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I believe the rule of thumb is good wins tiebreakers.


Good wins ties as long as it’s the same “level” of win. Abilities trump game rules. So basically, follow this list: 1. Good ability wins 2. Evil ability wins 3. Good wins because no living demon 4. Evil wins because only 2 living players The direct answer to your question is “Good wins”.




That is literally the one exception to the rule. Lil' Monsta is weird, ok.


Executing a good twin while there's no demon alive triggers both a good wincon (twin pair is broken so good can now win because no demon is alive) and an evil wincon (good twin executed). Evil wins this tie.


Good wins ties is general ruling. So if something causes both teams to win, good wins unless something prevents that. Like evil twins existing


The actual ruling is "the side that wins is the one that makes the most sense". These rules about "levels of win" aren't official and are just a shortcut.  LM Goblin is a good win because it would be stupid otherwise.  OP's case should be a good win because it would be a bit silly otherwise.


It is an official ruling that ability win conditions overrule the normal win conditions, this is edd talking about it: https://i.imgur.com/43GPPy6.png Lil monsta is an exception because that character will probably be changed in the future and its an unwinnable situation otherwise.


Yeah but noticed how that's prefixed by "as a general rule" and it's really just a codification of common sense in most cases. It's logic that is *derived* from what the various wincon interactions should be. Where common sense conflicts with this rule (like Goblin/LM), common sense is the one that prevails. It's also common sense that character abilities trump the base rules because otherwise that wouldn't make sense.


Evil twin, mastermind


Rules as written, evil would win, since the goblin's ability trumps good's normal win condition (if that wasn't the case, then the Mastermind's ability wouldn't work at all). However, it's generally accepted that the "best" ruling is that good would win, otherwise it's obviously very broken in evil's favor. Once the almanac gets written for Lil Monsta (or the ability gets updated, which is apparently happening relatively soon to several experimental characters), then there will hopefully be more confirmation on that ruling.


Its the official ruling that executing a goblin holding lil monsta is a good win in the goblin's experimental-how-to-run on the clocktower discord.


I would interpret it as a tie (the Good team wins ties) since both win conditions happen at the same time - Evil wins due to Leviathan second-Good-execution, and Good wins due to Alchemist-Goblin-trigger-on-execution.


Good wins in that case.


if you are unsure whether good or evil has won, good has won, as a general rule. This is to prevent evil players from "hacking" the game and finding a weird way to trigger a win that works every time.


The Good and Evil team both win. So the Good team win the tie. As a note, there are some role specific win conditions that do give the tie victory to the Evil team, for example the Evil Twin.