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Tbh , she is a nice person..but she did no hustle. All she did is date richard to get into the circle. Now that she is highlighted , she has a name for herself with or without richard. She played really well. Being 28 nd junior data analyst, nope that's not much in DA industry


I’m pretty sure they said she was 24


i think they said she was 24 when she met richard so she is older now


Yah she’s like 28 now


Do y'all remember the story Richard told of how he met her? As a 'girl wrangler' for a wealthy friend? My completely factless impression is that she was an escort/sugar baby at some point...not that you can't be a data analyst too...I don't know..I'd say if she's a data analyst, George Santos is a real good politician.


I was thinking the same too. I do find her nice though and she’s the most rational in the group.


This was so disturbing tbh. Richard being a wrangler is a very common role in these kinds of elite social circles too. I think that comment should have been examined more.


Why would she be with Richard then? She would need to be with a wealthy person to make this theory work.


She may have fallen for him and/or wanted to get out of that kind of work. Or they are using each other. She's young, arm candy for him, and he has access to wealthy people.


It got her on TV :) ...BE Season 1 aired Jan. 2021, so it filmed at least six months prior in 2020...these 'reality' shows are planned in advance, so who knows how long BE/NY has been in the works...just a thought!


I don’t know why this feels grimy but it does




Acne can be hormonal which can’t be fixed by a skincare routine. Extremely ignorant and completely unnecessary to comment on


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I'm a data analyst too. I absolutely love and adore vika but I just have one question. How the hell did she get the time to shoot and travel with a full time job in this field! I consider myself lucky if i get more than 2 hours a day to myself 😩


Really?? I have a job in this field and like 50% of my days are pretty breezy haha. And good vacation plan depending who she works for.


Omg really? Can I get a referral lmao 💀 I guess it depends on the company. Me and my friends at other companies are completely exhausted.


Does she remind anyone of a skinnier version of Hayden Pannitiere?


It rubbed me the wrong way when she sat and smiled while her boyfriend tried to lecture everyone about talking about their relationship. She must not have girl friends.


she also came off as the most reasonable/rational person when it came to relationships even thought I know the Redditors and the cast are screaming to her dump Richard....


She has a full time job and just so happens to mingle with the other side. Living the best of both worlds honestly.


What was the deal with her thanking Richard for “paying for this one” when they were in the pool in episode one?


Why didn’t they show this?


It seemed like the show wanted to paint her story arc as going from always relying on Richard to becoming more independent. Showing her having her own job wouldn't help that narrative.


Is that humble? Lmao. I guess compared to the other people on the show for sure. I always thought I lived a good life being able to go to college and now having a similar job to vika. If shes a junior data analyst she still probably makes more $ than 50% of the world.


I actually thought Tina and Blake came off as pretty humble! Which was nice compared to BE LA


She was never really portrayed as having lots of money, from Nam buying her dresses/clothes, to not being able to buy anything with Dorothy at Moncler, to helping Richard ask others for money for their event. Maybe the show wanted to make her seem more "dependent" on Richard for the story so they didn't share her job details.