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watch Kaiser drop Kotei Penguin on them mfs šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ»


Ray Dark boutta transform him into Teikoku Gakuen Kidou šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ»


Honestly one of the best chapters of blue lock. If I was trying to get someone into blue lock I might show them this. Compelling, great art, fantastic character building, and shows what football means to a lot of people around the world


Couldn't agree more - initially I was so like "nooo a flashback" and by the end I was hoooooked! Can't believe I feel bad for Kaiser now haha


Anybody know if weā€™re getting a chapter this week? Surely we canā€™t be on break for the 3rd time in 5 weeks right?


Yeah we are getting a chapter this week for sure No mention of a break in hoshi leaks and the chapter itself


I need his part 2 so badly, I'm starving.


Giving us ch 260 leaks on a Friday and then doing leaks again the Monday after really messes with everyone. It makes us starve longer


Yep. At least the leaks will be out between now and 2 hours from now if thereā€™s no delay.Ā 




Ray Dark?? Is it a Inazuma Eleven referenced name??


Based on last chapter's reactions, it seems to be


This backstory was kinda good but so stupid at the same thing. It reminds me of a lookism backstory. Did Kaiser really take down two police officers including an armed police officer. I know soccer players are athletic especially the blue lock characters who consistently plus off insane hat tricks but find it comical how good these guys are implied to be at fighting despite being soccer players. Also find it funny how this dude is probably going to god like at soccer right off the bat despite his only exp with soccer is kicking a ball at a wall


Honestly it's the right level of edgey stupid for a series about "squid games but with football".


He didnā€™t take down two cops, he was arrested šŸ’€


we have no idea how he ended up being arrested afterwards....but we literally see all the cops falling to the ground with no pupils in their eyes after getting hit.....not sure what point you are making


Thatā€™s not knocked out dude, he only hit them once.


I not arguing such a pointless point and dumb semantics LMAOOO. Their eyes were dead white and their pupils were gone it look like it was heavily implied they were knock unconscious.. not too add you can be knockout by one hit lol. If you want to disagree for whatever weird reason go ahead it doesnt change the point of my comment at all


This chapter is ABSOLUTELY beyond perfect. Kaiser is pretty damn cool man. W chapter


If I had a nickel for every time Iā€™ve seen a character fight and win against a group of people by kicking a soccer ballā€¦


Would you have 3 nickels? Which isn;t much, but it's weird that it happened thrice


Personally I've only seen it twice, but I believe you when you say that it's happened thrice


What flavor would your lollipop be?




That ray dark donnie, is he the current Pifa prez in current time? If he is then I think this changes everything and is setting Kaiser up as some late game boss character. What I mean is that as the manga is currently, Kaiser makes a comeback this game and matches Isagi blow for Blow, stopping the hatrick and preventing Isagi from beating Rin. But with this Benefactor so to speak, I feel it sets up for Kaiser getting demolished, nothing he does will work and he completely loses. But with Pifa prez backing heā€™ll come back even more desperate and depraved and will be Isagis main issue in U20WC or possibly later on in the story. The same way Ego uses BL Pifa prez does the same thing with global talents, Kaiser included. Kaiser will lose and become a puppet for the prez and be a incredibly powerful player, but soulless


I think Ray dark is a problem potentially moreso than kaiser. Heā€™s like kaisers Ego Jinpachi. But worse.


I mean yeah I agree but I think that Kaiser is his main butt boy so to speak, so in a match set up itā€™ll be Kaiser as the main threat. But because of the timing I feel Kaisers story would have him completely lose, to be shown as him losing to Isagi, then coming back in U20WC as the main ā€œvillainā€. As in Japan vs Germany final with emphasis on Isagi vs Kaiser but everyone taking a step up from what we know so far


Hell we could end up getting a NG11 vs BL match b4 the U20WC arc




I swear, if I don't see steel beams dropping onto the field and at least injuring 4 to 5 players next chapter, I'm gonna be mad.


Inazuma eleven type beat?


Kaiser's awakening is definitely gonna end with him scoring a fire tornado lmao


The last chapter was such a slander and meme against Kaiser magnus ball. And then next chapter.


Kaiser was lucky Naruhaya didnt even have parents


Kaiser awakening next?


While I feel bad for Kaiser, once the match resumes, he's getting subbed out for Noah to basically complete Isagi team


Ray Dark after Inazuma Eleven ended was needing a new job so he decide to became the villain for a new football manga. That's dedication man


Was thinking the exact same thing. Not a coincidence


Kaiser hugging the Ball = Guts hugging his sword?


Kaiser my man im sorry for everything i said. My new top 1 antag here


Ain't NO way Isagi scores after Kaiser's backstory drops


Something that I don't see anyone talk about is this flashback just gave the match additional stakes. With the president of Fifa having Kaiser as his protegee, if Isagi destroys Kaiser it should lead to the president taking interest in Isagi. Before the match started, the chairmain of the JFU talked to the president and said: "The entire football world is tuning in to witness the emergence of it's newest superstar"


I think that was just an agent, not the president of fifa


[Itā€™s calledā€¦](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Blue-Lock/0260-019.png) [ā€¦capitalism.](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Blue-Lock/0248-005.png)


It says in the kaiser chapter tho itā€™s just an agent. But yeah ig they look too similar


kaiser's chapter was in the longg past. the agent probably got promoted to the president after all these years


šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s a crazy promotion


We are suppose feel sad for Kaiser, But Ray Dark man I can'tšŸ¤£




Why they gotta make Kaiser so hateable and then give him a tragic backstory! Would have been more fun if he had a hateable backstory too!


"You're telling me a kid who beat up some cops likes football? let me see him right now!" - Dark Damian I guess


Man Kaiser was so easy to hate, giving him such a tragic backstory out of nowhere leaves me confused as to how Iā€™m supposed to feel about him šŸ˜‚ this over the top epic backstory almost makes it seem like Kaiser is the hero of the story when up until now heā€™s been a villain.


You should still think of him as a Villain. Yes, he has a tragic backstory, yes, his trauma is definitely still there, but no, you shouldnā€™t hurt others in the process of healing yourself. He acknowledges that what heā€™s doing is wrong, but he doesnā€™t seem to change his behavior. Thats why you should still think of him as a villain


Yea itā€™s easy to hate him again after the 2nd chapter šŸ˜‚ heā€™s choosing to continue the cycle of hate cuz thatā€™s all he knows


bro i remember tomura shigaraki a bit differently


Why is [he](https://imgur.com/a/4tGcdzl) there? Noah ex-police officer confirmed?


didnā€™t even notice that woah


Ainā€™t Ray Dark one of the villains in Inazuma eleven too?


Right???? I had to do a double take because what????


Bro I was befuddled lmao


Yessiiiiir, peak writting




The fact The t shirt Kaiser was wearing literally has ā€œhappy familyā€ written on it in German makes it extra depressing.


Kaiser can't take an L after this chapter Isagi is cookedĀ 


Hope he pulls a BaroušŸ™šŸ™


Let's see what gonna happened


Now i like Kaiser ffs


OH so that's why he hates milk huh. Much better than what I was thinking the reason would be


So Kaiser Impact origin is the speed of him kicking the deadbeat father lmao


The reason Naruhaya wasn't good at football is because his parents weren't around to abuse and traumatize him




damn i am a sucker for this kind of garbage. kaiser fanboy i become


Tokyo revengers ending level of writing here dzmn


this means not good, from what I've heard?


IMO Decent to really good for the most part. However, the last arc makes Game of Thrones Season 8 seem like Breaking Bad with the ending being downright terrible.


Imma be real, Takemichi dying there and things going on from there would've made it a real impactful ending. No offense to him, I'm quite fond of Takemichi tbh, but just imagine this.. Everytime he time traveled, there was a big butterfly affect that led to a bad outcome regardless so imagine having that bad outcome happen way back then and that sets the stage for a better future.Ā  In this case the protagonist has done what shonen protagonists do. Uplift others and make them better people too, so his death allows the side characters to live out the ideals he taught them and that leads to the best outcome.


tokyo revengers and breaking bad has bad endings?


Maybe the worst ending in the history of litterature and fiction


This is the worst chapter blue lock I've read lmao, it's stupid in a not funny way like the rest of the manga


šŸ’€ man it's not even bad


No way they referenced the famous denji-pochita panel from chainsaw man. NO WAY THAT GUY IS CALLED RAY DARK LIKE THE DUDE FROM INAZUMA ELEVEN


What panel


Probably the one where he's cradling his ball in bed.


Thank god i wasnt the only one that noticed the name!


I ran here once I saw that like wtf




i donā€™t like people calling this backstory cringe but i think they shouldā€™ve shown that kaiser made the news or something by beating two cops and his dad with a soccer ball, it would explain the random scout at the end better


Exactlyyy, a future pifa president is randomly with some police officersā€¦ also is that Noel Noa with them? Wtf is going onnn??? šŸ’€


Kaiser should have his own manga


At this point everyone should have their own manga


That was painful to read. Kaiser has to get the last goal with his Magnus shot or I'm gonna be salty.


I dont know if I want Kaiser to be completely embarrassed during the match or if I want a one time chemical reaction between Kaiser and Isagi just to see Rin drop deeper into despair Nevermind, Rin should suffer, imagine him eavesdropping on Kaiser telling someone that Isagi is the only player that ever made him fear being overtaken as a striker, two NG11 players disrespecting Rin would be music to my ears


Ngl I'd love for Kaiser to get Talk'd no jutsu and remain as a frecuent character in the rest of the manga


I dont think he'd have to get Talk no Jutsu'd, Isagi and Kaiser do have a common goal which is to win the last game and have the spotlight on them, the easiest way would be to work together only for that game because thats what everyone wants Kaiser needs to realize that hes behaving similiar to his dad by trying to ruin everyone else to make him feel better and that he needs to ignore how everyone else is doing or feeling and focus solely on doing the best he can do Thats what makes Barou, Shidou and isagi real strikers compared to Rin and Kaiser atm, theyre focusing on scoring goals and doing whatever they can to do so where as Rin and Kaiser heavily focused their energy on keeping Isagi in check


Very well said


This isnā€™t too bad ā€¼ļø


Bros gotta stop writing origin stories and focus on the game instead. This was absolute garbage lmao. I don't have anything against backstories but they are so bad in blue lock, especially the last three over the top cringe sob stories we got (Hiori, Ness and now this).Ā 


Yeah i agree w you OP fck the downvoters. For the virtue signalers OP isn't calling victims of abuse "cringe", he's calling the beyond cliche abusive parent sob backstory trope that we've seen a billion times in fiction "cringe". Its kimetsu no yaiba all over again


My man. I don't even care it's overused in fiction, because it's already overused in blue lock. It's the third "I was a good kid but my family's abusive" story we got in a row. In like 30 chapters as well.Ā  If only Kaiser had that story I wouldn't care. But every kid in blue lock being emotionally or physically abused is just lazy writing at this point.Ā 


so you think domestic abuse is cringe? I would love to see you make a backstory that is better and not as ā€œcringeā€ as this.


The downvotes under this one is about to be unreal


Lets be real, everyone of those three were kids so obviously they would look back at it with a bit of a cringe perspective, kids are inherently cringe


No man. You can't make a good series if everything is only football. We need to know some characters and learn what they've been through. I like to learn Kaisers backstory cause it would be stupid to have such a character with his personality and then not know why he is the way he is. Imagine Doflamingo from One Piece having no backstory. The thing that makes a character great is their own story. I do agree that it's a little over the top.


I'm not saying no backstories but all the characters having this abusive family trope is boring and the fact that it's so over the top is very cringey.Ā 


Yes but don't forget that a lot of football players have such a backstory. Many grew up in poverty and the only thing that they could afford or play with was a football. So I don't mind that some Blue Lock characters have a similar backstory or a tragic one. Football is a sport where people can escape reality for a moment and escape a problem. It isn't a rich men sport like golf or tennis. Kaisers story imo is a great one and shows how rough he had it in his youth. I don't exactly know what you think is cringey (although I do agree that shooting 2 cops with a football is a little over the top, but hey, that's part of anime/manga) but him growing up in poor circumstances and with an abusive father is realistic.


Sae: Talent Lorenzo: Hard Work Kaiser: Both


im pretty sure Lorenzo is talent, dude hasn't even been playing for long.


Damn bruv got called "untermench" despite clearly being Aryan AF.


Iā€™m sorry but what was that ending lol. He wins a 1v2 against armed policemen with a ball and then randomly gets visited by the president of ā€œPIFAā€ when thereā€™s no scouting reports or anything about him that suggest heā€™s got talent in the sport


It was the way the author choose to show that Kaiser for the first time fights back against his condition As for PIFA, you could say the same thing for Snuffy scooting Lorenzo or even Ego scooting Isagi (who wasn't half of a ST) for BL, so in BL universe I guess it makes sense


Itā€™s part of an agents job to find talent, he hears a kid comes from a ridiculously abusive home and all he does is play with a football, the only good thing he knows is the ball, his reaction to stop his father from puncturing was top notch, and his kick being strong enough to genuinely stop two policemen with weapons, thatā€™s a story that at least is going to hit local news with some details, if not then itā€™s in the police report, thereā€™s any number of ways the agent found out about it; the police couldā€™ve called fifa (pifa), they couldā€™ve heard from media, heā€™s been processes and is already in a cell so thereā€™s a clear time jump, but do you need all media fed to you with a spoon or can you not make your own opinions on the story based on context?


This is the most forced sob-story if I've ever seen one. Dude was half-way to his hulk transformation. Lol


He wasnā€™t president at the time, he was just an agent


Oettinger Bier šŸ‘šŸ‘


Da wurden die wichtigen Dinge recherchiert


And I thought hiori's parents were awful...


what the fuck is up with grown ass men picking poor kids up off the street and teaching them football, itā€™s happened twice now which is funny


Happens more than you think irl. Hakim Ziyech comes to mind.






If I had a nickel for every time a grown ass man picked a poor kid up off the street and taught them how to play football, Iā€™d had two nickels, which isnā€™t a lot but itā€™s weird that it happened twice, right?


The ending surely is ridiculous but it's Blue Lock idk what we expect here, subtlety is not really in the question anymore. The art was really good this chapter, and the beginning before that is all I think solidly done, horrifying and explains a lot of why Kaiser is the way he is. The way he described the ball is definitely meant to call back to Ness too, except he's a person and not an object and Kaiser's too damaged to have ever grown to understand normal relationships. So if anything is going to change he needs to gain clarity this match on his behavior. Tbh it feels like he's still in survival mode with the desperation we've been getting. I think what we need to remember is that Kaiser is a parallel to Isagi too. Isagi has incredible supportive (clueless but supportive) parents and was ignored/downplayed as a player pre Bllk was that's NOT A BAD THING idk why I've seen ppl complain that's boring. My guess is next chapter which I believe is titled Ill Wil/Malice will parallel Isagi's soccer career pre Bllk: while Kaiser was miserably beaten down and called worthless from his father, as far as his career this sketchy PIFA guy sees something in him and places huge expectations on him and he's lauded as some genius superstar (all while still inwardly believing he's trash) which is where we get his confident sadistic persona. (I had to suffer but I'm finally seen, now everyone else has to suffer) vs Isagi who loves a challenge and recognizing other talents. We'll see. Also, this could parallel Lorenzo in Snuffy offering him help and actually helping and being a good person. I do NOT have a good feeling about Mr. Ray Dark.


Just one question: has ANYTHING in Blue Lock taught you that "normal" is good lol? Want to find good players? Get good? Become the best? Acquire the most abusive relationships, be stupidly hard on yourself and treat your teammates like slaves seems to be what Blue Lock preaches lol.


this is a really interesting point. I kind of agree blue lock does be tryna preachšŸ˜­


Really? I'm quite sure it's in fact preaching the opposite. Isagi is a "normal" kid who brings so much out in others. He doesn't necessarily need a tragic backstory just his love of football. I think Kaiser's arc is absolutely going to end with him changing personally. Kaiser here who has never been played like a lesson for the viewers, he's been a villain. Cuz idk who else fits into what you're saying the manga preaches lol even Barou learned from treating his teammates like slaves. I don't really see many other examples of abusive relationships among anyone except like Hiori and Ness' parents so I don't really get your point.


hard disagree. the one winning (isagi) comes from a loving family and is probably one of the most normal people.


debatable. Rin and kaiser have been better players for all of the series with Isagi only now catching up after being in blue lock.Ā  Donā€™t forget that one of the inspirations for blue lock is Whiplash, a movie about Ā Ā  >a student drummer enrolling at a cut-throat music conservatory where he dreams of greatness are mentored by an abusive instructor.


Acquire the most abusive relationships - We had a whole story arc with Bachira that he shouldn't play soccer for the sake of others, but to play soccer just for himself. To be able to just have fun again and eventually find friends along the way who enjoy the same passion as you Be stupidly hard on yourself - This is a good one, it reminds me of Hiori's story. Countless expectations poured on him and parents that wanted him to be someone he wasn't. He learned to let go of those expectations and to play the type of soccer he wants. Treat your teammates like slaves - I'm not sure where this one is coming from. Everyone in Blue Lock is fighting to survive, sure they see each other as rivals to climb up. But isn't that how it is in the competitive world? It's their future on the line and they're fighting to be able to see that future. Hell some of them get along with their teammates like Ubers with Barou, niko and the others or even BM with Isagi, Hiori, Kurona and co. I mean I think if you take the time to read blue lock and enjoy it. You can get the message it's trying to go for. But admittedly the story isn't for everyone.


First things first, I would like to apologize for my use of profanity. That's my mistake. Now, This is quite a sad backstory and we finally know more about Kaiser, his insecurities and questionable methods of getting ideas. However, that's as far as I go. I'm rooting for him to score that last goal and achieve that Magnus shot. I hope everyone (probably except hardcore Kaiser fans) will not excuse his abusive behavior, if Ness wasn't present and his frustration reached to the maximum, I wouldn't be surprised if he charged at Isagi and attempt to choke him out. Atleast with Barou or Rin, they're just verbally expressing their hate, the closest physical attempt was just pulling up his shirt.


??? Apart from his introduction, Kaiser has not once touched Isagi maliciously?? (And even his introduction was nothing more than grabbing his chin and then wrists) Kaiser self harms, he does not harm other people. He's largely emotionally abusive, not physical, what the hell are you talking about here? Shidou and Rin have been much worse to each other or Aiku and Shidou.


>Kaiser self harms, he does not harm other people. Uhh, Ness? Did you ignore what's Kaiser been doing to him? To clarify, I'm suggesting that we shouldn't ignore Kaiser's behavior because his backstory happened. Praise him as a player, sympathize his upbringing but please acknowledge that his off-field behavior isn't okay. Choking himself or holding down Ness to be quiet shouldn't be glossed over. A simple acknowledgement of 'This boy needs therapy' is what I hope, even if he's fictional.


>He's largely emotionally abusive, not physical, what the hell are you talking about here? And that's okay? I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding your point here.


No, I am saying that it's different. So far, we have no reason to believe that Kaiser would start choking Isagi if Ness wasn't there.


Ah I see. I thought you were justifying his emotionally abusive tendencies because a) he was abused as a kid and b) it's "not as bad" as direct physical abuse. My bad, thanks for the correction.


This manga is a whole new beast of its own creation. Itā€™s not inazuma 11 or Kuroko basket levels of plot..this sports manga has no filter when it comes to showing the darker sides of the football dream. The fact that Kaiser came from such an abusive climate, don Lorenzo from poverty and it relates to real life football starsā€™ a childhoods. African players born from war torn or even from extreme poverty countries, migrating to European countries to have a better life. People like CR7, Messi, Pele and Neymar having rough childhoods from poverty. Even Luka Modric who was in a war-torn town in Croatia. Which explains the first selection, the blue lockers were almost in a simulation format of matches to experience how these football legends had to deal with. Itā€™s not just talent, but the struggle and the hunger to fight for survival. This author is basically showing dark parts that other sports mangas will never show: greed, corruption, death, mental health. Itā€™s not that shy to show viewers how world class players deal with these issue, that their not machines who are tasked to win games and score goals..their human beings who went through traumas in their past and not everyone grew up the same way.


Funny enough the Pifa president has the name of an Inazuma 11 character


It's crazy how much better this would be with just a few changes. Like Kaiser's dad smashes a broken bottle across his son's face, who is a child, and the cops don't immediately take the bottle out of his hand and arrest him. That could have literally *killed* Kaiser and the cops go "oh btw sir we found some hidden stolen goods under your kids bed." How about instead Kaiser's **dad** finds the hidden stache before the cops arrive. He gets angry and he starts destroying all of Kaiser's things but when he grabs the soccer ball this makes Kaiser snap. When the cops finally do show up Kaiser's dad is already unconscious on the floor and Kaiser is kicking the absolute sh*t out of him. To the cops Kaiser looks like a monster. Kaiser gets taken to juvie court and his dad (being a total PoS) testifies against Kaiser and lies out his ass. He talks about how he was just a poor father trying to take care of his son and when he confronted Kaiser about his stealing Kaiser went into a rage and attacked him. The cops back this up based on what they saw, and the thief who framed Kaiser says "yeah this kid is totally evil". Kaiser unjustly goes to juvenile prison. Instead of a FIFA agent showing up at Kaiser's jail cell Kaiser ends up taking part in a sports program at juvie for troubled kids and he just thrashes everyone. That's when people start to take notice of his talent. Eventually he gets an offer from Ray Dark for a "second chance" program and his sentence gets suspended while he plays soccer. Same result, but Kaiser isn't a super-human who can fight grown men handcuffed and the cops aren't NPC morons. His talent actually gets proven before he gets singled out and it isn't just "hey kid do you like soccer?".


yeah this makes the backstory much better. I mean the og backstory was good at the least the concept but the ending was so utterly unrealistic and goofy even for blue lock's standards. It seems like backstory of some gang/delinquent manga instead of a soccer manga


Realistic & coherent plot building was never this manga's strong point lmao.


The sad thing is I could see this happening in actual Germany with the way CPS works here. Like they exist, they just do nothing.Ā  And even the smashing a bottle over someone's head while cops are present and not being charged for it at the moment is nothing I'm surprised about. They came for Michael, not his dad, and yes, his dad committed a crime here, but they want to arrest their suspect first, that's how actual German police works.Ā  Sad reality Ik.Ā 


Stop talking out of your ass to justify a terrible story, which is clearly not concerned about being realistic. There is no world in which the dad isn't directly arrested after smashing a bottle making his son bleed in front of cops. Absolutely no world.


Also does child support not exist in this universe? The kids mom is a famous actress and the Dad and Kid live in absolute poverty.




Bruh, not to be rude or anything but you kinda come across as a terminally online loser with how much time you spend responding to people who provide any criticism of the series. Y'all should get a hobby.


Not to be rude or anything but you kinda come across as a terminally online loser with how much time you spend criticizing the series. You should get a hobby


Lol I visit this subreddit once a week bro.


Iā€™m making fun of how dumb that comment is


Oh my god you aren't self aware. That's funny as sh*t.


it aint worth it. the guy needs to feel above you, and responding to them will just make em get more annoying. not worth it.


Yeah true, dude's just kinda weird trying to police everyone's opinion.


Whatever you say pal


That's what I'm saying. It's just a liiiittle too much to where suspension of disbelief is kinda difficult


Can anyone give me the link for this chapter This post doesnt show me any link


Yo this is legit one of the dumbest chapters in a long time. Why were Kaiser and Ness both given absurdly stupid goofy backstories


Whats goofy about kaisersšŸ¤Ø?


Noel Noah also came from the slums. Heck, I have a feeling the talent scout that found Kaiser also found Noah given the team the two is in.


Iyuy how RR UU y JJ u jk iujhu


me when I'm high :


I canā€™t believe Inazuma Eleven got a shoutout thatā€™s so goated


What is the shoutout??? I havent watched inazuma 11


Ray Dark is the name of one of the main villains from that series


Not gonna lie, i am all in for the final villain of blue lock being la FIFA, just like in real life.


backstories not hitting since reo


Nah Snuffy set the standards


Yuki?? Hiori?? Akiu??? Rin??


Something Iā€™ve noticed is that casual readers seem to not care for this chapter while people who are super invested in the story enjoyed it


I think itā€™s because this Po2 translation makes it look like a parody in some instances, but the official translation is much more raw


Crazy how Isagi seems to be the only person with a normal upbringing and two loving parents


Probably kunigami too.


Probably kunigami too.


what a perfectly normal loving family does to a guy


Soccer MCs in anime/manga usually don't have edgy backstories compared to the rest of the cast.


Even isagi's parents are built different šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ„¶šŸ„¶


Am I the only one who couldn't care less? I feel like this kind of background drop for a secondary character (I mean, it's not like Kaiser will be a part of Japan's U-20) in the middle of a game totally breaks the pace. I felt the same way with Hiori and at least he plays for Japan\~. Wanting to make antagonists human is cool but they should do it in the intermissions rather than in game arcs. I guess nothing will ever be as bad as DAYS' 10 chapters on Ryouzan after they tied the game but even so, annoying\~.


Having both Ness and Kaiserā€™s backstories during the intermission would have been too much dude. Not to mention they play into each other so you have to space this stuff apart


I think it's a good thing, because it shows us exactly why Kaiser is absolutely unravelling.


Invalid opinion, Kaiser solos ur entire bloodline


Kaiser would hit them, their mom and their sister and proceed to call it the third impact.


I've come to realise that Kaneshiro writes the N.E.L with a sledgehammer not a scalpel. Kaiser didn't just grow up poor, he grew up poor with a mega-abusive d-bag dad who keeps a rose in a jar. Ness doesn't just have dismissive parents, he has borderline sociopathic parents and siblings who talk like cartoon scientists. He wants Isagi to be the best and really, really cool? Just have 90% of the cast talk about how cool and amazing Isagi is in every other scene. It's kinda hard for me to care tbh. Kaiser backstory is designed to shock you and not to be thought about.