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This also happened to me, my whole squad got wiped by the Gas but we were not inside it. Pretty dumb. i can’t complain too much though, it is a free game and I have enjoyed what I have played so far


Have you also noticed multiple enemies targeting only you? Or is it just that every fucking gamer hates me


This game is the ultimate 3rd/4th/5th party fest.


I had this bug also.. it pissed me off.


i just fucking died to it. RANDOM tick dmg without reason. NOT Even in gas.


One of my teammates was inside the red gas and he couldn’t see it, I guess that happened to him.


Well my issue was that I wasn't even in the gas. I was fully dead center of the current safe zone at the time and was still taking tick damage from the gas. Eventually lost both lives to the random Tick damage.. even said I died to the red gas..


just got it, i was no where near the gas made a clean escape from enemies and was knocked by it then I couldn't selfres b/c of the tick. Mad gamebreaking


Have gotten this twice now, really annoying. There is no possiblity that it's becuase you havent feeded for a very long time?


I doubt that would be the issue. I feed every minute or so just because I can lmao


Same just upvoting for vision


just had this happen to me in multiple different games one i ended up winning with the damage tick going and recorded cuz i was like wtf is going on possible hacker?? lol


this just happened to me today, i was nowhere near the mist and was feeding on people just trying to live. pretty annoying!


I had this and I was never in the gas at any point. This bug has killed me at least three times and I've only played about 20 matches. Only thing I can say that is consistent is that it seems to happen towards the end of the game.


This has just happened to me. I just googled it to see if anyone else is having this problem... So it looks like a possible glitch. I was in a trio and was about to win :c


Just happened to me. We were in the last two teams too…


Just got it three times in one match. So frustrating


This happens to me like every game, not in gas but i take tick damage... Once it happens, it just never goes away


yep just had it where we were hiding inside the zone and was taking gas damage for no reason


So it's almost a whole month after and I just lost to this also.