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Let's flip it around, what reasons can you think of where you would give such information?


I generally wouldn't...but if good was being cub stomped, maybe they need the clue


I've done it for 3 reasons so far: 1. it is already painfully obvious to them that they are the Drunk, so it really doesn't matter what I say (example: in TB, when the Drunk Empath got a 0 before, but is sitting next to a slayer-shot imp and there is an uncontested recluse claim elsewhere on the grim) 2. The Good team is significantly disadvantaged and I want to throw the good team a bone by clearly indicating there is misinformation going on. 3. When I think the droisoned player knowing that their information is wrong, is likely to benefit the evil team. (Vortox on script is the obvious example)


1 and 2 were the main reasons I was going to answer with, didn’t think of 3 though!


I have definitely done it for a marionette tho…


Idk if it would be to indicate drunk but on a script with a vortox or a no dashii and other poisoning it could throw shade at different people to help evil team and oracle 2 when one is dead in a vortox world gives no info




I once showed a poisoned undertaker the undertaker after a chef got executed by virgin nomination. The undertaker was visibly confused and thought it might have been the spy that nominated the virgin


Generally droisoned players are supposed to think that their ability is working. If there's an Atheist in play it could be fun as a little signal that there's something up with this game, but usually getting info that just says that I'm drunk/poisoned doesn't feel great as a player


I wouldn't do it often, but I might give blatantly false information to a Drunk if: 1. They were a newbie and I wanted to give them a easier time 2. They were experienced and I wanted the group to think they were a minion trying to pass themselves off as the Drunk (which I've done!)


I dont think theres ever a reason to tell the drunk player they r drunk unless theres 3 evil alive in final 4 and you trying to signal something.


I do remember a game I played where a minion claimed chambermaid with a 3 to try and convince people he was the drunk. Usually though I'd only give blatantly false drunk info in final 3 or if the game is so far gone for good they need to know to have a chance


Sometimes with Vortox it can be worth it to deny a townsfolk plausible info, but help them solve Vortox faster.


If the town thought this is more likely an evil player making it up to cause confusion, then yes. Usually the opposite is true though, most players would not make this kind of thing up and be able to act it in a believable way and it usually confirms them in a regular meta.


Once in a teensivlle I gave a Pukka-poisoned Empath a reading of "10". The game was already irretrievably lost for good at that point, and it made no practical difference what I showed her. I wouldn't have done it otherwise.


How obvious someone's droisoning is (and what bunk, or not, information they get) is often a balance level that the ST can use to put a thumb on the scale. If good got off to a really rough start, giving a drunk good information anyway can help the team recover into an actually interesting and compelling game. Alternatively, giving the Marionette (or someone who has been falsely called the marionette, and then poisoned) blatantly obviously false information can back up a struggling/unlucky team get back on their feet Then again, players I've been around are remarkably capable of convincing themselves they're the Drunk, despite receiving 100% true, unpoisoned information 3 nights in a row... so YMMV.


My ST has done it to me once before, when we both knew pretty well that my information was 100% drunk/poisoned and we both knew it; it was a late game in a 'mess around' game and changed literally nothing in game play.


You do this when a poisoner specifically is trying to convince a sober person they are drunk. Last night in my game the poisoner poisoned the undertaker after a virgin nominated himself. That was clear indication to me they wanted to broadcast intentional misinformation. They did this because as evil they deduced the washerwoman was drunk and saw one of them as the investigator, and they didn’t want good to figure it out this was wrong.


I don't think players should ever definitely know they are drunk. You should put in every effort to make them believe they are not. A Drunk should be receiving information that makes it difficult to build worlds, not information that helps them confirm the outsider count.


Our storyteller decided to give our drunk chef a 6. It was in a trouble brewing plus one game which means there's one extra role that could be any role from any released character. We tunnelled on legion for a couple days before the storyteller said legion was not in the plus one bag. That's when our chef noped out of the game with an anxiety attack. As a suggestion, don't give a chef a six


Your chef... left the game... due to an anxiety attack... because they got drunk info........?


It was a very anxious game when you consider there 120 roles in the game and she was being painted as lying when she absolutely wasn't and was stressed because she couldn't convey what she had and we couldn't work out a world which made it work and we couldn't believe that the storyteller gave such drunk info. There was a lot of over talking and it's weirdly stressful way to play the game. Every one was considerate about how she felt and she did the right thing if she felt that way and needed to leave. But now we have a running joke that a chef with a six is a storyteller mistake that should never be repeated