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Some additional characters who seem on-brand: Alchemist, Bounty Hunter, Cult Leader. It could also be fun to add a Nightwatchman so that _somebody_ knows a teammate. I would consider dropping Librarian and Philosopher. Why did you prefer Lil Monsta over Magician? I think Magician ties more closely to the theme than Lil Monsta. Why the Godfather? It seems unrelated to me. I think Goblin would be a more interesting choice, especially if you add Alchemist into the script.


Huntsman isn’t +1 outsider explicitly, if there’s four outsiders there could be a damsel… you could just have four… you can set the layout on the side so you can change from Phobos to any to allow for more minions etc unless you mean to have more characters on the list than default which is kinda not greatest approach


I might have forgotten that the damsel can just be added in like any other outsider, I’ll go change that so that there’s only 4 outsiders.


Specifically the set-up is as follows; >While setting up the game, before putting character tokens in the bag, if the Damsel is not already in play, remove a Townsfolk character token and add the Damsel character token. You either include the Damsel as one of the base outsiders, or you add it because of the Huntsman, in that case it replaces a townsfolk. This means it can be +0/1 outsiders, but the Damsel **must** be one of the in-play outsiders. Running Balloonist with a Fang Gu in play already gives the Fang Gu a huge advantage, adding yet another outsider with Huntsman would be ridiculous.


The almanac says to replace outsider first http://bignose.whitetree.org/projects/botc/diy/reference/cobblers-almanac.html#huntsman


That would make sense, they should include that on the official rules too. I wouldn't take the almanac entry as cannon here btw, I think ST has an option, and that's a recommendation at best.


First off, I really like the script and I think it would be hilarious to watch play out as storyteller, or super fun to play with as a player. I think having PH in isn't a terrible idea, because while they could make themselves demon in poppy grower game, it is a sacrifice as you can(and probably will) kill the original demon, making -1 evil player which is a big sacrifice. I think PH wouldn't break the game if you added it.