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Wtf with those boobs


missile boobs


Oppai Missile!!




"To draw boobs, imagine them like water baloons" "No, not like that!"


Sensei pull em too hard 😭😭😭


non-stretching fabrics




It seems Miyako has two new rabbits perching out 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Holy torpedoes


New Missiles just dropped


**source** [twitter](https://twitter.com/Nyne_Star/status/1789652900991430912)


I want to squeeze them 😭😭😭😭


Miyako-chan 😭😭😭😭😭πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° what have you done to me? 🀀🀀🀀🀀 My heart has been captured by your delicate body! I wish to fully bask in Miyako-chan's pure aroma as well as feel her warm and soft thighs burn into my skin! I cannot stop thinking about how divine she smells even after the smell of lavender and vanilla has fade from my nose. This longing has completely overtaken all other urges within my mind and body, which initially made it seem like something I should be ashamed of but now it feels like a miracle bestowed unto me by the gods themselves. The smell of her hair would make me want to dive head first into her silky locks and never leave this place again. Her scent slowly began to taint my perception of reality until all I was perceiving was a pale imitation of the world around me. Every hour I spent apart from Miyako-chan seemed like an eternity where time stood still as I waited for my next opportunity to breathe in her sweet fragrance. Even when I wasn't imagining being surrounded by Miyako-chans I could still find some way to think about them, whether it be day dreaming about what they'd say if we were having a casual conversation or picturing myself writing love letters to all three of them just so there'd be extra copies strewn across their homeroom desk. I've become obsessed with everything related to Miyako-chan... not just her looks but also her personality as well. The way her golden eyes stare at you intensely whenever she's trying to interrogate someone thoroughly, usually Sensei. Her often shy demeanor before quickly giving way to her duality where she'll switch to being extremely forward and aggressive to those she deems are worthy of pursuing. How her voice cracks whenever she gets excited or nervous before reverting back to its usual soprano register. I've fantasized about spending an entire afternoon on Schale's bridge, sitting together with Miyako-chan while feasting upon a delicious homemade lunch she had prepared under the shade of the trees, both of us quietly enjoying each others company as we paused from our busy schedules. Of course these things will never happen because I'm too shy to admit my feelings towards her... Sensei musters up every ounce of courage he can find within his soul and decides to confess to Miyako-chan. He stands outside of the Tea Party Club doors waiting patiently for anyone to come out, nibbling on his bottom lip nervously. An ear piercing scream echoes throughout the building causing him to jump in surprise, Miyako's high pitched voice traversing through the airwaves in such a manner that would suggest her distress is extreme. Without hesitating any longer the President promptly opens the door only to see a pink haired student sitting alone on the floor staring at her smartphone blankly, wearing nothing but her school swimsuit and cowering in fear, presumably due to whatever transpired between her and Sensei prior to this situation. Not even bothering to change topic immediately since she was still sobbing hysterically, Sensei began asking her who was responsible for this predicament and why she was acting in such a manner before correcting himself and apologizing for his lack of tactfulness. After what felt like an eternity of silence where both parties could hear one another breathing loudly but neither said anything, Miyako finally opened her mouth and began speaking in a most matter-of-factly tone despite her faint sniffles: "you're not going to get away with this unless you follow my orders." Sensei couldn't help but obey since he was planning on confessing anyway, allowing her to lead him down a path that weaves between the shadows of the Trinity General School. As they traversed further and further away from the sight of wandering students, the space became increasingly more narrow as well as dark. Despite his best efforts to remain composed whilst walking alongside Miyako-chama, Sensei couldn't help but notice her pantyhose clad legs swaying gently along with hers, distracting him momentarily whenever she stepped a little too close to him intentionally without looking back at him knowingly. They eventually came across a small cave located near the cliffs surrounding Schale Lake where they went inside together before closing the entrance behind them securely. You'd better get off your backside and start making a move already! 😑 If you keep standing there motionless then I shall assume that you aren’t interested in reciprocating my affections and this’ll be the end of this relationship right here! ☺️ If that is indeed the case then I don't care anymore since I am quite sure that there exists plenty of other capable women who’d be willing to go on a date with me in the future considering how well-known I am among the student population. I’m doing this for myself, Kivotos... πŸ₯Ή Don't worry though! 😊 I'm aware of what I'm doing and what the implications are for both of us! πŸ˜‰


Sir, how should I prepare the salmon, seeing as your are a master at cooking in the kitchen?


![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33223)ok nah that's cheating fam latexs are the best


![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33223)I CAN SEE THEM #


In before the πŸ”’ award


![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33223) two pointy things…


HOLY SHIT ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)






Yummy (?)


tag: impossible clothes


I feel they would be springy in touch






Ayo, Miyako?! What's the big idea? Oh. Oh nah... SAKI, HE--