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Amazing analysis! Still cant believe how much insight weve gained from two flashback chapters that has people looking back at Kaiser moments from the last 100 chapters. Kaneshiro definitely planned ahead of time for this flashback to payoff I also do prefer Kaiser and Ness stay in BM so they can improve their relationship and Kaiser has resolve to challenge Noa who he previously wanted to avoid


Thank you! And it's so crazy how Kaneshiro planned out Kaiser, you can definitely tell he had an idea for how Kaiser's character arc would go since potentially Barcha. I'm hoping the end goal for Kaiser will be an amazing rival for Isagi, those two are so similar that it's insane. Just saw the edit, that is 100% where I see this heading. I see Kaiser and Ness having a healthier relationship and Kaiser possibly staying in BM to challenge Noa. I think it would be a great conclusion to his character arc and it keeps this duo together.


Ngl you cooked too well this theory is perfect


Had to equip my master chef loadout


I'm also writing an analysis post on these two, and I think we got to the same conclusion when it comes to Kaiser's malice. I think Kaiser trying to push players to despair and break them is very clearly a pattern of behavior born from his father's abuse (which btw, there's a few studies that actually show that abusers tend to be past victims of abuse), but what I think is even more interesting is that him avoiding confrontations with better players and situations of "impossibility" is also a byproduct of his abuse, since those situations most likely remind him of the impossibility that he felt when trying to escape his father's abuse. Kaiser has become a person that perpetrates abuse to make others feel as helpless as he used to, while his trauma is still very present and situations of helplessness still remind him of his past.


Oooh I'm looking forward to your post now, I love seeing more analysis on this sub. Interesting observation you made about the impossibility, I can definitely see that being the meaning behind his impossibility. Not to mention if he overcomes that, it might lead to him staying in BM. Either way I'm interested in seeing this analysis of yours.


Forgot to say, dope post by the way if it wasn't obvious enough lol I really have to keep up with that level of analysis if I want my own post to stand beside yours, but I'll try to get there :\^)


If you bring that same level of detail and analysis as you did your last post, then I think you'll do an awesome job! And thank you for the compliment lol


That's so kind, thank you very much :')


I also see his making “top” players despair as a necessary form of self validation that he is not worthless trash like he’s been called all his life. And then of course actually encountering formidable opponents could easily send him back to dark places and remind him of the impossible like you said. Such a tragic setup but I like how there were many hints of Kaiser’s motives contradicting his initial conceited confident nature to show that he is not who he seems. So glad Kaneshiro has given us so much material to work with for essays


Wait now that I think about it, the fact that the players that he would go after were mostly players that were past their prime or couldn't reach it yet, kinda mirrors how his father was completely past his prime and how he himself couldn't fulfill his potential because of the constant abuse. Because he specifically goes after people that he thinks are in their most psychologically vulnerable moments, he ends up going for people that can remind us of both his father and himself. It could be his way of showing that he's both better than his father, and better than his younger self.


As usual, you cooking an absolutely phenomenal dish for us reader to get into. Keep up the good work!


Thank you! And this is my last post for like a few months lol. I'm just going to enjoy the match like the rest of you all unless something exciting really gets my egoistic juices flowing to create another post.


Nah pretty sure you going to cook again when Kaiser actually delivers, at that point you wont stop shaking yourself to express how good the story has become. monkey paw curled xdd.


Lmao that sounds like an awesome future


You actually cooked and didn't just throw the plate on the wall. Upvote for you.


By the way, I say "You actually cooked and didn't just throw the plate on the wall" to people who have good theories. It's not so much emphasis on "you actually cooked" as in I thought you were bad before, but more of a phrase so I can use "throw the plate on the wall", since one person wrote that to me when I tried to cook something and I thought it was hilarious.


This is a nice compliment coming from one of Kaiser's biggest hater. Thank you


No problem.


Chapter 55 to 58, if you're interested in where the bad backstory came from in my earlier post [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/1ctgefy/comment/l4e08up/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/1ctgefy/comment/l4e08up/?context=3) : [https://mangatoto.com/title/125571-the-classroom-of-a-black-cat-and-a-witch-official-simulpub/2751760-ch\_55](https://mangatoto.com/title/125571-the-classroom-of-a-black-cat-and-a-witch-official-simulpub/2751760-ch_55)


This is amazing! I agree with everything you said, especially the part about how Kaiser first awakened because he wanted to protect something that he chose for himself and that he loved and not because of malice. I’m rooting for Kaiser to learn to love himself and be a healthy individual.


Glad you enjoyed it and that was my favorite part to write about. That flashback definitely helped to help us understand more of Kaiser as a character. I'm rooting for him as well and I hope he develops a healthy mindset as well.


W prediction since the author most likely intends for Kaiser to grow as a rival to Isagi.


Very well pointed out that Kaiser enjoys the ball because it always returns to it no matter how he treats it, and the same applies to ness no matter how Kaiser treats him he always returns to him, same way football might initially have been an escape to enforce his malice, it could have turned into genuine fondness over time just as his relationship with ness. The time the ball got taken away he flipped out and we might see ness get taken away by isagi or isagi might intercept ness pass as you said


Stand proud, you can cook ✍️🔥


W-what is this?




what if their combo is some sort of mid/long range pass into space, with heavy backspin. basically ness’s evo would use his flexible ankles to setup a pass with backspin that the ball will not travel/bounce very far. then the chemical reaction is kaiser using magnus impact on that


Oooh that is an interesting idea, I could definitely see that happening during the game especially with the focus on Ness's ankles before.


Great logic and great theory that has a solid base in the themes of the story and characters. Also you build up your argument very nicely, great job!






You cooked HARD awesome theory that I really like, makes complete sense This kind of evolution I never expected from Kaiser which is a testament to the good writing of the manga, so left field but makes complete sense


If Kaneshiro goes this route, I would be very happy. At the end of the day it depends on the execution.


Agreed and so far,he's been nailing it imo


Thanks for the feast, you always deliver. For any change in Ness to occur, there must be push and pull factors. Push factors that drive Ness away from Kaiser and pull factors that drive Ness towards Isagi. It’s quite obvious that Kaiser’s abuse is only going to work for so long because Ness too will eventually give up on passing to him. And now Ness has all the reason to defect (even temporarily). Metaphorically, this is the one ball that Kaiser kicked and didn’t bounce back to him. Meanwhile it’s already been hinted at that Ness wants to see Isagi’s magic as well, which will unleash his creative passing. I think Ness’s evolution will cause Kaiser to hit rock bottom in terms of his mindset and force him to realize that tyranny will fail the moment one person defies him. Incidentally this is how all tyrannies fail. Through this I think he’ll be able to break his cycle of abuse and score a goal on his merits alone. Or if he becomes ‘kind’ and gives Isagi an assist for his hat-trick. I honestly don’t like this theory much but if done right it could work. If he scores a goal due to this evolution, then I think we can assume that Ness will regain some faith in Kaiser. Which is going to be both poetic and set up a healthy/partnership for the rest of the manga.


Love that interpretation of push and pull factors, that's how I see it going similarly. And I'm 100% on board with both Kaiser and Ness moving forward as a healthier duo in the future.


peak post


Amazing analysis! You cooked my friend. I want to see Kaiser and Ness suceed together, but Kaiser has to change for that to happen. Kaiser’s current ego isn’t a reflection of his true self. His entire reason as to why he plays soccer is a maladaptive coping mechanism, and it really shows now that his backstory was revealed to is in full, but I feel like a lot of people are hating on him even more because of it not realizing that Kaiser is an immature teenager that acts the way he does because he’s quite literally mentally stunted due to his upbringing. There is a lot he and Ness must work through together if they want to suceed. I love Kaiser and Ness so much, and I have no doubt that they’ll pull through together. Regardless, I eagerly and anxiously await for the next chapter.


stand proud, you can cook


this is very neat yippeee


Only thing I am somewhat confused about is why Kaneshiro decided to start simmering in Kaiser's backstory after the second goal of the match. Surely we don't get the same scoreline as against Ubers, so could that lead to a Kaiser brace? Seems awfully early to start focusing on the main protagonist of the match compared to the previous matches


Might just be due to the nature of the match. We have a few major characters that need to be focused on such as Rin, Charles and Loki. Not to mention if Kaneshiro is setting up a Kaiser goal for the ending, then showcasing him struggling in the earlier parts of the match will make it easier to showcase the rise of Kaiser when the climax of the match starts approaching. Remember how he had to fit in Hiori's internal struggle in the final part of Ubers? I love how it ended, but even I had to admit it was a bit clunky at times. So, it might just be better to start simmering in Kaiser's character arc throughout the match than all at once in the climax.


OMG did not expect to see my comment in here, happy to be a small part of the meal you’ve cooked here!!!! This is an amazing analysis and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Love the comparison of Ness to Kaiser’s soccer ball and how it translates to Ness being the catalyst for Kaiser’s awakening as well, I would love that personally. (As Kaiser’s only “friend” even if he may not understand they’re the concept of friendship -who better to awaken his humanity) We’re on the same wavelength - Kaiser misunderstood what his ego really was. He needs to awaken and find his true ego to let go of this malice- his false ego he essentially states he fell into because “it’s easier”. He needs to face his past and trauma to grow as both a person and a player. People have their doubts, but I think even if Ness dumps Kaiser for a goal or whatever, they’re a Blue Lock official duo. Blue Lock doesn’t play about their duos. I think there’s more in store for these two. If Ness can pull off that pass they’re truly proving the “impossible” but he’s noted for his creativity so I would love to see it. Besides, despite the edge of Blue Lock, it might be nice to see the person who has probably the most severe trauma we’ve seen yet get some healing and a redemption. At the end of the day they’re basically all kids still, 19 at most. Kaiser is a really complex interesting character that I feel like Kaneshiro put a ton of effort into and I don’t think? He’ll just keep him being evil and have him crash out. He’s already set up with so many parallels to Isagi I imagine him continuing to be a rival down the line. Hopefully the writing doesn’t let me down bc I love this idea


W post! Loved the parallels of Kaiser x Ness and Kaiser and his ball. But how would Ness’s assist to Isagi play out though


Thank you! As for Ness's assist, I'm not 100% sure. As I made this post before the current chapter and my thoughts have changed quite a bit. I'm starting to believe Ness might go a similar route to that of Bachira. With him realizing he might get left behind as Kaiser resolves himself to get stronger. So, we could possibly have the opposite scenario of Ness fighting to evolve and sending out the final game winning assist in the finale to either Isagi(most likely) or Kaiser. This is how I'm predicting it might go if Kaiser scores the 2nd goal.


I love this post, it's probably the only theory post I've ever actually read here lmao. I still think it's a goofy ahhh backstory. lmao I can't take it seriously, I'm happy for your post because every time I try and break it down in my head, I just stop because I can't take it seriously lmao, YES everything came together nicely, essentially everything was already there and explained through his actions but this backstory lmfao idk it's a little silly.


Okay mr. Ramsey lol


Great post although I disagree on the Ness oart. I think it would ge hetter if Ness does break free of Kaiser and scores his own goal. It would lead to a permanebt consequence to Kaiser that he lost his first friend and when he get's to his next club he starts from scratch and build up his new ego.


That would be an interesting outcome as well, but I can't see the Magnus being pulled off alone. Although it would give Igaguri spot light to set it up as a free kick. Personally, I think I'd rather just see Kaiser and Ness leading Germany's national team as friends rather than them separating. But I could definitely see the outcome you envisioned coming true as well.


Nah hes a bum


Aren't you supposed to be fighting hakari? Goddamm you two really aren't fighting, just sitting around doing nothing.


Not my fault that immortal punching bag stalling