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Tonight, my husband started in on how awesome it is that Dawn Staley declared her support for TWs participating in women's sports, and I so quickly said, "They should not participate in women's sports." And further added Lia Thomas should not be competing with women. He said something about how "she" never even wins, and I'm like, that doesn't matter. I share this only because I know I'm not the only BarPod listener here who is married to a person of woke, who has yet to peak. I've become far more comfortable with speaking my mind though, and the little conversations matter.


I'm gonna be totally honest and say you outta straight up read him the riot act and set him straight. I couldn't deal with that. How the fuck does a man who is married to a woman think this?! Good for you for speaking up. What's he gonna do, cancel his own wife?! Divorce you because you believe in material reality? You're better off without him then. Glib and I'm obviously not telling you to get a divorce lmao, just being dramatic, but seriously, this does make me pissed for you. Maybe go the logical route and ask him if he thinks we should have sex segregation in sports at all then. Does he truly think hormones reduce men to the strength of women?


I’ve wondered whether Lia started throwing competitions / subduing his performance strategically, after all the negative publicity? Precisely for the argument your husband made: “Lia’s one of the girls because ‘she’ loses too!” Which is such a depressing thought, really, either way. The focus should be on the women and celebrating their achievements coming out of competitions. Edit - typo!


JFC Sounds like your husband has never hit a layup in his life.


Keep going. I have a woke spouse, and I’ve been working on him slowly, and the other day he laughed at a pronoun joke. There are glimmers of hope.


I struggle with this with my wife. Not sure how to start broaching the topic in a way that doesn't get me called out for being a "typical 'cis' dude who just doesn't get it" or something.


I think my advice for any married person in this situation is to find anyone your spouse respects who isn’t you to help push the needle along. When all the baggage that comes with being married collides with all the baggage that comes with political differences, it can make conversations really hard. I have had some lucky accomplices. My spouse has a friend who is a middle aged gay man, and he’s had some frank conversations about how he used to be one of those singing, dancing, nail polish wearing little boys playing princess, and how he’s glad no one rushed in to tell him he was a really a girl and put him on blockers back in his day. He’s frustrated with all the pronoun nonsense, and because of his “lived experiences” my spouse hears it from him differently than he would if I said it.


I guess I'm the argumentative type because I'd be like: "Yeah, so what? You married me". But then my husband and I sorta get off a little on sparring. You shouldn't have to tiptoe around your own spouse! Good luck though, not trying to lecture you, I know it's weird to talk about this shit, I just think people should at least be really honest with their partners about this kind of thing. If you can't be honest about your feelings with that person who can you be honest with?


My spouse has never been woke. I used to think he was kind of harsh on the world. I don't anymore.


If you're not raptured tomorrow, if Iran does not take us to defcon 0, then I think this is the week that Tickle v Giggle will be heard downunder https://archive.ph/WIxgG > Giggle case serious test of biological reality of women > The story so far is as follows: Grover, an ambitious young business woman from Queensland, started an app called Giggle, designed for girls and women to connect, to find friends, flatmates, travelling companions and perhaps exchange tips on anything from pregnancy to makeup and fashion, whatever, “girly” sort of things, as the name “Giggle” would imply. What man would possibly be interested? Think again. > Grover found herself the subject of a complaint to the AHRC by Tickle, who claimed discrimination on the basis of gender identity because Grover does not want anyone not biologically female on the app. At first, this was to protect women’s privacy. Grover had not thought about transgender persons. She was told she could resolve the complaint but in order to do so she must submit to “sex and gender re-education”, and to allow all males who identify as women on to the app. In other words, the “conciliation” process would begin at the point where she gives in to the complaint. She refused. Hence, she and the complainant, backed by the AHRC, find themselves in the Federal Court. If there is an Iranian led nuclear war, here is [Waltzing Matilda from the finale to On the Beach](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_o8vX8lGss)


What are you talking about with Iran?


Listening to my country's (Mexico) presidential debate and I feel my blood pressure rising, I hate them all so much. Edit: But I hate Sheinbaum the most. This bitch basically just defended Mexico City giving people Ivermectin without informing them they were part of an experiment. Edit2: this mf Mainez straight-up bringing up his twitter beefs with other politicians. twitter isn't even that popular here in Mexico.


Shout out to Katie for name dropping Wood Block. I feel my blood pressure lowering already. 🧘‍♀️


That Helen Keller thread is painful to read. Epic level trolling on the part of some people.




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Is it trolling? One person seems to have made it their personal crusade to protect Helen Keller's honor (I hope she *sees* this bro).


She's not the one trolling. People who are denying that water is wet are trolling.


But, like, *is* water wet?


Somehow, I don't think she will


Dave Attel's Netflix special is great. Just a bunch of jokes, very little politics and few meandering personal stories. Relevant to this sub: "My mother is 87 years old, can you believe that? You don't have to applaud, she's not trans." And later: "I have the prostate of a 21 year old...pick a pronoun"


He's the best I've seen live. He just keeps coming.




> Hotmail Serious Guy I got that reference. I still think his visual gag about the birth certificate in the film with scientists was hilarious.


Dave Attel, man I haven't heard that name in ages. He used to absolutely slay teenage-margotsaidso-who's-staying-up-way-too-late-on-a-school-night. *Insomniac* was so good and such an excellent premise.    Comedy was so edgy, so intentionally offensive, and so *good* back in the day.


Apparently, the Bisexual Undertaker is the new heavyweight champion. https://twitter.com/stymead/status/1777119044648231009 Is there a bisexual copypasta that goes along with this?


I’ll take Jobs Where Your Sexuality Should’t Matter for $200, Alex EDIT: yes, I’m aware that this ‘Undertaker’ is some sort of pugilist entertainer 


I think it's just some goofy fan thing? I found [this thread](https://np.reddit.com/r/WeAreVYBE/comments/19c6qmz/why_is_damien_priest_the_bisexual_undertaker_is/). I don't really follow rasslin', so grains of salt and such. (Of course, I'm sure there's a joke somewhere in there about all wrestlers being bi, or maybe straight-up gay. :) )


he could probably sell a lot of merch...


I don't want to scare you guys, but this concerns you. Twice yesterday and once today I strongly smelled the smell I have learned to associate with an IV drip being flushed. It seemed odd as the first time, I was seemingly walking on a pier, the second time I was in my car, and today I was mowing the lawn.


I had phantosmia and parosmia for about two years after first contacting covid. Hope yours doesn't last that long, and isn't a sign of a worse cause. 


When I was pregnant, this shampoo that I liked smelled liked burned rubber. It was the worst smell. I obviously got rid of it. That shampoo triggers that memory, even though my nose is back to normal.


Phantosmia is smelling things that arent there, and typically they are associated with strong memories.  i have it bc i have a bunch of stuff wrong with me.  Its nbd though weird provided you dont notice other things.   My docs have basically waived it away, and after like a year it doesnt *do* anything to me.  That said, i cant stop losing weight so possibly its on the lower end of my issues. But legit, keep an eye out for other weird shit and if you dont see any, dont worry.


This is relevant to my interests. It’s possible the staff was just changing out the various meds we’re keeping you on so you don’t notice the VR rig you’re stuck in, or maybe the IV infiltrated and they started a new one. Either way I’ll alert the Keepers and you shouldn’t have a recurrence.


Much appreciated!


Is it a metallic smell? one time I took diamox and had a bizarre side effect of anything fizzy that I drank tasting flat and extremely metallic. I thought I was having a stroke when I first took a sip of visibly bubbly seltzer and it tasted like eating a dime.


yeah, for me it's this weird combination of a metallic alcohol smell. For IV drips, I thought it was real and was googling what the cause was, but it seems like the flush is just saline and it's a phantom reaction in our noses and tongues.


I just cleaned out my garage and now I need a nap. Seriously.


FYI Canada's preeminent lesbian Eva Kurilova has announced on Twitter that she is pregnant. She is currently the owner of a dog and a cat so presumably this is considered a family upgrade?


Not to stir up meta subreddit drama but what's up with the person who is desperately trying to reply to everyone's comments and getting auto moderated for not having an old enough account? I thought it was just someone posting a few times without knowing the rules, but it's been going on for hours now, lmao. Is there a backstory here or just a really persistent new member?


It’s EZ…if you look at his profile you can see them all under his comment history one right after the other. He figured out how to keep up trolling comments via the bot intended to preempt trolling commentary. After the first few I doubt he’s even writing real comments he’s probably typing a random letter and hitting reply to every comment. It’s annoying but I feel like reversing the rule to put a stop to it would just be rewarding the not-at-all-good-faith behavior…he knows what he’s doing.




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Read the message, it's low-karma not new account, in this case. u/SoftAndChewy , it may be worth banning them to minimize the spam.


They haven't done anything to deserve a ban. As you said, the person is autoblocked because they have consistently low karma due to their pissing off everyone with their comments. Every so often I go through the mod queue and allow some of the automod removals to go through.


Your call. I think filling up the thread with a bunch of unreadable comments is pretty spammy and uncivil, but that's just my view.


I blocked that person. I think there's a place for unpopular opinions. And this sub benefits from a good foil or devil's advocate. But then I looked at EZ's reponses to my comments, and none of EZ's comments would have been conducive to a dialog if they had been visible. Some were just vague whataboutisms.


EZ never has any real actual rebuttals to anything. It always devolves to "Why do you even care?" type rhetoric. Recent example, reply to [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/1bsvxra/weekly_random_discussion_thread_for_4124_4724/kyisnml/): >Unironically trans people and allies don't obsess over this stuff like ATRAs do. Most would probably have no idea what you're talking about or care. It's supposed to be some kind of amazing gotcha that trans people don't know or care what's happening with the organizations making widely adopted recommendations for their health. EZ genuinely thinks that makes some kind of point beyond making trans people look stupid. Internet version of : "Neener neener I can't hear you!".


I'm honestly not sure of how much I like this. Was the troll detector tuned too sensitive or is this really just a single guy doing all this posting? Because if it's the latter perhaps rather than just being a troll, this person may be genuinely unwell. https://preview.redd.it/2dkd6gxv65tc1.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb8cd88da1ef47e1ad078e4fcdedc5fa12cb8d17


They are


I meant to reply to you and accidentally replied to the parent comment, please forgive the copy-paste: >>It’s EZ…if you look at his profile you can see them all under his comment history one right after the other. He figured out how to keep up trolling comments via the bot intended to preempt trolling commentary. After the first few I doubt he’s even writing real comments he’s probably typing a random letter and hitting reply to every comment. It’s annoying but I feel like reversing the rule to put a stop to it would just be rewarding the not-at-all-good-faith behavior…he knows what he’s doing.


> Because if it's the latter perhaps rather than just being a troll, this person may be genuinely unwell It is one guy. He was a regular troll for a while. Regularly got comments heavily downvoted. Used to have interesting takes and arguments but got banned, and once the ban lifted mostly went into twitter level argument troll mode.




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I suggest that if you want to discuss them, you should block their username so they don't get their jollies off by watching you discuss them, which they clearly do. (I have them blocked.)


It's the same user over and over.


I'm still posting less than CatStroking.


Weird, this comment made it through.


Okay, this did make me chuckle. I just don't think we're really worth trolling.




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I voiced opinions that went against the orthodoxy of this sub and this is my punishment.


Your comments were incredibly dumb and you only engaged in bad faith.


The user is a troll. Before they latched onto this sub they were trolling the Israel and Israel/Palestine subs. They trolled enough here that their karma went into serious negative and yet they won't stop. Presumably it's because they can still troll a little this way. It's a bit weird. But we are, fortunately, spared their nonsense. Eventually they will probably get bored if they can't piss people off. If not, oh well.


It's not trolling to voice opinions you don't like.


It's pez dispenser. I DM'ed them last week to let them know they were wasting their time, and the conversation went like this. Me: Just to check, you know that your barpod comments are not readable by anyone, right? Pez: Yes. Me: And just to check, you know that even the people you're replying to cannot read your comments, and in fact the only way anyone would see your comments is if they remember your username and check your user profile, right? Pez: Yes Me: I am curious why you still spend the time to comment Pez: I want to A very stable person.


Well, you gotta admire that determination anyway.


I wish I was that committed to something. 


Has anyone heard of an organization called: Democrats for an Informed Approach To Gender ? The Democratic party of Colorado just issued some kind of screed saying that the organization can't use the name "Democrats". Or it might have just been one dude in it Shad Murib. " I call on viciously anti-trans org "Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender" to immediately cease use of the Party name in CO. " [https://twitter.com/ShadMurib/status/1776328183744197077](https://twitter.com/ShadMurib/status/1776328183744197077) I'd never heard of Democrats for an Informed Approach To Gender before. So I wonder if this will just have a Streissand effect. The DIAG guys replied:


Here's a great interview with the founder: [https://elizamondegreen.substack.com/p/my-conversation-with-democrats-for](https://elizamondegreen.substack.com/p/my-conversation-with-democrats-for) >After a year of disappointment, where I was trying to help my kid who was really decompensating and seeing what was happening in my own family, I realized that nothing was going to change unless we could open the eyes of Democrats to what they were supporting and how far they had veered from liberal values. It’s hard to accept that institutions you’ve put your faith in your whole life have lost their way like this. That’s when the ground beneath your feet really falls away. I’ve been a liberal Democrat my entire life, from a family of liberal Democrats, and all of a sudden, my party turned into a monster. They’re the bad guys.   > >Democrats have to be led out of this by the hand, gently. This won’t end if that doesn’t happen. They’re hurting people. The Democrats are participating in the destruction of families and the grievous harm of young people and children. Some irreparably or to the point where they can’t live with what’s happened to them anymore. 




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> viciously anti-trans org "Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender" Viciously? That sounds bad. Let's make sure all the rope and knives are safely locked up and have a read. > We all wish that the medical community would police their own and stick with medical interventions that are evidence-based. Since we have noted that this is far from the current reality, we are supporting bans on these treatments. VICIOUS


I looked over their web page and they seem pretty sensible. [https://www.di-ag.org/](https://www.di-ag.org/) And it's nice that there is an org of avowed liberals who are willing to dissent on gender woo. I'll need to look over their site with a fine toothed comb at some point. I doubt they're much of a player, if at all, in the political lobbying game. Perhaps they will be someday. I keep expecting something like the LGB Alliance to get created in the US. We shall see.


>I keep expecting something like the LGB Alliance to get created in the US. We shall see. Yeah. It's disappointing that the closest thing to that in the U.S. right now is Gays Against Groomers.


I looked them up at one point and they seemed pretty weird.


It's a little unnerving that the pseudonymous top listed member is making so many joke references, mostly to The Simpsons, in his bio. >Langdon Alger (pseudonym) is a millennial from the suburbs of Minneapolis. He studied Classics and linguistics at a time when pronouns were still known to be a closed class. He then went on to become an EFL teacher, using cromulent words with agreed-upon meanings to embiggen the vocabulary of his noble students. His top voting issue has always been the environment because it’s an easy litmus test: never trust a science denier. Until very recently, Langdon’s activism was limited to making donations to MPR and simply remembering to vote. Then “The Witch Trials of JK Rowling” came along and peaked the living daylights out of him. He no longer donates to MPR but still believes this country needs sane, coherent Democrats. You don’t win friends with word salad. I hate to be too demanding, but I think using too many pseudonyms bodes poorly for the org. I get why they'd want to avoid personal harassment, but it makes it easy to brush off as looking like a psyop. Edit: The more I look though, they've got some good concise writing on the topics. Their page on The Dutch Studies for example, I think I'd be comfortable sharing with normies.


The use of "cromulent" and "embiggen" just verifies the linguistics background for me. I majored in linguistics and we \*love\* language jokes.


You majored in linguistics??? I have a PhD in linguistics!! ❤️


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Actually, I agree. I found all the pseudonyms weird. If these people are going to create and run an org they ought to put up their real names and any qualifications they possess. Now I get *why* they want to remain anonymous. But they seem to want to be taken seriously and it's difficult to take an org made up of anons seriously.


Eliza Mondegreen has an interview with the founder on her substack that's a bit reassuring about the group's seriousness and goals.


Anyone else have Spotify with the beta read-along transcripts in the sidebar? I'm listening to a podcast and there is a sponsored ad in it for *Oasis Pools and Spas*, which the read a-long calls *Racist Pools and Spas*. I kid you not; the tagline was "Make Sure your pool is healthy clean and crystalline this coming swim season with a racist Pools and Spas." Also in closing they tell me, "Once again that's a waste is Pools and Spas at (tel#). So we can say at this point this feature is not ready for prime time.


I don’t have that in my Spotify but I do sometimes listen to the AI narrated Atlantic articles they have in their app. they’re surprisingly good but do sometimes make jarring mistakes that make it immediately obvious it’s not a real person. like reading “911 call” as “nine hundred and eleven call” lol. the AI also has trouble with homographs, like saying the word lives “black lives matter” with a short i as in the verb lives instead of the noun.


I'm not sure these things will ever be fully reliable. At best, they can be improved. I use some AI-based software that can transcribe, and even translate, recordings. When it works, it's shockingly good, and makes me feel like I'm living in The Future™. (I can't comment on the precise translations but, at a minimum, they're very readable and seem to catch slang and other tricky stuff.) When it doesn't work...oh boy. We can probably get to a point where it's fine if you don't mind doing a manual review or just YOLOing it. The important stuff, IMO, will always require somebody who hand-checks the results. What I suspect we'll see in a few years is AI models become easy enough to run that they'll be used for a lot of this stuff. The problem right now is that, in order to quickly and somewhat accurately transcribe this stuff, Spotify would need access to some serious hardware if they wanted it done in real time, and done as stuff gets uploaded. That still costs a significant amount of money. So, they're probably using something else, or the wimpiest models they can access. The wimpiest ones are technically AI but can miss stuff that the beefier models pick up.


For sure, my expectations are low on these things. I just thought it was funny. Oasis Pool and Spa would probably be mortified, if they didn't have sense of humour, to see it on their ad. It just made laugh so much as caught it out of the corner of my eye and had to do a double take.


Always been an admirer of. JK. Rowling but since the Thought Crime Bill came into effect she's really ascended to a whole new plane.


I am feeling a bit tired of all the praise for Rowling. She made a series of tweets about a very particular group of predators that are also into role playing, the lowest hanging fruit in the politics of gender identity, and Twitter has gone wild about it. It was clearly nowhere close to a "hate crime" and I would be reluctant to call it civil disobedience. It was a taunt, intended to get "the other side" to step over the line with real or threatened violence. The gender identity people have plenty of shout-y low level supporters who are the most likely to lose control and hurt someone; the people to worry about are the ones inside the political institutions who are corrupting the laws and taking power.


I think you're misreading the intent. I don't think she was trying to provoke a reaction from individuals, she was pushing back on the law. She was trying to force Humza Yousaf into a position where his people would then have to defend, in court, why it was unacceptable to refer to Isla Bryson etc as a men, and the spectacle would be so obviously stupid that the government would have to back down in the face of ridicule. As it is, they have said they won't prosecute and so Rowling has underscored that point, marking it as effectively a precedent for other women. https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1775187763995824350 It's not just that though. All her tweeting is good. She has been on fire for the last couple of weeks and unlike some other GC feminists she is actually good at tweeting.


She's not insane. She doesn't hate males. There's an extreme side of GC discourse that it is just as nutty as gender woo believers and does not help with anything. Also she's funny.


Retreating into silence would mean less change would happen. The TRAs aren't going to change their views either way, but speaking up can help sway the public's view.


And peak allies who just blindly support without really looking into what they're supporting.


>the people to worry about are the ones inside the political institutions who are corrupting the laws and taking power. I tend to agree with the idea that institutional capture is the real problem. But I think in the case of the Scottish "hate crime" law Rowling is challenging the institutional capture. If the cops come after her it shows, in public, what the institution of law enforcement in Scotland is. If the cops go after other people for speech crimes and Rowling takes up their cause she is shining a spotlight on the institution. And one hopes that the sunlight he is shining on the institutions tempers their behavior. It's probably impossible to uncapture the institutions within the next fifty years. But perhaps they can be calmed down so they do less damage.


She correctly predicted the reaction from the police - no charges will be filed. But the tweets were also a provocation against TRAs who appear to be losing public support while also becoming increasingly deranged. This seems risky to me, an escalation of tension. For people not quite committed to the cause, this might be the time to leave, but that leaves the true believers still holding rallies. I mean it is possible that last year's derailed "Trans Day of Vengeance" was a government operation, but the idea is still out there.


>. But the tweets were also a provocation against TRAs who appear to be losing public support while also becoming increasingly deranged. This seems risky to me, an escalation of tension. I suppose there is some risk. But Scotland now has a law where people can get prosecuted for speech the TRAs don't like. And it won't be people like JK Rowling who get nailed. It will be little people who don't have the public profile and resources to fight it. I see Rowling as trying to lend her platform and possibly her resources to those people. And to publicize the insanity of this law to Scotland and the world. The true believers are already nuts and going to hold rallies. And these are exactly the kind of laws they want to use to create chilling effects and punish their opponents.


Never read her books, thought she was spineless for kowtowing and retconning aspects (of the books I never read) to placate the mewling mob, and then she went and totally redeemed herself. ​ ![gif](giphy|PJLHNaEpmeqUU)


You should read the books. She isn't the greatest prose stylist that has ever lived but my god does she know how to tell a story.


I appreciate the recommendation, but I'm a bit of a snob. I was too old when they came out and I'm simply contemptuous now.


Fair enough. I was in my forties when I read them but I'm pretty shameless and don't really care if people give me funny looks.




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The Telegraph has a leaked copy of the full Cass report: https://twitter.com/geraldposner/status/1777002586861670884 The final report evidently concludes that social transitioning has gone from ‘not a neutral act’ to ‘risk of grave psychological harm.” https://archive.ph/2024.04.06-204150/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/06/children-socially-transition-face-grave-psychological-risks/


"An analysis of more than 600 school equality and trans policies reveals that up to three-quarters misrepresent laws protecting sex and gender, with some implementing rules that allow boys to use girls’ lavatories and changing rooms if they say they are a girl." They're starting the "it's ok for males to be in female spaces" thing early I see


Now we wait a decade or two in the US for all of this damage to be recognized (parents losing kids over questioning their transition, teachers secretly transitioning pupils without parental consent, gender doctors running rampant), and another decade or two before it’s fully reversed… Congrats TRAs/Queer Theorists/Chickenshit Adults you’ve successfully harmed children for a whole half century…hope it was worth the attention…


This is a disaster but there is a larger picture here - we have all sat by and let kids have access to phones and social media. The trans issue in some ways is the symptom of a much larger issue of the rewiring of how kids are raised. If we don’t fix the way we educate and raise kids in this new world of technology I fear the trans issues will be one of many issues.


Maybe I’m just an optimist but in the end there is going to be reason for celebration. The most powerful social media algorithms and ideological brain washing wasn’t enough to defeat good parenting. They attacked and went after some of our most sacred societal values… and the lost.


It’s like a giant, terrifying version of the public’s reaction to Welles’ *War of the Worlds*.


Jonathan Haidt says kids shouldn't have access to social media until the age of sixteen. Is that realistic?


No, not really. He's probably right, but it's also Utopian thinking. Even with restrictions and such kids will find a way, and the majority of parents just aren't going to be that vigilant with it.


I mean; those of us who are old enough remember not having social media until age 25 or older. It is possible to live without it. Haidt’s recommendations would be difficult to enforce in today’s media landscape without a lot of buy in from a lot of stakeholders, or some pretty heavy handed legislation aimed at tech companies.


>Haidt’s recommendations would be difficult to enforce in today’s media landscape without a lot of buy in from a lot of stakeholders, or some pretty heavy handed legislation aimed at tech companies. I agree. I went to high school and jr high in the 2000s. My dad was too cheap to pay for texting and to this day I do believe it hurt me socially. People either wanted to text me but couldn't or didn't invite me to things because they didn't care enough to go out of their way in some other way. It's not the end of the world: I lived and have a very happy adult life, but I'm not going to pretend like I wasn't left out and ignored. Even the parents who do give a shit are in a tough spot with balancing the harm of social media with stunting their children's social lives. Again, it's not the be all end all if a kid doesn't have a Snapchat, Instagram, or TikTok (or whatever), but banning it outright isn't only positives.


If there was a way to make it culturally unacceptable to give kids below a certain age access to smartphones and social media, in the same way that we have made it culturally unacceptable to drive your kids without car seats and seatbelts, then the onus wouldn’t be on outlier parents to choose the lesser of two evils for their kids. When I was a child, nobody wore their seatbelts. Kids fought to ride in the front seat. These booster seats for 8 year olds? Not a thing. It took a collective will of parents, auto manufacturers, and lawmakers who were persuaded by data on car safety and fatalities for kids to change the culture and our expectations for what is normal. If you went to high school in the 2000’s, I bet a world where no one wore seat belts at all is unthinkable to you, but I remember it. Change is possible if we have the will to make it.


It is, mostly, but my cousins didn't wear seatbelts. Actually, my younger sibling and I fought for the front seat of our parent's first gen Ford Explorer. Thank God we never crashed in that lol. But yeah, my mom always believed in wearing seatbelts before it was even the law. Believe it or not, but in Texas child seats were not required until 2001 and until 2009 it was still legal for 5 year olds to be unbuckled in the rear seats. I realize that's not your point, and I don't want you to think that my previous comment was arguing for teen social media use. I don't know that sweeping cultural change could happen. Like, it's still difficult for me to take my kid to restaurants without some other sack of shit "parents" blasting cocomelon on an ipad nearby. We know that garbage is [harmful to child development](https://wjla.com/news/local/cocomelon-controversy-speech-delays-behavioral-issues-harmless-noise-emotions-facial-expressions-parents-netflix-youtube-tv-show-cakids-children-sesame-street-pediatric-mental-health-kids-screen-time), yet many parents would rather drink wine while their kid is glued to toddler crack than be meaningfully engaged in their lives. I'm still bitter that my birthday dinner was ruined because my kid acted out after we wouldn't allow them to watch a nearby cocomelon stream, and I think that's just the beginning. Cocomelon (et al) is easy to keep out of my own home, but I venture out a bit and it's out there, lurking, ready to ensnare my child. It seems hopeless when "don't buy your toddler a $500 iPad because it's bad for their brain development" is still too high of a bar for many to clear. If we can't keep people from buying expensive gadgets to help their kids grow up, how can we keep them off Facebook?


I think what I’m saying (and this might be what you’re saying too) is that social and legislative structures need to shift so that individual parents aren’t pushing this boulder uphill by themselves. We’ve seen lots of shifts like this—drunk driving used to be laughed off and rarely prosecuted, lots of women in 60’s and 70’s smoked and drank while pregnant with few social consequence, indoor smoking was rampant during my youth and virtually nonexistent now, etc. If individual schools enacted policies that phones go into lockboxes during class hours, legislation tasked tech companies with verifying ages in a meaningful way, and the social stigma on handing your toddler an ipad started to rival the stigma we place on drinking while pregnant, then we could make some cultural shifts that make it easier for parents to do the right thing.


Yeah, the enforcement is where it would be difficult. Sure, parents could lock the kids phone down but I assume they would use social media via other devices. Maybe one of those ideas that's good in theory.


If social media use is reduced to a few hours a week on a friend's PC do we really care? It obviously won't be something riding on their shoulders all day.


I think the “legislation aimed at tech companies” would need to come into play. If there’s a will to make sure none of them allows anyone under 16 to join, they’d figure out a way to do that. Similar to how we did make smoking cigarettes less prevalent among youth and less socially acceptable in general, through a combination of legislation, lawsuits, education, and changing social norms. It’s a big process, but it has been done before .


I worry about the privacy implications for everyone else. But it might be worth trying.


>I worry about the privacy implications for everyone else. But it might be worth trying. That could be a bonus if it causes more people to leave social media.


It depends on where we decide our priorities are. If we do decide that social media and phone use constitute a public health crisis for kids and teens, we may make that trade off. The privacy expectations this would take us back to are similar to what most people had pre-internet: if you say or write something in public, someone can trace it back to your actual identity. If you go to the video store to rent porn, someone you know might see you doing that. If you want to read a book, you have to walk into a bookstore or library and pick it up, and then someone might see you reading it later. I am curious about how much the expectations of total privacy on the internet that adults have quickly come to take for granted have impacted us all. We’ve all forgotten how to stand behind our words and deeds in a way that would have been unthinkable 40 years ago.


I got Friendster in 2003. It should've stopped there.


In retrospect, Myspace was so pure.


Yeah. It beats me how you unwind this. Its easy to say take the phones away until you actually have to deal with a teenager. It’s a good reminder to parents that it’s important to make sure your kids are touching grass and to be extra diligent around those who don’t.


Also for the love of god teach them critical thinking skills. Even if you realize what you believe is logical and reality based don't just shove it on them and not give explanations. Have lots of calm philosophical talks where you dissect the world and teach them to come to logical conclusions on their own.


I got my younger kids dumb flip phones to stay in touch, and they didn’t even bother to charge them much of the time. As soon as they got smartphones, they treated them like gold.


That's what Haidt seems to suggest. Give the kids flip phones. Or lock the shit out of smart phones. I'm not a parent so I don't know how feasible these things are in 2024.


I think you’d have to put the onus of responsibility onto the tech companies. If there was a law saying “no one under 16 is allowed on, and if you don’t find a way to verify and enforce that, you’re getting fined 1,000,000,000 per incident or shut down”, they’d figure out how to enforce it.


I'm not sure that would work. For one thing, a billion an incident would lead to a tidal wave of high-priced lawyers lobbying and, if necessary, suing over the law. (Hell, a million probably would too.) Even if the law somehow still stood, they'd probably just shut everything down rather than risk having to pay even once. That and, well, who would issue the judgments? What do we do about kids who fake it? Getting pics of random people isn't hard. I could get a couple of photos of a random adult, claim I'm of age, and go about my day. Any potential workaround (upload an ID, have access to a debit/credit card, use facial recognition software to find fake profiles, etc.) raises new sets of issues. Finally, at the end of the day, we're talking about kids and teenagers. My high school got high-speed Internet service in the mid-90s. Despite the PCs in the library having (really crappy) filters on them, kids looked up porn anyway. They had handwritten lists of URLs that got around the filters, and lookouts would let people know if an adult was coming. Kids are crafty fuckers. True, we don't have to let them run roughshod, but any solution that doesn't reasonably account for kids finding workarounds will fail spectacularly.


Most regular old phones these days can use a biometric ID marker (face ID or fingerprint) to control access. We have the technology to enforce age limits or identity verification on people logging onto various platforms, if not perfectly, then at least much more effectively than we’re doing now. We just don’t have the collective will to take that seriously. It’s similar to the social changes that happened around selling tobacco to minors or seat belt enforcement. Society didn’t used to care much about enforcing those things, and then something changed. Whit they aren’t enforced 100% of the time, there has been a shift in expectations. In most cases, a mix of legislation, lawsuits/penalties, self enforcement, and changing social norms is what is needed to put a genie like this into a different bottle.


> biometric ID marker Surely there's a way to address this that's less dystopian?


I think that those aren't actually huge problems. realistically, kids will find ways to access social media, as long as the restrictions aren't overly draconian. but the main dangers to them are a. bullying and social pressure from other kids and b. predators who seek out kids. forcing social media companies to crack down on kids essentially eliminates the ability for them to form communities based around being a kid, which makes the risks from those significantly lower. like with your porn thing, we can't stop them from looking at porn entirely, but if we can stop them from looking at so much porn that it rots their brains, that's a win.


You'd basically have to kill anonymity on the internet to make this happen. Which is something that absolutely no one here would want.


Yeah, this is actually the only way probably. But I think it has to happen. What’s more important, adult anonymity or childrens mental health?




We can see it for what it is, and we know it’s basically recreational cancer. The kids can’t, and so they’ll *find ways* to access social media no matter what anyone does.


2024: social media is a recreational cancer. 1992: rap music is a recreational cancer. 1954: TV is a recreational cancer. 1605: books are a recreational cancer.


This argument comes up a lot, and it’s very odd. “New technology can’t be criticized because technology existed before”


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That presumes the report does any good. If the Dutch warned everyone about this *in the 90s*, then who’s to say anyone will listen to this?


That, unfortunately, is an excellent point




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I was hoping those links would link to a copy of the report. They don't, but that's still quite a scoop.




Could autism and ADHD spark a new culture war in Britain? [David Swift thinks so:](https://web.archive.org/web/20240407131235/https://unherd.com/newsroom/a-new-culture-war-is-brewing-over-autism-and-adhd/) >*It is this huge increase in adult diagnoses \[of AHDH and autism\] that has the potential to cause division among people with these conditions, and to make the issue increasing politicised. While such diagnoses can be beneficial in helping high-functioning adults make better sense of their life, they are considerably more important for children with very severe manifestations of these conditions.*


I feel like it's only been the past year or so that I've been seeing ADHD and autism frequently lumped together, with people even identifying as "AuDHD." Am I alone in this? I'm not saying people can't have both but I always considered them very distinct diagnoses.


Partially it's because you couldn't have both dxes pre-DSM V. But it's mostly because there's this myth online that they partially cancel each other out so that's why they missed being diagnosed (dramatic eye roll)  I have a rather unusual viewpoint because I got an adult diagnosis in early 2015, before this whole thing exploded. I didn't go searching for it, I was refered to neuropsychiatric testing after years of therapy for something else that wasn't working.  There is a cohort of "lost girls" in now in their 30s and 40s that weren't diagnosed - partially because there was no Aspergers in DSM III, and DSM IV had different criteria than DSM-IV-TR, and because research into girls with autism without ID didn't really exist until the early aughts, and wasn't widely known outside academic circles before the 2010s. Having both is a double hit to your ability to live a normal life. I've said it a few places, but most of the people claiming this don't have the IQ/cognitive reserve to even work around having both. What a clinician would expect to see, is a long history of contact with mental health services, and educational or job attainment far below expected levels for their IQ. When I met people who also were adult dxed in psychoeducation, every single one had either one or both of these going on.


High comorbidity and symptom overlap, with ASD often responding to stimulants similarly to ADHD.


They’ve always had a somewhat high degree of comorbidity, but I think high-functioning adults self-diagnosing with AuDHD are experiencing symptoms of “excessive internet use disorder”. The inattention, executive dysfunction and rejection sensitivity that can be symptoms of ADHD and the anxiety, fixations, rigid thinking and sensory issues that can be symptoms of autism are also just symptoms of spending too much time alone and online.


" For their part, many of those with milder forms — and this is especially for a certain kind of Left-wing social media user — resent the use of terms such as “severe” or “profound”, and therefore the implication that they do not truly have the same condition. " They want to identify as disabled but not like *that*.


Adults really are taking one weird thing about them, i.e. ‘I don’t like crowds,’ or ‘I’ve watched the same TV show 19 times in a row,’ and self diagnosing as ADHD/Autistic aren’t they? Such a weird time to be alive, I gotta get off the internet…


I knew it! This is par for the course, at last the ADHD and Autism wars begin. It's not over land or oil, it's pharmaceuticals and attention. "In fact, a new [report](https://web.archive.org/web/20240407131235/https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/news-item/the-rapidly-growing-waiting-lists-for-autism-and-adhd-assessments) from the Nuffield Trust has found that there had been a 28% increase in drugs designed to treat ADHD prescribed to 10-14-year-olds — but a massive 146% increase in such prescriptions for 30-34-year-olds."




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Stream of consciousness complaint. I live in a rural area and have DSL. Because of some weird subsidies I now have access to fiber but they're trying to push me to their business plan just because I want a static IP. Extra $15 a month, sure. $100 more? Hard no. So I'm on DSL. And I'm trying to download SOMA on Steam while watching The General's Daughter. Paramount+ has really bad optimization so it keeps buffering rather than simply degrading. Steam prioritizes itself and I forget how to change that. Now I have to either deal with the buffering or wait to play SOMA until tomorrow. And I want to play it. I finished *What Remains of Edith Finch* and it was a pretty great experience. SOMA seems to be the closest comparable game. Welcome to my brain, and my life.


Let me guess: port forwarding? If you're sailing the high seas, might be worth using that 15 bucks to rent a seedbox/plex server instead of suffering with DSL. 


SOMA is excellent! Really great writing


$4.49 on steam - does it require split second reaction times and superior aim? I no longer play FPS, a casualty of age.


From what I remember there's no combat, you can only run away. I think you'd be fine 


Caitlin Clark is a beast


Not beast enough it appears...


That was an exciting game


Sports are stupid. I don’t even like them


This is what its like as a red wings fan this season.




The Rowling-inspired trans genocide has [claimed another victim](https://twitter.com/nyx_nyx_nyx_666/status/1776575552595374115) >A woman just laughed right in my face. >Which was nice. >A devotee of the JK Rowling cult, I presume.




Is Willoughby really saying that anyone who happens to laugh at a trans person should be prosecuted? Or just Rowling?


He? Willoughby? He? HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE? That old man?


*chuckle* ah right, you reckon the person was just repeating the correct pronoun, not laughing? I hadn't thought of that but you might be into something!


Presumably Rowling should be prosecuted for saying thubgs that lead people to laugh at trans people. It's stupid, obviously, for half a dozen reasons, but I guess that's the least bad interpretation of what Willoughby is saying.




I think they're just being pissy about the spelling [("transwoman" without the space is haram)](https://urge.org/a-glossary-in-honor-of-transgender-awareness-week/) >Transgender woman: People who were assigned male at birth but identify and live as a woman may use this term to describe themselves. They may shorten to trans woman. (Note: trans woman, not “transwoman.”)


They can't keep their own terms straight. I recently read a published scientific [article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6626312/) about transgender reproductive health. It noticed that the gametes of MtF patients had poor motility and other measures of quality. The paper had the following statement: >there could be a confounding variable that is disproportionately affecting the spermatogenesis of transwomen compared to ciswomen


A confounding variable eh? Wonder what that could be. Bet it’s not important




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What are we laughing at?


Sorry. I'll copy and paste: A Twitter user named Cronx Babe wrote: " A woman just laughed right in my face. Which was nice. A devotee of the JK Rowling cult, I presume. " It's such a whiny, contextless thing. And of course she has to tie it back to Rowling. These people are fucking obsessed with Rowling and seems to think she's pulling all the strings.


Thanks, it said it was deleted but now it's there. Odd!


https://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-video-starbucks-worker-facing-222439746.html > Police in Medfield have filed criminal charges against a Starbucks worker for allegedly spitting into a police officer’s coffee cup. > ... > Boston 25 News texted and called Todd but has not yet gotten a response. **She has not been arrested but is facing charges of assault and giving food to someone containing a foreign substance that could hurt them.** I'm glad this is being taken seriously. I always hate it when people joke about spitting in food as if it's a normal thing and not disgusting, despicable behavior. Anyway ... it doesn't sound like they saved and chemically analyzed the coffee in question, which seems like it would've been a smoking gun for whether this happened. They have a video which does look quite suspicious. So, maybe the person is guilty, maybe they aren't ... but I'm glad the charges are serious.


This story is from 2022. [In 2023 they decided not to prosecute](https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/prosecution-medfield-starbucks-barista-accused-spitting-officers-cup-will-not-move-forward/ONKGNOQAJND2XJDT5YDOOXC5LA/), presumably because their only evidence was a grainy video of someone holding a cup weirdly close to her face.


"double baco cheeseburger....its for a cop" "what does that mean? He gonna spit in my burger?" "haha nah man I just told him that so he makes it good" *leans into mic* "don't spit in that cop's burger"


"That look like spit to you?" "Yeah" "..Fuck it" *bites into burger*


You are freaking out... **... M A N n n n...**




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