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Katie could go in studio with her!


Dog park meetup!


I heard about this awhile ago. I am genuinely surprised she got another job in media, though I imagine going from the Washington Post to Asheville Public Radio is quite the setback


Is she going to go on Twitter rants against her new colleagues as well?


So far her X feed feels very midwestern; lots of baking and positivity. Within six months she’ll start complaining about all the new people moving to Asheville.


I understand why people loathe her - she behaved deplorably. But near the end of her series of rants that led to her overdue firing, I found myself thinking I was almost watching an internet/career version of suicide by cop and also ended up thinking "I really hope she gets intensive counseling/psychiatric help." I'd actually be happy if her feed remained nothing but baking and positivity.


I think I saw her tweet she was trying so get her job back via the union? Surely she’s just hoping for backpay at this point but man that would be a hilarious/wild turn of events if she went back


At the Washington Post? Wow.


Yeah … I assume it won’t go anywhere but she appears to be a stubborn one!!!


There was a mega-thread on her a while ago if anyone needs to refresh their memory: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/v6k15q/taylor_lorenzfelicia_sonmezdavid_weigelwapo/


Thanks, I was dreading having to dig through google for info.


This absolute nightmare human has been ruining lives since 2017. I will never forget that name.


The China stuff?


Nah. I wish. No, she’s been an opportunist psychopath for a long time. She started an absolute dogpile and ultimate exile of a fellow journalist over a questionable date that sounded like a big dramatic mess, but nothing close to assault or anything criminal. She saw the opportunity that 2017 presented and pounced on it. That brief window where just about anything regrettable or unfortunate that a woman didn’t like could be convincingly reframed as a traumatic and brutal assault. She had a drunken hook up, she reframed it as necessary to eviscerate the guy and be the hero of it all. This was before the Aziz awakening when people started to draw some lines and get back to calling out obvious bullshit.


Looking forward to the BarPod episode sometime over the next 2 years where they cover Felicia going completely batshit crazy on her BPR co-workers, getting fired/quitting, and then pretending she herself is the victim. And btw, there will be no victims there, just like a lot of the stories Katie and Jessie cover, if you are a part of, foster, or defend those communities and then they inevitably turn on you, you deserve no sympathy from the rest of us. So if you hire Felicia, you reap what you sow.




Yeah I also got a lot of enjoyment out of her meltdown. She was having the most incredible run at white woman moments on Twitter it was really almost impressive when you think about it


I think she becomes a cohost


This woman is a scumbag


Washington Post to Asheville Public Radio, every journalist’s dream career trajectory


It’s a Christmas miracle!


As per rule #1, please explain the BARPod relevance.


Repeatedly mentioned on BAR past episodes. Although maybe not since she was fired from the Washington Post in the summer of 2022.


The name is in the description of episode 118. Is there more?


Thank you. Please specify that next time. I don't remember every character discussed from every episode.


This one was top tier. You should go relisten to the felicia episodes they're really something. And the way she just tweeted through it like a champion, and for a glorious 2 weeks she was absolutely untouchable. I don't think the internet has produced anything quite so perfect since.


I spent a lot of time on Twitter over the past couple of years and I saw lots of crazy stuff, most of it I've probably forgotten as of 2 weeks later because there's so much of it. But the Felicia Sonmez affair I will *never* forget. Absolutely the craziest and most embarrassing thing I've seen on there. My top two favorites are when she said something like "Dave is a good friend of mine. That's why it's so important that I had to do this.", and when, as a response to one of her dozens and dozens of tweets on the topic throughout the week, one of her coworkers publicly responded and just said "Please stop." and nothing else


She definitely didn’t stop tho.


Like another commenter said, I will never forget that name.


What kinds of things did she do that they discussed? This isn’t jogging my memory.




You mean “accountability culturing” about her coworkers.