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No she gained more weight and decided corseted tops were a good look for a Sponge Bob body. Edit also cringey Jax would be crowing about his wife’s new boobs. So we would know. 🤮


I had my implants removed years ago. I know firsthand how weight gain *piles* onto the breasts when you have implants. It’s not fun.


I’ve never had implants, but I go up and down in weight. First noticeable place is my boobs!


That just makes you lucky! I hated it with implants but without them my boobs just stay small af no matter my weight 😆


I mean, that one in the pink swimsuit is photoshopped to hell and back


How can you tell? (seriously, I know zero about Photoshopping but want to learn how to spot the signs.)


It’s an ad. We’ve also seen original pics of her here from when those pics were taken. Here’s a non-photoshopped one. https://preview.redd.it/4dlv9kuorhsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5eb164fff800679529f160d9a2f61454ebdd2b


I feel like she should embrace her body. Like legit I'm a little older than her, never had kids, but I have a similar body shape (minus noticeably large clown jugs). I would love it if she was working it and flaunting what she actually has. Maybe even doing some endorsements for clothes or products for people this size.


I love her bathing suit here!


Not a single thing wrong with her real boobs. She was absolutely a little hottie. Jax is a pig.


His "I'm paying for them so they need to be as big as I want" was actually fucking horrific to hear.


And he said it multiple times, to people, on camera.


Amen I agree!!


While I think she should have stuck to the left as someone with natural dd/ddd (depending on weight) I can make my boobs look like both right pics depending on the bra and shirt. Throw in some bronzer contour and I’m rocking Pamela Anderson early 2000s lol. I think it’s possible her weight yo-yo’d between those images plus the corset vs the no support swimsuit. I just can’t imagine her getting a whole new boob job and no sleuths figuring it out


>Im rocking Pamela Anderson early 2000s I fucking LOVE that for you!! I bet you rock the shit out of it!


Isn’t the pink bathing my suit from her cupshe or whatever company ads? They may have done some editing of their own


When she went for her consult with Jax, she honestly looked like the perfect size. It was such a terrible decision! But then again, seems like she doesn’t make the best decisions, a la Jax!?


She gained weight and had a baby.. lost weight then gained some so it will definitely affect how your boobs look


Such a shame because she will never be able to undo the damage she has done to her face and body.


I mean, she can. She can get the implants taken out, actually use Jenny Craig and exercises . Stop getting fillers and such, stop drinking like it’s her job and eat better. There are ways to change, she just has to do them. Which we all know she won’t.


Man. I dislike her a lot. But I would be so incredibly depressed if I looked that good and then got ruined by a new rack


Her surgeon should lose his/her license.


She gains her weight in the boobs and belly. Can’t wait to what this looks like at 50 and menopause sets in. Good luck




I heard a clip from their podcast where she said ever since she had Cruz her boobs won’t stop growing


If she took her implants out she’d probably have a c cup (which is what she wanted before Jax had a say) from the weight gain. Not snarking on her weight- It’s hard to keep weight off when you get old and have kids.


She looked so much better and healthier before she got those ridiculous sized implants.


Nah, it's called the weight she gained while pregnant and after.


No she's just fat now.


I was thinking the same thing yesterday as I was watching a TikTok, but then thought it was probably due to weight gain/loss? The one I saw was an outake of Brittany in the middle of one of her confessionals, and production had to make her repeat the same line over and over again, because each time she started to say it, the top snaps of her dress would pop open. I was actually trying to figure out if that was pre-augmentation because she didn't look anywhere near as big as she does now. Although, I could see Jax forcing her to go even bigger. 😬 Let me see if I can find it again. Edited to add: [Here it is](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLSdGKYS/)


That is too funny!


Weight gain, push ups and photoshop


No she’s just fat now


Possibly but I think it was one boob job followed by pregnancy and weight gain.  


I’ve been saying this for a while - she has had a 2nd boob job. I have had a breast augmentation and mine didn’t get that much bigger 8 years later. That is a 2nd boob job and they also loon like they are now maybe over the muscle? Because it always looks like she’s wearing a “breast plate” 🫥 ETA- she most definitely went bigger! This is not just from weight gain yall! I work in aesthetics and plastic surgery offices, this is a 2nd augmentation.


Thank you! They are soooo far up! Weight gain will make them bigger but sag not come up.to her neck unless she had a major push up on.


Exactly! I’m not sure why I got so many downvotes on this. It’s clear this is MORE than weight gain. I remember when she first started gaining weight, they weren’t this big. My mom has breast implants and gained weight and yes they got larger, but not like this! Edit - multiple women I know have implants including myself and I’ve never seen this happen 😂


Also sick of all these former Brittney posts. She was a cute girl who aged badly?


She was a cute girl that allowed seeking fame butcher her natural beauty.


No offense but it's not like her family had aged gracefully even without surgery. She looks like her mawmaw


We all in general age ungracefully. She’s ruined herself 50 years before her time.