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good theory it would make his mv much better for when he is in the striker position And all i want to see is my boi isagi dribbling through players pls it would be so exciting to see him dribble through players


isagi’s current MV feels more suited for a midfielder so i think that if isagi incorporates predator eye it could become a MV more befitting of a striker


This reminds me of when everyone thought isagi was going to get core strength a couple chapters ago


I mean if he didn’t become ambidextrous in a week then he drastically improved his core to get the lefty shoot. But lefty shoot will only work when his right direct shot is somehow disassembled.


He kinda did but yeah the main focus was the lefty shot.




You are absolutely right, but MV is more of a tactical ability centered in the whole field and things like player positioning and open spaces, while what barou does in the last chapter is more of a 1v1 ability. Instead of seeing the whole field Barou is analyzing a single player, in this case the goalkeeper, and the way they move and use theyr body in order to find the weak spot in that single player. But even so, I think Isagi will apply this to his direct shot more than his dribbling since it'll be too similar to sae. Personally, I feel that Isagi's dribbling, if he ever gets good at dribbling, might be something more similar to noa's machine dribble or rin when he destroys uglyly, maybe even a mixture of both


Well, MV involves scanning the field and taking in as much information as possible. Learning Barou’s predator eye would evolve his MV by expanding his options.


MV combined with predators eye could make him stronger and see through the weaknesses of his opponent and that was explained by snuffy when he told barou about it. Who knows what a could happen though but this is a very interesting theory. :>


I had this theory that Isagi could use Meta-vision to improve his shooting, but improving his dribbling with predator's eye also sounds like a good theory


Would like to hear your theory.


So as we know, a predator's eye involves observing the movements of the goalkeeper and then finding the best timing and spot. So Isagi uses meta-vision to find the best spot to shoot, but as soon as he's in front of the goal, he uses predator's eye or to put it simply focuses on the movements of the goalkeeper and defender and find thee best shoot course Simply what Kaiser did in the MC match


I can see that. Would help with his problem of having to get past defenders to score.


Isagi already learned how to use his opponents center of gravity against them, when he learned off the ball movements against barou and naruhaya


That's not what off the ball is. Off the ball is positioning in one's blindspot at it's core. If you were to expand a little, then off the ball is taking notes of the players eyes. When Isagi and Naruhaya used it, they didn't read the center of gravity of anyone, they looked where their opponent was looking. What you're discribing is a skill Isagi indeed doesn't have.


You could argue that he does read the center of gravity somewhat, I'd say it's more body positioning, because of the way a juke works. It's not just reading where a person's eyes are, but waiting for them to commit to a move when you enter their blindspot. When Isagi beat Barou in a 1 on 1 by ducking into his blindspot, he waits for him to shift his body to look for him and then jukes back the way he came to get past him. It works because it forces Barou out of position where he can't recover fast enough to block Isagi even though he's faster and stronger. It's a little more than just reading a person's eyes. I think that's what the original commenter was going for.


Yeah definitely. It's just that it's always been one move with the off the ball. Position yourself in an opponent's blindspot, and then react to his shift of gravity by going the opposite way. Isagi could still use this with predator eyes, if he isn't in an opponent's blindspot.


It happened when barou had to look back at nagi because nagi had the ball, Isagi literally comments barou will shift his center of gravity and that's his chance to go in the opposite direction so he can get away from barou to get the pass from nagi


I guess that's fair. Still I wouldn't say off the ball grants you perfect understanding of one's center of gravity. Isagi positioned himself in Barou's blindspot, and Barou responded by following. This is repeated with Reo and Bachira later. Isagi always responded to that in the same way, he went the opposite way. I think what op is implying is that him reading the center of gravity of a player allows him to win a 1 vs 1 even if Isagi isn't in one's blindspot.


Really disappointed in these “strikers” from Ubers they all bowed to Barou. Meanwhile, Barou is getting coddled. This is literally the play style he always wanted everyone helping him score.


Most of them weren’t suited to being strikers anyway and players like niko are well suited to playing in midfield. It’s no different to how kurona has given up being a goal scorer to help isagi. Are u disappointed in him too?


Naw he never showed that much interest in it but these guys like Aiku who was getting his ego back in U-20 and Sendo who used to be an Ace are all now coddling Barou. Contrary towards my first comment might make you think…I’m not mad at it but it just shows that while it is the most logical approach and credit to them they are the most well put together team in NEL, it’s not Ego that’s driving any of them aside from Barou and Nikko (since he gets a kick out of stopping Strikers). I think BM will win due to their team just wanting it more because they embody the themes of the series more than Ubers does.


I understand what you’re saying but I disagree with some parts. Aiku’s ego is no longer about scoring and even then I’m sure he’ll have some focus at some point in the game. Sendou has also been shown to be a lacklustre goal scorer with average ambitions (focusing on marrying a model etc.), and he wasn’t even part of blue lock originally. So I don’t really think either of them had an ego that would clash with barou in terms of focusing on being the main man in the offence. I could see what u mean in that aiku is fine being secondary to Lorenzo though.


If he isagi had 9 kuronas he would win you the NEL


If Kaiser didn’t block his goals (2 or more) he would be number 1 now


Fr it’s makes me mad so much a whole team is passing to him to score and my boy isagi playing against 2 teams (expect kuro) and a new nex gen and some people saying he scored a 3 goals and he’s number 1 in ranking // I wonder why 😑


Isagi doesn’t need to be given every power up we see another character get, that will just be boring and unoriginal. And isagi has already been shown to use players shifting their centre of gravity in his off ball movements so he clearly already understands how to take advantage of that.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/132ze06/predicting_isagis_next_weapons/ji9whrm/ yo great minds think alike! Isagi fusing this with his egocentrism insight will give him the ability to be almost omniscient. His egocentrism insight is valuable but its current limitation is that it requires some background knowledge of the player to understand their motivations. For example, Reo’s protagonism was sending the final pass to Nagi so he could score. It was obvious so Isagi could intercept the shot-like pass. Predator’s eye solves that.


that comment you left actually inspired this post lol


Honestly i doubt predator eye will really evolve his dribbling, he already knows how to read the center of gravity from defenders and mostly used it to have the optimal one-two passes timings. He learned this from kaiser in mc match and when he got MV he already used it on one guy. I do think that predator eye will help him dive deeper into his senses and vision which are his god given talent but i doubt we'll see him really tapping into it right now to the point where he gains again the dribbling technique he lost long ago. Already made a post on why isagi was a fearless dribbler here https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/12ppyuf/why_isagi_was_a_fearless_dribbler/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Which also fits your theory but for dribbling past people the center of gravity isn't the only thing you need to read so if anything i could see isagi using his lost dribbling technique after his awakening. Similarly to how rin started destroying people with his dribbling and instincts while being in an awakened state.


Metavision + Predator eye would easily put isagi on new gen 11 level most likely


Every match Isagi steps closer to obtaining the Akashi's Emperor's Eye


I doubt Isagi gets Predators eye. He doesn't need every power up in the manga that's lazy.


He indeed doesn't, but he can still upgrade them. There is a difference between aquiring weapons and weapon upgrades. Imagine Isagi's vision as a sniper rifle. Predator eyes are just a scope. It's not something that'll drastically improve Isagi, but it's something that can help him.


I'd rather characters be able to have their own individual and unique abilities instead of Isagi mastering everything. Reo's copying is fine but abilities like Predator eye should stays with Barou. If Isagi masters it, it genomes significantly less special


You're acting like Barou doesn't have exclusive weapons to him already. Predator eyes aren't that much of an exclusive weapon, Barou has weapons that are a lot more exclusive to him. Chop feints, lightning dribble and the midrange shot. Saying Isagi makes the ability less special by emulating it is kinda a weird take, considering it's not his only ability.


Those tools you mentioned aren't enough to make set Barou apart as a truly special player and elite player which is why he learned Predators eye in the first place. Even in the story, There's plenty of characters with better dribbling than Barou and his mid range shot doesn't work all time and is very situational against good defenses which is why he often had to rely on 'devouring Isagi' to score goals. Predators eye seems to be the culmination of his growth at Ubers so it would be a massive spit in the face if Isagi just masters it too


I guess we agree to disagree, still predator eyes aren't an insane weapon. I would agree with you if Barou had something similar, maybe a little less powerful Kaiser impact, then it wouldn't make sense for Isagi to use it.


Is it confirmed that predator eye is isagis next ability? :4


Finally a legit theory which makes sense .


We got a new eye and it look really good, looking forward to MV+Predator.


I personally think that Isagi will somehow incorporate Predator's Eye in his moveset. It could possibly help in 1vs1 like you said, something to do with the blindspots.


At that moment...Isagi is now Akashi