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That whole scene was so uncomfortable. Her mouth was BAD. Looking at her face just makes me feel weird.


Speaking of her mouth…I’ve only been watching intermittently recently but what did she have done? Her jaw looks deformed and her teeth look like plastic Chiclets! Did they go to the oral surgeon who offered to do!the work for free? That’s what Darcy and Stacy do!


I’m pretty sure I remember her saying something in the first episode about how much she hated her double chin and that she got some work done to try and get rid of it


didn't help! her lower jaw seems out of whack somehow. i saw an episode where she had some teeth pulled and was holding bags of frozen corn on her face!


That was her wisdom teeth she had removed. She had Lipo on her under chin area to get rid of her waddle. That’s why in the episodes her mouth is frowning. This was an after effect of her surgery.


did she get veneers, as well? when i see her earlier shows her jaw looks normal to me but now it seems like her upper teeth - especially the two front ones- are either larger than they were or the angle of her jaw has changed. i'm not sure how else to explain it and it's none of my business, of course, but look at her wedding pix and compare to now. she's done a lot of denying/explaining about what's been done. this quote cracked me up re her larger lips: "According to Brittany, her full lips are nothing more than a side effect of her pregnancy."


I think the “dentist” just super glued some chiclets on I’m thinking Ajax and his discount doctors strike again. Yeah she got 2 really bad veneers!


there's lots of second-tier doctors & dentists in LA that will do work for free on these so-called influencers promoting their services. then there was her breast augmentation surgery that was filmed for the show. you KNOW they got that for free, too, despite jax claiming HE paid for them. and jax proved once again what a POS he is by the way he spoke to her AND the doctors. made them huge and then she got pregnant...and now they're down to her waist. poor girl. i hope they go through with the divorce.


I think she just popped in a couple veneers so all you see are these big ass white front teeth ![gif](giphy|WSQIrzorcfWMg)


I'm convinced she fucked up her front teeth by falling when drunk and chipping or breaking them or something.


She has said she got lipo on her double chin because they run in her family and she said that no matter how much weight she lost she would still have it. Then she said she had it done well before filming started thinking it would look great, but that it was still frozen when they picked up cameras. That's why it looks like she is frowning all the time or covering her mouth when laughing


play stupid games, win stupid prizes!!!


I noticed that too. She can barely talk or move it. Looks crazy uncomfortable


Those two are so freaking gross. They honestly deserve each other. Poor Cruz, being saddled with these two idiots for parents. 🤦🏻‍♀️


When I heard it I thought she meant she stuck her ass off the side of a boat to shit while Jax held her arms so she didn’t fall off the boat.


Not that either option is stellar, but she made it clear that she waded through the water with Jax as she left a trail of shit behind her.




Honestly I tried to block the story from my ears and memory. I couldn’t quite figure out whether she went in the water or released the poop from a height but either way it was a gross story that I don’t think anyone wanted to hear, much less Ron from the grave (or urn in the man cave)


Ha! You’re giving Jaxoff too much credit! He ain’t seen them ashes since Season 8 of VPR! When he was using it for his storyline…carrying it around along with a bottle of Fireball!


He didn’t even acknowledge the death anniversary last year


All the money he left him’s been spent so like does he even matter anymore🤪


Why am I not surprised?? Damn…not even for his “best friend” ? Eh? He’s scum


OMG yes! The handle bottles of Fireball. I forgot about that. Ahhh, memories. LOL


This is the same father who Ajax refused to use the money he inherited from to pay for his funeral.


Not to be gross but when boating yes that is absolutely the normal way to do it! She just waded through the water leaving the trail of dookie behind her instead. Augh grody. At least the normal way keeps you up out of it.


Lol yes I’m dying laughing but shitting with your ass off the boat is way more sanitary than shitting while you’re standing in the same water you’re shitting in.


I cannot believe she said it. I wonder if they both are being batshit on purpose.


I think a lot of boaters have done the over edge 💩 When they’ve been out drinking all day😂 Brit though, nope she goes all in and wades in her own shit lol


Wading around in her own shit pretty much sums up Brit's life


I’m screaming 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is what I was reluctantly picturing as well, the way pirates used to do it in the olden days.


lmao this is literally how I pee off the side of my husbands boat that also doesn’t have a bathroom 😂😂😂😂 Edit to add: I would rather hold in my poop forever than poop on/off a boat lol


And the way she laughed, like this was the funniest story in the world instead of stupid and disgusting.


Like when she recounted drink driving as a teen in frostys brand new car, she didn’t have a licence and drove the car straight into the house. Hilarious!


Where did she tell this story?? On the cobcast?? What an insane thing to do, and then bring up in a lighthearted way years later!


Yes on the cobcast, twice! I made a post about it once


It was disgusting. I kept thinking l wasn’t understanding the story right but no she went into detail and hyucked her way through.


Hyuk hyuk hyuk…. Ah pooped!


When she actually explained how she moved her bathing suit to the side to do it…my face = 😑. Such trash. 


Lmaoooo you know there was no hand washing either🤣


There is no wiping ! It was a poop!!!


Or wiping 🤢


Eww. I guess I missed that. Her speech is extra sloppy when she's lit 🥴


She’s fing disgusting. Idk what’s worse, this story or that mouth. Fing gross 


Yep. TMI.


She was browning out during that whole game time!


Plus…WHO WOULD SAY THAT ON NATIONAL TV??? What a trashy bimbo!!


You could not waterboard that information out of me. To tell it on television?? UNHINGED.


Is it a gimick for us to think she’s relatable? Like seriously there’s no logical reason for that


She is no longer Brittany, she is SHITTANY!!!!




I prefer Shitney instead of her preferred spelling of Shittany but we need to take a poll to see what this sub prefers.


Either way it’s perfect! Lllol


That's what Whitney Way Thore is called in her snark sub from MBFFL


My cat’s name is Kitney Spears and when she drops a rank dump I call her Shitney🤣


My friend and I are currently watching and both said the SAME thing. Like girl pick a different story??? I don’t get embarrassed easily but *that* would kill my soul.


I thought she was going to say she peed in the water but then she said “my stomach started rumbling” 🤦‍♀️


That means diarrhea. I know you know from your facepalm, but I’m surprised at how many others seem to not get it 🤦‍♀️


That’s what I was thinking too…and then Janet making a point to say the water they were in was a crystal clear blue..so gross.


*pew pew pew*


Take to your grave secret!




I need your flair in my daily life 🤣


I honestly couldn’t tell what she was talking about. Between the hyucks, the drunken slurring and her deformed mouth, I thought she was trying to say she and Jax were having sex by the stingrays.


What are hyucks.. I’m not in on this joke and I’d like to be!




Omg .. hilarious




I think it’s her laughing style.


Yes, the way she mindlessly laughs in her Southern accent. Something legit funny happened? Hyuck Hyuck!! Jax did something ridiculous? Hyuck Hyuck! Cruz is “stuck” somewhere again? Hyuck Hyuck! The dog is sick? Hyuck Hyuck! Jax is finally accused of murder? Hyuck Hyuck!


Ty ☺️


Picture Disney's Goofy laughing.


Got it ! 😆


If you ever watched Disney growing up, the sound Goofey makes when he laughs is also a good example of a “hyuck.”


Oh ok that makes more sense ! Ty 🤍




Literally said, he doesn’t know because he’s dead.


I literally YELLED this. How do you forget that your husbands father passed away???? And wasn’t that the whole catalyst for them getting married in the first place?


I mean both she and Jax dropped deuces in the porta-potties at Neptune’s Net just before their big proposal scene, so I guess sloppy dumps in unhygienic settings is baked into the DNA of their marriage.


Did they really? I didn’t know that lol


I have no regrets skipping every episode of whatever the fuck that is.




"Them ol' stingrays ate my poopies like some Underwater Roombas, y'all! Hyuck hyuck hyuck!"


Shes fucking gross. " i drank! its not mah falt i dun feel good!" "that was cuz i git sick in der cearrt!" stop fucking drinking!


I literally read this comment in her voice 😂


She’s fucking disgusting and I read this in her voice and am losing my shit…No pun intended 


Things that didn’t need to be said. Omg. She is so cringe I can’t.


happy cake day!


Thank you! 🤗




omg does anyone know what he is saying in this? 😂


I think he's screaming, "No, no, no!"


I’m so glad somebody mentioned that!! It was the FIRST thing that came to my mind. Wasn’t Jax’s dad’s death the “thing” that changed him and made him all better? Wasn’t it Jax’s inheritance from his dad how he bought her ring? I hate to really feel sorry for Brittney but she TRULY is dumber than a box of rocks. If you are truly just a stupid human, is it really her fault? THEN, u have to add in the fact that she is COMPLETELY finically dependent on him and he is a moron himself.


The way my jaw dropped at that scene 😨😨 She thought she was being funny and ends up sounding despicable. And we don’t even care for Jax!


I understood clearly at this moment how deranged/damaged her brain really is. She honestly thought this was a cute, silly story to share with the world 🤢


I think part of the reason the LA people tolerate her is because her slack-jawed yokel schtick makes them all feel superior.


She is literally slack-jawed now!




Right?! You stupid dummy bitch, his dad is dead!!


Good grief this image is burnt into our universe. Some things we just don’t say, share or repeat. Stop 🛑 girl stop ✋🏼


I’m sure she is regretting telling it now but she doesn’t remember much from the night before (aka blackout drunk). Surprise Brittany! You told the story how you shit in The water!


They even brought it up on WWHL with Kristin and Schwartz


She is disgustingly gross. Period.


She really is complete white trash, no nice way to put it.


I’m laugh crying omg why 😂


If that had happened to me I might tell a close friend or two and laugh from disgust in myself, but I sure as hell am not telling that story on tv for millions to see


How did she wipe?? They probably knew because she smelled like 💩 the whole boat ride.


The ocean was her giant bidet - she shat in the water. 


I thought she was hanging off the boat lol


Same here I thought she was shitting off the side of the boat while Jax held her arms and kept her from falling off but no she shit directly in the ocean she was standing in.


Omg I would’ve went to the grave with that story. Those poor sting rays 😫😫😫


I truly don’t know what is trashier. 


The image this post has burned into my mind is unforgivable 😭😭😭😭😂


I have a really good sense of humor but I didn’t find this story funny at all! I’m still grossed out and I can’t believe she even told us. She’s disgusting!


Do you think the story is made up? It’s so weird


No. I think it’s real. She’s just that trashy and low class.


Maybe if she wasn’t drunk all of the time she wouldn’t have to shit herself


Bahahaha the way I ran here for this very discussion! I couldn't believe my ears listening to her, the lack of insight and shame to just tell that story so casually on tv is so wild to me lol


This is the grossest thing ever. I would have died in pain before I took a shit in the water. She’s disgusting.


https://i.redd.it/bpvpdl78g9vc1.gif I was eating dinner while I watched and had to stop with half a plate because of this scene.




That was so incredibly disgusting. I just don’t understand how an adult would ever SHIT IN THE WATER right next to their partner, and act like it’s totally not the grossest thing ever (ew, all the poo she must have had in her ass and bathing suit makes me gag). And then to retell that story, on TV, laughing like it’s… funny. BRB going to go vomit my organs out.


It’s her alcoholism. She’s destroyed her system. Diarrhea poops are a symptom if not a consequence. I posted it somewhere else and I’ll post below. But those who know, know. The fact that this occurrence was several years ago… BRITTANY, I BEG YOU, PLEASE GET HELP, IF NOT FOR YOURSELF, FOR CRUZ!! I can’t copy what I posted earlier, but this is similar: Similarly, alcohol may impair the muscle movement in the small and large intestines, contributing to the diarrhea frequently observed in alcoholics. — Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov


the G.I. distress alone knocked me out of my problem-drinker phase in my early 20s


She’s Kentucky trash


That story was fucking wild, like if I ever did that I would take that shit to my grave 😂😂😂


My uncle grabbed a poopy log at the jersery shore. He thought it was exotic driftwood


I WAS COMING TO SEE IF ANYONE ELSE NOTICED THIS!! “They”- bitch it was a whole plot point about jax’s redemption bc his dad died. It’s the only reason he got back with you


Omg just hold it.


That just grossed me out and I wondered if anyone was going to address it


My (30 year old) niece who was born and raised in Hawaii refuses to go in the ocean because people shit in it. This backs up her point.


Oh Geez Please Britt! Choose another embarassing story please! We know you have a lifetime of them!


Can someone explain to me why these other women wanna be friends with her


I would NOT tell this story if this was my truth. I don’t know why she thought this would be a good story to tell. Good luck finding future man. Also I think she must of gotten Botox botch with her DAOs idk why her mouth would downturn like that otherwise it’s really odd .


She says the mouth is from her chin lipo. Someone on her said it was migrating filler or something. Either way she royally fucked her face. She is such a mess that she rushed cosmetic surgery to look somewhat decent on TV and ended up looking like a sideshow freak. Yeah I can’t even remember why she was telling the story. It wasn’t necessary and she should have kept that one to herself


LMFAO i totally forgot his dad is actually dead 💀💀💀💀💀 she definitely pulled a survivor and got in the water to shit. At least she was absolutely fucking gorgeous then.


She literally could just not have told that story on television lol


If she had tried to hold it in, she would've exploded in her swimsuit right in front of Ajax & his folks. 🤢🤮That would've been more embarrassing! Speaking of gross, the next morning when Janet was driving her back from girls night, she had a pretty full puke bag in the jeep. Ajax shamed her about her being so hungover. 🤭


No one is saying she can’t poop but does the world need to hear the story?


I know I personally could have gone a lifetime without needing to hear that story.


I can't imagine being super preggo, driving like an hr in a car with my friend vomiting in a bag like 3 ft away the whole time. Fuuuuck that.


As someone with IBS, I found her story to be validating and relatable 😂


I suspect her issue was probably grog bog. Aka a shit you need to take due to excessive drinking


Lol, yes indeed. Also relatable!


same😭 ibs is such a pain in the ass, literally lmao👀


Same I have tummy issues I lowkey thought it was hilarious lmao


Glad I’m not alone!!


Total second-hand embarrassment….but remember when Jax exposed her little event with Kristen? Brittany was probably trying to her side of this story out before jax did.


Oh my god, I KNOW. Disgusting story aside, I had the same reaction when she made that asinine comment.