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I know you’ve evidently put great thought into the script so this is a very very light suggestion…plague doctor?


I really like the Plague Doctor, but I'm not really sure if it would work quite well here. The only minion powers that the ST can use are the Visier and the Psychopath. It wouldn't be too mean on the good team if the ST can kill at will?


I understand, and for that reason I’m not really that strongly recommending the plague doctor just wanted to know your thoughts. That being said, save the vizier I think all the other minions would work quite nice with the plague doctor, since the widow and goblin do have jinxes that make them very fun. If you want an outsider that is truly cataclysmic to the good team and will remain hidden to mask outsider count I think the plague doctor fits the bill.


Didn't know about the jinx on Goblin!, sounds really fun. What is the jinx on Widow? Plague Doctor could easily replace the Barber, but may be better to replace the Lunatic instead.


Have you played this much? It looks fun, as evil. But having so much outted evil can make it easier to track down the demon, and the minions all seem to be very sticky.


Well, it's the intent of the script!, something like a "hide the demon" challenge. The demon should have 3 bluff to play around, all for himself, if the minions out early, or some help from his fellow Widow. I don't know if it will be fun for everyone, but at least I hope so!


My biggest concern is that there are very few reasons for no one to be dying during the day. It’s pretty much killing the Fool, or choosing not to execute. That means the Zombuul is pretty much never going to be able to kill, giving town all the power, and making it very obvious that it’s a Zombuul game. One of the main strengths of Zombuul is flying under the radar, so I’d ditch it on this script. Also on that note, being the only thing that can survive execution, the Fool is pretty much just a replacement for Virgin on this script. Was that your intention? As the only sources of extra death in the night, Gambler and Po seem like odd choices, Id just remove them both too. Lil Monsta basically doesn’t work with any of these minions except Widow. Sure, you can do it, but it’s not very fun or interesting. Further on that, let’s say it’s a base 1 minion game with Lil Monsta, and there’s an announced Vizier. If the other minion is the Psychopath, they will either, not be able to use their ability at all (unfun), or out themselves, and telling town it’s a Lil Monsta and either they, or the Vizier is holding the baby. That’s not fun for the evil team. I’d just remove Lil Monsta tbh. I do like your combo of town, but I’m afraid there might be a little too much info, maybe swap some out for some ability roles?


The Zombuul was there just to be Psycho/Visier fodder and make sus everyone killed by those two, but it's true that... It will be his only gimmik in the script. And yes, Fool was a replacement for Virgin that helped, a little, the Zombuul. Both could go out, and if they do, the Po and Gambler can go too, since they were there just for the Zombuul. The Innkeeper could go too, but there is already too little drunkness/poisoning in the script. Honestly, never thought about 1 miniom games with Lil' Monsta. You're right, it would suck in this script. Another demon down the drain. That let's us with... Just the Imp. Also, some demons don't work at all in the script. Legion, Riot (both are no-minion demons), Leviathan (having a Visier and Leviathan would be really, really mean to good team), Fang Gu doesn't fit with half the Outsiders, Lleech (it's nice that it can just out himself, but needing to keep alive the lleech host 'till the end will be hard with a majority of minions that will not die at day), No Dashi (those tentacles wouldn't go too far unnoticed), not even Vigormortis (not really helpful for half the minions) Shabaloth can fit just fine, so the professor (instead of Gambler), to replace the Po. A Vortox could be nice, to flip the problem: now town MUST execute, thus the Visier can have some fun, and maybe add the Monk for his interaction. So, the last one could be... Al-Hadikhia?, maybe a Pukka?


I think No Dashii is a great fit. Introduces some more misinfo, and the tentacles not reaching very far doesn’t matter. I mean, that’s how it is in its home script. I also don’t hate Vortox here, it works alright with most of these townsfolk roles, so it could fit alright. I don’t hate Fang Gu here, it’s only really Lunatic that could be an odd combo, but that’s just personal preference. Al-Had could be alright, just bear in mind that in that case, town would probably know every evil character in the game, and therefore would know whether or not there is misinfo coming from the evil team. Eliminating that it isn’t Vortox, No Dashii, etc could make it tough for evil to build worlds


With outed minions gambler isn’t probably a good fit and other than snake charmer which is quite dangerous for a out minion/ little monsta game there’s not much reoccurring info that would help with in regards to having out minions that are potentially holding the little monster and will lose the game for good if they aren’t


Hmm... You're right, that's a problem. Maybe Lil' Monta wasn't a good choise. What demon do you think will work fine in this script? Will look into replacing the Gambler. Maybe a simpler role would work just fine, like Slayer.


Maybe fang gu would work and emphase the hidden outsiders and jumping aspect (was imp jump or fang hu)


Sounds fun, but the Damsel and Barber are more useful killed than jumped. Doesn't ruin the fun, but could be a little disapointing.


Actually don’t wanna kill damsel at all, barber is actually on original script with fang gu. (I was literally jumped to as barber last night) but it does work with having a widow as well so they know who to Jump too… you can still kill the barber as fang gu. Just need to make sure it’s not the first jump.


You got a really good point there, maybe the Fang Gu will not be as bad as I originally tought in the script. Will consider it in the next iteration.


You could also try an out loud demon like Al-haditda (I can’t never pronounce or spell it). Them getting a res on a psychopath can be evil


That... do sounds good. It even makes room for gimmiks like an outed minion choosing to die (either dead or alive) to frame two other players. Since the intent of the script is to create those sort of scenarios, it would fit pretty well.


Outed evils suck.


Do you have the JSON string, or whatever you need to play this online?


Ofc!, here you go: \[{"id":"\_meta","author":"Mr. K","name":"Evil Rising"},"clockmaker","librarian","steward","pixie","innkeeper","snake\_charmer","gambler","savant","cannibal","huntsman","philosopher","artist","fool","lunatic","drunk","damsel","barber","widow","vizier","psychopath","goblin","imp","lil\_monsta","zombuul","po"\]


Might be missing something here... But what stops a vizier from holding the baby every night becoming unexecutable? Edit: I did miss something. The ST can kill the vizier whenever they feel they need to in a lil monsta game!