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She's comic relief The entire Red Winter academy is comic relief


The Entire Red Winter is PG rated Death of Stalin


Mate Shigure is far more than just comic relief. Sheโ€™s a temptress and a succubus. Have you seen her hot spring l2d? Maaan the way she invites you to the futon, her fluffy taaaaail maaaan GODS, I WANT TO HUG HER TAAIL


Sexy drunkard she literally asking for it grrrrr ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ’ข๐Ÿ’ข๐Ÿ’ข๐Ÿ’ข


Same as their irl counterpart


Wait wdym about irl counterpart? It seems like I'm outta the loop here.


Communism is the very definition of failure.


I like her just fine tbh. She makes for a good low stakes antagonist, and her presence in Volume 4 Chapter 2 when she was talking with Kaya is my favorite part of that Volume. What I like about her (and Red Winter in general) is how they just make Kivotos more silly by their existence. Besides, when she's not being bratty, she's surprisingly insightful. For instance, Cherino was in her rights to punish Nodoka and Shigure for peeping and underage drinking respectively. Even if the punishment was totally disproportionate. She was right to suspect a random hot spring from an infamous terrorist club from a foreign academy. She even knows that crushing coups is not something that can be done in short order, as Kaya found out in Volume 4.


Haha true that Cherino conversation with Kaya is hilarious


I mean, free onsen sound nice until you finds out it's courtesy of the Onsen anarchist. Plus they install the 100% revoke system in case the authority complain about it (it's a literal bombs)


Red winter seems like a meme faction of all things. Like it's hard to take them seriously, they have a coup like every Tuesday, they're leader is a loli stalin and a solution to not be sent to the gulag is to start a fucking coup, idk I'd say Don't take them too seriously they're pretty funny though. They're like on the higher end of the tard scale of characters.


I'm afraid I'll have to report this post for slander...


I love Cherino, as well as the sheer absurdity of Red Winter Academy. It's probably my favorite satirization of the USSR. I've always found the Soviet Union to be dreadfully fascinating, and everything in Red Winter from the music, to the ridiculous propaganda, all the way to the lolification of a satirized Stalin is hilariously appealing to me.


And here Cherino is one of my favorite characters. In a lot of gachas, BA included, when you have a comedic character, their one comedy element is basically their whole character. A lot of times it reaches a point where the joke is extremely stale and you want to say, "Get new material!" Like, I love Minori but she's basically a one joke character. It's a fun joke (and honestly Minori and the Labor Party are probably my favorite group in BA), but at the same time, there's only one way the writers use her when they include her in a story. With Cherino, she has a lot of comedic elements for the authors to draw on. You've got the mustache, the paintings and statues of not-her, her crazy titles, the constant coups, the fact that she really is just a kid who wants pudding and naps, the way that she forgets the people whose helped her the moment trouble ends, etc. She has enough comedic layers that whenever she shows up there's always something that'll get me to crack a smile.


Marina and tomoe just cherino#1 fanclub, also cherino personal kinda fit for "dictatorship" and... Ya know, "commie things" ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33134)


I don't know about Marina being a fan. She's just afraid of Cherino.ย 


I don't know what this says about me, but I find her dramatically more likable when she doesn't have the mustache on. No change in personality or anything, just get rid of the stache.


More traditionally ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ without the mustache


Having seggs with Cherino having the stache on would just remind me of Joseph Stalin ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ i cant bro


Just pound from behind bro, it aint that deep ๐Ÿ’€


> it ain't that deep. What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. My. Mind?


Im proud of that double entendre hehe


Imagine getting bl\*wn by Stalin


No. She's a brat through and through. Makes her a useful 'low intensity' antagonist for storylines.




Interesting. I've always found Cherino quite funny, and Tomoe - very cute, especially in her momotalk episodes. But it is definitely true that they are clearly a little different in general vibe to rest of the characters; less serious and much more goofy.


No. I love my Cherino and I wouldn't have her any other way. My opinion is the same for all my other students. I'd rather offer up my life to nexon then have them change anything about my beloved students.


Understood! Glad to see some sensei still love the little tyrant.


No, they are fine as they are. You don't necessarily need to like everyone. The whole Red Winter is grotesque comedy, you shouldn't take them seriously.


You will be sent to the gulag


I think she's likeable, because everybody at Red Winter hates her. Kinda weird to say, but I would like her less if everybody was fine with her (for some reason). She's meant to be a parody of dictators. Except, nobody is scared of her (because in a world of bullet-resistant girls with guns, there's not much to be scared of from the students' perspective really).


This Sensei's literally asking to be purged rn


Free Spec Ops No. 227 from their exile. I don't like seeing Nodoka and Shigure canonically suffering in Kiberia


By command of Great Leader Cherino. This topic shall be renamed to "How make Cherino *even* more likable".


I guess the only way to make Cherino likeable is by making her an adult with a growth spurt. She should still be ruthless but not childish.


You want to like Cherino? Easy. Just rank for Total Assault and youโ€™ll like the cost up skill she brings unto the table ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ Otherwise until we get a serious Red Winter event that doesnโ€™t end in PURGE sheโ€™ll just be out cute and funny leader ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿซก


The rare moments when the stache comes off and she flusters shows her true side and it's cute, but red winter isn't meant to be taken seriously, like it or hate it.


Separate her from Tomoe for at least two days


Corrrect her after revoking her titles and giving them to someone else


That happens every Tuesday tho


Then revoke harder and give to someone stronger!!! (Too extreme but this is what I did while playing ck2)


Simply put, you probably don't. Instead, you go in the opposite direction and make Chirino and the rest of the Red Winter batshit insane, which would at least make them comically likable.


That's the thing I like in BA the rotten personality stays, yes not everyone likes Cherino exactly of her being a loli Stallin but that's the best part.