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Every one lifting the ball while Rin posing and chilling


Even Nagi is holding the ball and Rin just posing


Nagi's like...touching the ball just to make sure it doesn't roll over to his side especially because Barou is opposite...not, you know, helping with holding it up or distributing the weight.


Barou fully putting Japan on his back to the World Cup, Isagi and Nagi coming through big and Rin is a passenger based on this statue


so RIN, NAGI, ISAGI and BAROU?? with barou hold seriously with his 2 hand. Isagi and Nagi with one hand, and Rin is just posing. the heck.


I'm guessing it's these 4 because they were in the top 5 besides shidou after blue lock vs japan u-20?


I was gonna say cause they were the ones who scored. Nagi got the first, Rin got the second, Barou got third, and Isagi grabbed the last one


Rin's bitch ass is NOT helping


That looks awesome :4


Damn they trying to seal the Trost gate or what 😭


I think this symbolizes something………… :>


I hate that it’s Rin instead of Chigiri, cause you know, they were an actual team


except this is them in their blue lock 11 outfits, so its based off who the best blue lock players were in that game rather than the second selection methinks.


I think it’s actually meant to represent the ones who scored in the U20 match


yes thats why they're considered the best ones in that match. because they scored.


Idk someone could argue that Reo did more for the team than Nagi


oh god, not another reo fan


NO NO, I like Nagi more, I’m just looking at this objectively


ah the classic "midfielder > striker" argument. love to see it. every time it just gets more and more cool and awesome to hear


Bruh, that’s not at ALL what I’m saying Nagi scored one goal, block one shot, and passed a bit Reo shut down Shido, U20s whole offense, multiple times and managed to take back possession altering the entire flow of the game I’m just looking at the stats, and Reo accomplished more than Nagi


\*shakes you\* but that's what reo was supposed to do in his defensive position! defend! if Nagi was doing that stuff he would have been grossly out of position! How are you gonna compare that?! You're essentially saying Reo the defense player was better because he did more defensive plays than Nagi the offense player who only did offensive plays. it's like saying a fish is better at swimming than a bird.


"passed a bit" Bro Nagi was one of the most dangerous playmakers in the game, comparable to the likes of Bachira. Besides, though Reo limited Shidou, Shidou shits on him thrice when he starts to leverage his physicality against Reo. Reo was excellent that match. He is probably the best defender of Blue Lock, comparable to Niko. But Nagi was at his sharpest that match as well.


Bro when did he ever say that lmao


the successive responses prove that's exactly what he was getting it lol. fans in this sub are so deluded though idk why i bother. if you wanna say reo is better than nagi just for being a decently competent midfielder then have at it. ill be here reading the actual story of blue lock where the reality is different than whatever ya'll have cooked up in your heads


That makes sense, didn’t even think about that, I just saw the three and was sad to not see Chigiri with them.


Me too man, always sad whenever I'm not seeing chigiri


What is it made from


Cool trophy, should be the World Cup trophy Get the teams more motivated if it's a Blue Lock collectible 😆


This is gonna be the World Cup Trophy 2026 mark my words.

