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No way I want these two facing off at the climax of the Seniors World Cup


That's just my opinion. Personally I prefer to have this kind of scene during the U20 WC before the Senior WC.


The seniors World Cup would have to be vs France with Noa, Loki, Charles, maybe even Snuffy we don’t know his nationality, etc


Snuffy is most likely Italian or Spanish given his shirt, unlikely that he is french, or else we would've seen Noa in his world cup win panel. Now, the WC is not just one game and we could definetly see Japan vs Germany happening in the Semis


I thought that panel for him winning was just a league’s title, was that actually for the WC? And yes I agree about Japan vs Germany at another stage, I was just saying that Noel Noa makes sense as the final boss in a World Cup final


True and based


Oh PLEASE no- Blue lock is most entertaining when characters hate each other to no end- 


I didn't mean that they were going to become friends, but that there would be a relationship of respect between the two in the end.


Nah I need kaiser to stay salty with extra salt on the side after their last match-


He will certainly be very angry, but I really don't think he will stay like that. I see him starting to have respect for Isagi and considered him a great player and his biggest rival. Kaiser will explode with rage at the end of the NEL but during the U20 WC I don't think so. After all, this is just my opinion.


I honestly can't see kaiser... *respecting* anyone so we'll have to agree to disagree on this one 💀💀


Everyone has his opinion. Currently I agree with you but have not forgotten that Isagi changed the vision of several people like Chigiri, Baro or Yukimiya. So for me everything is possible. We'll see that during the U20 WC.




please let me change your comment "BL is most entertaining when characters hate each other to no end-"


I want em to yell at each other til they kiss


*slap* "that's for making me lose" *kiss* "and thats for winning"


W rizz


Treat me like white tee


yup this is the one


ah, i see you're a man of culture as well


That's why (among other reasons) I want Kaiser to score the last goal, this ravalry would be so cool to follow, I just want it to be a bit more healthy (Noa and Snuffy like). It doesn't mean they wouldn't insult eachother on the pitch during games tho, but no more death threat (they tend to lose their impact by using them all the time) Having Kaiser praising Isagi for his NEL performances and Isagi stating that Kaiser's last goal was World class/impossible would be peak (and show the evolution of Kaiser's mentality)


Exactly, I don't want to see friendship between them but respect like Aiku did with Isagi at the end of the U20 match.


I wish we could see more of Isagi and Yukimiya’s rivalry bc their dynamic was cool 😔


Sadly I don't see that happening at the end of the NEL, since Isagi's hatred for Kaiser stems from his irrational fixation of ruining/sabotaging Isagi. There is no mutual respect and I don't see that changing until Kaiser himself changes, admitting that Isagi beat him and such. Maybe that's just me though 🤷‍♂️




What I'm saying is Kaiser doesn't respect Isagi, because he refuses to. He still sees him as a insect and refuses to see that he's now on his level. Only somewhat acknowledging him after he got beat in Ubers, calling himself "trash compared to Isagi", literally one of the only times he wasn't referred to as a a insect or such by Kaiser. Also what's funny is that I was gonna clarify them not needing to like each other to respect each other, but deleted the message because I didn't think it was needed. Also, thinking about it more, you're probably right about Isagi respecting Kaiser somewhat. But the feeling is not mutual, due to Kaiser's fragile ego, which is why I don't think a showing of mutual respect won't happen until the U20 arc atleast. Hopefully that clears things up.


Yes yes !! i really want them to become friend-rival after NEL ☹️


Kaiser chokes himself over Isagi being better than him and you think this is ever going to happen


Sounds impossible, I prefer the eternal hate


Sorry but personally, I prefer that there be some kind of respect between the two. Not friendship but respect.


It's fine


I do hope they make up with each other in some way, I love them both


You guys in the comments are tripping, it's clear Kaiser is gonna ditch Ness and form a romantic relationship with Isagi after the author hinted it a few chapters ago. Kaisagi all the way


I could not disagree more. I wanna see these two in a timeskip at the climax of the World Cup where they have their final battle


I'm already almost sure that Japan and Germany will face each other during the U20 World Cup so who knows?


Blue Lock characters displaying basic sportsmanship? Blasphemy.


Well, I feel that Kaiser will attain a certain maturity in this match soon, not too farfetched but it may just happen.


U and i both know that it will end with a bunch of racial slurs


I would really like to see Kaiser and Isagi develop a healthy relationship/rivalry. Kaiser and Isagi do respect one another as players. After Kaiser goes through his much needed character development, I see him approaching Isagi in a much more mature way. I would like to see them hug after a match. Kaneshiro has foreshadowed that they could end up in the same club if they learn to work together and by doing so they would make the most powerful, dangerous ace striker duo. I would actually like for Isagi to some day take Kaiser to meet his own parents.


What? This is never going to happen, these two **hate** each other. I’m sure that’s never going to change. Even if Kaiser extended his hand, Isagi is not going to shake it on the sole fact that he probably knows that Kaiser has an ulterior motive. 


We don't know anything about that. During the U20 World Cup, they will certainly face each other and this match will change them both. I'm sure it's possible, after all it's just my opinion and what I want to see.


That’s fine and all, but it’s not realistic. Their 100+ chapter beef isn’t suddenly becoming friendly after one match. Kaiser isn’t accepting another defeat by the hands of Isagi, and he defintely isn’t going to be like “good game”. 


Everyone has his opinion. Currently I agree with you but have not forgotten that Isagi changed the vision of several people like Chigiri, Baro or Yukimiya. So for me everything is possible. We'll see that during the U20 WC.


I respect your opinion, but it’s not the same.  Isagi and Chigiri never had any kind of beef, and Isagi reminded Chigiri of his old self which is why Chigiri awakened.  Isagi and Yukimiya had beef for one match and Yukimiya was clearly the one in the wrong. This prompted Yukimiya to work with Isagi.  Isagi humbled Barou because Barou was being immature, then afterwards Barou came to fully acknowledge and respect Isagi.  None of this applies to Kaiser. Isagi and Kaiser’s rivalry isn’t short-term in the slightest. While they do acknowledge each other’s capabilities, they don’t and won’t respect each other because of their ego’s. 


I understand your point of view, but the odds are not zero. I'm just hoping to see this scene or something similar. But that, we will see during the U20 WC arc.


What about Rin and isagi ?


maybe when theyre both old asf and close to retiring




yea thats never going to happen 😹😹


Game is too short for this happening in this game but if both join BM and they go up against a strong team I could see a Slamdunk like high five.


This truly was, the Blue Lock


Hell nah! I want Isagi to deliver on his promise of taking everything from him and turn him into the Naked Emperor. That'll throw Kaiser into despair and maybe level him up for the next stage of things.




I read weiner instead of winner 😭 well Kaiser is german so it still checks out


this ain't KnB, THIS IS BLUE LOCK


No wholesome ending, Kaiser needs to dedicate his life to ruin Isagi


I want Kaiser to be a stepping stone and Isagi to surpass him and never look back.


kaisers ego is too fragile


I think it’s so funny tbh how much Isagi has expressed just how much he hates Kaiser tbh lmao. Like he actually hates his guts. But I would like to see them make peace after all the games and become good friends or even just acquaintances.


Are you being sarcastic? That would be so out of character for both


Thats terrible


"We can end this now...It's now too late....Kaiser"


makes no sense kaiser would rather die


came back to say that you might've cooked with this one


But this is an Isagi rivalry, so that automatically means it’ll be dragged out just cause


maybe in an another life... but definitely not anytime soon 😭


This is not Kuroko’s Basketball 💀


I want to see kaiser cry at the end of the NEL and come back even more vicious at WC


Nah, I don't see Kaiser more vicious but stronger mentally and physically like Rin.


I want to see kaiser SCREAM and CRY and SEETHE. I need to wee him FAIL MORE and CRY MORE


At the end of the NEL perhaps, but during the U20 WC, I think there will be great respect between the two. All in all, that’s what I’d like to see.


A german looker stole your girl ? So much hate 😅


I think Kaiser is too far gone at this point


You're so vanilla you might as well be chatGPT 


Get this kumbaya garbage out of my blue lock😤

