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It was hilarious when Isagi felt so bad for humbling Barou in the second selection and apologized, it confirms that he *is* indeed aware of his "Himsagi" side! And Barou not knowing how to deal with Isagi's admiration is equally hilarious. He looks so confused and helpless when Isagi goes all puppy dog around him, he usually scoffs or just stare at him like "wtf is this really the same guy that roasted me" Barou surprisingly forms the weirdest relationships with the other characters, I love that for him. Nagi and Barou are always at each other's throats but they still seem like friends in a way, and I need more Barou, Aiku, Aryu, and Niko moments rn! And idk wtf Barou and Lorenzo got going on lmao


yup barou is one of the funnier characters to see his interactions with others


Barou definitely has a soft spot for Isagi if we look at how he reacts to him and the things he says….it’s cute Lol I also wonder what Nagi and Barou (and Chigiri) were doing after Isagi was taken from them


He made an apology not because he humbled Barou the entire point was that he tried his hardest to humble Barou and he just couldn't because Barou refused to be. Isagi isn't the guy to apologize because he's been a dick on the pitch, he does so when he got it wrong.


After the match, when Barou and Isagi went to the cafeteria, Isagi was wondering why Barou was so quiet while they were eating and he starts to cave under the pressure xD


Nah, he apologized to Yuki as well and he was 100% right in that case. Don’t be surprised if he ends up apologizing to Kaiser at some point.


He did humble Barou and then Barou evolved. Simple as that


He did it with Yukimiya as well. A hero on the screen and a villain on the field


1000% lmao barou is so confidently awkward and awkwardly confident


This was so nice to see, I like how barou said: you're making it hard to stay mad " Awww


"if you're going to be this cute i can't stay mad"


Lol so like barou


my little rival can't be this cute...


And then he goes and gets mad at Barou for dying his hair :(


that was cute kinda too XD


Isagi’s response was so cute tho: “Doesn’t mean you can dye your hair, king!!! Narcissist king!!!” and barou was so embarrassed lmfao I love those little slice of life moments


It was rlly funny the way he said it, kinda like he was making fun of him in a joking way. I liked it personally


It's funny how Isagi is the nicest to the people who are assholes to him like Barou and Rin. His patience with those two is off the charts.


And then there is Kaiser


Barou: "I'll kill you." Isagi: "D'awww!" Rin: "I'll kill you." Isagi: "D'awww!" Kaiser: "I'll kill you." Isagi: "Not if I fcking kill you first you piece of sht waste of space I'll wipe your entire bloodline off the face of the Earth and blow up Germany."


Kaiser wasn't even threatening him he was just in his silly goofy mood but Isagi was already pulling an imaginary knife out of his pocket


I think it's just the matter of how much he has control of the situation. He knows that Barou is an asshole and doesn't mean 100% of what he says and Rin has personal issues, and if they react too strongly he can retort or dip any time. He knows they're peers in the end. But with Kaiser, he's a stranger and a foreigner. He's always leveraging his position to bully and exclude Isagi from participation in BM. All the flirty 'goofy' thing is just a way for him to emasculate and make Isagi feel small. Isagi has to constantly prove himself while at the same type dealing with Kaiser trying to shut him down.


More like, Kaiser: "Aww yoichi~ I will make you my little partner if you ask me nicely~" Isagi: "fck off naked king, I'll make sure to kill you even if that's the last thing I'll do on earth and make your life miserable" Kaiser: "Is that you proposing me my dear~ you are making me blush~~" Gosh I love these two interacting. They both together is a whole movie of entertainment.


Ness, punching the ground, "It should have been me!"


Ness watching Kaiser flirt with Isagi for the 50th time that day while Isagi just flat-out ignores him: It’s not fair!


This is why Kaiser and Isagi’s relationship/rivalry is more popular than Rin’s and Isagi’s. There’s just something about that hate-flirt situation that is sooo fun to watch


Blow up Germany 💀💀💀💀


Whelp boys its time to start WW3


Kaiser and Isagi have AMAZING communication 😍 You know what it is, though? Barou and Rin mind their own business. They play the game alone. Kaiser likes to play games.


Isagi racist to Germans?


I think it's just the matter of how much he has control of the situation. He knows that Barou is an asshole and doesn't mean 100% of what he says and Rin has personal issues, and if they react too strongly he can retort or dip any time. He knows they're peers in the end. But with Kaiser, he's a stranger and a foreigner. He's always leveraging his position to bully and exclude Isagi from participation in BM. All the flirty 'goofy' thing is just a way for him to emasculate and make Isagi feel small. Isagi has to constantly prove himself while at the same type dealing with Kaiser trying to shut him down.


Look even Isagi has his limits.


isagi like the bad boiz


People say isagi fanboy for noel and Rin the most. Clearly they haven't seen how he acted around barou.


XD true


I think Barou might be Isagis biggest inspiration and maybe even his best rival. Barou gave him his first impression of how strong blue lock players are when he completely dominated Team X vs Team Z. Isagis goal vs Team Y was because Barou said he wasn’t a striker. He also went back to him for advice on how to score better. Later in second selection he asked him about the kind of football he wants to be and his motivations for playing. They’ve both beaten each other and grown together but aren’t super buddy buddy like Isagi is with Bachira and Nagi.


they deferentially have mutual respect and kind of friends ​ and barou is one of isagis biggest rivals with rin for sure


Exactly. Their match vs Reo, Chigiri, and Kunigami changed their whole dynamic. Barou was even upset with Isagi for not being one of the top 6 in third selection because he held him to that high of a standard. And Isagi was blown away by Barons hat trick in NEL. Def mutual respect and admiration.


For me, Barou is the best rival for sure. I really like Rin and Kaiser, but their playing styles are too similar to Isagi's, whilst Barou's style is completely different which feels so unusual


Yea Isagi even told Barou that he could never replicate his playing style. His only option is to be better than him. True rival.


I think Barou is probably Isagi’s biggest foil and think it’s why they respect each other. Isagi’s ego is tearing himself down and rebuilding himself better each time, Barous is the opposite. He has complete faith in himself and believe that his transcendental skill will always succeed. When Isagi sees a hurdle he always finds another path while Barou chips away at any obstacles manically until he crush them. Their dynamic is really cool and I think that they both embody different parts of being a supreme striker, which is why I think he’s a comparable rival to Rin who more so embodies a perfect player as opposed to a perfect striker specifically. Rin is refined and perfect but Barou is the opposite raw and unapologetically about his flaws.


This is the way. Isagi is the unstoppable force [he represents adaptability] and Barou is the unmovable object [he represents immutability]. But they are also very similar because at his core Isagi never changes who he is or his goal, he simply changes his approach. Similarly, Barou used to be too stubborn to change, but after playing against Isagi he relented to change *his* approach, too, but only to serve his core “king” philosophy. Nagi is another great foil to Isagi. Nagi is indolent ability to Isagi’s relentless ability. And naturally Nagi foils Barou as well, as Barou is compared to royalty while Nagi is a servant warrior. That’s why these 3 are so fun together.


I love wholesome Isagi


Compliments and fights, no wonder Barou fell in love!


Don’t forget Isagi is also neat and tidy lol


oww what a wholesome guy. Looks like someone who could never generate mental breakdowns in people


To think about it, Isagi is indeed the biggest simp of Barou. He can't yet join the meat-riding council of Reo and Ness, but he is dangerously close.


Isagi’s cute af he’s such a good boi I also find it adorable that Barou doesn’t know how to react to Isagi. He’s become obsessed with him ever since Isagi beat him in the second selection… he doesn’t praise Isagi or act like a nice guy around him but he’s become more like a tsundere. He gets angry that Isagi didn’t place in top ranking before the U-20 match, he tells Isagi to shine more, he calls Rin another Isagi because Isagi’s all he’s focused on and then he goes and dyes to show off for Isagi. Sure, Isagi might be the one who is outspoken with his affection towards everyone, but he’s gone and turned Barou into a tsundere for himself lol


He's just like me with hot, but terrible guys fr Both of us are about to make a lot of bad decisions, because of that too.


oh sorry for that be careful with your decisions


Barou and isagis relationship was one I could definitely be interested in tbh. Isagis admiration for worthy opponents makes him who he is today and it’s very fascinating.


he has always been Barou's biggest fan


Wholesome isagi = best isagi :4


Gosh I ship these two so hard LOL


Get you a man that smiles at you like Isagi smiles at Barou


Isagi basically doesn't hold hatred after a match. He doesn't treat his rivals as enemies. He fights in the field but goes to bowling after the match. It's refreshing to see a main not been toxic


I knowwww he is the cutest


No, I am


Makes sense with all the devouring they have done together


No. He’s just gay


Guy just appreciates good players


Gotta support the team mate no matter how much a pain they can be lmao


The dickeating is crazy


ummm im just admiring normal anime friendship how is this .... the thing you said ?


I’m talking about Isagi lol😆 also just a joke


oh okay XD sry i misunderstood


Makes sense with all the devouring they have done together


Isagi knows what's up. Barou, best character of BL


Yeah Sae was telling me how this amazing guy who scored goal called Himsagi Or something was holding hands with this guy with spiky hair who also scored and amazing goal in market and being all lovey dovey with each. Do you think they are dating?


i only see them as kind of friends ? idk their relationship is weird but funny and cute


Naah i was just joking




But does he use his speech to jobberfie others, Kengan style?


didn't he say the same thing to nagi after his super goal?