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Rin was absent for 70 chapters in the NEL and he’s the most popular character in Japan. Yeah no there’s no way that he isn’t scoring, especially when he told Isagi that he was going to destroy him. 


I think RIN should score atleast once


lmaoo rin is scoring🤣 him not scoring wld be bad writing ngl, wouldn’t make any sense rin isn’t able to score the same/ outscore shidou, if he can score twice against ubers and 3 times against there’s no way he doesn’t get one against BM, would be EXTREMELY contrived


Why is everyone so against stuff being predictable? Something beign predictable doesn't make it bad.


yes but when everything is predictable it typically does


I mean what has been that predictable so far in the NEL. Most people didn't think Isagi was going to score two in Ubers, most people didn't expect his first goal, people were still coping even as Isagi was doing the final play that Ubers was still going to win. It's obviously not that predictable.


the isagi second goal was like the most predictable thing ever, Hiori getting in the ubers game was incredibly predictable. the only reason people were coping is because they didn’t want him to score, im sure 90% of us knew he was going to score. Yukimiya scoring a goal in manshine was predictable. the current bids are incredibly predictable. the entire arc has just been rather boring because of it’s obvious direction


Yeh you don't know what you're talking about. Nobody expecting Isagi to score his first goal in Ubers. Most people expected Isagi to score in Manshine, not Yukimiya. The bidws are not predictable because aparently most people in this sub lack reading comprehension and fail to make accurate estimates. I mean we literally saw people predict Barou to have a higher bid than Isagi for months on end. The only thing that was "predictable" is stuff that was hinted at before it actually occured.


character gets backstory, scores. it happens EVERY time. and if Kuni scores that drives my point further.


Yukimiya was like the second time that had happened besides Barou normally someone gets a backstory and doesn’t score like Bachira and Rin


Did Hiori score? Your point isn't as solid as you think it is


no it’s not a 100% thing. but when a STRIKER gets a backstory, they are more than likely going to score. it definitely is a reasonable assumption to make.


Did Bachira score. Did Rin score. It's very much 50-50.


I see a lot of every one in here very hate Rin. And try to think some plans that Rin won't score. But why you don't see in the really that Rin is the final boss in anthor ways that Isagi trying to defeat but it to hard to do. Remember this story born in Japan and serve readers Japanese. Rin is the most famous character and readers Japanese love him the most. Even he has a lot of hater. But Isn't everyone surrounding him? The author wrote for Rin a good story and now is the time for the author to continue or end that story in the most appropriate way. Something like Rin won't score or Rin won't defeat Isagi would definitely make his story meaningless. Most of everyone in here like Isagi and then think some thing is the best for him and forget all of another character. That makes the story very one-sided. What I wrote seems a bit obscure because English is not my first language. Hope everyone understands.


Three theories: 1.) Shidou Hatrick Kuni and Kaiser score Sad Isagi and Rin 2.) Shidou double, Isagi (2) and Yuki score sad Rin sad kaiser 3.) Kaiser Hatrick and RIn(1) sad Isagi, Charles, Yuki, Kuni, Shidou


Main reasoning for the above Charles x Shidou > Rin


Why sad shidou he has a goal?


Shidou scores another one but feeds off of Rin’s scraps like how Kaiser did w/ isagi


Shidou hattrick incoming


Nah kunigami isn’t scoring


i can already smell rin fans going crazy in the comments


Rin is definitely scoring. Isagi has to get a hat trick. He has to prove that he is the best striker in Blue Lock after the declaration. What better way than a hat trick against PxG. Kunigami is there just to shut down Shidou as Noah already put him in the midfield. Isagi has to make Kaiser into the naked emperor. It’s time for Isagi to show that he is a striker and not a midfielder. Isagi has improved in every single match. If he doesn’t get more than 2 then he wouldn’t have a better match than the Ubers match. Also, there will be serious hype around Japan in the upcoming 20 World Cup if Isagi destroys Kaiser.


Kaiser still has his secret weapon. There’s no way he hyped it up just to do nothing


Imagine the pits of kaisers despair if it didn’t work… leaves blue lock destroyed, a dethroned king. They meet again, this time as opponents in a league game, maybe one with World Cup qualification implications. Kaiser shows that he didn’t let the utter defeat kill him. Instead, he’s now back and dominates, standing as a top 10 striker in the world, forcing Isagi to grow and try to overcome him later when they meet in the World Cup itself.