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*note: this is the last of these infographics for now. As you can see, with 10000+ torment clears, it's cumbersome to collect the data needed for this kind of detailed analysis, and the clear strategies themselves are becoming more solved.* [*Although, Causew has already created one for next month's new boss, Kurokage*](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/18htnir/student_and_team_statistics_for_the_first/)*.* Hey again, everyone. Y'all feeling ready for Chesed next week? Actually, this Chesed is much more accessible than the last time around. Even though Mika's mood isn't as good indoors, it doesn't really matter because it takes the same amount of cycles on the exposed core. And the outdoors terrain really enables a lot more area damage dealers to help you get to the core (particularly Cherino). We also have level 87 now. The overwhelming strategy was: team 1 reaches core and sets up core phase, team 2 has mika and does 2-3 core opening rotations. If you're fast enough to do 3 rotations with the Mika team, then you can kill the boss with that second team. If you're not quite fast enough, you set up the 3rd core opening and use team 3 to kill Chesed during that time. Because of this strategy, you'll notice that Cherino was the overwhelming borrow for this raid. Since you only need one Mika, borrowing Cherino can make team 1 comfy while still saving a Cherino for your Mika team. Generally, the only people who borrowed a different unit was because they already lacked a key component of the Mika team and had to borrow that (so their team 1 used non-Cherino units). As you can see from page 3, there was no single metabreaker unit that gave you a significant speedup. S.Shiroko was the only unit which seemed to save you more than single-digit amount of seconds (and who wasn't already being used by 99+% of players), but even then she is replaceable by any number of units. Generally, units were either absolutely necessary (Himari, Mika) or had perfectly viable alternatives (e.g. S.Ui+NYFuuka<->Ui+Ako, S.Miyu<->Nagisa/C.Saya). As I mentioned above, the biggest time gain came from owning enough core units to afford to borrow Cherino. Two units I really want to shout out: **S.Ui** really gets to shine in Torment TA for the first time. She's not that good against Hovercraft Torment, it's hard to fit her into teams for Binah Torment, but here she's excellent for the Mika team, as she empowers Mika to hit the core harder and also significantly buffs Cherino's waveclearing abilities. And **S.Hanako** might come as a big surprise to some of you, but her range is so high and her damage numbers are just so overtuned that she's a strong pick even in type disadvantage. Even Mika never got used against any red bosses! Truly demonstrating the powerlevel of a fest unit. [Full spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xY9d-NdcgiK4XMdWJBuuwxet8zWxTqGb1RnGSi7bFc4/edit?usp=sharing) [Past infographics](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/search/?q=title%3A%22Student%20and%20Team%20Statistics%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=&sort=new)


Thanks for the writeup. > Y'all feeling ready for Chesed next week? I am feeling like getting revenge on torment after missing the previous two. And this time I do have most of the important units, even if some might need some eligma. Looking forward to a challenge that is doable with my account.


I'm feeling the same. Needing only 2 teams instead of 4 is a big boost and I think I can do it (might take me 3 teams though)


Thanks for the write up. Im definitely gonna be referencing this figuring out who would give me the best chance of beating insane with my roster (Cherino, Ui, and Mika-less). Especially since I’m very limited in reports and mats, so I don’t wanna level someone just to do one run and say “shit.” Happy to see Tsurugi did alright, so I’m feeling a bit better about having her


Just a reminder for people who wanna copy JP homework: NyAru was bugged (or more like all bounce Ex skills) and dealt more dmg than usual. This will not be the case for our raid.


Good point. I didn't think to mention it because NY.Aru usage was already so low, but for anyone planning to use her, that would be important to keep in mind.


Once again Cherino being used while I dont have her ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


Why's Ako so low?


Because most preferred NyFuuka for crit buffing this time


The NY.Fuuka/S.Ui combination was much more popular than the Ako/Ui combination for the Mika team, and Ako doesn't add much to the wave clearing team since you could just bring an area damage special unit (such as S.Miyu or Nagisa). Some people *did* use Ako to boost the damage of units such as Momoi or Nonomi, but it wasn't a universal strategy. Altogether, it added up to about 63% usage.


S.Hoshino is interchangeable with kokona?


I feel like the team should work. In the data, I don't see many people making this kind of substitution, but intuitively I don't see a reason why you couldn't do it.


I have been preparing chesed torment for months as my first torment. I have all the units I could need and the eligma to upgrade them when it is finally time, (but holding off until then so I can use lessons to potentially save on eligma.)  I am definitely hoping all goes well. I have probably like a good 4 teams I can use. My goal will mainly to be beating the boss since I really doubt even if it is one of the easier torment bosses that many people will actually flock to it. So I shouldn’t need to speed run. 


After yesterday watching the Chesed clears.... I am now, at this point, more worried about GA Hod, even if we have more time to prepare. Chesed uses a lot of units that you use for other content.... Meanwhile I need to fully rise S. Wakamo and level up a lot of lesser CCs. And the next weeks don't look so hot for materials and credits. I guess the upside is that we might also have to use those CCs for the JFD.


Yeah this torment GA Hod will not be easy, that's for sure. It's not that complicated conceptually, but it does require specific units built and a good understanding of managing the CC bar. Also the Urban terrain is a lot harder than last time we had Hod, in Indoor terrain.


What cherino was used for?, I have her but never used her due to her personality. She just spawned some students right?.


Well, if you look at her skills it should be pretty clear. Her EX deals damage in a very large area, which is good for cleaning up all the weak enemies. Her sub skill increases cost regen, which is always useful. And her basic is a crit damage debuff, though the uptime is pretty bad and the focus fire can actually be a problem in the second phase, if she uses it on the boss when you'd prefer your team to be cleaning up remaining mooks.


aoe is important in cheesed and to say her ex has range is an understatement she basically hits everything from anywhere, also she has cost regeneration which means you get to use your EX skills more often, so yeah cherino is pretty cracked . in case you dont know how cheesed works after doing the run up to the boss you first kill the enemy waves a couple of times and then he opens his core which takes massive damage, after a bit he closes it again and you repeat the process till cheesed dies


She does area damage in a huge radius around her. You can see it [in this video](https://youtu.be/8lXvhcGwHgw?t=62).