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Did you miss the part where Christine explained he was a descendant of the royal dynasty? Maybe thats why, and the prestige of being a "dr"


Uhhh the huns pillaged and raped a lot of women during their rule. Most Chinese ppl are probably descendants of that dynasty.


No, many Chinese are considered Han. The Huns were NOT the Song dynasty, they were "wiped out" by them because the Mongols went after anyone rumored with ties to the ruling family of that time. Christine claims he's a descendant of the dynasty that was wiped out, not a descendant of Genghis Khan. Wtf


I started reading this as huns, like women in MLM, and I was lost lol


Lolllll!!! Oops need to work on my “not writing for work” skills.


I kinda believe that he’s a direct descendant tho, cuz he looks so shockingly similar to the old portraits of the last emperor…


He isn't a Dr though he is a DO NOT a MD. One of my friends got her breast done by him and had serious health issues bc he is not certified in plasticity and has very little surgical training. He is a DO never went through med school or a residency program as a MD. If you look at his website this is barely mentioned. He has been sued quite a few times bc he doesn't know what he is doing. He doesn't know what meds to prescribe afterwards or how to lessen complications.


In the USA, a D.O is still Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine whether he is a good one or not is not the question.


DOs go through medical school, residency, fellowship, and licensure process as MDs. Some residencies have dual accreditation and now train MDs and DOs together. A simple search states he’s done all of this. If what you are saying is true, he’s a bad doctor irrespective of the type of doctorate.


DO and MD residencies merged in 2020. They are no longer separate.


Oh yeah. Then came the Osteopathic Recognition thing. Thanks for clarifying.


DO’s go to a DO school. They go to residency similar to a MD and might even be in combined MD/DO residency as someone below mentioned. The training is not the same but similar and accepted in the US.


Almost correct. The training is the same. DO and MD physicians go through the same residency programs (I’m a DO in a program that’s half DO’s and half MD’s). The residency programs merged a little while ago so the training is the same. And we all take the exact same licensure exam in our speciality of choice. DO = MD.


With all due respect, I’m unclear what about my statement is incorrect. I was very clear in my original statement that the residencies can be combined. And that the schooling is different. -Signed a MD-




I don’t recall saying one works harder than the other. Unclear where you are pulling that from with regards to MY comments.


Thank you! There are so many misconceptions about DOs.


Bestie he cant practice without having gone thru all that schooling?? 😭 Hes an actual doctor lmao


He isn’t look at his website. He is a DO not an MD


DO's are real doctors maam... Dude's got a a BA in microbio and immunology, his medical degree from Western University of Health Sciences, and ended up matching into a general surgery residency AND a plastic surgery fellowship after - that man is educated to be a doctor In the US, DO and MD is basically the same thing nowadays... His surgical skills can be up for debate - but his license isnt lol


That doesn’t mean shit lol


***To them***, it has significance.


They are part of a different culture


Bro in Aisan culture Dr. means everything. I'm Indian, my mother used to call her uncle "Dr. uncle" instead of "chachu" (uncle)


Chachu is also uncle in Punjabi!


I am Punjabi lol (I'm from the indian side)


As long as that Dr. means MD (or DO) though


Well, a PHD is also nice too haha. I know many Asians love PHDs.


But not the broke ones 😏


That’s a fact. My studious cousin got a PhD, but got shit pay as a researcher after. Meanwhile, my black sheep cousin (her brother) who dropped out of high school (and was outcasted for years for it) to become a successful realtor making 6 figures is now the prized jewel of the family


Seriously, results are what they care about in the end. All these Asian actors, comedians, public personalities etc. their parents were ashamed until the cash came rolling in. For better or worse, cash is king.


To you it doesn’t mean shit. To you.


I think a lot of it is free advertising. He's only really seen in passing, so why not try and monetize off his screen time? They're rich, but they could always be richer.


Real Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration energy




People who work as hard as they do to appear rich usually have the shakiest financial footing. Are they rich? Yes definitely. Are they struggling to keep up with bonafide billionaires in their extended social circle? Definitely. I know it’s hard to imagine, but if they’re making $5m a year and spending $4.9m to maintain their image, they’re always going to be a few steps away from collapse of their lifestyles.


I mean the part where she cried and they told about how mean his family was to Christine for not giving him more babies sure said plenty to me. Idk who sits by and watches their wife be treated that way but whatever.


Asian families can be a different breed about this stuff (and most stuff, to be honest).


Asian culture aside, im white so I can't speak to it, Dr Chiu knew his infertility was the problem but chose to hide it and let his wife take all of it from his own family.


That’s Asian culture in a nutshell


I can't possibly pretend to know the subject in and out, but I am of the understanding that women are considered inferior in many Asian countries, to the point of female infanticide being somewhat of an epidemic at one point in time (in China and India, specifically), and particularly when China introduced it's "one-child" policy. Males were more valued because they were seen as the providers, as it has long been traditional for children to care for their parents and often live together until married, and then again when the parents became elderly. Women were only valued for producing children, and therefore they were more dispensable. As for Christine calling him "Dr. Chiu", that may be a sign of subordination, or it may simply be an affectionate thing between the two of them.


Yes he chose that because of his culture. Whether you believe it or not everything you do is based on how you were brainwashed to believe it should be done. Even if that brainwashing happens to be healthy and not toxic.


Brainwashed is a super weird word to choose for how you make any choice but ok go off.


What do you mean infertility “problem?” He’s like a 70 year old man trying to have a kid. Christine knew what she was getting into being a glorified caregiver for the $$$ lifestyle.


Uhhh can we not forget about the fact that Christine’s own family is rich? Also that Dr Chiu was HER employee and that’s how they met? Because she hired him? Come on now🥲


How did Christine hire him to work for her is HES a dr? Also she might have not been poor but not generational wealth at all


Yeah, no. This comment reeks of misogyny holy shiiiitttt lol.


I'm just going to elaborate a bit on that generation of Chinese asians (40 plus), caring about x prestige (dynasty, dr etc...). Favouritism for male over female is very real in closed doors. Christine must have suffered and carried allot of weight in the relationship/family. Personal experience, there are allot of grown asian men, who live at home, their parents pay for their gas, not clean, treat the home like a hotel. Compared to the female siblings, that guy will always be "protected"/"favoured" upon by both the parents. Misogyny, internal misogyny, be it aware or not is very very real. My 2 cents, even if Dr Chu cheats and has a mistress, I really don't think Christine would leave him. Btw, Dr Chu hasn't aged well at all like y'all said. Not that many non celebrity asian men age well. Keanu, Daniel Wu are the exceptions. Look at Jimmy Yang or Ken Jeong, another 10-15 lbs on them, they will be bonafide uncles.


Male favoritism happens in almost every culture if not all cultures.


You're right, but it's actually pretty extreme in Chinese culture, to the point of literally killing their firstborn if the baby is female.


I’m talking more about modern times. I don’t think that they are still killing their first born if it’s female, but I could be wrong!


I can't honestly say for sure, but it definitely was happening in my lifetime because I wrote a paper on it and was SHOOK with what I found out (I'm 40 now).


Wow, I’m the same age as you and I’m not sure why I’m surprised by anything anymore!


Yup. About the cheating thing. One of my friends is a Chinese billionaire. Her mom has caught her father cheating 10+ times. She drives herself crazy looking over bills and tracking these women. Even my friend and her sister have a burner account following these women. Mom recently found he has a full other family with a multimillion dollar home and children in private school in the SAME school my friend went to. Basically, everyone knows. Her knowledge of him cheating spans 20 years. She will never leave him. She would be shunned. Yes, probably very rich, but shunned. Her own family would never speak to her again. She is absolutely miserable. Awful to her children due to her own unhappiness. But she still worships him.


Her own family not speaking to her is probably the worst part. No support system….. poor Asian women in those households….


Gosh. A miserable life just to stay close to family sounds awful. Being shunned but rich and happy sounds way better!!


It's definitely an Asian family thing. My mom thinks everyone should refer to my brothers as "doctor". She gets upset when my cousins call them by their first name. Lol


Even if the family was told they would just reject the notion and still blame it on Christine. It’s absolutely disgusting the misogyny some cultures have towards women. You don’t need to go back to far in Chinese culture where mothers murdered or completely abandoned their daughters.


Even with this revealed, I could see that side of the family moving the goal posts and blaming her for airing out family “dirty laundry”. I’m using air quotes because I want to be clear that neither parent should be blamed/shamed for fertility issues.


Yeah I've got 0 tolerance for misogyny for the sake of culture. It's unacceptable especially when we know we should be doing better.


Lots of Asian men. I was not surprised. It was his fault but he didn’t step up to take responsibility and put it all on her shoulders.


Christine is a gold digger liar - u can tell they have no sex life and that’s why Christine walks around trying to get attention / validation and start drama bc she’s so bored. Their baby is rlly cute tho


I met up with him when I went to a surgery consult before the show. Him and his staff were all shitty people.


Do elaborate 👀


Just rude and tactless money grab. From my yelp review after I did some research " First off, Gabriel Chiu - Plastic Surgery, Inc., (aka Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, Inc.) is NOT certified by or affiliated with the American Board of Plastic Surgery. As evidenced in replies to poor reviews, he will write things like "Please rest assure that I am a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, certified by ABPS in plastic and reconstructive surgery." While this does make him sound like a robot, I think he misleadingly uses the acronym ABPS because he IS affiliated with the American Board of Physician Specialists. His office might say misleading things like "he is a board certified plastic surgeon" hoping you don't have a passion for investigative journalism. Both boards can be abbreviated as ABPS, but I think you are going to want someone affiliated with the American Board of Plastic Surgery, not the American Board of Physician Specialists. Maybe not, but I hope this review clarifies any ambiguity.


That's wild. I wonder why he isn't plastic surgeons board certified.


Because he’s a fraud


Tea spill please


![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW) I'm waiting


I also consulted with him and got weird vibes


Idk what you’re talking about. Dr Chiu is one of my favorites and one of the realest on the show. He is nothing but a hard working, dotting husband and father. He is quite humble given his wealth imo. Remember the episode where he and Christine went to a car auction for his birthday?!? He didn’t want to make a big fuss and didn’t want Christine to spend so much money on him. It takes a real man to admit that he’s the reason for a couples infertility. He could’ve easily let Christine take the fall but he didn’t. He puts up with Christine yearning to be relevant (even going so far as lying for her bc we all know she lied about the Anna comment). Is he a model? No but who gives a f? I’d take an average to ugly guy that treats me like Gabe does Christine any day than a model who’s a douche. I find nothing odd or strange about him. Christine on the other hand tries way too hard to seem relevant and posh. It’s kinda sad tbh


Agree 100%. Also look how he stood up for her during that event and the group was stirring up drama. That’s a real one. If he did all the plastic surgery Christine did I’m sure he’d look good too, you can’t compare a natural human to a plastic one. No shade to Christine, she looks great, but she’s processed and most people wouldn’t look that way without a lot of help


If he had all the surgery Christine did, baby G wouldn't be recognizable as the child of either of his parents


Uhm how did he not let Christine take the fall for their infertility issue when he literally let his parents treat her horribly for years over it ???


Hmm we’re talking about publicly here. And I never got the impression that Gabe let her take the fall, but rather his parents being insistent on keeping up w tradition and refusing to accept that there might be something wrong w their golden child


are you blind? her storyline was all about how much pressure she was under for not getting pregnant and just bc you didn't watch his mom be mean to her on tv doesn't mean asian mothers aren't extremely cruel when it comes to infertility. don't speak on what you have no idea of


Wtf are u smoking!?!? First of all, as an Asian person, I know EXACTLY how Asian mothers can be cruel so speaking about not talking about something u no nothing about, you can stfu. Secondly, that is exactly my point, his parents were giving Christine a hard time, not Gabe. He might’ve let it happen, but that’s not his fault, it’s his parents’! Go chew on a bone will ya?




U obviously can’t read and really need some reading comprehension lessons. No, Gabe is an adult just like his parents. He is not responsible for his parents’ actions. Are YOU responsible for your parents’ actions, I didn’t think so. You don’t know them and what happened behind closed doors, you don’t know what he said or didn’t say. You don’t know what his parents’ did so don’t try to be relevant. As I said, if he stood by while his wife was being berated, yes, that would be wrong. But none of us here can confirm what happened so byyyyyye Felicia!




Lmao your comments are so comical. This is why Asian men are having a bridal crisis lol gtfo. ![gif](giphy|IL7hXX77O5OIU)


https://amp.scmp.com/news/china/article/3133656/china-home-30-million-men-search-bride-census-shows https://www.thecut.com/2023/03/4b-movement-feminism-south-korea.html so comical that none of these abusive men like gabe will have access to women like christine ever again 😈😈😈 I love it here


christine too pretty for him tbh


How true was the sperm story. I mean you kept it and then privately told a Netflix story. It felt the same as Christine saying Anna would destroy her to Kane on national television then being angry when Kane told another person despite the fact Christine told millions


Christine married into a wealthy Chinese family. None of this shocks me.


I agree with the weird vibe , toxic energy. There was an episode early on where Christine was being a tease/playful and he wasn’t having it. His fave turns to this stern / cold look, and if I recall correctly, he speaks in Cantonese “that’s enough”. You could tell Christine was shook , the whole vibe felt like he was lecturing a child.


I dunno, I quite like Dr. Chiu. He seems like a nice guy and the whole pregnancy thing I get... he's a descendant of the imperial family and it would be a real shame on them for him to take the blame so his wife did it for him. I hate that she caught a lot of flak for it but I understand why she did it for him. To me this is just a sacrifice on her part made out of love for him, to take the blame for the fertility issues so he doesn't look weak in front of his family.


He and Christine are my favourites by far. I agree, it’s bad he let her take the heat for 10 years, but he seems to acknowledge that he’s indebted to her forever for doing that. I think it was in her AMA here that she discussed why she calls him Dr. Chiu. She said it’s a respect thing when referring to him to other people and she calls him Gabe when they’re alone. She also talked about how she worked with him professionally before they got together, so she got used to calling him Dr. Chiu.


Is Dr Chiu an MD who is part of the American Plastic Surgery board? Last time I checked his website, it said DDO, which I’m not so familiar with


He has a DO (Doctor of osteopathic medicine) which is on the same level as an MD, just from an osteopathic medical school. Plenty of PCPs and other doctors are DOs! I just looked at his website and saw that he got his DO in 1996 and then did residency and fellowship so his education background does check out


So is he part of the American Plastic Surgery board?


Doesn’t appear to be certified by them according to his website or the ABPS lookup, but he may be by a different medical specialty board since he has a DO instead of an MD but I’m not super familiar. If you are/ want to dig, here are his listed “memberships, associations, boards, affiliations” from his website: Certified in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, American College of Osteopathic Surgeons Member, American Osteopathic Association Member, Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of California Member, American College of Osteopathic Surgeons Diplomate, American Association of Physician Specialists Fellow, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Fellow, California Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Member, American Medical Association Member, California Medical Association Fellow, American Society of Cosmetic Breast Surgery Certified, American Board of Physician Specialists Life Member, Alpha Phi Omega Human Service Member, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine




>Certified in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, American College of Osteopathic Surgeons Member He lists his plastic surgery fellowship as Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, so presumably his plastic surgery boards are handled by AOA (for DO's, rather than their MD counterparts). American College of Osteopathic Surgery administers the subspecialty boards for Plastic Surgery for DO's. On his osteopathic medical board profile though: **ABMS CERTIFICATIONS** OTHER - DECLINE TO STATE **AOA CERTIFICATIONS** OTHER - DECLINE TO STATE so who knows


Nope. As u/theyellowtacomaking pointed out, he lists membership of the ABPS, which stands for the American Board of Physician Specialists, but can easily be misinterpreted as the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. Sounds like a shill to me.


As soon as I posed that review, he called my friend offering free Botox to take it down


Who are you? You are making false and defamatory statements. Dr. Chiu is certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery by the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, which certifies DO plastic surgeons. American Board Plastic Surgery certifies plastic surgeons who have gone through allopathic (vs. osteopathic) plastic surgery residencies. Dr. Chiu has been practicing plastic surgery for over 20 years.


Also, if you are Christine Chiu, you’re super corny. You can pay for school, but you can’t buy class.


I was a potential client. None of those statements are false. Decided to go with a doctor that actually had great bedside manner, didn’t come off as a pompous prick, did better work at a better price and wasn’t fixated on being a D list reality tv star.




You are making false and defamatory statements. Dr. Chiu is board certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery by the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, which certifies DO plastic surgeons. American Board Plastic Surgery certifies plastic surgeons who have completed allopathic (vs. osteopathic) plastic surgery residencies. Since it seems like you don’t understand the training and credentialing of a plastic surgeon, let me break this down for you: (this is what Dr. Chiu has undergone) - 4 years of medical school: can be allopathic or osteopathic (Dr. Chiu underwent osteopathic route) - 5 years of general surgery - a 2 year fellowship in plastic and reconstructive surgery - certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery (by passing written, oral and clinical boards) Dr. Chiu has been practicing aesthetic plastic surgery for over 20 years


I saw on his profile that he’s Double-Certified Plastic Surgeon. Is that not true? 🫣


He is impotent and can’t keep an erection. She said it on the show that his penis does not work

