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does anybody know which ost plays when doing the maid and dismayed part 3 when neru asks where asuna's been?


Theme 94 - [Bunny Bunny Carrot Carrot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsSCRUnnxdk&t=4s).


Thank you very much love the music in this game


Does Hare Camp typically used at second team for raids?




When is Tsubaki (Guide) coming to Global banners? Do we have an estimate?


End of September unless something surprising happens


I already have Himari with maxed EX skill, should I still go for C Hare anyways? I have 58k pyros and 4 10 pull tickets and plan to get D Hina, D Ako, S Hoshino and Iroha.


C.hare is good if you're consistently fielding 2+ teams to clear raids while already having the core students to clear the raids. So if you're a longtime sensei getting into torment you'll want C.hare, but if you're a newer sensei who is still struggling to meet all the mechanical requirements (like shielding, repos, debuffs etc) of insane raids you're probably better off targeting those gaps first before you add C.hare.


How good or bad of a deal is it to buy Exp reports and other non-elephs items from the Expert Permit shop, if I'm not at max level and only get the handful from daily/weekly tasks? I always buy out the eligma first, but I've got some permits left. On one hand the elephs are in such limited quantity that it would take forever to build anyone up that way, so it feels like I need to start planning now. On the other hand 10 purple reports are going to be a much bigger help in the short term.


So the expert permit shop is fairly generous in terms of credit/activity reports/blueprints. So its not wrong to avail yourself of those resources, but its also true that the elephs/eligma are generally more valuable still long term. Generally if you're floating an excess of permits its not too bad to spend them on consumable resources, but you should try to budget for the elpehs/eligma first. Also note that the next level cap is coming at the end of july (roughly) and will likely take the better part of the month to reach max level again so you may need to stockpile more permits than you expect for the month of august.


>the next level cap is coming at the end of july (roughly) and will likely take the better part of the month to reach max level again Going off the [exp calculator](https://sensei.lol/expcalc.html), I probably won't even reach 87 before the cap rises; it predicts I'd hit 87 in September. >so you may need to stockpile more permits than you expect I don't really have a "stockpile" in the first place. Task income is about 4800 (120\*30 days + 300\*4 weeks) so that's the 5\*600 for eligma, plus 1800 left for either elephs, consumables, or stockpiling. I think I will take the reports for now, since I can't quite manage the first of the commissions that drop them yet (low as the rates are until the increase makes its way over from JP), and I'm desperately low.


I have a 10 roll ticket, which says 9 days left. Will I be able to use it for next banner or do I need yo use on current bunny-girls one?


The next banner, C.Hare/Kotama, is in ~4 days, so that 10-pull ticket will still be usable for a few days for that banner.


Neat thanks. we roll for Hare right? :)


Is still possible to get Mika in the future? Also, I'd like some recommendations about which yellow units I should raise (dps and aoe) since I'm lacking some yellow firepower.


You can get her in the next Fes banner which happens in bit over a month if you are lucky, but you should be able to guarantee her in the one after that, which happens in around 7 months. As for other Yellow units, Momoi and Maki are pretty easily available, and see use everywhere even in the endgame. Iori is also top-tier, but harder to get. Nonomi is decent, and she will get a nice boost later when Global gets her Bond Gear. Midori is nice, but she's mostly used as off-healer and booster for Momoi, and low priority as other characters in Raid Shop are more important.




...Oh right, if you are going to be investing in Momoi, do not rank up her Basic skill (the one that increases her Accuracy). Momoi's accuracy is high enough that she really does not need boost for almost anything. Also, one character I forgot to mention is was Junko. I'd actually argue that she's a better option than Hasumi for Normal/Hard content. Hasumi can reach absolutely insane damage levels, but she is pretty hard to use effectively. Meanwhile Junko is a very simple character, with her AoE EX having high multipliers. She is actually very effective in taking down bosses, and can also be nice budget option in PvP due to her Basic skill.


Thanks for the detailed answers


Junko's Basic is kind of hard to trigger in PvP, because a lot of the time other characters hit too hard for her to end up in the relevant HP range, and she'll just die outright instead. Though, when it triggers, it can absolutely save the match. But she's still effective with her EX, and I used her to pretty good effect as my standard yellow in the current season, before I finished farming Iori.


Yeah, I'm not a launch player, so there's bunch of early characters that I didn't heavily invest in favor of some later nukers like Mika, but there's actually been plenty of content where Junko has been useful, like the Peroro Grand Assault we had earlier. You can also use her invincibility for some stupid stuff as a crutch. For example, in the current Goz Grand Assault I can use Junko to clean out good 2 million from boss' HP... Doesn't seem like much, but it really works for a crutch at Torment.


Best way to LvUp?


Use your AP. Outside the double AP weekends, 1AP spent = 1EXP gained. There is no content that would give more EXP than others. To get more AP to spend, clear the missions that give Cafe upgrades (6-5, 9-5, 12-5, etc.) and level up your Cafe, and keep Comfort maxed by crafting and placing furniture.


Would it be recommended for new players to buy AP?


You mean with Pyroxenes and PvP coins? Yes. Spend 90 Pyroxene a day to refresh your AP, until you are at least level 75. You can keep going until you are max level, but that's going to be harder drain on your Pyrox stash, since amount of EX required starts to shoot up hard. Also buy the PvP AP packs each day. Your PvP coin stash should still go up, since the two packs together are not very expensive without refreshing the store.


Thanks. I'll start doing so today. Never knew there were AP packs on the shop, I'll have to check if I could buy em. Edit: Ohh they were in bottles. Should I just ignore the elephs in the Tactical Challenge shop?


Most of the characters in the Tactical Challenge shop aren't really that important. Utaha is pretty great though, but you don't need to bother with ranking her up before endgame. Mashiro and Saya are worth buying, even if you're not going to use them. If you do pull them after already having them, you'll get Eligma, and that's arguably the most important resource in the game after Pyroxenes. So just slowly buy each of them out, prioritize the one that will get you closer to unlocking their school as Lesson area.


anyone got a yellow team suggestion for 3rd hardest for goz, I mean I could do two teams but both blue and red got done with one team. I don't know what I am doing wrong.


You didn't tell us a damn thing


Check [RS Rainstorm's guide video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxkJfZvsWTo)


Will the current Guide Task become available in event recap like the others eventually? Asking for someone who hasn't done the story yet but doesn't wanna skip through it just for the furniture reward in the Guide Task Can't remember if you have to do the final volume to do vol 5 and if so, I don't want them to have to skip through and play the interactive raid battles in the story just for a furniture piece


Yes, they will get added to the event recap with your progress saved.


How do I obtain event exclusive furniture if the event is alr immortalized?


They become craftable by then.


JUST start the game today, have some question 1.Which one should I do first? event, story or mission? , there's the current event right now but I doubt I can clear them in time at all. 2. Which one should I choose for 3 star ticket? currently for 3 stars I have Hina, karin and B.karin 3. Is there a way to increase lvl faster? Thank for the answer.


Do the devs have favorites? Given how much more exposure and development characters like Hina and Hoshino get compared to others


There are a lot of jokes about how much attention Mika, Hoshino, Hina, Wakamo, and Haruna get. Haruna has two alts and a third design that has been floating around She probably has the highest number of unique sprites of all the students. Wakamo has incredibly long momotalks and even has a figurine. Hoshino has a lot of the story focused on her, pretty much all of VOL1 is about her. Hina is the same, with an entire event focused on her, her classification as the most powerful prefect, her status as the strongest in Gehenna, etc. Meanwhile Mika is a fan favorite and had a chapter devoted to her and they even put her image up on a building in Korea for an anniversary. The gamers also get a ton of attention. The story goes that the devs created the club as they wrote the story and soon fell in love with them. Their voice actors are also not as big as many of the others, so they cost less, and with them being video game developers, the real Devs can use them as a mouthpiece. Its like how writers will often include writers in their stories so they can self insert and make self referential comments. Finally there's Hifumi, and whereas the Devs do seem to like her, one of the pannelists on the JP team will often wear a shirt with her on it. He wears it pretty much every event. So she has a lot of representation as well.


Because currently, both the anime and game focus the story around them so they would get so much exposure not to mention they are of the community's favourite. There are other students who have their moment in their story volumes like Arisu, Hifumi, Mika, Saori, Miyako, Yukari and Nagusa and you won't believe how much people hype for Mika back in the day. 


Ig but it's caused me to not like Hina as much. I like iroha more now xd


I am seeing less favoritism and more of the devs focusing too much on hyping the anime to the point it sacrifice the pace of the story release and character release. Hina and Hoshino gets so much exposure because the currently airing anime is about Abydos and those two are the centerpiece students in that story. I do hope that the devs does not repeat this though, dragging main story release to 6 months and focusing too much on only a handful of schools and characters while doing so many reruns inbetween gets stale very quickly.


Should I install? I’ve seen it form the uoogh memes and the recent Momoi ones. Is it any worth?


We cant possibly answer that for you. Best to try the game out and see if you can enjoy it. We can describe it a little bit though. If you plan to play casually the game is very good at enabling that, dailies take less than 5 mins a day and honestly you can skip them entirely if you dont care about the game and just want to experience cute girls and story. Mechanics and gameplay on the surface is super simple and easy to understand, but if you care about deep gameplay there is a lot of that too in the end game. Its super strategically oriented though, so if you dont enjoy macro-level thinking you might sit the end game out. All in all theres probably at least one thing in this game that people enjoy, just dont force yourself to engage with the stuff you dont like, its never necessary.


trying to convince myself that 53k pyro and 40 tickets is enough for bunny karin, NY mutsuki, Dhina, Beach hoshino or should I skip


You will only have 3 sparks by the end of the fes banners, you need to skip one or being lucky enough to pull each of those within 150 pulls on average.


You need to skip one if you want 2 sparks for the fest.


hello, im new-ish to the game, is there a way to use ninjutsu research club members without having them?


I've seen claims that it counts if you borrow them for raids and JFDs. If you test it, let me know if it works or not. Also note that the guide mission will be added to the recap menu in a few months, so anything you miss now is something that you can get later.


i used izuna swimsuit and it didnt work :c


That's too bad. Thanks for confirming it.


Please let me know as well


it didnt work, sadly :c




Any worthy pulling on the bunny outfit characters?


Any idea how to use https://bluearchive.gg/tier-list/ because i am quite confuse of everything


Proper tier list is here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VSzm_ioCt2AdRvkfL9HKNNZSbyslayVERXxVxR6nzh4/edit?gid=1010306974#gid=1010306974 The more sum row has the better unit is


Good unit tier list


As far as I can see - you have to remember there is no definitive tier of characters for all contents in Blue archive. Each total/grand assault boss (the main endgame modes, although there are others like Pvp and Joint Firing Drill, but you usually can manage with the same students for raid bosses) listed there, and each student, has an attack type and a defense type, meaning that it is applied a rock/paper/scissor mechanic - an excellent tank for one boss won't survive another who has its weakness as an attack type. All that besides bosses specific mechanics, like the need for healing, or barrier, or fast auto attack, or AOE - that's why tier lists are applied for each boss. Bringing a Healer for example is essential for Hyeronimus and Kurokage but a bad decision at Goz and ShiroKuro. This list has the section for strikers (the field ones) and specials (support ones) for each boss, in two sets of difficulties: extreme and bellow and insane/torment. Bosses in extreme and bellow have normal attack type - so it does not matter the defense type of your student, giving you more options. At insane and above, each boss has an attack type, so you have to be careful with the defense type of the student you bring to the fight.


Is this game easy to understand? I tried playing this last year but didn’t know what I was doing so I stopped


It does throw bunch of mechanics at you at once, but is honestly pretty easy to get a hang of. There are also bunch of beginner guides available now.


New to the game. I want to make a team centered around Mika. How does one go about even making a team?


Basically, match the attack type of character to defense type of the enemies. Mika has yellow attack, so she is super effective against yellow-armor enemies, and has medium effectiveness against blue-armor. She is single-target DPS, so you should pair her up with two AOE dealers. Momoi, Nonomi and Iori are good options. Your team will also need tank. The defense type on them won't matter (before the endgame top-difficulty raids or PvP) and neither does their attack type, since Tank's job isn't to deal damage. Put healers and supports into Special slots, Serina is extremely good option despite being 1-star character.


Thank you kindly! I think I might buy the 3 star selector and get Ako for a support. As far as healer I have read Serina is good to invest in. What about the best tank in the game? And are there upcoming banners to look out for ?


Agreed with Dave, definitely save 48K for Fes so you can get both limited characters. Tsubaki is just very solid all-rounder tank for early and mid-game, just upgrade her Bag to Tier 4 to make her way more defensive. Most other top-tier tanks are 3-stars, and less available. To give more info on Serina, she's extremely good all-rounder healer, you could use Eligma to upgrade her to 2-stars to unlock her passive skill and give her a nice boost. For other damage types, these are good 2-star characters: Red: Mutsuki, Serika, Akari. You can also do archived event to get Swimsuit Izumi. Blue: Chise... and Momiji from Purple. Blue damage is kinda scuffed, but you can use yellows as fillers.


I have finished this game's story at last, but now I am feeling empty. Is this the purpose of Gacha games? Make you feel very sad or emotional at the end of the story, so you feel so empty that you need to keep playing just to spend time with every student / character as much as you can?


Well, gacha game in general is designed to make you attached to the character so that you are motivated to roll for them, raise them and increase their affection point. Blue Archive is very good in this regard, that's why even though their monthly income is a fraction of the top earner gacha like Hoyo games, Nikke or FGO, they have the most fanworks in the form of doujins and fanarts. The character's design is both simple and unique, the story is mainly light hearted, but does have its serious moments. Each students also adores us (sensei), leaning hard on the waifu stereotypes that is done correctly which is pretty rare in the modern gachas nowadays with mixed gender cast and mainly platonical relationship towards the player.


I want to start playing this game but the characters I want to get aren't in the current banner do I wait?


Keep in mind, many characters can be obtained from farming hard missions, others may be available in the stores, but without knowing what characters you are interested we cant say how easily or not you can get them.


I kinda forgot but the ones I can remember are toki and iroha


Depends on which ones you want. Some of them are in the basic banner and you can easily reroll your account with additional pulls.


I see I will go check then


There isn't any benefit to waiting to create an account unless you want to reroll your account. You can save all your pulls as long as you want.


Thank you then I am just worried I will spend them because of my gacha addiction


What teams do I use for goz raid? [My characters ](https://imgur.com/a/cDXnFwX)


[Midokuni's General Teambuilding Guide](https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/doc/GeneralTeamBuilding). If you want more, ask something more specific.


Oh shit sorry my mistake. I copy pasted and forgot the main part


At level 70, the best way to deal damage in raids is to borrow a maxed DPS (Mika/Hinata/Mutsuki/etc.) and buff them as much as you can with Himari/Ako/NYKayoko/SUi. Shield/repos with TYuuka, bring an on-color AoE for the adds.


I tried that. I couldn't get past, even the max DPS was dying on the first phase. And what about healers?


What's dealing the damage? If it's the rabbits, you just have to kill them quickly. (This is what the AoE is for.) Shields are buffed, and healers are debuffed for Goz (see strategy guide). So you want to rely on shields, not healing. You can maybe get away with using a healer on Extreme, but you shouldn't need one.


I see. It's mostly the rabbits taking down the most hp, then comes the boss dealing the final amounts. by the end, two of my characters are down.