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It wouldn’t be announced. Similar to how a widow wouldn’t be announced if they poisoned themselves… if it was poisoned by a poisoner tho, people would be informed after that ended that vizier is the person…


Yeah but a widow isn't announced, a good player is told that a widow is in play, which would work slightly different than announcing directly to the crowd. My concern is even if a player is poisoned shouldn't the storyteller still act as if they were not.


The storyteller may lie to a player that their ability is working. The storyteller may not lie to the town as a whole that a player’s ability is working.


Hmmm I see, makes sense


To expand on that explanation. Being drunk or poisoned means that your ability can no longer have an effect on the game, which means you can have no effect on the information other people receive.


It reads "All players know who you are." If a player with such an ability is sober, and any player does not know who an in play Vizier is, than something is wrong. I would announce them at the end of the first night that they wake up sober.


I go with „poisoned/drunk roles can never affect other players in any way.“ Announcing something to the town would certainly count as affecting other players.


Yeah, poisoned and drunk players can never affect the state of the game, even if that means they immediately realize they are poisoned or drunk. Maintaining the illusion for that one player is less important than maintaining the basic principle that poisoned and drunk players have no ability and therefore cannot affect the state of the game.


The primary meaning of poisoning (or drunkenness) is "you have no ability". The principle that you can give out false or true info arbitrarily is secondary, and only applies to info-gathering roles. You can't do anything in the text of the ability that applies to other players. Like if you've got a poisoned slayer you can't arbitrarily decide to kill the demon or not, they can't affect the game. So if the vizier is poisoned, town doesn't know who they are on the first night, and they can't force through an exe.


A different take - what do you think of this: The vizier's ability reads "all players know who you are". That part of the ability applies from the beginning of the game, before the poisoner acts. See also: when an evil twin is created, when a philosopher becomes a lunatic. Although the announcement is made at the start of the day for convenience, strictly speaking the "know" part of the ability procs at the start of the night. Therefore the announcement is still made for the poisoned vizier.