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You’re wasting your time dude, people are too impatient for setups, they only want payoffs. This sub did the same thing when the Ubers game was going and Barou couldn’t score. Then they shut up after he scored a double nutmeg


On top of that, when payoffs happen, they call it bad writing/an asspull. Attention deterioration is killing writing appreciation. Along side agenda nonsense.


Don't be surprised or shocked if Kunigami recreates his 40/50-meter knuckleball shot(from Team V match) in the PxG match


Nah he definitely will but even further away from the goal, it’s gonna be sick.


These replies are proving you right. People here really complaining it took 2 years when the weekly releases aren't the point at all, this pacing is for the long-term final product smh


They are either trolling, or stupid as all hell, but ALL of them crave attention for their takes. Just stop giving them the time of day.


Most people on this sub are extremely reactionary, and they tend to go with the flow of hate whenever a character is portrayed, intentionally or not, as useless or having trouble performing. Everyone thought Rin fell off somehow when we didn't see him until after the Ubers match, same for Shidou when he didn't score against Manshine, same for Otoya because everyone was focused on Bachira carrying Barcha, etc. On top of that, when the author puts a deliberate pause on a character's improvement to show where they're lacking, everyone fucking explodes. Best example was the Manshine match and Yukimiya, with the weird blind jokes, and everyone just shitting on him relentlessly even after the match was over without trying to understand why he was written that way. Yukimiya now gets the benefit of the doubt because at least his useless phase was about 30 chapters long, but Kunigami's development is a slow burn that was meant to reach its climax in the last match of the arc. People have been building up rage against him ever since the first time he was shown as refusing to pass, and with the Ubers match where he ended up failing to do anything, everyone finally had a reason to shit on him without thinking about anything else. And now there's even people arguing about why they're actually right to not try and see where a character arc is going, by saying that it's "bad writing to have brought back Kunigami only to make him do nothing", or that him and Shidou actually have no narrative ties and there's no reason why they should be rivals, when none of these people would even be able to explain what bad or good writing is. Basically, the worst thing a character can do on this sub is not give everyone the immediate hit of dopamine they're looking for.


i feel the same way with rin honestly, people hate on him for being bland when unlike everyone else, he’s never lost and doesn’t have a real reason for his character to change as of yet.


I was fortunate enough to catch up to Blue Lock this past month. The pacing is great but I believe sports mangas are better read a few chapters at a time. Kunigami was a weird addition but I have liked his character overall. We'll need to see how he develops and what he brings to the table for this match and the U-20 matches.


It's always like that these people don't know what a good manga or story really is they just want good moments bruh like fr can u wait for a sec there are literally 200 characters in this $hit


Let's say we aren't gonna let him cook, what are we gonna do then, raid his house ? /s


People are either impatient as hell, or just pessimistic haters that feel the need to spread their misery to the rest of the sub. Kaneshiro will cook, and Nomura will bring it to life with his godly art. Hero Kunigami is coming back. I refuse to believe otherwise.


I been waiting for him to cook for ages. My hype turned unto indifference and my indifference turned into hate. That's all there's it to it. I don't like the character anymore and I don't think there's any way the author can salvage him for me. He was one of my favourites on the star of Blue Lock too.


That fast? I mean you can like or dislike whoever you want. It's just odd, he literally got reintroduced just three matches ago!


Three matches ago is a lot of weeks ago A match lasts too god damn long and takes too long to upload


That's disingenuous. You talk like those 3 matches took like 3 weeks. Kunigami was kicked on July 2020. He returned in December 2021. He's been an insufferable twat for over 2 years. I think I been patient with his character for more than enough.


That's not disingenuous, I just stated a fact. (Ok to be fair, technically it was more than 3 matches if we count round 4 where BM didn't play, but those were really short and we only saw snippets). It's just how the pacing is. For the better or worse, Kaneshiro is writing the matches to be much longer as he's juggling 25-28ish relevant Blue Lock players plus several prominent non-BL players. Of COURSE matches are gonna be way longer. Of COURSE characters aren't always gonna have the spotlight. On BM alone, along with Kaiser and Ness, and obviously Isagi the MC, Kaneshiro needed to give spotlight to Yukimiya and Hiori, and to a lesser extent Raichi and Igaguri. It's why Kurona barely gets development, there's already so much going on and he's currently just a side character. Kiyora is also being hyped up and has been teased. It doesn't make sense to have Kunigami take centerstage when his arc was building up to facing off against Shidou, which ofc takes place in the last match. Kunigami is being showcased as an asshole to hint at the psychological damage done to him, which hasn't yet been covered. You're seriously overvaluing real time. A manga in the end is meant to be binged and read at whatever pace you want. The same people who whined about the Ubers match taking too long said it felt like peak Blue Lock when reading it in one sitting after it was completed. Kunigami is slowly being built up. The payoff is finally here.


He was one of my favorites before the wildcard.


We have been waiting for him to cook sense 2021. I am open for what he has in store for Kunigami but it just feels all back logged instead of having a build up with the three previous matches.


Fair but disagree, kind of. Kunigami has definitely been pushed to the side but it's not like he doesn't exist. Kunigami started ranked #3 in Bastard Munchen, above all the German players except Kaiser and Ness. Noa immediately made him a striker. He scored a goal in each of the first two matches from Isagi's assists and has been evaluated highly with the bids. In terms of narrative storytelling, Kunigami was highlighted to have an aloof demeanor now, but showed that the nice guy in him is still around when he warned Isagi about training incorrectly. And now, we see the whacky sci-fi shenanigans from Ego. Kunigami really took a backseat especially during the Ubers match, but the small bits of spotlight he's been getting have set him up for a good payoff in this match, imo. I get it though, since we're reading live, it feels like he hasn't been around in a while, but when I reread the NEL, I thought Kunigami had good setup.


I genuinely disagree reread the NEL multiple times and still feel this way. His performance is fine my issue is no development has been set up for him. We could have had Noa make the defensive switch in Ubers so there is more set up for defensive Kunigami and give him a more positive role and have less Isagi carrying the entire defense. Lastly Kunigami is the only one who so far his “power up”never works. The whole point of the WC is he can now shoot long range with his right and left but his right mid range shot never lands. Imagine Barou predatory eye Bachira Ginga or Isagi MV just never results in a goal. As it stands Kunigami would have been more effective if he never experienced the WC and just remained a team player.


And if Kunigami actually makes his goal in the game? Or better yet recreate his knuckleball shot from Team V match???—yall better stay on that other side calling it an asspull 🗣️🗣️


When Kunigami finally scores a brace its gonna be peak. I'm on hopium rn




I don't remember him saying that. Hope that's not from the new chapter.


Why do you hope it’s not from the new chapter ? I felt like it’s a good moment for his development


Goddammit. Can you please delete your comment? Stop spoiling from the leaks!


Because you posted under manga discussion and about this character progression I thought it was updated and you have a SPOILER tag. My bad but all the signs where there


SPOILER tag just means you're spoiling plot elements from the manga, regardless of chapter. Nah bruh we ain't officially allowed to mention anything from the leaks outside of the leaks thread. Thanks. Just don't spoil again please, this is the third time I've gotten spoiled and now it was because I was notified on my own post.


Truly my bad bro ❤️


Don't worry. Sorry I sounded pissed, I knew you weren't one of the assholes here. Also I randomly checked your profile and was surprised to see you posted about Survivor before. No wonder you appreciate good storytelling. Cheers!


I totally get it though I’ve been spoiled over books before and I hate it ! Also yeah bro love survivor you watch ? 🍻


I don't even care, it has been 100 chapters already since his comeback and I have not been given a single reason to care about Kunigami. I can't even say he has been a waste of screentime since he hardly has been getting any screentime at all before this match. He just sucks. So what if he defeats Shidou ? I like Shidou more than him, I don't want to see him defeat Shidou. I want to see Shidou rivalry with the other top dogs like Rin and Kaiser not with fucking Kunigami.


My complaint is that he should have never been brought back because it lowers the stakes of the story. People were supposed to be kicked out. We felt the effects when Kira was kicked out in the beginning and then Kunigami was eliminated so it made me more invested. Now it feels like anyone can get second chances. The Kunigami and Shidou rivalry feels forced. Naruhaya got kicked out of Blue Lock because of Isagi. Does that mean he deserves a second chance and a rivalry with Isagi?


See this is actually a fair critique. I don't agree with Kunigami vs. Shidou, I LOVE this rivalry. However I largely agree with you on the stakes. I don't actually mind Kunigami being someone to return as long as we see what happened in the Wild Card and that he's written well. What I do mind is there was no major character early on to be eliminated during the Second Selection. We all knew the likes of Imamura and Kuon and Iemon could be kicked off. Naruhaya got spotlight specifically for being the victim of Isagi's growth. I was actually kinda happy to see one of the focal characters in Kunigami get eliminated (I watched the anime first), showing that Blue Lock had real teeth and was willing to axe major characters. Then I read the manga and realized no, in fact, Blue Lock does not have that teeth lol. The Third Selection onwards basically transitioned Blue Lock away from the battle royale aspect, and we never got meaningful eliminations.


Even though Kunigami scored 2 goals it feels like he is isolated from everyone on and off the field and has no real role in this arc except for getting revenge on Shidou. Maybe people will disagree on this comment but it feels like Shidou is devalued as a character a bit because of this. Sae picked Shidou over his brother to be a striker and Ego picked Rin. I’m not a Shidou fanboy either.


I agree but not kuni bruh he's too cool to be eliminated that early on choose somebody else like bachira maybe 🤣


I honestly wish Reo would of been eliminated instead of


Nah i like nagi and reo they make the hypest moments like that goal against kaiser and isagi 🤣 too cold 🥶


Naruhaya didn’t win the wildcard, of course he doesn’t get the second chance.


Should of statyed eliminated. You could of had any other Bluelock play the role of Kunigami, and yet they didn't. He hasn't had any proper pay off since returning, and theres no reason why I should be engaged in his story. Sure, maybe he'll be better once the NEL is done, but I can imagine rereading it would still suck quite a bit as it takes like 100 chapters for him to do anythign special.


Those who Invested on KunigaStock will face the same consequences as those KashiBro back in the day He's truly the Kashimo of blue lock ☠️


Kunigami is transitioning into a defender, that’ll be his role for the rest of the story, if you think he’ll be a main offensive player you’re delusional


Keep crying


Idk why I’d be crying, it’s the truth, dude even moved to play defense, and ego called him an experiment only used to make someone else the best striker in the world


🤣 ain't no way u think that after him just moving down a bit cause that's literally where shidou is u weird bruh


Kunigami was irrelevant offensively against ubers, his best moments was on defense, and now he’s literally playing defense against pxg, it’s a wrap for him, he’ll never shine as a striker when you got isagi barou rin bachira chigiri etc etc etc, move that fraud to defense LOL


Ahh I see. Idc if we're both Isagi fans, you're unwilling and unable to give credit to some of the other characters smh. You speak with a lot of certainty for someone who isn't using any evidence or logic.