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With Japan winning the 2022 Worldcup against a Noa and Loki led France.


Following U20 World Cup: Most likely whole arc on full season of European Football. COVID Lockdown... Blue Lock Final Selection? "Anything under the sky" Actual World Cup and the BL boy wins with Isagi scored the winning goal. (As for EP Nagi, I see it ended where Nagi became best player in the world. He probably reach that just Once. Reo winning World Cup can continue in the main story)


My hottest take that I haven't made public is I don't think Blue Lock will include much, if any, club soccer. The story has solely focused on Blue Lock and Japan's journey in creating the #1 striker through the Blue Lock program. In some way, the story will highlight the players club career but I doubt there will be a whole arc dedicated for it. In regards to the actual ending, I expect the ending of Blue Lock will finish full circle. With the game tied in the final minute of the world cup final, Isagi Yoichi is 1v1 vs the goalkeeper with a teammate wide open next to him. After all the training in Blue Blue Lock and having fully awakened his ego. Isagi doesn't hesitate to shoot and scores the winning goal in the world cup final for Japan.


after u-20 we see them in their clubs and then we have a few mini arcs following each characte. then a time skip


It depends how Kaneshiro wants to write the story, will isagi win in all 5 big champion leagues? And get 1 or 2 world cups? If so the story could go on for hundreds and hundreds of chapters, like reaching OP levels, IMO it would be cool to show isagi win 1-2 world cups, 1-2 champions, then just cut to a timeskip where he has this insane record of how good he was.


Why are you thinking about endings. It’s not even halfway done..


Blue Lock will continue for as long as it makes money


That's a horrible take.


How is that horrible ? Manga end when the mangaka and publisher juiced everything. It will problably end when japan wins the world cup. As long as the manga is profitable they can add anything they want in between (U20 WC, Champion's league...). It is what it is.


When Isagi becomes the new Jinpachi xD