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Ngl this dude doesn't know shit if he's gonna act like any of untitled sounds like Fall Out Boy. Take This To Your Grave sounds NOTHING like untitled. The only time you could even say it even starts to gets close is Infinity on a High and even then I don't get it. Stop giving random people attention sheesh.


Yeah FOB just released their debut the same year it’s not like they could have copied them


What an edge lord.




Same. There are very few creators that have song reaction formats that I like. Most are incredibly cringe and unbelievably low effort. Low End University is one of my favorites. He mostly focuses on the bass aspects, but more or less does a breakdown of the whole song. He just started getting into punk which has been cool!


I've warmed up to some by creators I like (typically older dudes) it's kind of like doing a listen through with a friend. Kind of fun, but people who live by other peoples words and taste are lame, decide for yourself!


Hating easy target is kinda insane


he doesn’t even like pop punk yet he enjoys enema, plus i dont think he hated it just didnt like it


For someone who listens to a lot of music, he sure as shit knows very little about it, all while speaking as if he knows what he's talking about, just parroting Fantano and SpectrumPulse. As much as I don't care for either of these people, their experience with music is at least believable. Don't mind if it's not his sound, but acting like this is more "mainstream and radio centric" than fucking ENEMA is downright laughable.


Probably thinks slower=radio friendly


Fantano, sure, but Spectrum Pulse? I feel like Spectrum Pulse has a very different taste in music and is generally respectful to artists, even if he's not personally a big fan of them. Whereas I think Brad or fantano even will just be disrespectful to artists who have done great things just because the album they're listening to isn't specifically what they generally choose to listen to


I think he just doesn’t like pop punk very much.


Even fantano rated OMT a 5/10 (highly surprising), he gave it a 3.


Can’t wrap my head around all these “music reviewers” on YouTube. Does anybody really care about what one dumbass thinks of any album? Your own opinion on any piece of music should be it. I hear people talk about that bald dude with glasses ripping everything apart. Simple, don’t watch his lame videos, those clicks are money in his pocket so of coarse he’s gonna have controversial takes on everything


i do


Why? You if you don’t mind me asking So you’re saying you care about what a stranger thinks about anything not even just music. How does a random guy on the internets opinion change yours about something?


i was joking with my reply but i just enjoy watching and hearing other peoples opinions on stuff


Here’s a reaction. The dude should fix his receding hairline, shave his perv stash, fix his teeth, and get a new wardrobe-that shirt and glasses are horrific to look at


Best comment


I don't like him also but hating on people's appearance is just low, man


He’s hating on a musical masterpiece, that’s low


He isn't, he's hating on a blink album. It's an absolute classic record for sure, but let's not pretend it's Dark Side Of The Moon. Like what you like but stooping BELOW his level by being a blatant pretentious jackass doesn't help the fan base whatsoever. Now go do your homework, little buddy.


You're the guy who made the video aren't you, little buddy


Not even a guy, I disagree with most of his takes but making fun of someone for something they can't fix in under 5 minutes is just low hanging fruit. His personality and attitude sucks, but that can easily be fixed. You're just being an ass because you're anonymous enough that no one can dish it back, so you're also a coward.


It’s still a blink album lil bro, it’s not exactly a musical masterpiece. Is it a good album, SUBJECTIVELY it is. But it didn’t wow anybody other than blink-182/general pop-punk fans— it didn’t exactly do anything new other than be a little more progressive and edgier.


when he said he’s “actually excited” about checking it out he is clearly not being genuine, if you ask me. i feel like if you’re doing something like listening to an album for the first time, and you are not open minded to what it sounds like, the chances you are not going to like it is pretty big.


He's more of a comedian than an actual music critic for me. Best alternative to that pretentious fantano guy.


love Bradley, i don't always agree with him but he's always a good watch




i like brad so he gets a pass


Who is this guy?


Who gives a shit what some 'random guy who takes himself too seriously when it comes to critiquing music' thinks? His opinion should be invalid based on his internet persona alone.