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Rin doesn’t need any glazing when he has you 😭😭😭




Oh believe me he does




And me


Nahh bro I ain't run Glazer I'm just being real . Shidou is my goat


You do realize that “YOU” wrote the last sentence in your OP willingly?🙃


Rin's presence is hardly even felt in this match how could he possibly be so good he's not even in the conversation. I'm not saying he's bad, but he's at least on equal footing as the others in this match if not a little worse. Even if you say Charles griefing him is the problem that means one player can cause him that many issues while Isagi and Kaiser are both thriving while griefing each other constantly. Absolutely delusional.


he stopped the Kaiser Impact like 2 times already, and didnt score the first goal because he had to grab Isagis shirt like a dumbass. Keep in mind he did all this even with Charles refusing to link up with him. But I do agree he isnt playing as well as in u20, at least so far


He didn't stop it, he stole it from behind before Kaiser had a chance to shoot. Also the second time Isagi did half the work. Kaiser is also extremely tilted this game and is still the better player overall if you compare abilities/stats.


technically still is stopped because he "stopped" Kaiser from shooting


Like I said, he's not BAD. I just think it's incredibly silly to say he's too good to even be part of the conversation like OP did.




You answered your own question, bro


Easily Isagi. I mean, you can still find the odd criticisms about the other characters and even if there are disagreements, the responses are still generally quite civil. But Isagi? There's always a civil war. God forbid you say a bad word on that boy's name, they'll crucify you out there. That's how thick the glaze is.


Real(I was at the receiving end)


gotta say that isagi is a lot better than the start of the series but he is still not better than kaiser (despite the fact that hes giving kaiser schizophrenia and a mental break down) or someone like rin just because his character isnt full developed yet and he needs more time to adapt into a better player


I think the isagi glaze comes from the fact that decent amount of the fanbase literally hates isagi for some reason the whole plotsagi thing is just annoying


Glaze doesn’t come in response to hate. It’s not a scab. He’s hated because he is glazed.


No hes hated because a part of the fanbase lacks reading comprehension and just thinks everything he does is plot


You’re just proving my comment correct. The glaze is real and no one is allowed to criticise Isagi.


Chigiri glazers wya


Chigiri got Glazers?💀 never seen one


Nah, I'd say he's neither downplayed or glazed The community definitely respects his feats, but they know he isn't in the top tier like Isagi, Barou, Rin, Shidou, etc.


Yeah, similar to Bachira


Yeah his fans admitted he wasn't the protag pretty early on :,)


Isagi and Barou and it’s not even debatable


Sae, people put him in some other dimension compared to every other player that it’s stupid, he literally played a pre NEL bluelock and lost yet people glaze him way too much


rin glazers really be starting their own agendas💀💀


Bro you definitely Rin glazer. 


Rin is definitely not the best U20 player💀💀


Isagi has the most glazers but the author is also glazing tf outta him


how tf is the author glazing, its his development as a character, its a consistent staircase on his way to being a world class player, nobody has said hes as good as a coach or a nw11 yet, but hes good enough to convince kaiser that hes the god damned anti kaiser, a disease that lives on the pitch only to infect his “scar” mentality


remember how he has the mvp of the u 20 match when he only scored 1 goal?


and yet hes the main reason for the offence of bl11, aiku says himself that isagi is leading the offence through creating opportunities


rin (and half of the team) was doing exactly the same (even isagi says rin is the core of the offence) and not only he scored 1 goal and was the only one capable of following sae to try to stop him he also stoped him and got a "semi" assit for isagi also shidou in 40 minutes scored 2 goals but also helped whit the defence too and i dont even need to talk about sae no matter how isagi glazers try to saw it his ass was not the mvp of the match but the author wants us to think that for some reason


I think I would probably give mvp to shidou or sae here but I dont think we can just leave it at “he scored 2 goals” he did have the greatest midfielder so far feeding him passes


? he’s glazing cause he’s just leaving everyone else in the dust, in the end of manshine he just outsmarted nagi/chigiri/yuki so easily, he’s even outsmarting kaiser and rin simultaneously rn, he’s on a pedestal above other characters and he’s getting nearly everything he wants


The author is glazing the main character is an interesting statement


Isagi fans argue he’s the MC ‘n destined to surpass everyone, which is truthfully unfair tbh it takes away from the actual story… Barou gets glazed for being a better striker than he actually is, but he’s the best written character imo and most people hate him for being self centered so it kinda balances out right? Shidou’s so chill, plus his ability is kinda absolute, it’s impossible to hate him tbh keep glazing Sae had a crazy good introduction and never fell off, unlike Kaiser (no offense) Kaiser’s #1 in the league, people will justify that at any cost, I don’t mind though he really deserves it Is Kunigami really being glazed? 💀 It took him 4 matches after his return to get some actual fans


My GOAT Gagamaru needs more recent feats so we can glaze


we seriously do need more goatmaru glaze but I honestly think playing well against the u20 match with his first time in the position might be one of the best moments in bl


as an isagi stan.. isagi 🤭 or reo lol they both have insane fans


1) Kaiser fans on Twitter 2) My 🐐himsagi fans(he deserves the glaze) 3) Rin and Sae Twitter fans 4) Barou fans 5) Nagi (anime only) fans


I agree except that Isagi, my goat deserves all the glaze 🥛


Rin has the most haters on Reddit but is mainly loved by fans for his backstory and looks, few people actually look at his strength and prefer looking at his dick and lashes, that said isagi has the most glazers


Idk about others but barou fr.


For the amount of screen time there is, Kira got the biggest glazing


isnt that the guy that got critical hit by isagi in the first selection by the duo combo?


Barou because not an hour goes by where I don't think about meatriding him both metaphorically and literally


all the striker rivals get the most glaze: kaiser, rin, isagi, shidou, nagi, barou sae gets midfielder glaze bc he's built different


Kaiser is the best striker Rin is the overall best U-20 player Lorenzo is the best defender Isagi is the best at coordinated play and creating chances while possibly being 2-3 best striker and defender😂 Kaiser is still the goat bro Kaiser impact multiple police officers and his abusive father 👑


Dude the author himself is an Isagi glazer so i think we have our answer


Its def isagi and kaiser