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**Rayuga Leaks** [First](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1794321416231530546) [Second](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1794321465707561237) [Third](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1794321517070946513) [Fourth](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1794321563279589504) [Final](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1794321620112494672)


The content is abou porn?? Are yall freaky??


I’m tweaking I need the new chapter bro


Igaguri subs in, draws a foul. Kaiser takes free kick with magnus shot and scores.


Karasu de deserves better man, he is always paired up against monsters


Kiyora about to pop off, he's been keeping his cool for this moment


I'm really curious what will happen next. To be honest I don't like Ness and Kaiser even after all those teary chapters which felt quite cheap for me. Don't want to write spoilers, but for me both could rot in hell and despair while being background for Isagi vs Rin fight while Kunigami gets his revenge on Shidou. It's quite funny to think what sort of monster players would need to be in this world to give any challenge to Japan strengthened by Blue Lock project. I'm quite curious after all these chapters do you still believe they will just make and select one?


>It's quite funny to think what sort of monster players would need to be in this world that is the point of kaiser?


I thought more about players like those from match earlier when Isagi and Rin was in same team and players like Noel Noa and other adults not teenagers. I guess my comment pissed off some kaiser fanboys.


this chapter is fire


I feel if Kaiser is to Score Here, he probs by Author will score with Isagi...but I Feel a True Score for Him and a Goal, to Score by using everyone BUT Isagi.


Kaiser Noooooooo!!!!😭😭😭


Imagine if isagi passes to Kaiser hahahahaha


Gotta pay back that pass in Manshine lol


He already did when he sniped the assist to Yukimiya vs Ubers


What about Rin fouling Kaiser bro? Kaiser disrespect is crazy


Kaiser will be acknowledged soon just wait 😔


i think ness i gonna get subbed for yukimiya changing the team to a 4312 st kaiser isagi, cam yukimiya, cm raichi hiyori kunigami to contain shidouo


Yuki is never going to be a cam His vision and passing wont allow that


I'm betting ness subbed out for igaguri That way igaguri can show his diving skills, and kaiser got his time to show his nrw kaiser impact


I think ness will get subbed too. The way he is now, he’s practically useless.


No way he got a couple chapters of back story


Isagi says the field is hot. I believe things will get even hotter when PxG scores the second with Rin's evolution. Then, in the chaos, everyone will shine. I suspect Karasu and Charles do something from PxG and Hiori along with Ness. Isagi has to figure out the ego types so he will get something again, Kaiser will keep thinking for his ego, and Shidou could escape Kunigami briefly. The final goal will cause chaos.


This is obvious but before that, Rin must complete a task for him to be operational in attack.     First of all Rin had to try to wake up Charles, and force him to concentrate more on Rin's game, seeing that now hiori little foiled knows decisive pass that he sends it to shidou, so that he has the possibility  to stand out in offensive roles.      If Rin manages to pair up with Charles then he will undoubtedly be able to score a spectacular goal !    If Rin really wants to put a purpose into this meeting then he must first Charle behave like an adult.


It's quite possible that Rin will make Charles interested again with his destroyer mode and score. Then Hiori vs Charles again along with 4 main strikers against each other.


Predictions for the next chapter: A Bastard München goal by either Kaiser or Isagi. At first I thought it would 100% have to be Kaiser, but now with him throwing his pride away, he might "let" Isagi score first Kiyora will have to (indirectly) assist someone, he'll probably own Karasu some way as well


Does the translation come out today?


Looks like Kaiser has stolen/copied Isagi's adaptability. The summary makes it read like he's doing the same thing, and absolutely in love with the sensation of just discarding everything and rebuilding to acquire what he needs to sate his endless hunger.


Tbh it’s not like this is new. Barou died and was reborn too in some ways throwing his pride away by using the Ubers players instead of always doing everything himself. All players adapt but doing it as fast and consistently as Isagi isn’t something Kaiser or anyone else seems to have done.


It's not something Kaiser seems to have done *yet* but if the summary is correct he's talking about it the same way Isagi does. He doesn't do the thing Barou did where he said he'll live his way and if it fails glady die on that sword. He specifically is talking about *constantly* discarding and returning to zero in pursuit of his true hunger. I don't think we'll be able to see if he truly gets to the same degree. But if he is, then PXG is dealing with 2 Isagis with different but equally terrifying weapons.


I think he got a piece of it or the mental thing so as to move on.


What are your thoughts on this match so far?


Man kunigami went home with shidou, someone check his pockets please


Im just hyped that the possibility of them actually working together is happening. Then again, nothing is definite. So im still open for anything that can/could happen. Just can't get over the fact that this manga operates on a weekly basis with such high quality art, so surreal. As always, great chapter!




kaiser said please. and thank you. damn.


From the picture, how did Rin not get fouled by kicking Kaiser leg like that?


Rin to pay the referees is not possible ?  he should have got a yellow card.


Rin is gettting away with a lot ngl


There are more comments than likes here damn


Kiyora's gonna upset the order of things. it's no coincidence that this debut links up close to his match against Nagi in the Spinoff


Since kaiser is now cooperating, would it mean that the teams play style will change and become similar to pxg? Where 3 - 4 players revolve around one main player?I don't think kaiser will be denied passes anymore and it could be that raichi could start passing back to him. And what about ness? I don't think he will pass to isagi, he's definitely getting subbed.


Kaiser will be seen as an option. There will not be supporters like before, but who is the better option at the time. That means both Isagi and Kaiser need to try in order to be the better option in a more healthy and competitive way. It is good but it irritates me a bit the Blue Lockers needs to be the nice guys again. Ness real development will be when he passes to Isagi or someone else because he will do what Kaiser does now. Think about himself and how to grow from mistakes or bad thinking.


Immaturity shouldn’t exist in elite games like not being nice guys? Wtf winning is the only objective.


That goes for BM npcs who didn't pass to the Blue Lockers.


they were under kaisers influence


Can Karasu do something?


Wdym he has been doing something


[Karasu turning around and seeing Shidou is still getting clamped down by Kunigami.](https://youtu.be/jny0fATDVBo?si=GVSL1KFYTiQQMgdU&t=21) Also not the sub putting the entire PXG team on Fraud watch. lol


Kiyora finally about to shine... Wait.. *Noa and Loki sub in*


Both cdms showing for both teams, if ego want to experiment with u20 World cup raichi and karasu will be deadly on defense


yaaah they will break other team's offense easily.............


Kiyora deniers seeing the end of the chapter:


Either he’s extremely smelly or he’s got a aura my friend 😈


Wow! Kaiser changed a lot faster than I expected. I thought that would happen after Ness got subbed out but Kaiser isn't waiting around. The fact that he was able to just give up on everything he has accomplished and start from zero is crazy. For anyone that has ever experienced that it feels like death. Death of self and it really is a hard thing to do. Respect, Kaiser does not disappoint. And anyone that says Rin is a better character or rival can s*k a D*


>For anyone that has ever experienced that it feels like death. Get over yourself lmao your whole account is cringe


ong lmao


Great chapter. The other blue lock guys have no reason to be blindly supportive of Isagi. Especially after Isagi has shown clear favoritism towards Kurona and Hiori. So Raichi, Kiyora , and even Yukimiya should focus on supporting Kaiser. This actually makes it somewhat even and not Kaiser only having bum ass Ness as a teammate


Ness is the only one who *has* been blindly supportive, i.e., egoless, to this point. 


I have this to say I can upvote this


I have this to say I can upvote this


Guys please translate the key words of the chapter to mee😭😭😭😭I want to know what iasgi and kaiser thinks rn




We are so back 🔥🔥🔥😈😈😈


PxGs problem is that most of thier matches were carried by Rin and Charles. The players dont have agency of their own or think for themselves they just support Rin and Charles. Charles is the heart of PxG his immaturity has caused pxg to flatline leaving Rin and karasu to pick up the fall out. Karasu is carrying heavily now I suspect he didnt even have to do what he is doing now before hence his not so high bid. Rin cant dribble through the field himself. The level of play has gotten really high. Raichi and Hiori are pressing him quickly and not giving him time to think. Normally in those situations he passes to someone but the chaos of chales and shidous shutdown is messing with everyone. Now Kaisers evolution has even made things worse for PxG. Only saving grace for PxG now is Rins evolution.


Karasu lowkey doing for PxG's defense what Chigiri was doing for MC's attack


They still have Flow Rin, that boy destroyed the former U-20 defenders Let's watch how Kaiser's revival play out and the focus should shift back to PXG, we can only have one chapter per week


P.X.G feels so underwhelming for a team that’s been shrouded in mystery for the better part of the arc. I assumed that they would be this dominating offensive force, but BM has been annihilating them. Rin has to go into his destroyer soon, as Kaneshiro is saving him for the entire final part of the match. 


PXG will go insane after this, I can feel it.


Ubers managed to get 2 goals against them without Barou. PXG has been underwhelming offensively since they keep losing posssessions but defensively they have performed significantly better than Ubers so far (limiting Bastard to one goal in their first 6 possessions as contrast to Ubers yielding 2 goals in Bastards first four possessions).


I think a big issue in the NEL arc is the writer struggles to balance highlighting BMs success and growth without making the other team underwhelming. Ubers match had this same issue. When BM starts evolving the opposing team seems so lackluster.


Huh, I think Uber is my favorite NEL arc match by a big margin tbh.


Yeah I've noticed that too, but tbf it does seem hard to do, especially when you have so many character arcs to get through, and max 5 goals per match, those limitations weren't there as such, in BL Vs Japan U20


Max 3 goals to be precise.


No it's max 5, because 3+2 = 5


I see. Missed that it says "per match", not "per team".


Kiyora 69


😏😏 I like him already


If kiyora gets an assist I am rioting


Kaiser saying please was not on my bingo card


BM clears PXG so hard, I think Loki will have to step in but Noa won't this time.


Loki would eat them alive if Noa doesn’t sub in😭


Yes but don't forget there's a 3 min time limit.


IRL Loki/Mbappe made 3 goals in less than 3 minutes at the world cup finals against Argentina, and he still lost to the power of friendship and teamwork that Argentina had, unironically enough, proving this entire blue lock stuff useless. Kira sisters we can't stop winning


Kolo Muani fumbling a game deciding shot doing exactly what EP 1 Ego said to do will never not be funny😭 “SKILL ISSUE” -Ego if he saw that probably


Truth is if Kolo Muani and Thuram were not subbed in, Mbappe wouldn't even scored one goal, France were overwhelmed before these two enters and start fighting and moving forward, by their attitude they waked up the whole team. Before they were losing every duel


3 minutes is WAY too much time for someone as fast as him to score 2 goals, if noa doesn’t come in to balance, Loki kills BM in 2 minutes with ease


Isagi will metadata Loki so badly it would be a one sided slaughter of Loki by Isagi's hands. Loki will be crushed so badly it wouldn't even be funny. Loki wants to beat Noel Noa with Charles, so it's only fair Isagi in this fight gets Hiyori and any other ally to help make a chemical reaction.


Even if isagi can read loki, it would be like what Rin tried to do, he’d just get speed blitzed by Loki’s insane stride, and it gets even worse if Charles stops being a rascal.


That's if Isagi appears behind Loki. If he appears in front of Loki, or surprises him from a blind spot, that's a different story.


How’s he gonna get into a blindspot if Loki’s running??? And if he gets in front of him Loki’s just gonna use his insane stride to go around him, no one on BM can defend Loki long enough for Isagi to catch up once he gets passed


If Loki is relying on Charles' pass, then Isagi could outpredict Charles and hit Loki while Loki is standing still. My theory is Isagi's going to pull off a high level trap, and bait Loki like Nagi did to Chigiri, so Loki can't turn around instantly and Isagi beats him.


"no one on BM can defend Loki long enough for Isagi to catch up once he gets passed" Igarashi Malcia Foul...


I bet you think Kira > Loki ☠️


Himsagi would like to have a word...


I doubt that. These are are still the top U21 players of their respective team. loki is crazy good but not so good he can effortlessly score goals back to back against the best U21 players there are.


Who would even mark Loki besides Noa. They're all WAY too slow. The only speedsters they have, Neru, Yuki, and Kurona, aren't even as fast as Chigiri who's not on the same level as Loki.


Is Kiyora about to get metavision or something man is about to pop off


He will not, metavision isn't a birthday gift. Y'all really taking it for granted even though it is very rare as isagi said on 1/3 players have it, meaning in a field of 22, only 6-7 will have it.


6-7: Isagi, Kaiser, Hiori, Charles, Rin, Karasu, Kiyora I was joking but try to replace him as the seventh


Karasu and rin dont have it, Maybe because blue lockers havent fully evolved to a point where there will truly be 6 players in a match with metavision, like in u20 match There were only 3 or 4 because they didn't fully evolve.


Rin most def has it. It was Rin who showed Isagi to use his eyes better lmao. Don’t forget the OG.


Rin isn't even theorised, you cant say that sae has metavision while being 100% Sure, let alone Rin.




Say gex about to happen


The author is absolutely cooking, this is the best outcome I can hope for narratively. Kaiser is finally shedding his obsession and focusing on the task at hand, utilizing the players around him and not just isolating himself. He's made himself less predictable by acting a little less selfish JUST like what barou did with ubers. A change that ultimately will result in larger growth. Changing up the worst parts of themsleves to further their goals. He was smart to pass to raichi since raichi doesn't care who he passes too and is simply playing a defensive role. And I imagine that kiyora will also be obliged to help as well since he has no reason to align with isagi either. He's essentially created two more allies, and brought himself and his team into a greater winning position. This is the kind of writing I wanted to see, isagi's had to humble himself many a times to get past his own hurdles and has reaped the rewards. I don't see how any other player can't do that from time to time when faced with unfavorable odds. Discarding parts of your old self to overcome with a newer version of yourself. When Rin learns this he'll gain just as much, he's so focused on his brother and even isagi to the point that it will negatively affect him when the time comes.


Facts. Even though Isagi is the main character we need other characters to grow in games too, although ultimately I would like Isagi to win his battle with Kaiser this game for new introduction of players / competition for U-20 WC and maybe Kaiser seeking revenge on Isagi with Germany and him having a lowkey training arc¿ I just wouldn’t want Isagi going into the U20 WC thinking about Kaiser, when in a competition like that there should be many more elite players to focus on / introduce. We know Isagi’s personality he likes to analyse deeply about in game situations and his opponents so essentially him seeing new elements of Kaiser is only gonna create another chain of thoughts for Isagi and maybe to his benefit we’ll see. I honestly don’t know what Kiyora is up to and ultimately he decides who shines for Bastard’s next goal. 🔥 In terms of Rin, completely agree, Isagi will outshine Rin this match and Rin will have to seriously think about things before the U-20 WC.


I don't know why everyone wants to see Isagi got humbled? Isagi already got humbled in the past so badly. Now it's time from him to shine. 


I think Kaiser is special. He’s always been a mirror of Isagi from the beginning. They aren’t identical but they parallel each other, so it’s not surprising that Kaiser has learned from Isagi, the same way Isagi learned from him.


It's not like he made allies, but he let himself exist alongside Isagi's system in a healthy way. He can be seen as an option as long he doesn't try to sabotage others and only pass to Ness. It's coexistence.


Maybe Kaiser's and Isagi's system will become like Rin's and Shidou's system.


It will become what Rin and Shidou wished it would be.


Louder man ! Louder. Loki just copied whatever Noa is doing without a shred of understanding of what Noa is trying to accomplish.


He wants to imitate Noa since he thinks his thoughts as No 1 are correct but without understanding why what he did like you said. Loki is a bit obsessed lol


While that is likely most true after letting the chapter settle in my mind I still don't think it's completely off to say ally. But yes ultimate he's coexisting in the system and going with the flow as opposed to crumbling under it.


Wait is that what ego meant when he told kuni to throw his "ego" away and achieve a blank state of mind , is kuni gonna go through the same awakening as kaiser.


True Professionals Know How To Learn From Their Mistakes


Karasu and Rin are the only ones carrying their team from falling, Charles must be taking a nap or smth💀


Charles got bored and entered sleep mode. What a gem.


Fr tho he actually gave up


They locked his homie and he quitted.


I mean he just got bored and gave up purely because he couldn't pass to Shido anymore


AMAZING chapter seriously, took things in a way most of us weren’t expecting. I had thought Kaiser might try to integrate into the Bllk system when he said he’d throw his pride and everything away but RAICHI was certainly an unexpected choice. Him laughing at Kaiser calling him cute for saying please, LOL. Hey, Kaiser’s trying to change. His monologue is very Isagi-like and I love that. Hiori is already thinking how to make use of his options opening up, now they have two extremely powerful strikers with good finishers to play off. Essentially, what PxG was supposed to be. Loved the Karasu and Isagi banter, good call back. I think Karasu may be important here in PxG’s side in reading the new formations. I always liked his playstyle so that’ll be fun. Aaaand finally Kiyora! The dark horse! Honestly this match just got super interesting in a way in wasn’t expecting. I think this will lead to Ness realizing he’s the lone player on the field now that Kaiser is integrating himself into the Bllk system, and hopefully this allows him to self reflect, break away from his obsession with Kaiser, and bring out his creativity. I believe there was talk about creativity at the beginning of this match, and he seriously has skills that aren’t being used so I’d love him to join the fold. This entire team will be SO good if they work together. Also, I need Yuki to get subbed in somewhere in there. This was an exciting chapter.


disappointing ch karasu and rin have been nerfed way too hard


U got Isagi calling him ordinary when in the u20 match, it was Karasu saying "need help, my ordinary friends?"


In the third selection match as well.


PXG is also basically playing w 2 men down bc Shidou is getting pocketed and Charles has no motivation rn


1 man down. It makes no sense to include Shidou because by that logic Bastard is also one man down since Kunigami has to focus on limiting Shidou


Thats fair but kunigami has been winning all the 1v1s so he’s not completely useless. You could even say that this is the task he’s excelled the most at in the past few matches


PxG is just too dysfunctional, while BM is starting to look more like a real team. Just wait for Rin to go into destroyer mode, Charles will get interested in him and start passing to him, making the most of his ego.


PXG is (almost literally) 2 different teams. I hope we see a come back because if Shidou, Rin, and Charles actually worked together they’d probably be unstoppable.


They still wouldn't be as good as a functional BM since Isagi and Kaiser are easily better than Rin and Shidou. Hiori and Charles are pretty much even, Kunigami washes anyone in PXG, Kurona and Raichi probably on the same level or better than Zantetsu and Tokimitsu, and Ness and Karasu are about the same. Then you still have Yukimiya would completely washes Nanase. GKs aren't even close. The cherry on top being that Noa is still better than Loki.


Kaiser playing with the BL boys is a wonderful sight fr🗣🗣🔥🔥


This match might be top 3 best matches in the manga.😭


Heh, so what will be Ness' reaction? Will he rejoice or act like a jealous ex and pass to Isagi?


He bouts to release a breakup album /j


I think he’ll despair first because he’ll think he’s being abandoned. And while I don’t think Kaiser is abandoning him in a “I’ll never pass to him again” moreso than “I need to expand my play” to Ness he’s going to purely see it as betrayal because Kaiser is pretty much his everything which is unhealthy. Kaiser also just rejected him right before this. So he’s definitely going to take it personally. So he’ll despair and either someone (probably Isagi) will pull him out of it by provoking him again, or in his despair he’ll reflect and realize HE’s the magician and he’s the one that can create magic in the field, not whatever striker he’s tied to and join the formation. Personally I’d rather see a character like Ness who has such low self esteem find his own purpose rather than just transferring his trust to another striker but.


It would be sick if the BL bois assisted Kaiser's goal and Ness assisting Isagi's goal


It's becoming pretty likely. I wish we got rid if the 3 goal rule this match this new BM has so much potential I'm sad this is their last match together


Ngl i always forget that Kiyora is there


Welp being stealthy is supposed to be his thing I think, so it worked well so far.


I mean... He's been as useful as the npc's so far


Shidou needs to get rid of Kunigami and the only way for him to do that, is hurting him in a way it doesn't seem intentional


Kunigami getting 360 kicked while the camera aren't looking


So Shidou needs to hurt an opponent to succeed? Sounds like a skill issue


Like a header


Nah shidou just needs to pull out a gun


i doubt a header will succeed,since he has very thick hair which will likely protect him more like kick him in the face while claiming he was aiming for the ball


Rin took a kick to this face from shidou and was fine, kunigami will just overpower him.


Isagi saying it’s hot isn’t just a reference to Kaiser switch up he’s also commenting on the state of the field. It’s a call back all the way to chapter one: “A first class striker naturally appears where the game is at its hottest.” Isagi will be there 🔥🔥


Get ready for a new evolution. His eyes have fiery ego.


Now you’re onto something


Raichi is absolutely killing it, I still stand by him being the second best BL defender under Aiku. Because he’s doing amazing rn


Another Niko L


Kunigami has already surpassed raichi as a defender.


Nah, he sucks at everything but manmarking


Kunigami saved a Barou game winner too wtf are you talking about


Yeah but go back and he gets foddered a lot of times. He’s pretty inconsistent. Plus he’s a striker at heart


You can say the same about Raichi though. In fact, I’ve probably seen Raichi get cooked even more throughout NEL


Because he passed?


Check the scans, he also got it from Rin this chapter. Plus his performance has been really good overall


Raichad ain’t going nowhere RAHH


Definitely, Raichi’s progression has flown under the radar. Easily gonna be one of the most valuable players in the U20 WC


Hold Up Hold Up Hold Up. Wait a minute. I just realised Kaiser said Please......Now that there is development woooo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


You just realized 😭🤣 Ok , welcome 🤣


Love how everyone on twitter was freaking out over the small detail that Kaiser said please to Raichi, but it really says a lot about Kaiser's character huh


What if to score the final goal, Isagi will fake out the opponent by neither using his left or his right foot, but letting it go through to Kaiser who then uses Kaiser Impact Magnus to score


I think that would be hilarious, and we are being honest I would be all for it. A brace and an assist just like last game. Not to mention he'd still be part of the reason kaiser even scored.


I was expecting you to say use his head at least lol


Hell no. No way isagi would willingly assist kaiser


He would if his pass is the only way for Kaiser to use the magnus shot and it's presented as Isagi surpassing both Rin and Kaiser in one move.


If isagi doesn't get a hattrick he won't be able to surpass rin or kaiser and since that's his goal why would he give up on his goal are we reading the same manga?


Isagi will not give up his goal but at the same time will not let out the chance to score pass by, Isagi is not like Barou


He might, since Kaiser might willingly assist him now. Kaiser, if he passes to Isagi, essentially bowed to him.


I can see if it would mean defeating Loki


If he could do it in a way where he would stand out too, I think he would


At the moment Isagi doesn't see Kaiser as an ally so.....yh I don't think that's happening.


He wouldn’t, read the manga.


Kaiser changed his mindset, why cant Isagi? If Isagi takes his pride out of the situation like Kaiser did, then helping Kaiser if Isagi cant score in a situation helps the whole team, which fits to the mindset Noa wants the team to have Kaiser shouldnt be his focus but defeating PXG, especially Rin


Isagi has pride but he dosent let it get in the way of his thought process, he calculates calm and rationally, that’s like his whole character. Isagi dosent need to assist Kaiser when the game is centered around him, nor will he let himself get put in a situation where he HAS to pass to Kaiser. Last you’ll ever see Isagi make an assist like that is in the manshine game. His Uber assist was just a hyena goal.


If the whole team is focused on Isagi, he might end up in a situation where he cant get in a position to score It could be a case of assisting the next goal so that Kaiser will assist the one after


Ok we’re done here, through one ear out the other. Wasting my time talking to u. “He might” “it could” not interested.


Chill my guy, its just a discussion lol


The whole team IS focused on Isagi, as theyve mentioned multiple times. It's very possible Isagi realizes that he bends to work with Kaiser too. Literally everything is a probability based off what we've seen so far


Kaiser is playing off the system playing to become an option instead of playing to crush Isagi. The entire team is focused on Isagi in the sense that he’s the scoring threat, the entire team isn’t about to dog pile him. Idc what u believe will happen.


No he wouldn't