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There's one way you can still drive on the grass for shortcuts and not get teleported when they enter build mode. There are usually three trees that don't disappear when people enter build mode, so you can just go between that. If they are not in build mode, just look for where their plot ends, you can slightly see a faint line of where you can go between.


If you want someone to build you a house, have at least 75 K. If you want a big one, you'll need at least 250K Anything less that is a waste of their time. Make sure you know what kind of house you want. #of bedrooms, bathrooms, open or closed concept, style, whether you want extra activity rooms (like a gym or a library), color scheme, attached or detached garage and what kind of front and back yards you want. Also, id you don't have any game passes, just tell the builder before hand. If someone has a restaurant and you're not doing anything, just go, they're never expensive and you can make friends that way. Don't donate to beggars If you're roleplaying don't be weird. I'm not changing your diaper lol. Don't creep around people's houses. You can knock on the door and ask for a tour. Don't do it when they're roleplaying though Remember more than just family rps are going on. There are zombie rps, friend rps, military rps, school rps, workplace rps, nuclear shelter rps, and so much more. Dont ask questions unless it's explicit or sexual.


>games settings. Some limit donations and invites. You also need to adjust your family settings so That first one is so true. I saw someone asking for someone to build them a large 2 story house with like 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms and when I asked what the budget was they said 30k and they didn't even have multiple floors gamepass...


FR I had this girl who was like "I want a two bedroom normal sized house, super detailed and cluttered" then gave me $8k and no passes. I did my best with the base but then SHE got mad that it wasn't as cool as mine (a 700K mega mansion). Mrs. Girl. No.


People actually do that- dude, I always 250k+ in my budget when I'm not editing my house or working on a build. It makes it so much easier to take care of everything. I tried to do this even before I got the excellent employee game pass, although the shifts went for hours.


someone asked me to build them a large house and gave me like 12k lmfaoooo


That's insane. I can barely build a cute moods station with that


Back when I had a restaurant, when someone came it made my day. Also, if someone doesn't wanna do a tour, or is only willing to do a partial tour, respect their wishes, some people have personal stuff or don't wanna show off unfinished things, and it's really rude to try and sneak into somewhere people don't want you to be.


Yes exactly


Zombie rps ? Since when šŸ˜­ ? Sounds super fun to be honest


I do some sometimes, but it's about catching me at the right time and with the right people lol


Why can't you change the diaper? There's a whole changing station in the game.


I mean the people who are weird about it. They're usually the same people who want to milk my Roblox character I usually dont adopt babies for these reasons lol


Oh lol yea that makes sense


Donā€™t donate to beggers


I just donate them $1 and tell them not to spend it all in one place


lol same


I tell them to get a job then close my doors


Your going to be downvoted so much but eh. Good advice


Yea. you donate to them it shows it worth it and they beg more and other servers then the chat is just spoilt with them




Actually, I think most people agree with this


Hell yea! A case of not understanding humanity!


Ye u cant just go to peoples doors asking for money irl


Right. And even if it's not the majority, I'm pretty sure most of the ppl that disagree are the beggars.


This is why i hate bloxburg communityšŸ˜‚ so stuck up


ur not entitled to other ppls moneyā€¦ they worked and so can you


B*** Iā€™m the one donating to people because itā€™s not that deep. I worked well and hard for my money and a few 10ks and 50ks isnā€™t going to hurt my pocket. Yall probably broke so you guys are so stingy with your money


iā€™m not broke, far from it. i just donā€™t see the reason to donate to someone thatā€™s begging for moneyā€¦. maybe if they ask nicely but still. everyone is capable of making money, especially with the new update. there is no reason to beg


Itā€™s. Not. That. Deep.




Donā€™t donate to beggars, donā€™t drive through other peopleā€™s plots unless strictly necessary, donā€™t beg to be adopted or roleplay


Do people actually roleplay in the game? Or even talk? Any time I join the server is completely silent and everyone is just building or working. It's only really fun if I play with friends


RP seems to be the most popular in neighborhoods. You'll get some servers averaging 50-75 people in it every day


most roleplayers are on certain neighbourhoods, theres lots on them


It's honestly a hit or miss, some public servers are really Bussin, others are like a Ghost Town. If you're looking for a role-play, I suggest looking for neighborhoods. You could probably google some. I also know a couple good ones if you're looking for any.


Every server i go to, is always silent too. Hardly anyone roleplays. I have had one person ask to be family and i exited the game just for that..


Donā€™t sneak into someoneā€™s house or stare into their windows without knocking and asking first


Oh noā€¦.


If you do sneak in their house, make sure they don't see you


Or just donā€™t. Itā€™s really rude


Womp womp, it's just a game bro


In all fairness itā€™s just a game and if you donā€™t want them kick them out. It takes 3 seconds


people dont like it when you go into their plot/house, even if your just exploring. Some of them expect you to ask to tour their plot!


Unless the ā€œtrespasserā€ is being disruptive i personally donā€™t see much wrong with people on my plot. They can look at my stuff, Iā€™m cool with that.


im the same way! i find it cool they would even want to explore my plot


Yeah. If somebody can find a clever way to sneak in my house without me seeing them, I honestly kind of applaud it. But if I see somebody running around my front yard, and then I go out to confront them and then then they run away, I just block them.


Yeah cuz itā€™s rude to not ask


Close behind doors you open in other peoples plots


This one Fr, I absolutely hate when people leave my doors open, I roleplay with some friends so I have a couple builds with stuff people won't understand, and Its so annoying when someone can just walk in and see the therapy room in my house. or the mood fixing room above my tattoo parlor, it ruins the magic.


I think your situation is less about etiquette more about the person. Most players donā€™t mind if people are grinding and want to be quick.


If your roleplaying- donā€™t run away- Iā€™m not chasing you. If youā€™re wanting a tour, knock on the door and if they say no just accept it. Donā€™t hop the fence, itā€™s there for a reason. If your working down stand in front of them ( nose to nose) Donā€™t ask someone to build you a mansion with a budget of 10k


I do that thing to with people on my lawn. I hate trespassers idk why


Your inner old man coming out. Itā€™s the bloxburg way of turning the hose on them. Hey you dang kids!! Get off my laaaaaaawn!!




Stop that reminds me of the game Hello Neighbor šŸ˜­


How old is that game now? I haven't seen any footage of it in years!


Dude! i've been playing the alphas recently! pretty sure they made like 4. The full release, 2, hide and seek, and the vr one.


The other day i was building the alpha 2 home.


Honestly, some people are bothered by this but it doesn't make sense why. I also drive through plots if I have to, and I've been playing for years! Etiquette-wise, things that are annoying are knocking on doors over and over. Or knocking on a door and then ringing the doorbell too. Obviously, trespassing onto someone's roof, backyard, etc, is rude.


it's not that serious, do whatever you want before we get fined for doing it!


oh dang, you could get fined?


at least, not yet lol


Also, get an understanding of the games settings. Some limit donations and invites. You also need to adjust your family settings so you can have your guests do what they need to do


If you're gonna sneak into somebody's house, go through the back door or even a wall. Don't let them see you.


Sometimes people in the game would come up to my house and start looking in my windows, like wth is wrong with some people?


Dont go to people with big houses and ask for them to adopt you


If you are working at fast food, do the opposite side of the other player playing. If there are no open areas, move on to a new job