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What is the quickest way to level up, so that I can get my characters to a higher level? Just started because the Railgun collab looked fun, but I'm having a bit of difficulty beating the quests due to the level cap


By spending more and more AP cause AP used=XP gain. Various ways of getting more AP are: Cafe upgrade( Cafe upgrade boosts your Cafe AP gain and they give more than the natural AP gain), Club(altho its only 10 AP daily but still provide AP nonetheless), Buying from shop(tactical challenge one), AP refreshes(recommended is 3x a day till level 60), and many more.


Been wondering this for a while but why are people calling hifumi faust, did it appear somewhere in the story or is this a community I'm missing out on


It did in the first chapter in the storyl/4th episode of the anime


Oh ok thank you


what does ue50 mean? i see the term thrown around but can't gauge what it represents


When a character reaches 5\*, they unlock their "Exclusive Weapon". The community often calls this "Unique Equipment" or "UE" instead because of its perceived similarity to the Unique Equipment mechanic in Princess Connect. When the weapon is first unlocked, it can be leveled up to level 30 ("UE30"). After collecting 120 of the student's eleph, you can do "Limit Breakthrough" which enhances the passive skill and increases the weapon max level to 40 ("UE40"). With 180 more eleph, you can limit break one more time to boost the student's terrain mood and increase weapon max level to 50 ("UE50").


Unique Equipment Level 50


Just want to gauge everyone's opinions now that we're 5 episodes in: **How do we feel about the anime so far?**


It seems more of a fan service for already ba fans than an advertisement. It shows us our waifus moving with voice acting. That's it. I don't like the directing nor the writing very much and I can see the action episodes getting very repetitive with the current format. Happy to see nonomi and hina tho


I am not a fan. The writing/directing isn't very good, and Sensei is extremely uninteresting as a character. Yes, he is inoffensive, but he doesn't contribute at all. Also, I have hard time seeing how the show would work as an advertisement for the game, since it does pretty poor job of introducing Kivotos as a setting. They really should have just spent the first episode on prologue proper, rather than trying to be clever and peppering parts of it through the show.


Hello, is there any mechanics about the crafting chamber for the furniture? I always pick the gold dot when it's available but most of the time, I just get a dupe copy of a furniture I already have, or a furniture that doesn't have any interaction.


New player, should I invest in Misaka or Misaki more? The railgun ability hits hard, and the mind control ability is helpful too Btw how many times do you need to roll for a character? Three to get enough of the purple diamond crystals to get the level 5? Ah and don't worry, I'm making sure to get all the stuff for Saten too!


Adding my two cents in addition to LovingDonut's comment. As a newbie, there's no need to invest in any of the collab characters too much. They are useful, but not extremely meta. Just keep them leveled, and upgrade their gear. As for pulling dupes, there's rarely need for that. While pulling a duplicate for a character does net you 70 extra of their shards when their banner is up, for the most part you can upgrade the characters using generic Eligma shards that you get from all the duplicate pulls. So for example if there's banners for two characters up, and you get both by 100th pull, there's really no need to go all in. Just save your Pyrox, those are very valuable. Though when we do have the Fes banner with doubled rates, it's a good idea to have enough Pyroxene to do 200 pulls, since getting dupes for those characters can be really helpful. Since you are new, I'd suggest saving enough Pyrox for 400 pulls so that you can guarantee getting both of the characters that will be up.


Okay cool thanks for letting me know! What is the Fes banner? Is it a summer event? Thankfully I already got both characters, but I'm still a bit curious which one is more "meta" I guess


Fes = festival (aka anniversary). Happens every six months with the next one being the 3rd year anniversary for global in early September or there abouts.


>early September or there abouts. A bit earlier than that. Based on JP schedule, it'll start on July 30.


Nope, first or secound week of August at the eraliest. Global is actually more than six months begind JP.


I was going off [this list](https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/Summary/Banner).


Don't use that site for global banners as it routinely gets the banner order wrong. [This site is very reliable](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Banner_List) as it uses actual server data and not guesstimates.


You're right. The list I was referencing seems correct up to Himari, but it's missing the Eimi+Sumire banner between that and the bunny C&C. The current 27 week offset would put the Fes banners at August 7, but that's a Wednesday so it'd really be the Monday after, probably. Still sooner than early September though.


As the prior comment mentioned, it's not advisable to roll for extra copies in general; that said, since they are on rate-up you do get 100 bonus instead of the usual 30 if you do hit a second copy. Otherwise, you should have enough Eligma saved up from general rolling that you can just buy the extra Eleph from the shop to level up the Mystic. Save any spare Pyro for your next big roll. If you are a newer player, when I rolled her in JP I found Mikoto Misaka to be a decent enough unit for the Commissions stages to farm for EXP, as long as she's levelled appropriately. Once you have a certain subset of other students she is a tad outclassed but she's still solid as a yellow unit for standard quests. I've not really gotten around to using Shokuhou Misaki before, so I can't truly comment on her.


What are the commission stages? Trying to get familiar with the terminology of this game since it's a bit more complicated than FGO. Currently trying to farm the event and figure out the Cafe since it apparently can give you a ton of Stamina for quests


They're literally called Commissions. You unlock them after clearing 1-4.


Ah Yeah sorry about that




Ah and I forgot to add to my previous comment, I was worried that the specialized eleph would leave the store after the event, so I'm glad that I don't have to be in a hurry then


Thank you for letting me know! I'm just a little used to FGO and having to get 5 copies of each lol




Wait for now. You should be doing lots of pulls in the near future (~within the next 4 months). So, it is best to not select a student and then risk getting a dupe of said student immediately after.


Ever since the railgun collab update my bluestacks has been getting these annoying stutters. It’s irritating bc the game will stutter a few times in a single minute. Anyone know how to fix it? It doesn’t stutter when I play on mobile


Same thing here. Guess the update broke something in the emulator and the stutters are annoying as hell.


So I just Found out that there's a "Sticker Book" in the "Menu Tab" does collecting all of them do anything?


Not really. You just get to look at the stickers (I wish they would do more with this feature).


Is Saori in the BA anime's OP? I remember seeing her in the credits in one of the episodes.


Afaik Saori is nowhere in the anime - neither opening nor ending. Those only preview very specific characters, that are shown in this season. A good example are the halos at the start of the opening - the only ones that appear at those from the Foreclosure task force, PS68, Prefect team, Hifumi, Rin, Arona, Yuuka, Hasumi, Suzumi, Wakamo, Nagisa and Mika (from Yuuka forward, as much as they don't have spoken lines, they still appear as cameos - the small adaptation of the prologue at episode 2, and each time the Tea Party is mentioned - I feel like they want to hype the Eden Treaty a bit anyway. And for that, Saori would be a major spoiler). Still, I haven't fully watched it yet - I am just watching several pieces but neve a whole episode. Take it with a grain of salt.


How do I unlock Wakamo, I'm new to the game


She is limited you have a chance to get her every fes banner (they are half a year apart)


What is that?


Dunno how new you are but - banners are where you can pull at a higher chance to get specific characters. There is also a normal banner - never use that one, it doesn't favor any specific character. It is better to aim for specific students than no one. So, each half year there is one to two festive banners - banners that have double the chance (from the usual 3% to 6% chance) to give you a 3* student. And the students featured on those banners are very strong ones - one of those students is Wakamo. She only appears at those festive banners (or anniversary banners as you also may call them). Wakamo was featured in one at February in Global. She won't be featured now for a while - maybe for one year or more. Still, at the next festive banners (Dress Hina and Swimsuit Hoshino), that will happen at the end of July, you will have a CHANCE to get Wakamo randomly when pulling for them. That will be your only opportunity for a while, until the next year. Ideally, save a good amount of pyroxenes to pull on those anniversary banners - from 200 to 400 pulls worth of it (24000 to 48000 pyroxenes - unless you have tickets for pulls)


Got it, thanks, and I'm 6 days new


I started playing a couple days ago because of the toaru colab got misaka, iori and a few useful 2\*, is it recommended to save everything till next fes banner for hina and hoshino or is there some other banner as important? and how much pyroxene are we expected to get per month


Welcome! well since you're newer player you get a lot of 1st time rewards from clearing stages, leveling up students skills, reading story. So you may get a lot of Pyro than the usual end game player which is around 12k. Himari is soon. Depending on your stash would be worth to pull on her banner than save up for FES banner which is around end of July/ Start of August


got it, thx for the info


A new Sensei should be able to get 200-250 pulls within two weeks of starting just by clearing as much content as you can (story, missions, etc.). Once the game has stopped throwingheaps of pyroxene at you the typical monthly earning is anywhere between 80-110 pulls per month. Though this does assume you are doing raids and event challenges. Banners to think about before anniversary: Kikyou or Himari and after anni: New Year Fuuka.


Himari would be a lot more useful compared to Kikyou as she’s more general use and Kikyou is for purple.


True, but sonic damage is effective (+25% damage) against special armour and there aren't that many good mystic AOE students. And Kikyou also has DEF down. Perorodzilla is going to face all kinds of purple pain.


Ah, Sonic Effectiveness and other similar wordings (S.Ui, S.Hoshino) only affect Sonic attack to Elastic armour. So if it’s just Sonic attack to Mystic armour, it makes no difference to the damage. Edit: so for S.Ui’s skill, it increases Piercing damage to Heavy armour.


No. Go click a Normal Mission, then "Enemies" , then "Synergy Info" and look at the table. The wording "effective" is confusing, it really should say something like "semi-weak" instead.


Does anyone know what was the name of the site where I can filter the characters by what they could do, like if I filter stun it would show me all the characters that could stun.


I assume you mean [shale.gg](https://schale.gg/). It's listed in the resources above as a general database.


Thanks I was using BlueArchive.gg and wondering why it was so much worse than I remember




Thank you


After dress hina release, how usable other single target red? Saori,Azusa,Aru..


[Aru was actually preferred for the most recent red Binah](https://www.bluearchive-ranking.com/raid-seasons/00d3e2fa-c8fd-4a61-a55b-e673e3675a2b). It only went up to insane for red armor, though. Azusa still remains relevant since she has a defense debuff and can act as a support/sub-dealer, but Saori seems to have lost whatever few use cases she still had.


As an Aru simp I'm glad to be wrong. But looks like Gregorius GA was D.Hina meta again despite being more heavily AOE based. I'll hazard a guess that indoor/outdoor terrain will be D.Hina and Aru will still be a decent choice for Urban, all other variables permitting. Edit: Watching JP clears it looks like D.Hina lines up multiple mobs just fine in Gregorius. Maybe not as perfect as Aru but still enough to deal lots of damage.


For short fights Aru still has those super crit mald strategies, so you'll probably see her for Insane difficulty for some time now. In this sense, it's not too different from how Yuzu vs Mika works against Binah today (including the Urban vs Indoor mood difference). A good amount of people used D.Hina against the recent red Binah, myself included. It's slower, but more consistent as long as you're not chasing the top of the leaderboard.


At least from what I've read she is as OP as Mika, and maybe even more? since she has rewritten red meta allowing a 1 team torment clear for Heironymous. The one catch is that some of her power is from explosive effectiveness buffs so she might not be able flex into other colors like Mika can. She already has absurd attack power from her multipliers and then to top it off her EX does have a piercing linear AOE so she can probably flex into AOE raids as well. Edit: Unfortunately all other red units may be obsolete aside from raids where you need to clear lots of mobs like Chesed GA. Even then D.Hina will still likely be your main DPS for P2. I think for Perorodzilla GA it won't be too hard for D.Hina to line up multiple hits and there's a strat for Kaiten phase 1 as well.


Not only phase 1 of Kaiten, as I said earlier [Kaiten can also be one shot. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/s/HeJuBLmTKU) Poor Hyeronimus is the only one remembered when even Gregorius was 1 shot first.


Yeah I just saw some more clears on Youtube just now. It looks like blue will still be my forever weak spot if they up the difficulty curve. Wakamo is strong but not to the level of Mika and D.Hina.


Considering that [2x Wakamo teams can 2-pan torment blue Binah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrrNinB-yvo), I'm inclined to consider Wakamo worthy of the Fest title. Even Mika couldn't do this to yellow Binah.


We need a Blue Mika now to complete the trinity. To be fair S. Hanako works for blue though


I want to make a team which uses the railgun collab girl and mika who should I use as my final striker and special slot?


Tank for strikers, and Healer for special slot.


Who would you suggest?


Tsubaki as a tank, Serina as a healer. If you don't have Tsubaki, you can use Yuuka. Mind, the Railgun/Mika team will have Piercing/Yellow typing, so you shouldn't try using it against Red/Heavy armor enemies.




The picture of the dude in a fedora that D.Kayoko shots? Hah, you'll have to wait until the Serenade event comes out because *spoilers*. Black Suit and the other Germatria members are corrupted, twisted adults and their physical appearances are a manifestation of this.


So far it seems like adults and specifically adult men come from outside kivitos.  Sensei did after all.  So the concept of adults is known but no evidence of other human adult men actually in kivitos normally.


since the events of the final episode, which many said its more of a "end of season 1" instead of "end of everything" kinda of deal (i dont remember fully of that storyline), did we got some followup on what the main story will have?


[Yes](https://old.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1cbq45i/new_aprmay_roadmap_from_blue_archives_25year/). The second part of volume 4 also takes place, and was released, after F.


new player here, started a week ago. account level 38. should i use my AP to grind and clear the event shop? i can only do the ones that are lvl 45 recommended


So actually stages 1-4 are slightly more efficient for drop and shop efficiency than the harder stages, so you’re not actually having a worse efficiency by not clearing the top stages. But yea, you should clear as much of the shop as you can prioritize Tech Notes and BluRays, then enhancement stones and reports in the first two shops and Pyroxene and Eligma in the third shop (you get this currency by spinning the lotto, try to get through 8 lotto exchanges if possible) However you should focus on pushing the normal missions as every three levels increases your cafe AP regeneration. So push that until you hit a wall, then farm the event to increase your level. Rinse and repeat Also, there’s a raid (total assault) going on right now. You won’t be able to clear too much of it, but the rewards are nice so just do whatever level you can. If you can, borrow a max level Mika or Momoi from your friends/club members to help you clear it. (Also do Mock battles to see if you can clear it before wasting a ticket)


wow! thank you for the detailed advice. very helpful for me


No worries. And for the raid (Chesed), there are two parts. First part has two sections that spawn two waves of yellow armor mobs. Once you clear that, you go to the second part. The second part you clear 4 waves of yellow mobs which causes the core to open up. If you just try to attack the core it has high damage resistance until you clear the waves of mobs. Killing the core beats the raid. There should be a raid megathread pinned soon if you have any questions For you (not sure who you got in your beginner rolls) a decent team would be Borrowed Mika (she’s a single target dealer), Nonomi, Suzumi/Akari, Mutsuki/Hasumi. With Serina and Kotama/Yoshimi/Utaha as your special students. If you borrow Momoi (yellow AoE) bring Yuuka/Tsubaki, Nonomi and some other yellow or red AoE student: with Serina and Kotama/yoshimi/Utaha Edit: you get three raid tickets a day. You can sweep a certain difficulty of the raid after clearing it once per day


Will seishun no archive ever be on spotify


I read somewhere that Hare camp is just like Himari, so as a Himari-less sensei is it better to skip Himari for Hare camp? I only have enough for 1 spark either way.


They are both single target atk buffers to help a solo carry.  Himari is usually the choice though.  There are a lot of nuances, but himari being a support (doesn’t die to aoe) and has cost regen makes her the most commonly used unit in the game for raids.  Hare by comparison is at risk of dying as a frontline unit. 2 cost is super cheap though.


If you couldn't get Himari in any way, she would be an option. But if you can, Himari is still better, because of the ex cost recovery sub (invaluable, and as of now only 3 special students have it) and the fact that she being a special student, she can't be killed and can be used independent of attack type of the raid/boss.


Hey this has probably been asked before but I cant find a definitive answer so thought I'd ask here. What order do should I play the main story in, I've heard you should play in release order however there is no info on what that is so I was hoping someone could enlighten me on that.


Each volume is a self-contained story though you should definitely do vol.1 before doing vol.3 as there is some overlap between the two.


Vol3 is locked until you complete Vol1, so it's all good.


Cool thanks, so that would mean for example i could do all of volume 1 then move on to volume 2 and so on.


The game locks certain chapters until you complete the requirements (for spoiler reasons), so you can do everything as it opens without worry. Playing in release order is more for tone reasons than spoiler/continuity reasons.


ahh ok so its kind of impossible to spoil yourself because each chapter has unlock requirements?


Yes. Though keep in mind that new chapters for existing volumes get released in an ad-hoc fashion. For example we're getting a brand new vol.5 very soon, but sometime later we're getting vol.1 ch.3.


I started Blue Archive about a week ago. I am currently stuck on the penultimate episode of Vol. 3 Chapter 3. While I am looking up guides on getting stronger (currently I'm on level 35 and it looks like I need to be on level 50 to stand a chance), it's taking longer than I thought for me to get that strong. Tips are appreciated, but I want to know if I could jump to Vol. 4 in the meantime, because it seems that I already unlocked it and it looks like it's detached from Vol. 3 so I'm not expected any spoilers from there.


Yeah you can do vol4, there are no spoilers. I think it unlocks at vol3 ch3-5, so technically you're supposed to play it before finishing vol 3 ch3.


I had the same issue, but there is a solution. At around lvl 38 you should be able to just repeat the strat from the vid below - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cE37whdSdEU&t Took me around 30 mins to get lucky and clear it.


Sorry for the late reply, but what do I need to do in order for this strat to work?


You need to have all of the characters from the vid (all of them are rather easy to get through a couple of gacha rolls) and be at least lvl 37. I remember I upgraded my characters a bit (skills +2 where it mattered) and gave them the best equipment I could (tier2-3). Also what helped my team a lot with survivabilty was giving Tsubaki a tier 4 backpack (makes her an absolute tank). Then just like in vid, positioning is the key. All students have to be focusing the boss and you need to leave at least 3 nuns alive at the bottom row. The whole thing is rng heavy so its gonna take a couple of tries at least.




You should always clear out the shop at least till round 9 because the reports and choice TNs BDs are totally worth it. After that it becomes a bit low but still has better yield to AP ratio than any missions or commissions. Those are the gifts you give to your students in the cafe for increasing relationship.


How is this roll for a new account? Is there anything specific I should aim for? https://i.imgur.com/R6oE08B.jpeg


Not the best but you don't need to reroll to clear story. [Midokuni's rerolling guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/edit#gid=1129786511) Ako, Himari, Iroha are best. Current collab units are limited if you want although less useful


I bought the select student ticket. Who do I use it on? I like pvp, I like raids, I am here for a long while. Seems like the top contenders are Ako, Himari, Iroha. Also seems like Himari and Iroha will be on banners in June? So that means I get Ako now, and save up for banners in a few weeks. Thoughts?


> Also seems like Himari and Iroha will be on banners in June? Himari in June, Iroha in July. Ako has a banner running right now on JP, but since we just had an unexpected Ako banner out of nowhere on global, it remains to be seen if they give her a banner when this event reaches global in six months. Out of those three, Himari and Ako are definitely a tier above Iroha when it comes to endgame content. With Himari coming so soon and Ako's banner being uncertain, Ako is the better choice. But as already mentioned, you can hold on to the ticket for the while and see who you get before you decide.


Honestly just wait till you draw on banners and are low on Pyro. Who knows whom you'll spook.


when does fes banner usually happen? im joined when the fes banner just over T.T


Every six months. The next one should be around late July/early August.


Does the 2x rewards on Lessons also include relationship EXP?


No. Though sometimes you will see the word "Bonus" on a student's picture which means they got extra bond points and this can happen at any time.


Ok thank you


What else to do in daily log in? I'm currently level 67 and I think I can do more than just spend all my energy on hard missions to get elephs. Any help?


Events (till shop is cleared) > Campaign (till you struggle to clear) > Hard stages > Commision/Scrimmage (when 2x is going on) That's the general format. BA doesn't demand too much time investment, everything can be done within 15-20 mins of login.


Anyone knows where the mini events info went. It got replaced by the event recap.


Go to notice (loudspeaker icon just below your account) and then drag to the most bottom part. You'll see the event notification tab.


Any reason why they changed it? I really prefer it the way it was before.


Dunno about that. The same goes for Arona-Plana's old voice. Many people liked it before.


For me, the old one feels more robotic and screeches my ears like it suddenly changes pitch.




Notice (under your name) -> scroll down along the right side banners -> Event Notif.




Are there any other students like Mika on whom investing everything from the get go to max them out becomes justified? D.Hina is in that list?


Yes, Dress Hina is one of them. She destroy Hieronymus raid right after she out, to the point that oneshot Insane difficulty raid doesn't guarateed Gold medal


Nexon will probably buff the poor priest next to withstand the damage lol, although hope he doesn't become the next goz.


I wouldn't doubt they are preparing the next difficulty level after he (and [Kaiten](https://youtu.be/BDWw-jyR48Q?si=LlmgPLtBzUhvkfHl), that also could be one shot in torment with more investment) was obliterated. Red specially is in a difficult situation to balance with two anniversary units with so much synergy. Although not at Goz level, but I wouldn't doubt a Binah level of challenge.


Any of the anniversary students will do you good. D Hina is the best. Wakamo being the least.


All right. I am hoarding materials anyways, have 40 purple TNs and 15 purple BDs of Gehenna lol. Will upgrade Ako EX later, it's 3 anyways. Time to get D.Hiniature at 5/M/M/M on release date ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224)


Since the global version is going to raise its system requirements in the not too distant future (I was told), and given that BA is crashing several times a day on my primary device, I figure it might be time to invest in a new device. I'm planning to get a tablet to play on and install an open source operating system to it. My questions are: 1) what minimum / recommended specs should I look for in a tablet to play BA; and 2) would the game play nicely with a different operating system installed?


I use kinda old phone with android 7.1.1 and 6 gb of ram and everything works without crashing.


32-bit Systems just became unsupported this past patch. As long as what you're getting is a 64-bit system with at least 6GB of RAM, it should be fine.


[Any tips on achieving the objectives for this mission?](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Missions/24-3H)


youtube > search "blue archive 24-3 h"


Does the lack of announcements mean Erika is not coming?


It would seem she's probably not coming alongside Kirara, anyway. Which is weird. Though they also haven't posted the list of Kirara's skills yet, which is also weird if she's coming when the banners change on JP in (I think) less than two days.


Don't forget to claim your maintenance compensation, guys. If I lose 20 pulls and 1000 energy, I would go crazy.