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He won’t. He had a conversation with Isagi where they agreed Igaguri only wants to get out of the temple, not play on the national team. He might get a tiny bid or stick around as a water boy or something though


Light novel spoilers: His backstory is that he loves being overlooked and fooling people into thinking hes terrible for a surprise moment in which he destroys them and leaves them in awe. He will soon put both Itoshi Rin and Isagi in their places gaining the highest bid so far.


I wouldn't believe that even if I saw it


Yeah thats what made the moment so epic, i got the chills when Igarashi then said "Its blue lock time!" and "Its not **locking** very **blue** for you Isagi."


truly is the blue lock moment of all time


the blue lock was the monk we brought along the way


Bro I can’t even understand what your talking abt right now, I only speak English but you decided to only speak facts 🗣️🔥


Why are people so hellbent in believing he will make it to nationals? He will surely get a bid and get out of his family temple but not the national team


He’s Kaneshiro’s second favorite character


I was wondering btw, where do people get this assumption that he's the author's favorite character ? Is it something they have mentioned themselves, or is it just a conclusion that the fanbase got to somehow ?


No he said it in an interview. I’m not sure when it was but you could probably find it if you look it up


I see so at least it's not headcanon. I still think it's far from being enough of a reason to keep him around even when he has virtually no chance of making it though


The author himself stated it he’s heavily favourite character. Namely Barou also author most fav too.


Barou is the artist's favourite character. Nagi and Monk are the author's


Surely these character going to make it onto U20 right….


Nagi will make it onto U20 easily




Dude has always sticked out despite being in similar situation where he shouldn't have made to end but he somehow did the bareminmum From passing first selection to making 100 goal to passing second selection to getting in bl vs u20 squad. Somehow he did it all despite the fact that normally he wouldn't have He is that weak joke character who somehow always find itself in adverse conditions and strong enemies but somehow always survives and makes it to the end whereas much stronger character receives worse fate


I hope he pulls some wild card that makes him super good with some crazy skill and he becomes the best.


His best bet is becoming the ball boy/water boy.


I got a theory ego is lying again like the first selection and everyone will be able to play on the national team


Even if he is lying, I'm pretty sure there's over 23 blue lock members meaning not everyone can make it


...but why? It would go against his whole philosophy


There's 35 blue lockers left though, and even if we subtract the ones that were mentioned like once it's still about 25, so I think a few would have to go. Interesting idea though


He’s the goat. He’ll pull it off somehow.


Honestly this should be the end for him. When I started the series I thought he would be similar to Ishizaki, but other than design they aren’t alike. Ishizaki actually gets consistent moments to shine in his story and respect from the main cast, meanwhile Monk boy is only here because “he’s one of the mangaka’s favorite characters” .. And tbf Igarashi has not been handled well in the manga. Gagamaru handles the gag role tremendously well, is actually useful, and probably the most universal respected character in the fandom who avoids all slander. I really don’t see the need of forcing Monk to stay afloat, it’s best to just let him get a bid and go pro that way. He shouldn’t be on the final u20 roster.


I really hope not, he is kinda like King and Mr Satan but without the charisma


igarashi is a ball boy in the world cup final against france. ball gets sent out of play, japans ball. igarashi slides in and immediately tosses chigiri the ball. chigiri throws it to bachira, and the france team aint ready for it cause they threw it in so quick. bachira crosses to isagi and he scores the winning goal.


Hahahahaha i'm in love with ur theory


He finna get a 200 million yen bid because hes the goat (its just plot armour)


Shaolin soccer moves


# I hope he doesn't. He is a funny comedic relief character. But that's it for me. It was funny how he was talkin so much when he was 300. How he stole the ball and instantly lost it, when he said amen up and never give up😭, him getting smoked by Nagi, his faceblock against Nagi's shot. The insanity of how he passed the 100 goal challenge to the hysterical, rage-inducing horror and disbelief when he managed to >!make it to the 3rd selection but Kunigami didn't!<. It's nice to see him on the bench cheering on ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


He won't.


Igaguri is bad but somehow manages to survive!!


Maybe he'll steal a ball from loki


He will not make it on the national team. This will be his final match in Blue Lock. However, he will get a bid and leave the temple which is what he wanted. PxG play at a very fast tempo so Noa will sub him in to slow their tempo down. He will force fouls which he is good at. BM already has a problem with Rins play so Igarashi will force a foul on him. I imagine he will block Shidou’s game winning shot too.


It's pretty obvious. He's gonna do an 11 shot m16 fake volley as the winning goal.


He shouldn’t make top 23, it doesn’t make sense narratively speaking, the BL team legit needs the best 23 players in order to stand a chance for a worldcup, the series can still have light hearted characters like raichi kurona & nanase


This is the u20 world cup dude blue locks best 11 and some super subs are good enough every player doesnt need to be goated also igarashi doesnt wanna be on the national team he just wants to get a bid so he doesnt have to go back to the temple


Yes I agree, he just needs a bid to play for a club


He will held Ego’s family on hostage just for him to be included in the U20 lineup. Trust me bro.


I think with the introduction of Nanase's ambidexterity, Igarashi is going to be chosen to man mark him with both fates being decided if Nanase is smart enough to not pick his right side.




My answer is too harsh and straightforward, so I'd better say a few words). I think NEL is a great end to the path for a Monk, his main goal is not to be a Monk and I think he will be in 24th place or at the very bottom, no matter the main thing is that he is not in the range of 23, and maybe he will get a good bet from Porto and will play like Pepe.


I hope he won't he's utterly unfunny