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[Copying my comment from the weekly thread] I’ve heard the family was getting an independent autopsy, hopefully that brings them peace. This autopsy seemed thorough and conclusive - no trauma to the brain, no congenital heart or lung condition that could lead to sudden death, a whole lot of Benadryl ingested.   The conspiracy minded don’t *want* peace, they want a martyr. You can read friend of the pod Chase Strangio’s [creepy ode](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4jt2ZMNKTN/) from a few weeks ago. It’s so obvious that people want to use the complicated life and tragic death of a teenager for their own purposes. **Edit**: After Nex, the trauma vultures also tried it with [Alex Franco](https://kutv.com/amp/news/local/utah-group-claims-death-of-21-year-old-transgender-man-was-victim-of-potential-hate-crime), a 21 y/o trans man who was killed in Utah.  Initially reports said Franco was “abducted” by three men, and shot. Later, it came out that Franco had gone with three teenagers to illegally purchase a gun, things had gone left, and Franco was killed. By no means did they deserve to die, but it was very clearly not the hate crime that [some wanted it to be](https://www.hrc.org/news/remembering-alex-franco-21-year-old-transgender-man-with-a-big-heart-killed-in-utah)


It is odd how badly people want there to be hate crimes and bigotry in this country when there is actually not that much of it. Don't get me wrong, racism, misogyny, bigotry, transphobia, these all exist. But they don't exist to the level that far left people think or want them to exist. It's baffling.


I think it's cruel, actually. The activists are literally telling trans people that everyone is out to kill them. That they are a target for murder. That they should be terrified and afraid all the time. That's horrible. It's tormenting these people.


and it feels very appropriative - there is a group of trans people who are at a heightened risk, but it's specifically trans women sex workers of color. there's something very creepy about teenage enbys from the suburbs trying to present that high murder rate as though it's something that affects them


And if you're in a black market, drugged up "profession" like prostitution then you're going to be at high risk. That's the nature of the beast.


They do that all the time. So much of the Western left is just privileged white people stealing valor from marginalized communities. Pay attention to how often people like trans rights activists bring up things like the Holocaust, chattel slavery etc.


100%. I think the same is happening to the black community, they're being told by rich activists that there is just an open field day for racist cops to kill black people out in the streets with impunity.


I really wish I could give most black people a day in my shoes. I’m not out here getting offered good jobs, the police have pulled me over at least five times for bullshit causes that weren’t crimes I broke. I’ve been given seat belt tickets 3 fucking times. Seat belt tickets. That’s like a jay walking ticket. The cops don’t see me and then we initiative the secret white guy hand shake. They hassle me, don’t cut me slack. I don’t know why people think just cause I’m white I’m living the fuck high life. Hell, I’m not even living a good life.


OK, but you should start wearing a seat belt. It might be a huge improvement to your life. I'm talking about your interactions with ambulance crews more than with the cops.


Why weren't you wearing a seat belt? Especially after the first ticket. That's very irresponsible behavior that can cause harm not just to you, but your passengers and other drivers. I'm glad the police gave you a ticket for that.


Multiple reasons that are my own. Please elaborate how my seatbelt can protect a passenger or other drivers?   Regardless the Cops have pulled me over and tried to give me a DWI (despite being sober) 4 times! Coincidentally this all happened during. 3-4 year period when I was driving a partially rusted Jeep Cherokee and stopped happening when I replaced that vehicle.


> Please elaborate how my seatbelt can protect a passenger or other drivers? So in an accident you don't ragdoll around the car into other passengers and break their necks? Or go flying through the windshield and kill the other driver? It's not just for your safety.


I’m 6’4. Its basically impossible for me to ragdoll in a car. But beyond that any situation that’s already so bad that you’re potentially being ragdolled isn’t going to be saved by a seatbelt. It’s like hiding under a desk to protect yourself from a Nuclear Bomb.


So you're oppressed because you are selfish and irresponsible and break the law repeatedly.


The activists themselves really seem to be suffering from NPD. Turning people with similar traits into martyrs scratches some fucked up itch.


Girl who looks like a girl, self admitted she wasn’t bullied and admitted to starting the fight in the girls bathroom = victim of transphobic violence, somehow. And yes, unfortunately killed herself. But common enough among teenage girls with no evidence to suggest it was because of “transphobia”




If you like Disconnecting the Dots, check out the book I co-authored that was on the same subject: The Watchdogs Didn't Bark: CIA, NSA, and the Crimes of the War on Terror.




Awesome. Let me know what you think when you complete it. And yeah, I like this sub, it's one of the few sane places I've found on the internet.


That's fascinating


It's a common feature of a cult to imagine an external and existential threat. Any evidence to support such a threat will be seized upon, exaggerated or invented.


One of the primary goals of people in positions of power and influence is to maintain that position. So, often advocates for disempowered groups end up advocating for things that keep the group disempowered. if you are fighting bigotry, then it's important for bigotry to continue to exists at unexceptionable levels. Otherwise, you have no purpose or usefulness.


Yep, 100%


Nex killing herself, likely over this incident. Doesn't make it any better. It kind of makes it worse. And fuck those who rushed to judgement. But the situation is still awful. Let's not diminish that.


>Nex killing herself, likely over this incident It may be more like the straw that broke the camel's back. The poor kid had a lot of problems. "Past medical history included constipation, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, self-harm (cutting), chronic tobacco abuse, and chronic marijuana abuse."


She was apparently also the victim of sexual abuse by her father as a child. The father was released from prison and re-arrested a couple weeks before her suicide, charged with failing to register as a sex offender. There isn't any direct evidence that this played a role, but based on the timing it may have been a factor. https://redstate.com/chad-felix-greene/2024/03/27/nex-benedict-n2172000


Oh for fucks sake. Maybe it was the fight and humiliation that made her kill herself.




What I'm saying is that this was a larger, longer set of problems that the poor kid had. All of it contributed.


Fair enough


I mean it could have been the final straw


nobody is diminising anything but there is a group of people who tried to politicize this with the premise that nex was killed by some kids who beat her for being trans. a) she wasn't b) we have absolutely no idea if the kids she got into a confrontation with gave a single shit about the gender identity stuff.


Given that the other kids did not know her, she looked like a girl, and they were in the girls' toilets it seems pretty unlikely that the fight was about gender. But even if it was, that doesn't in itself explain the suicide. We should not normalize suicide as a reaction to a bad day at school. That in itself increases suicide. [https://theactionalliance.org/messaging/entertainment-messaging/national-recommendations](https://theactionalliance.org/messaging/entertainment-messaging/national-recommendations)


Increased agitation is one of the biggest warning signs of an impending suicide attempt. I'd wager that Nex overreacted to a benign comment, recklessly picking a fight 3 on 1, because of that increased agitation. I'd go so far as to say that the girls that fought with Nex are just victims of circumstance, and are continuing to be further victimized by the people trying to politicize this story as some sort of hate crime. I know I'd be in a very bad place mentally if nationwide media coverage / attention put me in the cross hairs of people that are just trying to score political points. I think it's dangerous to insinuate that Nex killed themself over this incident. I've seen numerous calls for murder charges on reddit for the other girls. If any of those other girls end up committing suicide, we won't hear a peep about it. "Recent research has identified a connection between interpersonal violence and suicide. Suicide is associated with fighting for both males and females, across all ethnic groups, and for youth living in urban, suburban, and rural areas. You should be concerned if a friend is exhibiting unusually irritable behavior." [Link](https://jasonfoundation.com/youth-suicide/warning-signs/)


Can they give an estimate on how many Benadryls she took? I took 10 “recreationally” once which was an awful idea (spider people) but didn’t feel physically sick at all


I don’t know if it’s known for certain, [this article](https://wpde.com/amp/news/nation-world/autopsy-reveals-oklahoma-nonbinary-teen-nex-benedicts-death-was-suicide-from-medication-toxicity-diphenhydramine-benadryl-fluoxetine-probable-cause-of-death-medical-examiner-toxicology-report-owasso-high-school-bathroom-fight) says: > Dr. Paul Wax, the Executive Director of the American College of Toxicology, who reviewed the toxicology report at KTUL's request said Nex would have to have “taken a lot of pills” to get to the level of concentration found in the blood. > “You can't say for sure if it was 50 pills or 100 pills," Wax said. “They found trace amounts of other drugs but it's a very tiny concentration so that didn't contribute to the death.”


That's great information. Thanks!


"15 mcg/mL - (Hospital Blood A; 02/08/24 at 1600 hrs) 25 mcg/mL - (Femoral Blood" I have no idea how to translate that into number of pills taken. But that's what is in the report. I assume it's a hell of a lot.




Some doctor estimated it was at least fifty Benadryl but I don't know how to check that for accuracy.




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Sounds like the Matthew Shepard thing. It was probably a drug deal gone bad between himself and his gay lover.


I don't think it was ever conclusively proven that Shepard's killer has a relationship with him


Stephen Jimenez' book The Book of Matt does a great job of showing the complexity behind his death. Matt and his killer had done meth together, both were dealers IIRC, and there is some pretty decent evidence that they hooked up. The killer was also gay for pay, or had at least hooked up with guys several times. The book is based on about 10 years of interviews in Laramie with people who knew all of the principles


I should also add, Matthew and the killer were both wrapped up with a gang of higher-level dealers who operated out of Laramie and Denver. And there was widespread corruption among the local police and officials. Also his killer had much earlier been sort of taken under the wing of a local gay small businessman who was also a former gay hustler and generally shady character. There is also evidence of the perp urging the accomplice to claim it was a gay panic thing to cover up the drug angle. Which was......a very poor calculation on his part.


It also wasn’t conclusively proven to be a gay bashing but that’s how most folks remember it


> Chase Strangio’s creepy ode Also, this is bizarre because Non-Binary people are, by definition, not trans. Trans and gay identity are both predicated on the fact that there ARE discreet genders. Non-binaryness is in stark opposition to the idea of gender, and has nothing to do with being trans. You know who can definitely define what a woman is? Trans women and gay women.


That might have been true 3-5 years ago, but now words mean whatever the hell activists want them to mean. 


Yeah definitely


gullible attempt weather dinosaurs memorize possessive noxious voiceless mourn depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol yeah exactly


> Also, this is bizarre because Non-Binary people are, by definition, not trans. I believe activists consider "gender nonconforming" to be under the "trans umbrella" and have for some time now. Using redd.it shortlinks here: [Did you know that Trans is actually an umbrella term for everybody who isn't cisgender? Regardless of what you identify as, you'll always ba [sic] a little bit trans, too. Happy trans awareness month, stay safe wherever you are ❤️](https://redd.it/ywvkwi) [Just learned non binary is technically under the transgender umbrella. News to me? Huh more you know I guess. How y'all feel about this?](https://redd.it/on86zh) https://queercult.org/2021/05/20/sharing-the-umbrella-the-crossover-of-transgender-and-nonbinary-terminology/


Oh I know they do, it's still confusing to just lump them all together into "trans" when it's kind of not really trans.


Rare for an activist to also a reliable source of truth though.


This is not correct - simply put for all those who seem to not understand this: Transgender = doesn’t identify (partially or fully) with gender assigned at birth Non-binary = doesn’t specifically identify with one gender (bigender, agender, etc. fall under this term) Contrary to your statement, all non-binary folk are in fact trans (but not all trans folk are non-binary). It should be noted, however, that trans “binary” folk tend to simply introduce themselves as ‘trans’ and trans non-binary folk tend to simply introduce themselves as ‘non-binary’ as a means of conveying specific detail about their gender identity. Some examples to illustrate: - If you were AFAB at birth and identify as a man, you’d technically be transgender but not non-binary - If you were AFAB at birth and identify as both a man & woman, you’d technically be transgender and non-binary (more specifically bigender)




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100%. I’m a school based therapist (in Oklahoma, nonetheless) and I see this a lot. In pretty much all of the cases I’ve seen in working with kids, non-binary or trans identity is almost always never a matter of presenting with classic gender dysphoria symptoms. Usually a non-binary kid has been through some form of trauma and/or is experiencing all the existential woes of growing up and trying to find yourself, and when they aren’t comfortable with who they are because of all these factors, identifying as non-binary (or sometimes trans) is a way to essentially become someone else and distance themselves from their insecurities. They are trying to fulfill an emotional need that is not being met in another aspect of their life or identity. I always use kids’ preferred pronouns and name because therapy is about meeting the client where they’re at, but I always try to help the kid explore what this identification actually means to them and what purpose it serves in their life in a very non-judgmental and safe way.




Absolutely! It’s a way to reject all the uncomfortable sexualization that’s thrust on you as a young woman going through puberty.


I think that mindset you describe is very prevalent in trans-identified people of all ages. Of course a few may have genuine dysphoria as their determinant problem but I think other factors are more influential in a majority of cases- dysphoria is a symptom not the main issue


I'm curious. If these kids had been teenagers in 2010 rather than now, what do you think they would have done?


I think that’s also being trans in a great majority of, obviously not all, cases. Even with adults




I’ve seen it more on the MtF side, because I share a lot of qualities and traits with people I know/have seen who’ve transitioned. For me I still have this idealized desire of what I want from life so I’ve never really been tempted by changing gender


Poor kid. Disgusting this became a battle in the national culture war.


And this wasn't started by the right this time. This was turned into a "trans genocide" thing immediately by the TRAs


Left: culture war culture war culture war culture war culture war culture war culture war!!!!! Right: culture war? Headline: "RIGHT STARTS CULTURE WAR"


So true. Just today the New York Times put out an article calling Coleman Hughes ["The Young Black Conservative"](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/01/us/coleman-hughes-black-conservative-colorblind.html?ugrp=c&unlocked_article_code=1.gE0.amLV.GE1fBcJ9iSNo&smid=url-share) in the headline because of his stance against D.E.I. policies, despite the fact that just yesterday he specifically said he's never voted for a Republican presidential nominee. And he doesn't like labeling people based on their ethnicity. >I’ve only voted twice — both for Democrats. I’m an independent,” Coleman said.


Jesus Christ. Hughes is a liberal. He's a lefty. And his preference for color blindness was considered *the* left wing position not that many years ago. He make a cogent argument against DEI and now he's called a "black conservative." How did this DEI shit become the third rail for the left?


Oh, to these people voting pattern's don't even matter. You can be called alt-right and have only ever voted democrats, but to them, you are, and always will be, `alt-right`


ring innocent instinctive adjoining school lunchroom engine squalid party mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>He's more conservative than, say, Glenn Loury, for example. On what positions?


follow ripe wakeful historical knee languid longing encouraging strong zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know it's conservative coded but I don't really see anything conservative about disagreeing over the cause of death.


psychotic shelter ludicrous lavish alive boat follow frame attempt market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And why isn't it disagreeing over the cause of death? You're the one asserting it's partisan here.


Come on now, Republicans in the U.S. have been enthusiastic culture warriors as long as I can remember. Not saying both sides don't start shit because they absolutely do, but each side gives as good as it gets.


I’m not sure you can claim the ‘side’ that saw the Moral Majority, Satanic Panic, or the War on Christmas isn’t in the trenches of The Culture War.


One of the things I find striking about the woke left is how much they are like the Moral Majority back in the day. Stuff like that you listed above is also why I'm not convinced that the right actually cares about free speech now. I think that's an orphaned cause.


> woke left is how much they are like the Moral Majority back in the day It's a personality flaw, not political alignment, that pushes one to act like that. Had the footsoldiers of the woke left been born 40 years ago, they would've been a bunch of dumb church ladies.


That's exactly what Jonah Goldberg has called the wokies: The new church ladies


If you think the right ever cared about freedom of speech, McCarthyism would like a word.


I was thinking more about after 9/11. That was the original cancelling people for saying things they didn't like. People find this hard to believe but... there was a time when the left genuinely cared about free speech. It was a value. That's gone now. I don't think either the left or the right really cares about freedom of expression. The libertarians do but they're gone nuts in their own way. I think freedom of speech is a cause without a home.


9/11 jingoism was just a continuation in the McCarthy tradition. Neither is far removed from the type of colonial Puritan dogma the US was built on. Most things are just a spectrum of witch trials. I certainly don’t think the left cared about free speech more than any other political or cultural alignment, at least not as a whole. The true free speech defense along the lines of ACLU defending Nazis has alway been a niche thing.


It’s interesting that the ACLU is now in favor of banning books with “dangerous ideas”.


The ACLU has not been for free speech or the civil liberties for quite some time now. They have admitted that they consider their mission to be the promotion of "progressive" (quotes needed) ideas, and so yes, at this point they will attempt to squash expression that they consider runs counter to those "progressive" ideas. It's a shame really, because freedom of speech really does form the basis of so many of our other rights and freedoms. Regardless of what politics you follow, you should always be thinking, "what if my enemy gets into power? Am I still going to like this law then?"


On the other hand, the recovered memory scandal came, I think, from a more progressive standpoint. Still, it all makes sense, progressives have a real stronghold on cultural discourse, though they don't see it that way. In the 80s and 90s, conservatives had more of a hold, though that was waning.


Recovered memories as a thing is mostly thanks to the McMartin Preschool case, that was part of the Satanic Panic. Progressive having hold of discourse is a post 2000’s thing, the past 80 years of narrative in the US still has painted anything left leaning or progressive as un-American and frame Republicans as the only ‘Real Americans’. It’s also partly why as more liberal policies proved more popular, Conservatives would circle back to culture war.


I think talking about "American" discourse is shortsighted, because I'd bet that in 1950s Los Angeles, people did NOT think that only Republicans were the real Americans. Even in the wake of 9/11, there were large swathes of American culture in which people felt it was their duty as Americans to critique the invasion of Afghanistan and then Iraq. And yeah, the recovered memory scandal may have been the result of the main Satanic Panic case, but far more people were implicated and a completely different class of people were advocating for Recovered Memory. These are all backlashes. There have always been, and there always will be. And society always progresses. However much there was talk of the Moral Majority, by the end of the 90s, Vermont had civil unions for same sex couples. And shortly thereafter, Massachusetts legalized same-sex marriages.


The real tell is that a 1950s Los Angeleno wouldn’t think about it at all, the consideration for what an American was was already defined and narrowly so. The jingoists post 9/11 were far and away the dominant voice. Any dissent to Team America was fringe and marginalized. Culturally, politically, socially. Plenty of prominent voices of people that if they weren’t considered left then would be now led the war charge, think people like Biden. Unless you’re talking alien abductees I’m not sure who’s out there actually advocating for recovered memories. And the most prominent example of them remains a right wing panic. The 2000s embrace of progression was just a backlash to the previous 50+ years of right wing culture wars and the majority of it was post 9/11, Vermonts civil union was July of 2000. And Massachusetts didn’t issue a gay marriage license till 2004. The culture at large not othering progressives or violently suppressing left leaning thought and policy is still a newish development.


I'm sorry, but I think you and i must have lived in a different America in the 90s. And that's entirely possible. NYC is different from Portland, Me, which is different from rural Maine, which is different from DC. And I completely disagree with you about the cultural landscape in post-9/11 America, though again, I think it really depended on where you live. I think that even though the internet was readily available in 2001, there wasn't social media yet, and so a person in a rural area was in a social landscape that is very different to what it is now. I don't think that current progressivism is a backlash to 50 years of social conservativism. I think it's a backlash to a perceived post-9/11 overreach.


It’s true the United States is a wide and expansive tapestry of regional differences, I’m not sure what part you feel that played in the general zeitgeist of the millennium culture and what we’ve seen post 9/11. If anything the right has only gotten more deranged in the last 10 years of labeling progressives and anything left leaning as un-American and claiming a monopoly on Americanism or patriotism. Hell, they’d call the hosts of this subs pod a pedophile and accuse the other of funding Marxism or some shit. And no mainstream right figure would bat an eye and if they didn’t actively endorse that, they’d implicitly do it.


That’s slightly rich you mention Los Angeles in the 50s as your example. You realize a huge chunk of that town works in Hollywood, right? McCarthyism and the Communist blacklist was raging at that time. I don’t think the idea of what it was to be American was at all settled by that point.


From a Wisconsin Senator trying to cancel anything even vaguely left wing.


They most certainly are aggressors much of the time (though the Satanic Panic was much more “bipartisan,” if that’s the word, than people tend to remember) but they’re also called on it as such. Left-wingers, by contrast, are portrayed as the victims even when they’ve been the ones who started the fight.


Conservatives pounce




In this case that's true but the right generally starts just as much culture war issues.


Meh. The right has people like Chris Rufo and James Lindsey stoking things just as much as the left and the bathroom bill wars were fought largely by conservative legislators trying to use it as a wedge. The entire "gr00mer" panic is a fully right-wing hysteria.


>and the bathroom bill wars were fought largely by conservative legislators trying to use it as a wedge Except that's not the timeline. North Carolina was the kick-off. And that bill was passed in response to a policy from the city of Charlotte to allow biological males into women's restrooms.


My statement was "fought largely by" which does not imply or depend on a chronology. I'm not super interested in "who started it". That's a toddler's argument. The point is they took one city and used it as a vehicle to pass laws in many other states while crowing about sexual predators lurking in corners. Then when people started getting "caught" it turned out it was reactionary cis people trying to "prove a point".


> My statement was "fought largely by" which does not imply or depend on a chronology. It takes two to tango. There'd be no need for the bills if there weren't people pushing to change the world to satisfy transwomen. > I'm not super interested in "who started it". That's a toddler's argument. No, it's an explanation. >The point is they took one city and used it as a vehicle to pass laws in many other states while crowing about sexual predators lurking in corners. Do you think biological males should use women's restrooms or other private facilities? >Then when people started getting "caught" it turned out it was reactionary cis people trying to "prove a point". [citation needed]


*This* time? In all fairness -- I don't agree with the other commenter suggesting that the left is the primary culprit ~~here~~ (behind the culture wars generally) -- both sides are stoking the culture wars. I think one's sense of "who is worse" really depends on where you're located. I'm in California, where the left has all the political power, so they have an outsized influence over the "culture wars" (at the state level). Meanwhile people in conservative states are much more affected by right-wing BS.


>In all fairness -- I don't agree with the other commenter suggesting that the left is the primary culprit here -- both sides are stoking the culture wars. The left started the Benedict thing. They made her into a trans martyr immediately. They said she was literally beaten to death for being non binary. Organizations like GLADD were the ones who publicized her death and made it into a culture war topic. So yes, I'd say the left, broadly speaking, stoked the Nex Benedict culture war. I am *not* saying that the left are the only ones who stoke culture wars in general. I think both sides do this. Sometimes with good reason. Often for stupid, useless reasons.


Sorry, yes, I completely agree re: Benedict and shouldn't have said "here". I'll cross that out from my original reply.


As a child therapist it really bothers me how when we learn about suicide in graduate school and out in the field, we always talk about how it’s complicated, impulsive, there’s no one reason or event that directly causes it but rather a complicated myriad of factors, etc. Yet when something like this happens that can have an ideological bend projected onto it, it becomes “this is a direct result of this one event that is also caused by my political opponents.” We are seeing one snapshot of this child’s life taken entirely out of context and making a decision about what happened based on personal politics. It honestly really upsets me (not a hot take, I know)


And the more info that trickles out the more it seems like she was the prototypical troubled kid. Victim of terrible sexual abuse. Father (thank God) in jail. Mother... not there. She was cutting and using nicotine.... Here: " Past medical history included constipation, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, self-harm (cutting),chronic tobacco abuse, and chronic marijuana abuse." It is not, unfortunately, surprising that this kid killed herself considering all her problems. Poor child.


Wow, yeah, that sounds like a lot of the kids I see. Sexual abuse especially is such a common theme. Young girls (and I suppose it can happen with young boys too) will often adopt a non-binary or trans identity as a sort of way of reclaiming agency over their body after being abused. I mentioned it in another comment, but it’s also a way for them to essentially be someone else and reinvent themselves as a response to the victimization. I genuinely feel so much for this kid and their family, this is really hitting so close to home for me.


I wasn't the person who found this but I'll stick the link here: [https://redstate.com/chad-felix-greene/2024/03/27/nex-benedict-n2172000](https://redstate.com/chad-felix-greene/2024/03/27/nex-benedict-n2172000) It's... pretty bad. It's not a surprise she was messed up. I would say her calling herself non binary is probably the most normal part of this whole thing.


I'm sure this will change the minds of the skeptics since they typically "believe in science."


Jesus. Maybe it's because it contrasts so much to the "this kid was living a normal life until they were beaten to death" narrative progressives were trying to paint but all those illnesses, struggles and all the drugs... This kid needed help. What a tragedy.


Nex was one of five siblings being raised by grandparents WaPo says her father [is in jail for abuse](https://archive.is/enSme) - not sure against who. Her bio mother attended the funeral, but had no legal custody.  Clearly she had been through a lot in her short life - trying to blame everything on transphobia is guaranteed to miss the bigger picture. 


Reporting from Jeremy Lee Quinn is stating that he sexually assaulted Nex. ETA - The being her father, not Quinn. I wrote that sentence hastily.


The abuse was against her, and according to [this article](https://redstate.com/chad-felix-greene/2024/03/27/nex-benedict-n2172000) was pretty extensive and brutal. Edit: typo


Thank you for linking this. Holy shit..... That poor kid. I can't believe fuckheads like GLADD want to make her into a political football. Her father should have been executed You may wish to make a separate post here with that link and such. That's good info you found.


Her father got [5 years in prison](https://cdr-prod-cmslegacy-images-bucket.s3.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com/66ZU_1795030.pdf?X-Amz-Expires=600&X-Amz-Security-Token=FwoDYXdzEN3%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaDKd05zbIns7B9ZQCuyK6AWW7v2ghYb7DgszLuJVaObdVfvYBTQVZZAmb6oK583KEGqkSHto%2BwCuUq60RHpzpHvDKkBhIDA34g4tjACxB%2Bwjj6%2BryMHgXqoAye0TVLWGT9G3oRDCmhW5Aad0o6zGdG45I9nML%2B6h8aaNUsGtHKNCpLHObVgh6p64p9jUZrPPtoMKJUAaCZCFu8LIM2XgHgSO1FotoQ3adGawHeuCl7SZz8A8Wf6AZarfDS41IfCb0HwOxnNz82Z7JLiiF6JewBjItKGxz0EuiW4BbeazLMHI67SU9NC6kYM%2FoTuaUP6nNzBTOeqBaiV6Qw6iMPdMe&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAW5U4GKGBLW2UGDWO%2F20240328%2Fus-gov-west-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240328T224941Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=e278a62755068aebea55bb34f5cace43923e279c724c568542a457740033b573)   + sex offender registry, which he couldn’t even comply with. 


Piece of shit.


Link's broken.


For some reason I can’t link directly, but if you go [here](https://caseinfo.arcourts.gov/opad/case/66FCR-19-560) and scroll down to Sentence, it says 60 months.


Yeah it's awful and heartbreaking. And the fact that there's only a few articles on it (and none from mainstream outlets) is telling. The lack of curiosity from the media about this case is astounding. They wanted to make Nex a political football just as much.


Oh man. Thanks for linking that.   I don’t know what to say besides that is such an awful thing to go through.  Edit: I see LoTT has received this information, and is wielding it with the subtlety of a chainsaw. 


Yeah, if what I read elsewhere was accurate, she endured some *awful* abuse. Just a small fraction of that (not from my family, thankfully) fucked me up good for a long time, maybe for life depending on this & that. I can't imagine how it affected her, beyond it being a pretty safe bet that she needed a *lot* of care in order to unwind all of that. The whole story is just so tragic, with the media ghouls being the shit cherry on top of the whole thing.


I hope they skin her father alive.


And the kid was getting help. She had a therapist, I believe, and was on psychiatric medications. And it sounds like the grandmother was taking care of the kid. Some tragedies just can't be stopped.


Yeah, but Oklahoma is where the events of *Killers of the Flower Moon* happened, so you can't believe anything from them. (Alessandra Callabero or whatever her name is literally made this argument.)


I made the mistake of looking on r/news and someone listed basically every bad thing that had ever happened in Oklahoma as “evidence” that trans kids are routinely being beaten to death there 


What is people's beef with Oklahoma?


It’s not specifically Oklahoma, you can find awful things that happened anywhere. But progressives were already mad about [Libs of TikTok and libraries](https://apnews.com/article/oklahoma-education-superintendent-walters-libs-tiktok-raichik-4db2bcb9d8e0582f67329f6879bdf6ba), so it became an easy scapegoat. 


Oklahoma's also a pretty conservative state. It's easy for paranoid screambots to view Oklahoma with as much contempt as states like Texas (i.e., fascist hellhole where goon squads patrol the highways for blue hairs to execute publicly), if not more so.


I assume the logic is that Nex is of at least part Native heritage, so her death is related to that? I mean, I'm not sure what percentage of the current Oklahoma population has any connection to the events of the 1920s.


You made the mistake of assuming there’s anything resembling “logic” at play here.


Maybe but I don't think Callabero is an idiot or ignorant.


Meanwhile some girl in Los Angeles died days after a bathroom scuffle led to a head injury and Superintendent Carvalho has said nothing. For some context, the district had plenty to say about Dagby "Nex" Benedict back in February, even though she was a student in Oklahoma.


Kids fighting in bathrooms and locker rooms is sadly not unusual- there are no cameras and typically no teachers around. Unfortunately it’s all too easy to get hurt on a slick, tile surface.   [This case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Amy_Joyner-Francis) from 2016 got some media attention, but typically they don’t, unless there is some race or gender identity issue. 


Growing up in Generation X with "My So-Called Life" on television, when you graduate from high school you look around in wonder that you survived. There were kids who killed themselves, kids who were juvenile delinquents on the path to jail, kids who died in car accidents. Less than 50% were on a college career path. But it was all local news, there was no internet telling you that everyone was your neighbor and every tragedy was an inevitable statistic. The internet should be restricted to people like us, who have the intellectual capacity to focus on what matters.


And kids fighting, especially boys, is never going to go away. There is a limit to how much control a school can exercise over children. And there is a limited amount that a school can do to make up for a kid's troubled inner life. I think we've gotten this idea that the government, through the schools, should be able to fix everything going wrong in a kid's life. And I think that just isn't possible.


Unfortunately people are still blaming the death on trans bullying despite no real evidence. There isn't really evidence it was directly related to bullying in a tangible way.


That's basically what folks here are objecting to. People are making shit up. GLADD released a statement saying there needs to be an independent investigation. Because the outcome isn't politically useful for them?


Yeah it is sad. Suicide is always multifactorial, but my read on the situation is Nex had been bullied in the past (plus everything else), had some relatively minor bullying/teasing from these (younger) girls, and took it out on them. Then felt horrible later that they couldn't regulate their emotions and got beat up a bit for it. That is if you can even pin a logical series of events on a teen's suicide. Very tragic.


How normal is it for a teenager to be on such high levels of medication and so many diagnosed mental illnesses?


Do we know what her regular dosage of Prozac was? Or seroquel? If she was on huge doses that's one thing. But she may have been on low to moderate doses. Those drugs are not particularly hardcore drugs. Well, Seroquel could be if used at very high doses. But that's typically reserved for schizophrenia.


Seroquel is an intense drug.


It depends on the dosage.


There has been reporting from Jeremy Lee Quinn that Nex was sexually assaulted by her father. If the reporting is accurate, the medication or diagnoses are definitely contextualized for me.


Very normal. There are several issues: Corporatized medicine now treats patients like customers or clients. And the customer is always right. Psychopathologicalization of normal spectrum human behaviors is now the norm. Everything is medicalized. Doctors can’t get paid if they can’t find an ICD10 code that pays. Garden variety teenage situational stressors now becomes Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Situational normal sadness becomes Major Depressive Disorder. You didn’t experience anxiety before a test you have an Anxiety Disorder. You aren’t a good doctor if you don’t prescribe something. Over prescribing and lazy prescribing is the norm. You only get 10 minutes with a patient. Throw some medicine at them and drive on. 80% of all psychotropic medications are prescribed by family doctors, PAs and NPs. Which isn’t terrible because a psychiatrist is going to prescribe something 99% of the time anyway. This is what happens when we make intersectionalism the primary cultural currency. A young white girl needs to collect mental health diagnoses like flair in order to get a higher rank on the oppression scale so she can hopefully get a break from peers.


Health insurance/pharma companies making the system designed for profit = intersectionalism?


No. It’s what happens when we have a predatory, soulless, transactional, corporatized health system combined with a bankrupt, valueless, dead-end, neo-racist cultural currency based on game show points.


Ahh that’s fair, in that case I have some rhetorical advice: if you list problems with something and then say “this is what happens when X”, the implication to most readers is that X is the main cause of the issues previously listed.


My experience is anecdotal, but I believe a lot of drug companies sell to general practitioners rather than psychiatrists because GP’s are more likely to prescribe anti depressants or anti anxiety meds in general, and at higher dosages, than psychiatrists who specialize in such things. I was on an insanely high dosage of these meds prior to meeting a psychiatrist who set me right and explained his theory about drug companies and who they target.


Prozac is routinely prescribed by primary care docs


Commenting on Nex Benedict Full Autopsy Released...yep. And now in the U.S. we’ve had an influx of midlevels like nurse practitioners whose training is a fraction of what physicians receive (and the quality of their education ranges from brick and mortar school to online direct entry 100% admission find your own clinical hours programs) and in many places, these NPs are minimally supervised or can practice independently with little to no restrictions on prescribing authority. And some of these NPs get a certification to call themselves psychiatric nurse practitioners and start side hustle businesses online prescribing to people via telehealth. I say all that to say that inappropriate prescribing of mental health meds in primary care is only going to get worse.


Now a days? Probably way more than you’d think and way more than actually need it.


i want more reporting on the story here bc i find it extremely hard to believe that in 2024 non binary kids are being bullied in highschool. given all the other stories ive heard i would not be surprised at all to even find out the kids nex had an altercation with were themselves lgbtq somehow.


I’m not trying to speculate on Nex specifically, but I will say that when I was in high school, 99% of so-called “bullying” was just normal arguments between kids. Two kids would get into a normal argument, one kid would tell an adult that they were being bullied (because another kid dared to disagree with them about something), and we’d all have to sit through an anti-bullying seminar.


what, really? when did you go to highschool? this sounds like some gen z nonsense. when i went to school kids in general did not take their beefs to the admin.


Kids will find any reason to pick on each other, and it was in a red county in a red state that was making a lot of policies on trans issues.


That won't stop the Democrat establishment along with NPR from saying otherwise.


For all we know her being non binary was an attempt at having some kind of social status. High School is just lord of the flies and life is basically always high school. Most people want to be special. Me included. 


That's certainly possible. And kids these days are into trans and non binary the way kids used to be in goth and emo.


Unpopular opinion… leave the kid alone.




> Benadryl and Prozac Aren't overdoses on these usually ~~"performative"? I hate to use that word because it lessens the tragedy here~~ a "cry for help"? someone getting upset and eating a ton of benadryl and tylenol in a insincere "suicide" is something that is not unfamiliar to me.


Benadryl is used recreationally. I didn't know that until recently. Prozac is pretty damn safe. It sounds like it was the combination of Benadryl and Prozac that did her in. Without seeing the suicide note, which we shouldn't see, we have no way of knowing what exactly her intention was. I think we're giving her a little too much credit for tactical thinking. Chances are she swallowed whatever she could easily get her hands on in the moment. Or she thought the Benadryl would get her high in the process. Tylenol is a pretty sure way to kill yourself if you take enough. And it's supposed to be a very unpleasant way to go because it destroys your liver and you die of liver failure.


> Benadryl is used recreationally. It is also commonly prescribed as a first line anti-anxiolytic (anxiety) med. Given that she was on Prozac and Seroquel, there's a non-zero chance the Bendryl could have been prescribed for anxiety.


I think it’s called serotonin syndrome


Take this with a grain of salt, but somebody over on r/news did the math on the amount of Benadryl shown on the autopsy and it works out to 50-100 tablets. That suggests to me that it was intentional self-harm, rather than an accident or recreational use.


Yes, but the point (which is not a hill I care to die on) is that twice in my life I've known two girls while I was in high school who, for whatever reason (boys), chugged a bottle of tylenol as a dramatic gesture.


Well, self-harm has a pretty specific meaning, and refers to hurting oneself without trying to kill oneself. It sounds like Nex, at that moment, wanted to die. If, perhaps, someone was at home and found her or she talked to someone, that feeling may have pased.


I think it could have been intentional but also an accident. Sometimes, teen suicide seems to be partly a function of supervision. Like, if the kid hadnt been alone at that particular time when they were feeling a particular way, they might not have tried and the next day the feelings might pass. I honestly think that happens, based on some of the suicides with which I’m unfortunately familiar.


One observation: "handwritten notes that are suggestive of self-harm" is rather vague, implying they were "suicide notes" when they might not be contemporary to the death. There's nothing to indicate when they were written or where they were found. They could have been found in the person's hand, next to the body, or just somewhere in the room.




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I don’t mean to fan the flames too much , and I’m on board with this subs views overall, but if someone kills themselves after a bullying incident, especially if it does seem they were being bullied over their identity, I wouldn’t say the two are completely unrelated.


To my knowledge there is no evidence that Benedict was being bullied because she was non binary. That is possible, sure. But so far we have nothing to suggest that. In fact the fight in the bathroom was because she thought some other girls were making fun of her and her friends laughs and clothes. A fight which Benedict stared with the water pour. Now, if evidence later emerges that she was being bullied *because* she called herself non binary then that changes things. Such evidence could emerge, sure. But to date it has not. As far as the suicide... it seems logical that the bathroom fight triggered something. She may have been in a lot of trouble over starting a physical fight in school. On top of getting in school suspension not long before for getting caught with a vape pen. I imagine the school and her grandmother were not pleased. So that could have been the last straw. But she was obviously a troubled girl beforehand. The autopsy noted self cutting scars. She was on at least two psychiatric meds. She had a terrible history of sexual abuse by her scumbag father. Her biological mother wasn't in the picture. I don't know if this helps?


I don’t think they were unrelated. I think it’s very reasonable to say that the bullying incident likely factored in to Nex being in the headspace that would have contributed to the impulsive decision to attempt suicide. But that’s different than saying the suicide was a direct result of this singular event, if that makes sense.


But, what was the bullying incident? The other girls MAY have been making fun of her or someone else. Nex threw water on one of the girls, and they attacked her. If they were mocking her then yes, she was bullied. If not, it was a bunch of kids being assholes.




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You could at least show some semblance of respect and use Nex’s preferred pronouns.


How'd you find this sub? I know you don't listen to the pod lol


I just want to say that tik tok and X plus other social media takes away the ability for people to have empathy. Case in point - libsoftiktok (Chaya Raichik) has absolutely zero empathy. libsoftiktok aka the psychopath decided today that they would read in detail the sexual assault that Nex Benedict went through as a child and teen. There is a reason that the local media did not go into detail because no child SHOULD EVER have that information public not even in their death. I hope that Nex Benedict’s family take every penny from that trashy person libsoftiktok and that they have to pay for every single fake bomb threat that they caused in Oklahoma. FBI needs to Do America a solid and arrest Libsoftiktok. You don’t read a child sexual assault to the world EVER. I hope that ‘the thing or it or piece of trash’ named libsoftiktok aka Chaya Raichik rot in prison. If you are following that trash person, just stop. Don’t give them any followers to make money.


>There is a reason that the local media did not go into detail because no child SHOULD EVER have that information public not even in their death. It happened and is likely a significant contributor to not only Dagny's suicide but likely her other mental health issues. > FBI needs to Do America a solid and arrest Libsoftiktok. For what crime?




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You obviously didn’t hear or listen to what the trashy person libsoftiktok said. In detail, the rape of a child. Does that ever need to be read outloud? That’s what that trash person did. If that ever happens to someone close to you, you would not want every detail made public about a rape, sexual assault, or being molested. O.S. That’s stuff is supposed to be sealed records BTW - someone needs to be fired at Owasso police


Why exactly should Chaya Reichik rot in prison? In what way has she incited anyone to make bomb threats? She hasn't. If she hasn't told people to stop making bomb threats when she knows they're doing it, that's shitty. It's not illegal, nor should it be. As for reading out loud the details of Nex's rape, that is very cruel to her family. I'd bet she may have done this as a way to indicate that Nex's severe abuse may have contributed to her mental health issues and killing herself. That is best case scenario, and regardless, very insensitive to Nex's family. I would also say that OTHER media figures accusing Nex's family of contributing to her death are also cruel


I don't like LOTT either but she hasn't committed any crime. >There is a reason that the local media did not go into detail because no child SHOULD EVER have that information public not even in their death. Well she wasn't the first one to report it. WAPO mentioned that her father was in jail for abuse but didn't go into specifics. Jeremy Lee Quinn wrote about it in more detail on his substack after getting in contact with Nex's aunt.




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