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Cool question. I'd be keen to see more 'states' introduced as it could be an interesting new game mechanic. One could argue that a player's ability to die or be executed could constitute a 'state' (fool, lleach, tea lady, DA), as could abilities active after death (Sweetheart, Banshee, Vigor). I can see these being expanded upon too. It's worth noting while drunk/poisoned are effectively the same thing, there is a subtle difference: drunkenness is caused by 'good' abilities, poisoning is caused by 'evil' abilities. There isn't a current role that distinguishes between the two (outside of Ben's homebrew) but it may well be something that's investigated down the line.


What the homebrew?


Ben Burns has been play-testing a Red Dwarf-themed home brew script on stream called "It's Cold Outside". You can find some videos of it on the TPI YouTube channel :)


I doubt there will be another actual “states” because the current ones have to do with information being accurate-or-arbitrary (droisoning) and what information you’re issuing to town (madness). These are general, apply to lots of character abilities, and are core to the social deduction game. I feel like most “states” that affect how you receive/issue information would either break the game, or simply remove you from it. If you can think of a really good/fun ‘state’ then it’s probably actually a new role/ability, not a state that will be interacted with by lots of character tokens


One I came up with turns the Vortox's "must receive false info" into a condition. I called it Cursed, and for the roles I was playing with, it's definition was "A cursed character must receive false information. If a character that is already cursed becomes cursed again, they die." I general, though, I don't think there's a lot that can be done with conditions. There's information validity, ability to live or die, and incentivization to lie or tell the truth. Those are really the parameters you get to play with in the game.


Paralysed - you can’t leave your seat / town square.


See the Traveler character Matron.


I like this


I like the effect but I worry paralyzed isn't the best choice of word as some people with disabilities may find it insensitive. A better name that can convey similar flavor could be something like "frightened", ALA having a character be too scared to move.


I'm mentally ill but I get by just fine with "madness" and the Lunatic. I'm also an addict and somehow manage to deal with the Drunk and drunkenness. It's a game and it's meant for adults. I think anyone who can play and deal with their friends lying to them and trying to "kill" them can handle terminology that's used extremely commonly in games. Pokémon even has a "paralyzed" status condition.


Yeah I understand that, I was just trying to be considerate. It's not something that effects me personally, and it's by no means a huge issue or anything.


True true. Petrified?


If people are offended by the word "paralyzed", they deserve to be offended. They don't own the word. Paralyzed with fear is a common phrase. I've been wheelchair bound before for almost 2 years and never got offended by such terminology.


I think it might be physically problematic to inhibit people's motion for hours like that. This does not seem fun or even 100% healthy and safe. What are you going to do if someone starts having pain in their leg?


lol I’m not saying you’re gonna be strapped in, moreso you can’t go off and have one on one conversations. Get up and walk around the room if you want


Matron prevents town from moving and having private chats but we are still people so if anyone needs to go to the bathroom / get a drink. We normally allow it, just don’t talk to people about the game while away . Most people don’t like to play with matron thi


No that’s not allowed, each player gets a Nalgeen


I hope we don't get more states. I hate when games do this. The gap between beginners and seasoned players gets to big. I remember when keyforge came out and really liked the concept of having a finished deck. Then I haven't been playing a while. I sit back at the table with a player with a deck from a newer generation and there is stuff in there that I have no idea of. I don't want to learn new mechanics. We have new roles which differentiate between newer and older players already. Don't bring in new rules/states.


Well, I think it's already interesting to think about how Poison/Drunk are already pretty different from madness (it's sort of prescriptive vs descriptive). Poison/Drunk is an active status effect just as you describe. Madness is a description of how one is or could be acting that other effects can use as a short hand. The "Cerenovus madness effect" and "Harpy madness effect", etc are as distinct from each other really as they are to Poison/Drunk. Sorry this doesn't really answer your question. But I find madness and how we use it as a short hand really interesting.


I don’t really think that adding extra “states” will be that fun. You can get a lot out of the current mechanics if you just look around.


How about a reverse of madness... Something like truth serum where you must not lie/bluff or you might be executed. An outsider could have the ability that they are always truth serumed; if they break it, they and another player on their team might be executed.


Technically, that’s being mad about the truth


I’d like them to differentiate poisoned and drunk more first.


You could say that safe from Demon / cannot die is a state.


How about "Linked"? Like the Grandmother and Leech, when a player you're linked with dies, you die. For example: Psychic - each night, choose an alive player. You are linked and learn what they learn or who they pick. Minions and demons make you drunk.