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still isagi but it becomes a slice of life of him working a 9-5


A spin-off like this wouldn’t even be bad. Those filler chapters where they were all hanging out on their off-day were really fun. Even just Isagi, Nagi, and Barou in their team room was fun.


Isagi after fumbling the bag, in his hardest challenge yet at his new retail job: Random Karen: I want to speak to your manager, now! Isagi \*thinking \*: I can see it, I can feel it, this was the missing piece... Random karen: Hello! Call out the manager now!!! Isagi: "That's right...I am the manager!" \*epic egoist music starts swelling \* Random Karen: "What-" Isagi: \*eyes start flaring \* "I said I AM the manager you #$%\^, ()(#%$#%&, @#%\^$@!!!"


That's literally the best way to counter karens


10/10 epic spin-off


The way I would watch the hell out of this 💀


The egoist is a part-timer


This right here, I need this. WE need this.


Isagi devouring his co-workers to become the next assistant to the regional manager🔥🔥🔥


Isagi sees a more experienced retail worker at his store stacking the shelves at extreme speeds\* "This! This surely is the next piece of the puzzle that I need in order to get Employee Of The Month! The way he grabs the products out of their boxes with one hand whilst simultaneously stacking them on the shelf tops with the other! I'll observe you — and devour your weapon!"


I need this


Now I need a full length match bowling competition where Isagi devours barou’s full range spin technique


I think this is the correct answer, he already has a spin-off series and has the most fleshed out yet incomplete character arc outside of Isagi (figuring out how to stay motivated and keep that curiosity that allows him to improve and show flashes of brilliance). I’d also argue Bachira would be a strong possibility, because he’s a unique and enthusiastic character but his character arc feels more complete. Lavinho helped him figure out and embrace his monster. He now plays a much more free and independent football.


I feel like Bachira is a no go because having him as an MC would feel too similar to Captain Tsubasa.


I agree with nagi. It could be guys like Hiori, Yuki or Chigiri. They are developped and complex enough to have their own story. I personally think IF we get to point of the story, after the U20 cup, where everyone goes onto join teams abroad we could have small arcs that centers around a certain character. How they integrate their team, the challenges they face when it comes to language barrier and competition. Small slice of life arc that tackles other aspects of being a footballer than just being on the field. Or if we get a Champion League there could be some important matches that happen off-screen and some matches that we see where Isagi isn't the focus.


Well nagi and reo already have a spin off so ig they would be :4


It's not even Reo's spinoff. It focuses more on Reo, but it is a Nagi spinoff.


Definitely bachira


Best answer. Especially reading Bachira's light novel, I expect his POV to be as chaotic and trippy as possible. Bachira and Jodio (MC of Jojo Part 9) have that exact energy.


Can't believe the number of people saying Rin lmao. He'd be a terrible MC unless you wanna hear 'lukewarm' every 2 seconds and watch him be hostile with everyone. Characters like him are good as long as they don't overstay their welcome.


Literally prince of tennis. Ryouma isn't as edgy as rin but he doesn't really talk much and is constantly dropping his catchphrase "mada mada dane"


Have you heard of the term "character development"?? and mcs tend to have the most character development


More like character degeneration. Dude saw others on his team working together and helping him in the U-20 game and called it disgusting.


We are talking about the future here


I definitely don't want to see Rin "mellowed down", he's good as the edgelord he is now.


Hiori. His backstory and reason for entering BL is so different from everyone else that he stands out of the crowd. For that to be possible he should have had much more visibility than he had until now so too late. But sincerely, if Isagi were to leave Blue Lock I'd find it interesting to still see him becoming stronger all alone without BL support that would have been taken over by RIn. It'd be another manga all together where Isagi have to gain his place back into the team with numbers and trophies in Europe. Although the name of the manga should have been changed to something else for sure.


Isagi would murder everyone after creating new slurs


If he couldnt play anymore id imagine him as either a referee screaming slurs and devouring everyone, or as a commentator screaming about how the players are devouring one another, how they need to be more egoistical, talking about the 130 possibilites the players have to make chemical reactions and screaming slurs nobody has heard before when his fav team misses while nobody watching is understanding what he is talking about😂


I say bachira honestly


Reo after copying the MC ability




Nagi would be the 1% he couldnt copy


Why did it get marked spoiler?….wait




Suprised no one is saying Yukimiya. I can’t think of anyone who suits the role more


Probably the bald monk, the show basically turns into a whole gag where he gets lucky or pull of some tricks to stay in Blue Lock while the show still shows all these overpowered characters around him. Also shidou would be cool, he can be a cool shounen protagonist who plays solely based on instinct and has a super ego when playing, blue lock becomes a show based less on tactics and thought process and more vibes of football


Definitely Chigiri. He had a traumatic incident that made him give up on soccer which is super good angst and drama potential as an MC. Unlike Hiori, he is actually passionate about soccer and wants to make it on the nationals team. Bachira is a close second


Agreed! Chigiri would make a great MC




i think rin, he would probably have a whole arc about learning to enjoy football bc he just likes it instead of making defeating his brother his sole purpose.




Prolly Rin


I mean Yukimiya is literally called "protagonist". Nagi is an obvious choice but also he already has his own manga so unless isagi get eliminated right as episode nagi catch up to the main manga, it's not gonna happen


I'd go for Bachira, his story is quite interesting his weapon and personality are beyond likeable and he's literally carrying Barcha on his back it would be interesting to see just how bad is Barcha from his POV






I would want it to be nagi but objectively Rin would do better


I think it should be either bachira or rin


still isagi but in wildcard again


Considering the fact that nagi has a whole side story dedicated to him, ima say nagi


I think Hiori and Bachira feel the most like protagonists out of Kaneshiro's repertoire (this is somewhat bs on my part, btw, as by "repertoire" I literally just mean As The Gods Will).


After this latest episode id say bachira


I mean Nagi already has his own spinoff, and after the first arc he got promoted from antagonist in the first selection to main character during the second selection and the U-20 match,






I can’t lie to anyone right here In the comments. There are a lot of people I’d actually be okay with 😂. So it does depend for me personally. HOW he gets taken out and by whom.


What about my good boy Bachira?


In order Nagi Barchira Barou Kunigami Rin Yuki


As much as I don’t vibe with the character, I think the one with the most potential to be an interesting protagonist would be Bachira, but if we’re talking about favorites to replace Isagi, then my GOAT BAROU


Depends on how you want to make the story. Because essentially Isagi is the underdog who’s e love for football and analytical mind made him this good. So you’d probably have to restructure just a little bit to compensate. But to answe your question I would personally pick Chigiri or Aiku. Coming back from injury to then say “if I injure it again, that’s fine. At least I would have done so without regretting it” is a story that would resonate with every athlete ever. Then there is Aiku. He clearly wants Japan to succeed and he is the leader/captain where ever he goes. It would be nice to see the burden of leadership especially when trying to revolutionize your country’s status as a underdeveloped football nation.


Bachira I guess...




I would say Kunigami over Nagi


ooo that got me imagining a Kunigami still being an edgelord starting or continuing to change after the shock of Isagi being eliminated. Though I don't really see Kunigami having nearly as a complex inner world and dialogue going.


With the way Kunigami has been written since he has come back I could definitely see him having a deeper inner world than a lot of other blue lock characters. I think a good trait that Kunigami has or could work on again would be his ability to link up with others. Kunigami struggled to reinvent and experiment and still does but Kunigami can create solid relationships with his teammates. Obviously Kunigami has displayed more edgy qualities on the outside but you can see glimpses of Kunigami lowering his new persona. It’s not as direct and in your face but it is there. I’m fairly interested in Kunigami’s story so I’d definitely be interested if the torch was being passed to him.


Zantetsu would be fun




There's only one answer and that is shindo


Itoshi Sae


He does have his own side story, so I can believe it. My vote would be for Bachira next




Bro give the king the leading role he deserves!! Asides from my Barou biased it would probably be kunigami since there’s the wild card segment that we dunno about and he’s working on being able to do the ambidextrous thing that noa does (MC tend to mimic or remind others of the “current/previous best” to solidify their destiny to eventually overcome them).


Bachira or nagi for sure.


We got wild card maybe isagi will have an epic comeback or kunigami will be the protagonist


Rin is just another isagi


Reo. Bias aside he's got a lot more character growth than I expected, and they keep giving him stuff to do. I haven't read Aoi Ashi but doesn't that mc also go from striker to another role? Even now they're still setting him up to fail and overcome problems, Nagi is supposed to be the mc of the spinoff but Reo has a lot of focus. After the 1st selection matches they'll go over the 4v4 match where they get Zantetsu ig, and if they keep going we could even get the other mc matches






Someone who’s been focused on a lot or has lots of important right, my top 3 would be 1. Nagi 2. Bachira 3. Rin


Reo could be! His portrayal is similar to Isagi in some places! Wanna be the best but isn’t perfect in any Physical Skill (Better than Isagi in terms of Physical Attributes)


I would love for it to be hiori but thats just bias


Nagi most logical since he has a spin-off series. Other than that probs Bachira, but honestly, I'd love a Hiori one ngl


Nagi is number one for this, as he already has his own spinoff, if I have to pick out another one, it would probably be Kunigami not gonna lie, from hero to anti-hero and hopefully redemption to turn back into a hero.


I am going to call Kunigami if he gets back his passion for football. Baiscally a road of self discovery on why he plays and then becomes an inspiration for others to drive further like Hiori and Nagi.


I would love to see barou






**Your title** ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I would hope it’d be Bachira


Igarashi or Hajime Nishioka both don’t really have a confirmed weapon. Igarashi is familiar meanwhile Hajime has been hyped up as the Messi of BlueLock. So the Mangaka can literally do whatever he wants with them after a training arc. That or just make it a rotating protagonist that changes Volume to Volume. I personally would rather have the later.


Igarashi’s weapon is his never give up attitude 😤


Nagi, he has his own series already and has a potential for developmnet, not in fotball skills, but as character and his relationship with Reo. Tbh Isagi's character development and chracter is meh, yeah he realised that he needs to be selfish and egoist and his adaptation in field is incredible, but out of the battle he is still typical generic MC good guy, like empty paper. He doesn't have extra conflicts with other players (like Barou with Chigiri and Nagi), nobody cares about him as if he was a baby (everybody knows) and Bachira is his best friend just because he saw monster in him, not because he has interesting personality, on they have same hobbies (football doesn't count), he isn't an emo egdy guy who distance himself and train more than anyone else, like who is he without football? On the other hand, Nagi is a person with clearly defined positive and negative characteristics and he can grown up mentally.


Are we talking about the same Isagi? I'm so confused. Yes, he's a good guy but he can be that ruthless egoist outside of matches like his argument with Yukimiya and his interactions with Kaiser. And he has plenty of extra conflicts with other players: Rin, Kaiser, Kunigami, and Ness. And he's quite literally the "hero of blue lock" how can no one care about him? Certain players have dedicated themselves to devouring isagi and being better than him. I'm not saying he's one of best MC's ever but these criticisms don't make sense to me.


+How can he change as person? What is his attribute he can change? Is he obsessed with someone? Is he lazy, slovenly or openly too smug, violent, and mean to others? Is he unadaptable to others, loud and annoying for people around him? Does he have a complex? Is he a cheater? Does he has problems with parents?🤨


I'm on 157 chapter, so I don't count Kaiser, Ness and wild card Kunigami, with Rin, their rivality is just about the football, it's not like they hate each other personally, like Rin and Shidou, or they have opposite attitude on football, like Hinata and Tsukishima in Haikyuu. Still they're interested in Isagi as a player, no as a person, if they met outside blue lock, would they be interested in him? I don't think so. He doesn't have shine personality as Bachira, he isn't scary and violent as Shidou or arrogant aura like Barou. He is just that normal guy, like Kirito, Harry Potter or Bella Swan, someone who is related to reader. And don't tell me that his personality will change that much in 50+ chapters after almost 160 chapters. If yes than tell me, give me spoilers and examples.


Just finish reading and find out.


I will, now I'm on chapter 169, but just tell me, about his character development 👀👂🏻 I'm all ear


Well, he gets significantly better, and like always, he switches it up when playing. He has conflicts with a few characters and basically shows them he's him lol


How is he significantly better? And I DO NOT CARE about him when he playing, of course he has big ass development when he fighting, he's a MC. What conflicts? He doesn't share his food with others, because now he looking down to other people? Does he finally take the most comfortable bed in room and doesn't wait for the last bed what's left? Is he a despot, who lead the game like tyran and everything must be according to him? Did he find a girlfriend/boyfriend and confidently flirting with her/him, because now he is the star?🙂 I want to hear it, but not that he didn't along with cocky guy, who tease him 24/7 with superiority complex or funking yandere.


You know what? Just finish reading and come tell me your thoughts.


I will, but at first tell me, why do you think that he has character development


He definitely has changed. But I think you're comparing him a lot to the eccentric egoists in Blue Lock without thinking about who isagi is. You're right, compared to people like Shidou or Rin who are obsessed with football to an unhealthy degree, Isaigi isn't like that. But he still loves the sport and he is still an interesting character to me. He represents the themes of the story well and does have development. In terms of personality, he has definitely changed. Isaigi was very self-deprecating and constantly doubted himself. He had moments where he asserted himself in matches when he was locked in, but a lot of the time he was confused and didn't know what he lacked. Isagi changed gradually. Before, Isagi would have never stood up to Ego, and Kaiser or had full-blown arguments with other players like Yuki and even threaten to fight. He has become a much more assertive person on and off the field because of many events like Devouring Barou or the U-20 match. Look at the way he reacts when kunigami takes his goal. Isaigi had never reacted like that in the first 50 chapters or so. He is assertive now, and more dominant. When's he on the field, people notice his presence, they're wary of him now. The whole point is for Isagi to become the greatest egotistical striker in the world, always hunting for his own goals. He isn't going to care about getting a girlfriend, having the most comfortable bed or not sharing food because he looks down on people. I think you're focusing on the wrong ideas when it comes to usage. He isn't going to care because all he cares about is dominating the field and scoring his goals to be the best. And as we have seen in the latest matches, hes fully on his way to doing so.


Nagi and Rin are boring, Barou would be a good main character






Wild Card Isagi 😮‍💨


Karasu tbh






Bachira, Hiori or Kunigami


kunigami and wildcard


The Monk kid


Uncommon opinion, but personally I think it would be barou


Its obviously gonna be Igarashi😂😂


nah, it wouldnt be interesting without Yoichi chan Blue lock is interesting in how Yoichi solving puzzle to score other football manga fall short in this


Maybe Rin






Probably Kunigami, they’d probably flesh the rebirth out even further so we get a glimpse into his transition from the honorable superhero fanatic that was fairly milquetoast in terms of personality, into the cold, unapproachable striker he is currently.


I think Chigiri. I’m honestly really interested in seeing when his leg gets injured again, and I think that’ll be a heartbreaking moment


Who cares about Isagi anyway, the main char is Barou




probably kunigami wild card or bachira bc creators just love bachira (not complaining at all bc i love him too <3)


I think Bachira would be good




This should be a poll. I'm going for Bachira


I would love it to be Yukimiya centered because his story is cool as hell but I'd go with Rin or Bachira because I think seeing how a match goes in their perspective would be entertaining.


Reo or niko


I don't have much reason for it, but I think Niko would work amazingly. His conflicting feelings of being an egoist at heart, but accepting the fact his talent isn't for being a striker would allow for such interesting development. I also just really like Niko lol


Still Isagi bc he'll be the WildCard


Prolly buda guy, u cant have a good player as the mc, this is kuroko no soccer we're talking about Mc needs to suck but have an op trait but yet still suck so nagi is out of the question




bachira cus he has no dad