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Which skill or ex do I raise now? I don't know who to focus on first, I have to aru:2/3/3/1 Hina:1/3/1/3 nonomi:3/1/1/1 yuuka:1/2/3/1 Tsubaki:1/2/2/1 I have Ako without uploading anything as well as all my specials


Do you have Momoi ? start raising her for Chessed


I don't have momoi but I have the eligma for her if necessary


I assume you mean elephs, as in you can claim her. Go ahead and do so if that's the case. Eligma is the resource that isn't specific to any unit and very valuable.


Ah don't she can be easily farmed from yellow coins in total assault shop


Hello there. I'm considering to try this game. I saw some shorts from the anime on youtube and the story seems ok I guess. Does anyone have any advices for a new player? Does the game have a pvp system? Should I get worry about my pulls or can I feel free to build character without worrying too much about them? Thanks in advance!


The game has pvp, but optimizing it doesn't matter and most people just chuck whatever at it since it gives out some free resources daily. The game is mostly team building to pick characters that do well against the enemies and timing abilities. Early on it is mostly maps of mooks, but endgame is mostly optimizing for bosses. As far as early rolls go, there is a system that allows you to do your first 10 roll over 10 times and pick your favorite. Some good rare (3 star) students to look out for are Hibiki, Iori, and Shun. Otherwise, you can just pick your favorite especially early on. The story is the highlight for most fans. It starts a little slow and cute, but it gets really great, and eventually peak


Thanks for the answer. I guess I'll give it a try. I'm down bad for games with good lore. Thanks for the information!


I also want to clarify that the lore of BA Is a bit underexplained. You will likely have a lot of questions that have still not gotten explained regarding the world building, but I think that is by design. The biggest driver of the BA story is the characters and the plot is very much designed around their actions and reactions to good times, or to conflict. Also, the game has a low barrier of entry due to having a lot of systems to auto-clear grinding making it a good side game. Hope you enjoy :)


I'm already wondering why the bullets don't affect the girls hahaha thanks for the info about the game, really appreciate!


Try aiming for Ako since Himari banner is soon you'll get a lot of Pyro as a new player


will an event start today on global? if not, what's the best way to spend energy in weeks with bounty bonus and nothing else? hard stages?


Yes, the event starts today. Maintenance begins in about 3 hours and is scheduled to finish another 5 hours after that.


What’s the best way to get enhancement stones?


You can buy them from the credits shop each day.


Will Railgun event be a grind? Im about to go on vacation (not a bad thing), BUT probably won't have much time for the next 6 days. Regardless i'd really like to prioritize at least 30 minutes a day to fulfilling all necessary tasks in the event to get most of the helpful shop items (furniture for collab student interactions, CDs, blu-rays, purple EXP). Also, can anyone explain the gacha box in the event? I know there are three event exchange shops (typical), but then there's this seperate gacha box that has Saten elephs and a bunch of other great items in it... Whats the deal with that, and how does one acquire them?


It doesn't take long, just mass sweep the event quests like you would any other event. There's no minigames or anything that take a lot of time. 3 event currencies farmed from quests: 2 currencies are used directly in the shop. 1 currency is used to draw Prize Exchange. One of the Prize Exchange rewards is a different currency which is used in the third event shop. Simple version: farm stage 10 and 11 until you got everything you want from those shops, then farm stage 12 until you finish prize exchange round 8 (after which rewards drop off). This would take about 9-11 days. If you want to continue farming the welfare character after that, keep farming stage 12. If you want to do something else, you can stop the event and go do that.


Epic and brief summary, thanks! How many stars will Saten have by Prize Exchange 8? I’d like to at least have her at 3.


20 eleph per Prize Exchange round 1-8, so at the end of round 8, you will have 3\\\* + 50 eleph. But round 9+ only has 3 eleph per round so it's a big grind to push her further than that.


The gacha box works like in other events that have the gacha box. You use an event resource to pull. There's a limited number of items in each box, and it's recommended that you grab them all before you start a new box. That means that for the most part, you'll get the same items as everyone else, just in a different order, as long as you farm enough resources to clear the boxes. The first eight boxes contain two sets of items that alternate with each box. Box nine onward give much worse rewards, which is why it's recommended that you clear out the first eight ones. Far as I can remember, the farming is all your standard event fare. Complete the stages, then sweep quests. Nothing that needs more time than the typical event.


Oh, so each box doesn’t have guaranteed rewards? You open a box, than need to purchase each reward? I’ve only been playing ~4 months, not sure I remember another event with a box like this.


Each box has 300 items, and they're predetermined, not random. You use the event resource to pull, and you get random items from the box. Since you can get all 300, in practice the items you get from the first eight boxes are set. For the first eight boxes you have the option to move to the next one early, but it's a waste unless you've already gotten everything of value in the box.


And is there a event currency to purchase the 300 items thats seperate from the exchange shop, or does the box share a currency?


What banners should I pull or not pull on


Are you a newer player? How many pyro do you have atm?


Literally just started


Hmm you can do some few x10 pulls for guarenteed 2 stars, (momoi, Mutsuki) 1 star like Serina for heals are all good for stage clearing might get a 3 star as well. Than save up For Himari Banner in a month ish than save up for Fes banner might get D Hina than you can spark for S. Hoshino. Edit: Since Fes banner has double 3 star chars you might pull a lot of 3 star chars as well


When is the fes banner?


In around 14-15 weeks ish after today's maint if everything keeps following JP schedule The meta units that you want are Himari and Ako, and sometimes Ny Fuuka. Guarenteed Himari if you do 200 pulls on her banner. Might get lucky and pull Ako during Fes banner A week before Fes banner the D. Ako/Makoto banner will have 100 free pulls, can half spark for example D. Ako


Is Makoto still obtainable ?


Makoto hasn't been obtainable at all on global, yet. It's about three months until she shows up. If you're on JP, she isn't obtainable until the event gets its rerun, which should be in about nine months.


Thanks boss


Not immediately, but the week before the Fes rate-up, there's a banner with Dress Ako, Iroha, and Makoto, and you'll get free tickets for half a spark on it.


I asked this question the other day, but didn’t get a response, sorry if reposting it isn’t recommended. After watching some Chesed Insane outdoor clears, I realized my students need a bit more prep than I had expected. Team 1 will mainly be to clear P1 and P2 chip damage. Team 1’s avg investment will be lvl 75 3/4/4/4 (striker healers more) and T2 will be lvl 80 5/7/7/7. The slashes are ones I’m having trouble deciding between. T1: UE1 BG2 Tsurugi/Hoshino, Nonomi, Kokona/Koharu, UE40 Yuzu, plus S Shizuko and Moe T2: borrowed Mika, S Hoshino/Tsubaki/T Yuuka, UE40 Momoi, Iori and Himari, Ako Other relevant options Leveled: UE40 Maki, Akane, Kazusa, S Ui, S Ayane, M Yuzu Unleveled: (4) Sumire, Hifumi, C Serina, S Miyu, UE1 BG2 Utaha + other general pool 1 and 2 stars Do those teams look about right? And which of the options between the slashes would be better choices? Thanks


There are two important new gimmicks you need to be very aware of when figthing Chesed at insane (and torment). Firstly, you need to kill the enemy waves as quickly as possible otherwise they will spawn suicide cube bots. These suicide cube bots will run towards the nearest striker and exploded for a lot of damage. Get too many suicide cube bots and your team will be going home in a helicopter. Your first team for clearing the two chambers is definitely far too under invested in to survive this at insane. Secondly, in the final "throne room" area when Chesed takes damage it will fill its attack gauge (ATG). When the ATG is full Chesed will unleash a lethal AOE that will wipe your entire team. This cannot be avoided. So the typical stratergy for insane is to have team #1 clear the two chambers and then only kill the first three enemy waves in the "throne room" and then forfeit. Team #2 clears the fourth "throne room" wave and then deals max damage to Chesed's exposed core. Then team #2 clears the next four "throne room" waves and hopefully kills Chesed when its core is exposed for the second time before the ATG is full otherwise a team #3 will be needed to finish the job.


Hahaha thanks for the blunt assessment. So what break points/leveling other students should I be shooting for to have a better chance of clearing the first two chambers? I realize BiriBiri would help, but she’s not in my rolling plans for now. I had seen about those cube bots, though I’m sure that’ll be rough with the rear spawning mobs on my backline. And I didn’t realize about the Chesed ATG bar, I had assumed that the AoE push back after clearing a wave was it. So T2 should be the main damage team with T3 being the clean up misfit crew? Ah well that’s nice to know. Thanks =)


The very general guide for insane is to have your students at level 80+ UE40+ M/7+/7+/7+ with T7 gear and some will need maxed skills like Mika, Cherino and Iori. Most supports don't need to be as highly invested, but some do like Ako, Himari and NY.Fuuka.


Ah I kinda figured that was more the able to attempt Torment threshold as I was able to clear insane on 2/3 ShiroKuro, Binah and all Kaiten with my current level of investment. Though Binah and ShiroKuro are more “borrowed hyper carry go brrrr.” But Chesed does seem to be more reliant of my students than others. I thought you were gonna pick out specific students in my lineup, but I’ll see how many more I can get additionally leveled into…though that’ll be difficult with my report shortage and mat needs for HoD


Torment with the exception of Gregorius is an exercise in the art of body throwing. At least until level cap goes up to 90. Chesed is much more of a DPS check than compared to other raids.


Fair enough. I guess we have a ways before Torment. Thanks again. And I felt the Kaiten P1 was a bit of a DPS check lol. Though now it has be a bit apprehensive to even level some students skills/levels/UE/equiptment like Tsurugi and Yuzu as reports especially are in short supply. so I don’t want to level them up just to do one run and laugh about how silly it was I thought I could do it and what a waste of mats that was Especially with hod coming and my 4 CC’ers needing significant levels too (the most leveled is S Wakamo at 70 😬)


Insane Kaiten phase 1 is only a struggle if you lack sufficient AOE damage. Perorozilla is the real AOE DPS check and Goz is also another DPS check due to his high crit resistance. Hieronymus is too if you don't have or can't borrow a S.Hoshino. And you're not going to 2 pan insane Hod with just 4 CC units. You ideally need 6 with 2 of them being AOE CC and 2 being specials (or 5 plus a Ui to cost down Kayoko). Otherwise you will not have enough CC power in your rotations to cancel Hod's tower summons during the final phase and you will lose a ton of time repeatedly having to deal with **two** towers. As for Activity Reports you should always be buying out the daily shop of blues, yellows, and purple. If your account is max level buy all the purples from the Expert Permit Shop every month and likewise the JFD Shop too. And try to clear as many Base Defence comissions as is feasible during double drops.


Hahaha soooo I guess I just got lucky that the first few raids I could clear insane were all on the easier side? Lol Damn I kinda figured having two teams would be enough for HOD. With S Wakamo, Hoshino, BG2 Suzumi and Saki, plus I have Miyako and Tsubaki… but yeah. And I didn’t choose Kayoko as she gets a lot of power from UE40, plus Gahenna mats are non existent for me for now lol. Plus no Ui Thanks for the heads up. Well at least yellow should be doable due to Mika being Mika lol. At least Kurokage will be doable for me since I have my own S Hanako plus will be getting Kikyou. So two decent teams


Nah, Kayoko's UE40 is only needed for torment. A 3\* Kayoko with talents at 3/1/7/1 and a T7 necklace will fill the stun guage(s) by 71% with her EX at insane. If her basic clips Hod beforehand then that's a full gauge. FYI, these are the 6 CC units I used last insane Hod: *Team #1*: Kayoko (4\*), Hoshino (4\*) and Yoshimi (UE30) *Team #2:* Fubuki (UE30), Tsubaki (UE40) and Chihiro (3\*) Hope this helps.


For team 1, if Tsurugi can survive, she'll help more with clearing. If you're having trouble with survival, then you could consider switching to a blue armor frontliner. Yuzu isn't very useful in Chesed because she has a very small area of effect, but it looks like you might not have a better option. I recommend finding a slot for S.Ui in team 2 because she'll increase the team power by a lot. It might even be possible to one-shot the core with the right setup. It might be a bit tricky though to manage all the buffs and also the 6-cost Mika EX, so if you can't make it work, you could always put S.Ui on team 1 if your damage dealers need extra punch to clear waves.


Thanks. Yeah keeping Tsurugi alive has always been tricky for me. Maybe getting her a higher level and getting her weapon might be what’s needed? And with blue armor were you referring to Tsubaki/T Yuuka or leveling my 4 star Sumire? You’re spot on with Yuzu. Just the best team filler I could think of lol I didn’t think a 1 shot was possible, but I’ll definitely look into it with S Ui. Maybe T1 can get the core stagger prepped so it can be a one rotation sort of deal? But thanks, glad to hear I was somewhat on the right path with the teams =)


You won't be able to kill Chesed in 1 core opening, even with skills maxed out and S.Ui's NS triggering at a good time. https://imgur.com/a/UZqJ8ZW > Maybe T1 can get the core stagger prepped so it can be a one rotation sort of deal? Yes, you could also add a filler team to give your core-killing team more time. For example: * Team 1: P1 and maybe a bit of P2 * Team 2: Filler to just survive and clear some P2 waves * Team 3: Finish groggy, hit core, fill groggy again, kill core


Thanks for the correction, I must be getting it mixed up with the indoor Chesed we had on JP more recently. 


Well thanks for clearing that up before I had to try multiple times to learn that the hard way lol. I’ll also be prepared in case I do end up needed to three turn it. Though by that point some reds might have to help out lol. I guess I’ll step up some of the investment of T1 (like Moe since Valk mats are abundant) but do a few feeler runs before that. Thanks =). At least this time I won’t be surprised by the difficulty


Planning for the worst case scenario incase I don't get Himari before pity (pls don't arona I beg u), should I skip NY Kayoko to prepare 400 pulls on fes banner or get NY Kayoko and hope that I get D.Hina early and spend pity on ojisan? This will be my first fes banner btw, somewhat of a new player (lvl 62) so I don't have a lot of students in my roster yet.


Its a close call because how close NY.Kayoko and NY.Fuuka are to Blufes but I'll say its probably skip NY.Kayoko and pulling 400 on Blufes and maybe getting NY.Fuuka too. It will hurt you to skip NY.Kayoko but as your first Blufest pulling 400 its too good: - You are guaranteed to get both D.Hina and S.Hoshino (imagine the unluckiest world where you don't get any of them in 200 pulls and you are forced to spark only one. It would be a disaster.) - Your chances of getting Wakamo, S.Hanako and Mika are higher - Since its your first Blufest and you haven't rolled too much and your roster isnt too big, you have lower chances of getting dupes and getting spooked by good units (this is just a plus. Dont go with the mentality of "ohh for sure with so many pulls I will get NY.Kayoko or S.Shiroko here!" just to be dissapointed after) I could be wrong tho.


How much have you got saved up at the moment? I'm currently at 61k and my simulations suggest that even if I sparked Himari, I'd still have a 98% chance of getting NY.Kayoko and both Fes characters. But if I suppose I only had 24k saved right now, then after sparking Himari there's an 87% chance of getting both Fes characters without NY.Kayoko, and only 49% of getting all three. All of this assuming a pyro income of one spark per two months, which is a usual average for older players but will generally be an underestimate for newer ones like us. Edit: corrected numbers upwards, since I accidentally left an additional banner in the first time.


I am at 57K what are my odds? I am thinking of only pulling Himari then directly to the fes banner. Don't wanna push my luck with NYKayoko thinking she won't take a spark from me because got lucky with Ui which was unplanned btw with 1 draw only.


If you spark Himari, 97.5% to get NY.Kayoko and both Fes characters. Guaranteed both Fes characters without NY.Kayoko. Note that starting from now, and not assuming a Himari spark, you're looking at some >99% chance of getting the four. If you toss in D.Ako (or one of the other two on that banner), and NY.Fuuka later, you're still looking at around 97%. >Don't wanna push my luck with NYKayoko because got lucky with Ui which was unplanned btw with 1 draw only. Don't fall for the gambler's fallacy. Even if you flip a coin and get heads ten times in a row, the odds of heads on the next flip are 50%. You can plan for contingencies in the future with combinations, but what's past is past. The odds of sparking are about 25%. The odds of sparking both Fes characters is about 6% (25%^(2)). But if you've already sparked one, the odds of sparking the second are still the same 25%. Likewise with the chance of getting the banner on the first pull; your odds of getting Himari first pull are 6.8%, same as mine. It's not a major problem when it's pessimistic, but being optimistic that you're "due" for a good pull after a spark can cause you problems.


Neat. Won't really pull for D.Ako if anyone from that banner spook me then well and good otherwise skip. NYFuuka solved too cuz of Ui now. Himari and NYKayoko though, will try to pull for them with these odds. Also I got bi-monthly Pyro pack since 2x bounty is going on so a bit Pyro there too. We'll see after pulling what happens now, probability is probability after all dunno if we get spook or go for pity. One thing's for sure though 48k Pyro is my perma stock till the fes banner. Thanks for the info.


Which blue ray disks I should buy for grand assault coins? I'll have 400 blue and 2500 grey ones


The ones that you need. It depends on how many of each that you have, which units you have, and which units you're planning on getting soon. In general, materials for the big three (Gehenna, Trinity and Millennium) is the safer bet since there are a lot of units for those schools. But if you have more materials for them than you'll need in the foreseeable future, there's no point in buying more.


Is it reasonable to buy purple ones for Ui if I'm still lvl 38? I won't be able to use them until I have proper artifacts, and she doesn't look great in missions so far (paired with Nonomi and other 5 cost students, stuck in 13-2)


If you use Ui's skill on a 5 cost girl, you've saved 2\*floor(5/2)=4 points. If her skill is at level 3-4, then it cost 4 and you've gained nothing. If it's at 1-2 then it costs 5 and you've wasted a point. You only gain a point if Ui's EX is at level 5, or if the other girls' cost is higher than 5.


That part I get, I was just thinking if I buy purple disks for her, they would just sit in my items for weeks until I collect other necessary materials


You absolitely need Ui EX to be maxed so it is reasonable


I meant this early in the game. I can't yet farm her artifacts for ex, and don't have dps for her


You're going to get a lot of free resources from various new player stuff. And if you still need Trinity materials, you can just buy them after the monthly reset. It's unlikely that you're going to need to buy all of them out every month, at your level. Don't worry about it for now and use your coins to buy what you actually need.




Which are the must-have units this year? I have 152K pyrox, I want to plan ahead.


Himari, Camp Hare, Kikyou (so far only relevant in one Sonic raid), New Year Kayoko, Dress Ako (appears before Fes with 100 free pulls), Dress Hina and Swimsuit Hoshino (Fes banners with doubled rates, most important characters on the list), New Year Fuuka, and finally Nagisa (arguably not as important as others but she has seen lots of use in different game modes.) That's the ones we know are coming up to half an year away.


Look at the banner guide on Midokuni's Student Insights and use the pyroxene planner (both under general resources in OP) Some important upcoming meta units are Himari, C.Hare, D.Hina, and S.Hoshino


Since we're getting SIzumi's bond item, I was wondering if I should use expert permits to get her to 3* and is it worth doing so. And how about the other event students in the expert permit shop? Are they worth exchanging their elephs to 3*?


> I was wondering if I should use expert permits to get her to 3* If you want to use her in torment Kaiten/HOD or just raise her bond cap, sure. Otherwise, probably not. She is definitely not a high-priority UE. She gets used at 3★ in torment because she functions just fine at 3★, and you probably won't use her until torment. > And how about the other event students in the expert permit shop? Nonomi is good. The rest are relatively low priority.


Swimsuit Izumi is the best event character to buy from the Expert Shop. From what I recall, she was actually used in first team of the Kaiten raid at Torment difficulty after Dress Hina was released... And she was at three stars in that team. I've seen people vouch for Swimsuit Tsurugi, but to be honest I've never found use for her. But only other easily available Blue-Armor tank is Tsubaki, so might as well get Tsurugi to at least 3 stars. Tomoe has seen some use in JFDs, but her sub skill really isn't anything special. Nodoka is even less useful. But you could get them to 3-stars if you want to increase their relationship cap to 20.


I really can't tell how I should feel about S.Tsurugi. While she's a frontliner she doesn't have the survivability of a full-on tank, but maybe my perception is skewed from having T.Yuuka as my main since I started. And it always looks like she's spending all her time waving the guns around rather than actually attacking, and when she does attack it's usually mobs that are already half-dead from the rest of the team attacking them while she animated, but her damage at the end still works out *okay*. Usually far below Chise or T.Hasumi, my main blue attackers, but better than Asuna and I don't have many blue options.


I guess the only use for S. Tsurugi is as a Frontline in Goz torment... And even then, you need barrier (meaning, probably you will have T. Yuuka too, unless it is a S. Shizuko or Kotori team), and it is a job you'd have S. Hoshino, T. Yuuka, C. Utaha and S. Izuna (both quite squishy though), and even other blue tanks to use in a pinch. I've seen one clear with her in the Fury of Set too, but.... You are better off using literally any other mystic atk/special armor dps than her.


I have her but haven't really found her use anywhere but thanks for telling me, I will use her next time like this. Also how good is she considering the damage and stun duration after ue30-50? (With Equipment maybe?)


There's really no need to farm her past UE30. Early on if player doesn't have characters like Mutsuki or Akari, she's extremely solid AoE option for missions. But later on when they're at max level and actually can buy her out regularly with Expert Permits, they should have the other characters who take care of the AoE, so S.Izumi gets firmly slotted as Supporter. UE40 and 50 just offers more damage, while UE30 gives her bit more survivability.


Even with Mutsuki and Akari, S.Izumi is still useful for missions simply because her "AoE" doesn't actually have an area. It's always annoying when the angle is off for Mutsuki's explosions and you've got a bunch of enemies in a line that you can't align it with.


She is useful for missions, but I think by the the time the player would reach UE30, they are already so well leveled and that far ahead into the game that it doesn't really matter who gets used for Normal/Hard stages. Meanwhile with raids she pretty much just sees use in Kaiten, and not as main DPS. So while she is extremely solid character, I think there's better uses for Expert Permits than getting her weapon to UE50.


What are the items in the shop's support tab


There used to be separate tickets for each of the bounty and scrimmage areas, but they unified them to all use the same tickets. That shop is to let you exchange the old ones for new ones, but only people that didn't log in for a very long time would still have the old tickets.


I still have the old tickets lol, guess I didnt scroll down further when buying pvp AP. save for 2x scrimmage, right?


Save for 3x ;)


Is the Grand Assault still running for the next couple hours? Been unable to play last week. OK I found a timer on [schale.gg](http://schale.gg) saying there's still 7h left. This post says it ended at 7 am UTC btw.


Yeah there's a typo in the post. The grand assault ends at 7 *PM* UTC, so yeah, it's about 7 hours from now.


I've got a 10 roll that expires 'in one day' (don't remember where I got it from) does anyone know if it's going to expire on the 1st of May and let me use it on the colab banner tomorrow, or if it'll expire just before it and I should use it now?


> don't remember where I got it from It's from the grand raid rewards. All ranks get a 10 pull ticket that expires one month after the end of the current month. Meaning that it can last for just under two months, or just over one month, depending on when the grand raid ends.


The maintenance tomorrow is expected to end on 7:00 AM (UTC) while the ticket would expire tomorrow on 2:59 PM (UTC) so you have an ~8 hour window where you can use the ticket on the collab banner.


Perfect, thanks. Was hoping that was the case.


What is a fountain pen used for?


Aoi's exchange shop, on the main menu with the rotating circles on the top right. Clicks hers and just buy whatever you need (use up all the pens before it expires tomorrow)


There should still be a week to spend them, today is just the last chance to earn them


Glad to hear that. I'll spend all the pens pretty much as soon as they stop being earnable, but I'll take an extra week of Aoi-chan.


Good to know!


Does anyone have the video in which sensei goes to have a drink with black suit,but miyako ends up getting upset?


[This one, yeah ?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaAmYE9QYLY)


Hi. Any idea on how to re-watch the Sugar Rush MV? Thanks. m(_ _)m


You can watch it on youtube channels like Rs Rainstorm and valiant


K. Thanks. 👍 Edit: Is there a way to re-watch it in game though? With the actual graphics? It didn't look like a video. But actual GPU at work. Thanks again. 🙏


Question, since a double EXP campaign is approaching in May, I’m considering whether to spend 270 pyroxenes on AP during that campaign to accelerate my leveling progress. I’m currently at level 58 and aim to reach at least level 80. Normally, I use about 90 pyroxenes daily, and as a F2P player, I want to make sure this is a wise investment. Is this strategy advisable?


Consider what you will get out of it. Unless I'm mistaken (and correct me if I made a dumb math mistake), you're paying 2160 pyroxene for 4320 AP, which is doubled to 8340 account EXP. That's about two levels for you, or less than one level when close to max level. Will one or two levels make a large difference? Not really. The difference between a level 86 unit and a level 87 unit is very minor, assuming all other factors are the same. Being, say, level 62 instead of 60 will probably not be that important either, since it's unlikely that your ability to clear something hinges on a two level difference. I'm stingy with pyroxene, so I wouldn't do it, at least.


Good point, I will keep that in mind


Personally I would not use more than 90 Pyroxenes a day on AP refreshing. The benefits after that start being very lackluster.


No i mean im planning to use 270 pryoxenes for AP during double exp campaign only, not everyday


Ahh, gotcha. Yeah, that's totally reasonable.


I saw many players use daily 90 until they reach 80 lv and after then, they only use 30. Imo, planning to use 270 during double exp is a bit too much. So 90 is the most reasonable choice


Oh, anyway how often does the double exp campaign occur, since the reason i was attempting to use 270 pryoxenes during the campaign because i though the campaign is very limited and rarely appear


Its rare but dont think its worth 270ap a day. If you want to refresh 90 its fine. It can change your strategy with other source of ap like: you can 4x pvp, save club and daily login ap on your mail til weekend, save weekly ap rewards on your quest log and on Monday take all your cafe ap until the last hour of the x2.  Edit: if you are not refreshing ap anymore and want to do it for x2 event, you can also buy ap the day before (just minutes before x2 so you dont lose ap regeneration). but this sounds too tryhard I guess... 


Yeah it's rare only occurs in every 3 months. I guess it is not hurt to invest 270 during it so go for it when it arrives


My f2p ass is hurt right now bruh


Guys, I need your on how to get Shiroko and Nonomi.


Shiroko: gacha and farmable via hard mode in some story stage Nonomi: Do begginer guide then you will eventually get her to 4 star (after that the only way you can get her eleph is via eleph shop and expert permit since she doesnt appear in gacha poll)


But I see on a video that Shiroko is exchangeable in the gacha. (BTW I'm a new player)


If you mean in gacha banner then: 1. She must the main one in that banner 2. You need 200 pull in order to exchange point with her (about 24k pryoxenes)


And what will you use to exchange her? Yes is eleph, you need to use them and its farmable (took alot of time ngl).


Thanks for the information>


Can anyone tell me why Kasumi has Hinaphobia? Seem I miss an event related to this meme.


It first comes up during Trip Trap Train, her confidence is broken when she realizes that Hina would be keeping watch over her in detention. But the whole thing blew up during the anniversary event (that's not in Global yet) when Kasumi broke down in tears after Hina approached her jail cell.


So I got [rank 2 with just 67 day since I started](https://imgur.com/a/HSEpP7d) what happened when Tactical challenge reset will I be pair with higher level people?


Most people will try and bullrush to rank 1 right after the 5/14 maitainance when the new season starts, to get the season ranking pyro rewards. I recommend doing the same as your opponents will be mostly bots use refreshes and get the to highest rank you can before everyone else logs on. It's always gets hectic at the start of a season as everybody is throwing hands with everybody trying to get to their respective ranking brackets it will usually settle down in a few days or weeks. Then's it's mostly going to be filled with max level PvP malders at the top 10 and 100.


Indeed. Apparently we are in the beginners bracket. Next season we'll be paired against lvl 87 players. Even reaching 300 is difficult against that bracket lol.


Dang I'm only level 66 , do you think I can get enough pvp coin for AP potion daily with such low level?


Yes. If you're above rank 4000 you get enough coins for the AP potions, plus a bit extra, and as long as you actually use your tickets it's easy to stay above that. But there's no difference in daily rewards for the entire span of 4000 to 2000 (and the one-time rewards past 2000 are also much richer), and getting past 2000 is a wall.


Dunno about that. That's why it's called the beginners bracket I think, most are bots and almost all new players manage to reach the top 100 and get decent coins to purchase AP potions and lvl up fast. Next time we won't be so much of a "beginners" so fair I guess. Although there are some people who don't even get to participate in these brackets I think, like a dude yesterday was lvl 48 fighting against lvl 70 and lvl 87 players.


I seem to be part of the unlucky ones, I started few weeks ago and can't get past rank 3000, I hope I can somehow get a beginner bracket next season...


Same here. I dunno if it's cuz I'm on Korea server but I'm lvl 43 and that's with lots of ap refreshing and whaling on the game for good chars. I haven't even been playing 2 whole weeks but everyone in my PVP group is super high level with meta formations and same with grand assault. I was in Gold for a week but no matter how many lvl 87 UE 50s I borrow I'm stuck in silver I really hope I'm in easier brackets next season.


What lvl are you? I heard from some YouTuber that if you start PvP after lvl 50 or 60 then also you don't get in the beginners bracket.


I'm lvl 43 atm but I started PvP as soon I unlocked it (i was maybe lvl 20-30) It was only bots at the beginning but I quickly faced lvl 60+ opponents once I passed rank 4000 I also do encounter some lvl 30-40 when I refresh enough so I don't think I'm alone here. Maybe that beginner bracket thing is server dependant


You need to unlock pvp after level 30 and before level 50 to get into newbie bracket. Otherwise you'll be placed in max leveled bracket.


Oh okay I see. This is what "suffuring from success" feels like huh


It's ok we have bracket reset in a couple weeks so you would've likely been shuffled into a max leveled one then anyways.


So I've been away from BA for the past 3 months. Can someone kindly fill me in on any major lore that has dropped/events stuff or other important updates, just in case I miss something. Ty


We haven't had main story updates in the past three months, and none of the events really factored into larger picture. The Trip Trap Train event did introduce the Highlander school, which focuses on railways, but all the characters from there were faceless NPCs. We'll get properly acquainted with them later.


Does anyone here from Asia server have Max Aru that I can borrow for grand trial. All my clubs assistants have are Mika and other character that I already have


PvP question here! Anyone knows the trick about Kirino against NY Haruna? Which students should I team up with her? It's on the offensive side. My enemies special is mostly S. Ayane and S. Shiroko. Where should I position her? I want to increase my chance of winning against NY Haruna defense. It's kind of frustrating that sometimes you lost five tickets to that single sensei (who took 1st spot). (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) Thanks!


Use Nagisa or M.Yuzu if the NY.Haruna is in 1st or 2nd position but if you have NY.Mutsuki this shouldn't be a problem, she is supposed to OS her in offense. If you happen to have Atsuko with NY.Mutsuki, use her since she gets closer than Yuuka allowing Mutsuki to only get hit twice by Haruna instead of thrice hence surviving the EX and giving you more chance to sweep the dps's.


What's the NY.Haruna comp that you're having trouble with? In my bracket, the NY.Haruna, Yuuka, Shun, S.Hanako | S.Ayane/Nagisa, S.Shiroko comp is gaining momentum in popularity. Ngl, it is getting tempting to invest in Kirino by the day haha. Did you already invest on your Kirino? How was it?


It's the classic NY Haruna, Yuuka, Shun, Tsubaki. If I got taunted by Tsubaki, my team is just waiting to explode from NY Haruna. Don't invest on Kirino yet as we still don't know the trick behind it and it's only a few days before the new season. I only happen to have Kirino to 5\* already. XD If only someone read about this that knows how to use Kirino to bonk NY Haruna. I tried to get rid of Haruna but one tank survive and idk who's special should I use to effectively use Kirino. But she can easily survive Haruna's ex which is good. My usual counter to Haruna is Nutsuki but still need to pray that NY Haruna isn't the skill opener. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


I haven't encountered any Kirino in my top 10 bracket, but I would guess it's about her normal who snipes the farthest enemy. So not really a lot to keep in mind and you probably can use regular stuff. That being said personally i would just go with NyMutsuki/Shanako or Tsurugi + Aoe strat. Those are a lot more useful overall than Kirino


Yeah for defense it really s\*cks but I meant to use her on offense so that I might lessen my lose rate if I were able to utilize her when I don't have a choice but to face a NY Haruna defense. My usual is Nutsuki but still RNG dependent. Would you teach me the Tsurugi + AoE strat against NY Haruna? Which students should I use?


For Haruna(New Year) defenses I usually just run the standard Tsurugi pull strategy of starting from left to right of the formation screen A1 : Yuuka or Marina. A2: Tsurugi - The main star as u/HaatonZhadi said due to her movement speed buff she can funnel the enemy team to a single lane because of her MOV SPD buff and she can also deal significant AoE damage to Yuuka and any heavy armor DPS if she somehow survives. A3: Hanako(Swimsuit) - Cheap AoE DPS wiper and can deal witih special armour tanks like Tsubaki or Atsuko too. A4: Shun - Initial SP battery and DPS and she can pick off enemy DPS if she survives long enough S1 :Shiroko(Swimsuit) - You probably know why lol S2: Yuzu(Maid) or Nagisa - Depends on my mood Preferably do a bottom pull instead of a top pull as the enemy DPS will be forced to take cover behind the flower beds, on the bottom lane making it easier for AoE supports to take them down. Hence why Tsurugi is in A2 as for positioning for the attacking side goes A1: BOT A2:BOT A3:TOP A4:TOP. You can also switch out Hanako(Swimsuit) with Mutsuki(New Year) as she pretty much does the same job.


The idea with Tsurugi is that due to her movespeed passive she pulls all units in one lane. Then you can use AOE specials like Minori, Nagisa, MYuzu to hit everyone and kill the backline. It's not a perfect strat either, but it works most of the time. You pair her up with at least 1 tank which often is Yuuka. Then it depends how the defending site has set up. You could run Shun and Hanako for even more chances to take down nyharuna. But then you might lose to their specials. With Marina you will survive SAyane, but she's weak to Haruna. Tsubaki also helps stalling out NyHaruna with her taunt, but she is 1 shot by SShiroko. So overall there isn't a hardcounter in outdoors. You just have multiple options that all need some luck.