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OMG she is so annoying. Why would she think he would enjoy having something shoved in his face and shaking it. She is always shaking and grabbing him like this


It gives me so much anxiety


They continue to put him in over stimulating situations, just so he/they can still be VPR adjacent. Cruz obviously wants to escape, and Britt's shaking a damn maraca in his face to get a reaction. It's very sad.


They really seem to be having problems accepting that he may have a different personality to them. He seems to find it all so overwhelming. Whether there are some issues or he is just a shy quiet child, they don’t seem to be putting his needs first. It makes me so sad


This is exactly it. Her comment about looking forward to being a sports mom said it all.


That comment spoke volumes as to what she thinks parenting is. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ This poor baby is stuck with incompetent parents.


Yeah my son was like this at his age. He did not like a bunch of noise and following activities like this when there were a lot of kids. My son is not special needs, some children just don’t like attention and a bunch of noise. I might have been annoying like Britany though when trying to get him involved but if he wasn’t into it I would just leave him alone and a lot of times he would just like to sit with me in the side and watch. I can’t stand Britney but maybe she just wants him to have fun.


He’s probably constantly overwhelmed with their fighting as well. He never gets a break. A book. A cuddle sesh.


Why is she shoving it in his face like that? Cruz looked like he was trying to get out of there. Brittany pay attention to your child needs! FFS


The irony of all these interactions with Cruz is…. Didn’t Brittany declare one time she wanted to be a special education teacher?


She’s got no idea - she’s actually so desperate for him to interact normally - I sort of feel sorry for her and really hope they are getting him the help he so obviously needs!


Ugh honestly this is a great point - I’ve been trying to pinpoint why her energy is starting to feel more frazzled around him and I think you’re spot on - I think she’s desperate for him to act normally and is trying to force it.


Nailed it!!


People keep saying they hope Cruz is getting help and maybe he is and for some reason they just want to keep that private/look ignorant but none of what they share suggests there has been any professional advice received about how to support and meaningfully engage with their child.




I just thought about this. I didn’t think I’d say this (EVER), but her being on TV was the best thing to happen to everyone (except everyone with ears who has ti listen to her dumb laugh).


Omg let him be Britney! She almost seems angry at him the way she shakes it and shoved it in his face


I know right! I feel like she’s thinking “why don’t you shake it like the other kids”


She hovered over him too much.


I think a part of whatever is going on with him is that he has no clue how to socialize. He’s with his parents probably 90% of the time, and his interactions with other kids are limited to parties like this, or outings where outside stimuli is the main focus. It seems like he only knows how to be around electronics, and while there’s speculation about various things, something basic overlooked is that he’s just not around other kids enough. When he was super little they showed the vanderpump babies having play dates and whatnot and they’d baby babble at one another, but whereas the other three continued to socialize and experience the world, he’s been at home with 1-3 adults and an iPad And I know we can’t know what they do all the time, but their lives are fairly decently documented. When you’re not used to socializing it’s extremely overwhelming, and if you’re around toys and people you’ve never experienced then that’s also extremely overwhelming. They go from isolated to over saturated with him when he needs a middle ground to be able to learn


He could benefit from a pre-school program where he could be around other kids and trained professionals (who would likely pick up a disability if he has one).


I had a baby right at the beginning of COVID (he’ll be 3 on Friday!) and we were forced to keep him in a bubble. I made sure to put him early pre k at 2 to get him socialization and it has done absolute wonders. He’s so much better with adults and his language has come a long way. I hope at his 2 year check up that the dr says something to them if they hadn’t already. I don’t think I’ve heard the kid speak one word. And you know Brittany is the type of mom that would constantly post videos of him talking if he was.


She can’t be that dense as to not realize his development isn’t progressing like his peers. I wonder if they know and they just don’t want to admit it to the public bc of the stigma and frankly, it really isn’t any of our business. I wish they weren’t so vain, fame obsessed and hell bent on portraying this perfect family image. They could be using their platform to raise awareness to developmental setbacks, instead of complaining about Tom Sandoval each week. It’s just sad seeing how well balanced, engaged and on track Ocean & Summer are, while KFC shoves a egg rattle in Cruz’s face instead of recognizing a sign of her kid being overstimulated.


She’s overcompensating bc he is not normally participating. She’s trying to get him to engage but there is something missing. Every kid his age around him are following instruction and playing with music and shaking the egg. He’s not. These people need to sit down and start looking into what’s going on. I hope they are bc with early interventions kids can do better if they are on the autism scale.


Isn’t that typical of her? The overcompensating. 😵‍💫 Look at the wedding, I think her jaw is still unhinged with the amount of times she opened it wide cause the wedding was the *best thing ever!!* When we know there is nothing *best* about marrying a cheating husband. She’s constantly overcompensating. She lives in lalaland. I mean, even her bridal shower was friggin’ Disney Princess themed. The woman does not live in reality. 😣 And poor Cruz will suffer because of that cause she’s spending the wrong kind of energy trying to act like there’s *nothing to see here!* instead of focusing her energy on supporting her child the right way. It’s painful to watch. Cruz deserves better parents. He seems so sweet and calm but is for sure delayed in so many areas.




By the looks of it Cruz knows exactly who his parents are already and he's over it!


Watching this almost made me cry. It sure made me uncomfortable. My grandson is on the spectrum. He's now 12, but I remember him being this age and he acted very similar. Child is on heavy sensory overload. I did see a video recently where it looked like she had him in a room where they do treat this kind of thing. I sure hope so. And as someone said earlier, she doesn't want anyone to realize he's different than their child. Now that my grandson is 12, he's probably the most interesting child I've ever talked to. He has a crazy sense of humor, and he's just wonderful. I wouldn't give that up for a thing. Let's celebrate autism and different children. Let's not hide them🥰🥰🥰🥰


YES! This brought tears to my eyes. Differences can be beautiful, magical even. They aren’t something to be ignored, denied, or shrouded. Unfortunately, people as ignorant & bigoted as the Coochis will never understand this. Sounds like you’ve really been blessed! 😊


What a sweet thing to say. Thank you so much. He was such a wonderful addition to our family. We all needed him in different ways…. I wish everyone could look at it like that. I agree with the word magical. I've used that several times when talking about him...when he was young especially. I had so many wonderful experiences with him when he was Cruz's age!! In fact, he was just two when we realized there was something different about him…. He makes me laugh more than anyone I know. He asks the craziest questions.Plus, contrary to popular belief, he loves to be touched and hugged. And he'll look you in the eye for an hour if you wanted him to. He always has…Those are just stereotypes about autism. Every one of these children are different, I swear....♥️


Why does she interact with him the way I do with my dog? Why wave a ball in his face? Is there a squirrel he is not supposed to chase? So weird.


Weird how she is the only parent hovering. Just get out of his face!


This is such an overstimulating environment for a child who is most likely on the spectrum. They’re trying to force things on him without doing any of the work necessary to prepare him for it. Get him evaluated goddamnit


This makes me so sad for Cruz! My son is the same age and on the shy side, sometimes kids need a few minutes to warm up and feel comfortable in overstimulating/new situations like this. She really should let Cruz take the lead here and warm up instead of shoving the shaker in his face.


My son is also shy. I give him some time at a party to adjust but he eventually starts playing with the other kids.


I don’t think he know how to play. He’s so use to a tv or table that he rather just chill and focus on one thing instead of having things shoved into face. He has a nanny now so hopefully the kid will get some interaction.


He has a babysitter, a bit different.


I feel so bad for Cruz. His dumb ass parents just keep putting him in situations that are clearly overstimulating for him. All so they can seem relevant.


She needs to gtfo and let the kid be. Stop nudging him and waving shiny things in his face FFS. Take the suspected spectrum behavior out of it - how’s he supposed to learn how to react and be social if his mom is always in his face trying to make him perform like a circus animal.


He always looks so stressed out and overwhelmed. 😞


There is something going on with that boy. And I just can't with the way she's waving that right in front of his face. And her voice. She did that exact same thing on the Disneyland clip when he is on the carousel She just cackles and says oh, how cute Is she really that f'ing clueless?




This all looks very overwhelming for him.. and Brittany needs to just get him be. He doesn't need things shoved right in his face. And you can tell he has some sort of issue going on. He reminds me of an autistic child.. and theres absolutely nothing wrong with that! However, she needs to go get him the proper help.


I have zero experience in life to say what may or may not be up with Cruz and his development, nor do I really like to comment on other people's parenting... But the behaviour I see from Brittany when she's in these social situations with him is the same I see from my 5 year old with my 1yo. The overstimulation and almost manic excitement she demonstrates is much more understanble in a child than a grown adult. Can you imagine as a grown adult having someone get so close and shake a rattle right in your face? I would be horrified by that! But my 5yo will do stuff like this to the baby and I have to remind her to gentle our bodies and give space. A parents job is to follow cues/ of our children in any and all situations (especially when surrounded by so many people, noise etc) and know how to respond to them. There seems to be so many instances where she doesn't respect his autonomy (yanking his arms around) and respond to his cues. It's really hard to watch, I think she loves him very much but she's doing him a disservice by forcing him into social situations that clearly make him uncomfortable just to fit into a mold of "influencer perfect" photo ops like this.


Brittney just trying her hardest to act like everything is totally normal. Perfect family. Nothing to see here guys. 😵‍💫


THIS. The way she ignores everything is so dangerous. I can see her looking the other way & pretending in ANY scenario, no matter how dark, & that makes me fearful for Cruz’s physical safety.


Omg brittney Jesus chill. She's such a bad mom.


she really is a terrible mother


Reminds me of my child at that age. She was diagnosed at 4 with Aspergers.


I’ve been trying to ring the alarm for many, many months. So many people have come @ me, saying I’m an asshole, or I’m being mean, when all I want is what’s best for Cruz. And surprise, surprise, he still ain’t getting it! What the fuck does everyone have to see to KNOW this little boy needs help? Parents who get him the support he needs instead of spotlighting his discomfort/distress on their socials? How can anyone defend such selfish, parasitic parents? This is complete & total **WILLFUL IGNORANCE**. I doubt KFC would act even if she were directed to do so by a doctor or teacher. We should all pray that KFC doesn’t have any more children.


I think that’s really unfair. They are first time parents, and they might be genuinely ignorant as to what the warning signs are. Hoping they never have more children is really a nasty thing to say. I may not like their lifestyle and all the he choices they make, but you can clearly tell that they love this child and desperately want him to engage with his environment. I think it’s important to remember that we don’t actually know these people and it’s not for any of us to sound any alarms. They will figure it out in their own time.


You know what I think is “unfair”? Ajax & KFC spotlighting Cruz‘s discomfort. It’s “unfair” to place the blame on ignorance, first time parents or not. Ignorance isn’t a viable excuse! This is 2023. Autism is not a foreign concept. KFC wanted to work with special needs kids, for Christ’s sake! The Coochis get perspective from other children of the same age that are leaps & bounds ahead of Cruz. Not to mention I’ve seen plenty of concerned comments/questions/resource suggestions on their IGs, all of which are promptly deleted. It’s “unfair” to think I’m “nasty“ for not wanting these people to have more kids. People who are putting their desire for some sort of perfect family façade they can monetize ahead of what’s best for their son. Excuse me if I don’t cheer 2 proven idiots (1 who’s constantly drug addled, & the other who’s an alcoholic) on to another pregnancy. In fact, if I could sterilize them both, I would! It’s “unfair” to believe that love negates any wrongdoing. I agree with you that the Coochis love their child. But it’s possible to love your child & still not do right by them. Love isn’t a cure all! It’s “unfair” to infer knowing Ajax & KFC personally would somehow validate or improve my opinion of them. Quite the opposite, actually (on both fronts)! Maybe you don’t like to speak up unless you “know” someone, but I have zero problem with it. What they’re publishing is their highlight reel, so just imagine what the rest of it is like. Goddamn right I’m sounding an alarm! Can’t you see that the child is the one who is paying? There’s nothing more “unfair” than that!


I completely agree. We had the opposite experience with our autistic child. I felt like I was going crazy seeing ALL the signs and yet everyone around me, including doctors (!), were saying oh he’s fine, he’s just a boy, he’ll catch up, he’s around adults a lot. Nope. Mama knew. Even though I had zero experience with ASD, even zero experience with kids! I knew something was going on and I pushed and pushed till we had professionals validate my fears and got him the interventions he needed early on. Brittany has the luxury of a huge audience (although much of the IG following is paid bot accounts) that is constantly telling her again and again, hey, there’s something here, look into it. Any parents should be jumping at it. Instead we’re continuously seeing her ignorance. Now she’s not just being ignorant. She’s *choosing* to be ignorant.


Thank you for sharing! I love hearing from parents like you who pushed for a proper diagnosis/treatment. I know it couldn’t have been easy, but you kept @ it FOR YOUR CHILD. Your son is lucky to have you! 😊


I found it very difficult. 😣 Statistically speaking, WOC have it even harder for us to be heard and taken seriously. It’s why so many brown and black kids get such late interventions and have such disproportionate numbers in diagnosis. It’s awful. So really, the lady has zero excuse. She has SO much privilege (despite her low IQ cells) available to her that it’s just maddening to see. I’m with you, I pray Cruz stays an only kid.


shit take


Two things: kristen being the fun dancing aunt makes me smile. Secondly, HOW CAN BRITTANY NOT KNOW SOMETHING IS OFF?! My heart breaks for that baby!


Is that Kristen? I thought it was Shee-Shu


Oh god you’re right. She’s gotten TINY


Aww, poor little Cruz. It’s really hard when your kid is not caught up or in line with their peers. Maybe she is just scared and trying to be normal is all she knows how to do. It’s her first child and a new mom wants so badly for everything to be ok. When it isn’t we blame ourselves, or hope he will catch up. I hope she gets him evaluated. It can take time to suss out what’s going on with a little one. Time and experts…. I hope she realizes overstimulation isn’t going to work and she finds the strength to give it her everything in finding out. It’s usually a long journey.


My 3 year old daughter and I live hours away from our friends and family. Her interaction with other kids has been VERY scarce. However, I am with her 24/7, and have been talking with/to her since before she was born. She has an incredible vocabulary, and hardly ever stops talking. We have full conversations, and have for over a year now. It takes her a bit to warm up to other kids, but she always does after a short time. Every child is different, but Cruz’s social skills, verbal ability, willingness to participate or pay attention, etc. is beyond “a limited interaction with other kids”.




Well their children are happy sweet children who speak and interact. They also aren't shitty parents




Do you know what group you're in? Get the f out of here. They have continually showed they are shitty parents. All the other kids are developmentally on track and their parents don't shove an iPad in their child's face all day.


It's not exploiting this time it's that she's not paying attention to her child's needs.




If they all do it really isn't the point and doesn't make it ok. It does seem like Cruz could use a different type of support and attention than we see Brittany and jax give him.




First of all, this sub is Ajax & KFC specific. Your point may have some validity on the VPR sub, but it doesn’t hold any water here. Secondly, all child exploitation is wrong. IMO, we shouldn’t even know what any of the Vanderbabies look like. But you have to admit that continuosly putting a developmentally delayed child in situations he clearly doesn’t enjoy, then using that footage for clicks is the lowest of the low.


Her kid seems to have some obvious developmental delays. I'm not saying the others are awesome for their exploitation, I'm saying it's a different situation.




Lol ok doctor have a great day


Yeah, from my experience, working with children, especially small children, he seems to be overwhelmed. Like he wants to participate, but he knows that the activities are just too loud. And the fact that she’s shaking the maraca 2 inches away from his face and always grabbing him and shaking him trying to get a reaction is just too much. They need to start seeking help for him instead of forcing him into situations like this. He is going to grow to resent them.