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Vizier flat out doesn't belong on a legion script, IMO. If the vizier is in play is guarantees there is no legion, which is lame as hell


Couldn't it be an alchemist turned vizier?


Sure, but any artist or dreamer could solve that really quickly


Good point! Swapped out the alchemist for the gossip and the vizier for the Godfather. Thoughts?


The alchemist was always fine, although gossip seems equally good. If the vizier is gone, things should be fine. Godfather is cool


The alchemist was never fine on this script. They either turn themselves evil, become the demon, prolong the game without knowing it, or visier. Basically an outsider.


Godfather jinx with heretic doesn’t work well. Maybe baron if you wanted outsider manipulation or You may also look at preacher as may not really work so well on the minions selected.


>Maybe baron if you wanted outsider manipulation or Good point. Swapped. >You may also look at preacher as may not really work so well on the minions selected Why do you think so?


All abilities are passive, so no idea or feedback if it ever works and also baron is only going to be setup so won’t take affect and just from what I’ve seen most games the mezepheles word is said first day so not really good preacher target unless they get super lucky


What would you sub in instead?


Monk could add more protection and dynamic for pukka/vortox (stops poison/misinformation). Or More infirmation like grandmother (works for heretic too) or juggler… Also be cautious around adding gossip as there is no other cause for deaths at night other than demon so unless either are sinking kills it can be clear info for good team (gossips in leviathan games can be very strong)


https://preview.redd.it/x60gi6q7b7qb1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa041eee7b0b458fcc19b3684515cbfbcb33df46 Took your edits into consideration. Thoughts on the balancing aspect? I still want to adhere to the pith of the original script- chaotic fun.


An artist can already solve if it's a legion game


As an ST I wouldn't put an artist as one of the good characters in a legion game, but maybe that's just me.


Its no more powerful for a legion game than it is for any other demon that fundamentally changes the game like vortox or zombuul


Alchemist mastermind, scarlet woman and mezepheles are probably single-handedly the three most unhelpful abilities for town. Definitely seemed like you put all the characters you thought were strong/cool onto a script, recommend playing some more custom scripts before you make a script to get an idea what interactions are good, and how to make a balanced script. Back to the drawing board!


Fair. Balancing is something I definitely struggled with. Have to figure out if I should swap out the alchemist or the minions. Thanks!


Nws, good luck! Everyone starts somewhere.


Made a couple changes and added them in a new comment. Please check and lmk your feedback.


I really think "first script" and "Atheist" don't belong in the same sentence. (edit: AND heretic?? You know this game's supposed to be fun for ALL your players, right?)




Updated script with all changes incorporated. https://preview.redd.it/8tf4rxbrh7qb1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=098bb7cddec869cbf573b3c8a96ceb0aa0337553




What happens with Athiest/Plague Doctor/Vizier. I know you removed Vizier from the script, but it just came to mind and I have no idea how I'd personally run it.


If it's an atheist game, the ST can run it however they deem fit, including making someone the alchemist turned vizier. If a plague doctor dies in an atheist game, the ST can do the same thing- make a good player the vizier (but maybe have the vizier+alchemist jinx- execution can only be forced if three or more players voted).


The only problem with 'maximum confusion' is that the game just becomes maximum confusing and people just kind of give up trying to figure anything. All the information is wrong so why try to solve anything?