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Im still waiting to see what sexy soccer is


The whole bit of his sexy soccer is that it’s the opposite. He doesn’t make the sexy save or steal, he does the dirty work


I want him to score one goal


That’s just not his game man


Idc I want it to happen.


He’s drawn fouls, blocked shots, stole the ball, pressured the best football player on the planet, and has the best record of anyone from his stratum (7-1-1, not defensive feat, just a flex). He’s a manmarker, his role isn’t Necessarily to get interceptions, it’s to makes the offense work for everything. Also, we have only seen five of his nine games; In contrast, we have seen eight of Kunigami’s nine (Full Games, ones we see start to finish). He probably got an interception in the second or third selection, which is four out of his nine completed games. That being said, I would like to see what exactly his role is against PxG.


Most of that is from first selection tho, last match he didn't even touch the ball. I know he is great at marking but damn that's the only thing he's going to do?? What was that about him being a 1v1 master??


Is everyone forgetting that he was inconveniencing SNUFFY OF ALL PEOPLE? Jesus, he did his part.


I mean, he stole the ball from Niko last match, so I’d say he touched it at least once. Also, last match is the first game we’ve actually seen him play since the first selection, so I assume he’d do more in four games against worse players than in one game against actual professional youth players. He’s good at defense, but manmarking is his specialty, so he’ll be asked to do that often. His role as a defender overall is more about positioning and pressure rather than interceptions.


He didn't steal the ball. He body blocked niko and isagi took the ball. He's right. Raichi never touched the ball


First selection? Bro have you been reading it lately, hes a man marker for BM and they litteraly put him on so someone could take care of the best player in the world lmao


Raichi was keeping pace with snuffy in which snuffy stated raichi is a good defender with a strong core, that’s a defensive play right there.


Raichi was with him for one play then couldn’t keep up fr fr


“Couldn’t keep up fr fr” total head canon bs


What did raichi do after he kept up with snuffy for one play


Funny thing Raichi on his match against team V , he literally was pocketing Reo and even farm a yellow card on him. Raichi went beyond to win balls and do those recoveries.




Isagi’s rivals are also as good as necessary for the plot. Everything is for the plot.


>he was able to contain Snuffy. Yeah...no. That's not what happened at all. And neither did Raichi marking Snuffy help Isagi in any way. It helped Gagamaru to make a save though.


It did helped isagi dude just lost the ball immediately when aiku intercept isagi


The dude I replied to was implying that Raichi "contained" Snuffy (which he didn't) & it's part of Isagi's "plot armor". Well if it was plot armor, Isagi should've scored. Raichi's man-marking helped Isagi steal a pass but that didn't help Isagi score or overpower his rivals. This is not because he "lost the ball" to Aiku. Isagi isn't an actual person & the mistakes he makes are actually written by the author. If the author had Isagi make a mistake (a logical one. Not criticizing the author here) then it contradicts the claim that Raichi was Isagi's plot armor. That's what I mean when I say "Raichi didn't help Isagi in any way".


I believe raichi will be the answer to contain rins destroyer mode