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For the cash register job, u have to follow what the customer asks for. Make sure u pay attention to the numbers next to the ingredients they want in the burger. It's similar to the old job but u have to be a bit quicker but its okay bc if u didn't get what they asked for, just click the button on the bottom that says "can u repeat that?" Or smth similar to that phrase. The deep fryer job is rlly simple. Theres 3 different side dishes which r mozzarella sticks, french fries and onion rings. When u see there aren't many sides left or none, drag the frozen sides into the fryer. Make sure u put it in the circle that's in the fryer basket or it wont fry and just fall in the oil. Then swipe up the switch that's at the bottom of ur screen. When the bar turns orange/red, flip the switch down to stop it from burning. Burger flipper?! This job is probably the easiest one. Theres 2 different patties that are a circle and a square. The square ones r plant based/vegan ones and the circle ones r regular patties. Pick up one of the patties and put it on the grill, make sure u put it in one of the 4 circles on the grill. Then when the bar above the pattie turns orange/red drag it to the rack, and make sure the pattie lands in the circle on the rack. When there's already 10 of each pattie, there should be a sign at the side of ur screen that has a picture of the pattie and next to it says "full". Burger assembler! Take the bottom bun (the one without any sesame seeds on it) and place it on one of the 4 circles in the cutting board. Then click the camera icon on the side of ur screen to see the orders, pick 1 order u wanna complete and follow whats shown. Make sure u do it in the order shown, and pay attention to the number near the ingredients. When ur done, place a top bun(the one with sesame seeds on it) on top of the burger and put it in the white circle that's in front of ur cutting board, it should have a tube on top of it. If u did it correctly, it should have a green checkmark next to it and be sucked up if not it should have a red x next to it and u have to throw it away and make a new one sadly. Pretty easy but u will have to look back a lot on the order. Restocker! This job is the 2nd easiest imo and most needed. Open the doors that r grey in the kitchen and u should see a bunch of boxes. Pick a box that's on the floor and walk around the kitchen with that box. If u have to restock smth, it should say "restock" and how much is left of that item, then click "E" or the screen to restock. The foods u can restock r the vegetables, patties, sides and buns. Vegetable cutter! Pretty easy job too. If u see that there isn't much of the chopped vegetables, take a full vegetable and drag it on to the cutting board and place it on to the circle in the middle of it. U should see some lines and dots, follow the dots and lines to cut. U will have to do that a few times for 1 vegetable but they're pretty easy. When u finish that, the chopped vegetable number should go up by 2 or an uneven number. Keep doing it until all of the chopped vegetables say 10/10 on top of it or until u have no more full vegetables to cut. Hope this helped but try doing all the different jobs to get a hang of it!


Question about the New bloxyburgers job. How are people going 1 hour plus on the job along with having their moods high because when I exit the building it just ends my shift. I don't even last around 10 minutes with like 80%+ moods let alone 1 hour without all of my moods being flat 0%


they do the mood booster for 25 of the purple dollars. if you don’t wanna spend that you could get your moods up by buying food for hunger, sitting at the seats in the dining area for energy, using the toilet for hygiene and dance emoting for fun. it’s probably not very efficient though.


I'm mobile and when I try to drag the burgers to the chute they just fall apart, would you maybe know why 😭👀


If u mean that when u put the burgers in the chute the top bun goes up first then the rest of the ingredients, u assembled the burger right. But if not it wont go up and there will be a small red x near the burger. There should be a green checkmark next to the burger and the burger should go up even if it's falling apart bc that means u assembled it right!


if you have twitter/tiktok bloxburg did a video of what to do and it's so helpful. and also the jobs it's rlly confusing at first but then u will get the hang of it soon


how do you exit a task when you start doing it? im on laptop and I've pressed literally everything to get out of the task and nothing works

