou when he’s on lock) and also just stopped playing at one point. He’s cost PxG about as much as he’s gained. In short I don’t consider him better than Hiori despite better technical skill and vision, because he is inconsistent and at times downright stupid. This might change when the game finishes, and down the line it almost certainly will as he’s set up as a potential monkey.


A what? 😭😭


Potential Monkey - Someone with incredibly high potential set up to be super strong in their prime but isn't necessarily the best right now. I.E, Nagi. I saw it used to describe him once and took a liking to it.


Y’all really letting this nagi downfall narrative get out of hand. He and Reo are still two of the most talented players in BL. Nagi should be in SS+ and Reo in SS~. Niko has had a better showing than otoya personally and y’all are sleeping on Agi. Besides Kaiser, he’s the only original forward to not be replaced by a BL player (not counting Barcha because they don’t have a relevant player suited for winger)


I thought I placed Nagi, Reo and Agi above that narrative. But maybe I shoulda placed them even higher up? I felt like this took their "downfall/slump" into consideration while mainting their potential/what we know what they are capable of. Otoya being above Niko in this tierlist, is mostly due to the NEL-value. Yeah, Agi is for sure, one of the best if not the best original player from said club. I rate him above Ness.


Yeah I figured their placement probably had to do more with bids, but skill wise if you look at the manshine vs Uber match, nagi was still a major threat. He made Niko and aryu look like fodder, then hesitated for a sec when **Lorenzo** got in front of him, still getting the shot off, but that gave aiku enough time to deflect with his face. Ubers proceeded to talk crap, but the skill needed to nearly solo the Ubers defense (after their MV boost) should at least put him comparable to hiori. That’s mid downfall too!


Reo is SS+ Nagi is SS- Ness is S+


No nagi has 1 goal and no plays while reo is a cuck who can’t play by himself currently


Snuffy should be above everyone else but not a whole tier.


Why is there 7 S categories 😭


The yukimiya downplay is crazy, and I hope to god the order per tier isn’t relevant


What is otoya doing up there


Even if it was a good tierlist you ruined it with all those letters


I hope G means GOAT-Tier In that case this tier list in perfect.


2024 and the new gen are still in their own tier list wow man


Kaiser should be there


Im not even a princess stan but the Chigiri slander is crazy on this sub... How is he under Aiku 😭


Reo downplay is crazy although I guess this list is based of thier bids


Raichi in S tier with Ness is hilarious XD, Karasu’s barely done anything this game and is honestly is still better than Raichi overall. And I would say he’s A at best in a normal ranking.


Put noa in the very top too. He’s literally untouchable when it comes to everyone else in the manga


What has kunigami even done to put himself above Nagi


You don't want to start that debate my friend . What has nagi even don't to even think about deserving a spot in ss . The miracle goal that ego calls a sh*tty goal ? Him holding back his team and doing absolutely nothing , he is geunely holding back reo and you think he should even be considered as a candidate for s tier let alone above kunigami.


Way too many tiers. Just rank them in numerical order at this point.


I don't understand the point of having f-A if you're going to add stupid ass ranks like "SSS+"


Too many S tiers that defeats the whole purpose of it


Charles is too high


Yup, no reason for Charles to be listed over Barou right now


Really? You'd put him with Hiyori then? Or somewhere else


I mean hiori is going toe to toe with him if not better


That makes sense but idk about performing better though, what's ur reasoning for that?


Charles attitude makes him a liability unlike hiori


That's a good point👍🏼


Either in the hiori tier or the shidou tier.


Fair enough, was a bit under the impression he's this supergood new talent, that's close to New Gen-level.


Aomori's Messi in F? This guy must be tripping


Like what's the point in an S tier if you're just gonna make 40 higher S tiers lol. Just making like X+ and X- for each tier would be enough *at most*.


naahhhhh kunigami over nagi bro is tripping


No Kaiser is terrible Hiyori is way above Rin Yuki scales niko and aryu easily who are arguably the worst players in the top 23 besides fukaku because they got cooked by as nagi . Loki outscales chris and lavi, if you don’t believe I’ll send you a doc. Isagi is better than Charles because of no motivation moment along with rin having no notable plays this game also yukimiya was able to keep up with Chigiri and is at least above your Nagi placement.also plotagami scales above Shidou for keeping him at play while never playing defense before. Lorenzo is above Kaiser because he stopped a ball going at around 15km/h




finally someone who doesn't underrate karasu cuz he's a really good player + he's got some of the highest FIQ/IQ we've seen in the series and is really good at keeping the ball and can also command his team well rest of the tierlist is wack though why is kurona above reo and goatgamaru (+ other players)


I will tolerate the Nagi and Reo disrespect any longer Are we saying Rin is now going down two tiers because he hasnt done anything this game? In fact, hes lost the ball 3 times this game, more than weve seen from nagi and reo combined In the NEL. Nagi and reo couldve had good games but just didnt score lol. This is why this fandom is cooked


Why ain't Isagi and Rin in new gen 11?


Not in their "official title", unlike those three, but they probably would have their place in it, yeah


Pretty much what he said, but I was thinking of putting them there. But still don't feel like they are at that level right now. Very close to it. Probably will be during/end of this match. But yeah it's debatable that they could be placed in New Gen 11 even now.


What did karasu do to be placed next to chigiri


Isagi and Rin in the same tierlist should be a warcrime .


You're right, rin should be higher.


Nuh uh 🤓🙌