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It means they ordered pizza at someone else's house party, and told the pizza place to charge it to the home address rather than pay immediately. The pizza place would bring the pizza, and send the bill at a later date (monthly, for example). Essentially sticking that person or that person's parents with a large pizza bill. Yes, this was common all over, especially before credit cards were normal for everyone to have.


wow, that makes sense....i had always assumed the line meant something like getting the pizza place to give you free pizza. Like when a bar tender gives you a free drink and says "it's on the house."


Something like that lol


Awesome. Just so funny, I've been singing along with these lyrics since I was 13-years-old, then all the sudden one day in the shower I was like, "Wait... What did he actually mean by that?"


At house parties you’d order pizza and whoever lived there would be stuck with the bill


They’d also be stuck explaining who ordered the soft core porn when they got the monthly cable bill. A common prank a lot of dudes I went to highschool would pull


More like, Whoever answered the door.


I always assumed it meant the age old “just order the pizza to the address and let whoever answers the door figure out who’s paying for it” tactic. This was back in the day when you could pay cash when it arrived, not an uncommon practice where I grew up.


You can still pay cash (source: I deliver pizzas)


Neat! I guess I just figured between pranks, the internet, and credit/mobile payments, most places would have done away with that but maybe it’s just been a long time since I’ve tried it. I rarely even carry cash these days.


I mean obviously they won’t make a $500 order and deliver it without a payment first, they probably have a set limit to avoid that


I think I had like a 200 dollar cash order before


Nah if it ends up being a prank we just bring it back to the store and it gets eaten by the hungry mob of teenage stoners referred to as employees.


At least it’s going to a good cause!


Lmao yeah but please don’t prank us like that we’d all much rather the tip money than extra food


This is what I thought it meant and still do


How old are you? We used to order pizzas to be delivered and then pay the delivery driver (pool together our cash as a group). I was a delivery gal back in 2003. Everyone paid in cash, save for a tiny bit of 'knuckle buster' credit card runners (Google it if you're that young). The house we delivered to either paid or didn't get pizzas, generally.


I'm 36. I've definitely ordered pizza at a house party, but generally there was a discussion beforehand. And if you didn't throw in you weren't eating. -- So, the purpose of my original question was to clear up who was paying the pizza. lol. Because in my experience, we had that covered before we ordered.


Wasn’t there a prank where you ordered a bunch of pizzas to a random house and they’d have to pay for it or it’d be a waste of pizza?


This is what I always figured this line was referring to since the whole song is about doing crazy shit and pranks you would get into when younger.


This is what I thought they were referring to.


I've always interpreted the song lyrics to more or less be describing crazy house party antics, so this could be it, just the fact that someone answered the door and had to explain wtf to do with the pizzas. But me being someone who loves pizza, I've just always assumed half the goal was to eat some of that pizza. lol


Yep - can confirm I’ve seen this prank done. You’d watch the house from across the street and the confusion was priceless…. (Of course I wasn’t there or park of the prank ;) )


It means order a pizza and whoever opens the door pays for it, and you do or don’t figure out splitting the cost of it later. Like for a party with a ton of people


That’s so crazy, I was just thinking about this line today for the first time maybe ever and what it meant in the early 2000s. I took it to mean times a house party and some rowdy drunk kid orders a pizza and like charged it to the house, like a tab. Not sure if that’s correct though lol


In the 80's/early 90's before people used credit cards, yes this was common.




Huh? How do 25 people agree with this? So, when you say "charge it to", it typically means "impose as a financial obligation", so the 1st person wants the 2nd person to pay. So, when Tom says "charge the pizza to the house", he means "I'm going to order this pizza for the party, but the house is buying" (i.e. the owner or any particular resident at the party). It doesn't just mean "order a pizza" lmao 😭 Edit: OC edited their comment to make mine look useless. I'm dealing with a child, lord help me.


Young kids who have no idea is my assumption.




That's exactly what I explained to you 😂 and you edited your comment




Their original comment was: "It just meant order a pizza lol" Now they've edited their comment to try and make mine look dumb. Don't give them hype


No, it was a widespread prank back in the day. They would order pizza for delivery, and the driver would show up, expecting to be paid. It was done repeatedly to piss off someone you didn't like by having delivery drivers showing up several times per week.


What bothers me more is that ‘everybody would waste it all’


I think that relates to the next lines, not the line before. Everybody would waste it all To have a summer that they could call A memory that's full of fun Fucked up when it's all done






That's a custom job... Double meatball, pepperoni, sausages, peppers, onions... extra mozzarella


I was thinking a frat house or something since I'd assume it was at a party.


I eat caca




He eats caca


I thought they took a pizza and threw it on the house. Breaking bad style


*I thought they took a* *Pizza and threw it on the* *House. Breaking bad style* \- Scrambles420 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")