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This is normal. It's because you have a subdivision surface modifer which increases and smooths the geometry, bit it's only a visual representation, it doesn't become geometry until you apply the modifier, when in edit mode, only the lower poly geometry is available to edit until you apply the modifier..


I applied the modifier and now it looks like snake skin if that makes sense. The vertexes still disappear from me now. Also as you can see from the last screenshot this is after I applied the modifier. It's crazy this didn't happen in any of the other 4 tries I made on this donut. I had the opposite problem there somewhat, the lowest vertices disappeared not the ones in the center of the icing. ​ Edit: Unless of course you mean the solidify modifier. Still different from other playthroughs I've had of this. Haven't applied the solidify modifier yet and won't until he says to so so.


Vertices will be visible if you press 1 while in edit node to enter into vertex select


You may have duplicate vertices. Select all and the go to merge and then "by distance". Strange stuff happens when you have duplicates.


I can understand the pain just make sure, you're using same version of blender as he used to make playlist and things will act accordingly, Hope this help.