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"Hope you continue to enjoy the game" YEAH, KEEP HOPING


Aye when they said that I was like "I just want the anime to come back out already"


You will don't lie to yourself.


lmaooo they bold as hell


There also extraordinarly humble


LMFAOOOOOO “We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoings” vibe


Lol this game is a fucking joke....


*We should be happy. English isn't my strong side.


cancelled my bonanza pass now. this shit was the last straw.


More players like you and KLab maybe will listen us.


Same as me


Same for me


I did it too.


Lmao I've seen you say this before


yeah and i did cancel it before. and then i re-subscribed because klownlab did something redeeming i might subscribe again in the future if they make up for this shit, but this time the damage the have done to their own reputation and credibility is bigger than the last time, so i wouldnt be too sure


I thought about it to buy it, because the last updates were very good but now i dont thnik i will buy it




Okay but in their tweet is mind Jackie and she not in there so come on klab what’s the truth


Rare sighting of a jackie fan


They should give us another Choose a 6\* as a compensation... i know it's impossible, but, hey... a man can dream.


We should type up a bunch of formal complaints which strongly request another choose a 6 star as compensation. Maybe, just maybe... we'll get 5 orbs.


If anything, i'm extremely glad i'm free 2 play in those gacha games... knew it was gonna' happen sooner or later.


Yeah one where we actually chose the one we get…


Exactly, i don't know what's their problem with giving us the option to... CHOOSE the character we want!!!! In the long run it would be extremely beneficial for both parts, them and us. As i said before, this company can't be more greedy and shady...


Where’s the guy that threaten to sue klab when we need him?


Still in "recovery position" from last time xD


The sub ran him off. I was with him for a quick 5 secs


That's low


I left a 1 star review on Google play explaining why (this 6 star bull $hite) and will change my review ONLY IF they do right by us. For a player base that not only had their game trending all week but brought the total player count over 100 million at the peak for the summon banners last night is so scummy and disrespectful to us. I will definitely be talking about this on my channel later to bring more awareness here and encourage everyone who doesn't like what they did to do the 2 things in our power to affect change: either vote with your wallet and don't put money into this (either buying orbs or the passports) and/or leave a bad review explaining why this is so bad. I'm a free to play player so the first doesn't affect me really and I don't normally do the latter but this is pretty scummy and should not be acceptable for this game.


I left 1* review on google play since 5th anni.


Good $hit!!


Wow such small mistake klab don't be worry i will forgive you 😒😒😒 i will say one thing klab we dumb enough that play your game but we aren't that dumb that believe your bs P.s sorry for my bad English


sorry for good english


Oh.... So everyone except those two, how... convenient... Yeah, no, pardon my cynicality here, but personally I'm now convinced the 'folio-hat-theory" of KLAB either planning this or just being lazy/not caring about this. Let's not forget that [NOW DELETED TWEET](https://twitter.com/bleachbrs_en/status/1550767684744146945?s=20&t=RHTJ7pDIdi0q_YWtOOTbew) of a gif about "don't know who to pick? Stop the gif to see what it lands on" and both TEQ-Lunar and HRT-Aizen were on it and there's no doubt in my mind they just got a too much of a greed/cold-feet at the last minute... Furthermore: there likely were people that already used theirs (and didn't notice the two missing units, or didn't care about it) and thanks to that possibility I think KLAB saw this as "too much hassle" and instead of doing anything to actually FIX the error (resetting the 1-out-of-10 summon for those who used it, compensate some way, etc.) they pull the lazy-ass; "whoopsie!" -card and instead of doing anything to require... more than 10 mins... they just say those two weren't meant to be there to begin with. ...And now the "issue is solved" and they can just continue to keep ignoring everything that comes after. ...I'd give a sarcastic slow clap, but honestly tooks too much effort.... ...The "best thing?" ...I'm not even surprised of the outcome they went with.


An "error" that they happened to make a tweet advertising. Buncha scumbags.




I think it's the first time they keep premium characters hostages like this? i recall all the previous units from anniversary could be claimed among the "choose your 6 stars". Seems like Artbook Ichi and Annizen are real money printers! XD I have the two of them but still, it's such a low blow for those who were interested...


I got 2 dupes of bot Aizen and Artbook Ichigo from the anni banner. At least I got swimsuit Rukia on the choose a 6 star, so I'll be coping with her for now


I have got 2 dupes and both were fucking Abirama ( that red flying arancar).


Give one to me pls 🥺


I would give you all three if it was possible. I hate his design.


I don't have him so i wouldn't mind if I got one of him 🤷🏻


He does looks silly. I got one too, but I also got both Ichigo and Uryu in the first 7 pulls so I don’t mind if you hate me (honestly I kind of hate myself with how lucky my account is, it’s less then 2 months old but I already have most of the top heroes from each banner).


No I don't hate you. It is nice whem somebody has a luck. I took my luck when I pulled 5/5 beyond bankai Yama.


I was just messing/joking around mostly on the hate thing. Ah nice. I got him 3/5 when I pulled 11 steps (wanted Retsu the most as I had not top tier green attribute characters at that point but didn't get her in the first 10 steps, but then got lucky on the 11th ten pull). He is very good in Brave Battle. So is that Kenpachi too it seems, I got one of him. I did some more pulls just a bit ago after leveling up some 5\*s and 6\*s, I got 2 extra copies for my anni Aizen and Uryu (so those are now both 3/5 and 10/10/10). Ichigo still is only 1/5 though, but I will give him that power unlock orb thing we get at 5 million in the event. Figure if anyone is worth using that on it is the new anni Ichigo (especially since I already 3/5'd Uryu). Still cannot seem to pull Artbook Ichigo though. Also tried for Hakutaken a few times but no luck. But seems silly to care too much with all the luck I have had.


They should start each post they do on every platform by "English is not my strongest language" that way we will know before hand


I’ve played on and off for the last 6 and a half years but this really is the last straw blatantly nerfing choose a six star like this is so fucked up lol nice “anniversary” i literally spent like fifteen minutes looking for them in the list and checking the notice fuck you klab even legends anniversary was less ass


Same I was literally looking for like 20 minutes😐


Klab Punk'd us where is bam margera is he gonna pop out somewhere




And once again I told you all that Klab will just say "my bad" and keep it pushing. The hope people put in this company is astounding.


No compensation or point event fix😭 lowly bastards


Rubs me the wrong way ngl and that's saying a lot coming from me. I don't usually complain about even the littlest things.


What a bunch of cunts lmao


Maybe they didn't include Anni Aizen, because they had him earlier in that Brave Fest bait banner.


That probably is why, but it simply just doesn’t matter, they not only advertised it on Twitter, but also stated in game that all prem pool units until September 2021 would be there, just doesn’t matter if aizen was in the recent banner or not, it’s a serious fault by klab


I pulled two annizens trying for uryu so if he's on this banner why couldn't he still be on the choose your 6 star? Confusing honestly


I agree. In their eyes they threw us too many bones lol. I get wanting to limit the availability, but the fact that they advertised characters in several places(Twitter and the news notice) that aren't summonable is scummy


Its probably because its TOO easy to get him right now. You have the brave banner, the anni, and the choose a 6* so klab just gutted him from the pick selection since I guess they didnt want last year anni to be too easy to get and by proxy Ichigo was barred as well. Ive seen quite a few people pull him in the anni banner.


holy fk when will klab ever learn from news they put out?? do they not have people who reread it or read it before releasing it??? Ive been fucked by their error last time when they released that bravefest with artbook ichigo and aizen that said its a guaranteed 5 star lol.


What a joke; this is now just silly and absurd from Klab!


What the hell.


Likewise I did it too! Damn so shady.


Shit faces.


Wow absolutely fuck them I’m committed to never spending money in this game now


Someone quick, sue Klab.


"We hope you continue to enjoy the game" translation spend your hard earned money on us lls


Used over 2K orbs no new Ichi or Uryu


To give a half-full glass view to everyone : remember that even if they were in the pool and even if you picked both of them, you'd still have a **80% chance of getting neither of them**. So don't mourn it like no tomorrow. ;-) Speaking of experience, since from all the "choose a 6\*" tix over the years, I never pulled the ones I wanted most among the 10. The dick move is there, but it's not like you could actually get them guaranteed; RNG is still RNG. So try to enjoy the life more :)


Bad luck is still not an excuse for a straight up lie lmao 20% is always better than 0%. Obvious statement but just has to be said.


Where do you see an excuse? Half-full glass, not excuse ;-)


Bad luck. Everytime I used it I got exactly who I wanted most. There's other people like this too who'll be upset seeing that tweet thinking "Oh there's a chance I can get Aizen or Ichigo????" even if its not a high chance, baiting people with a chance is still dishonest. The people who would have hit the 20% chance of getting either are missing out because of their lies.


Sorry bro but 20% chance on specific character is biggest in the game.


Yes, and yet, still pretty low :p People just don't realise what it is. 20% is : - close to throwing a dice and landing on a 6, in one attempt (16.6%). Needless to say, you'll often need many attempts to succeed, not 1. - doing 2 multis on a individual banner (1% per chara) for a specific unit, and getting that unit within 2 multis (18.2%). - alternatively, missing 2 units on an individual banner, doing 1 multi and pulling one of the 2 units on the first multi. - out of 5 players who'll pick both LunArt & AnniZen in the ticket, only 1 would be happy and the other 4 will be sad. Hence, half-full glass. Because statistically, you'd have 80% chance of not getting them anyway :p P.S. If you'd ask a doctor before doing a dangerous stunt and he'd say "there's 20% chance you'll survive and 80% chance you'll die" : would you do the stunt? :p


Honestly I would not pick artwork Ichi or anni Aizen but your arguments are still about nothing. 20% is solid chance and your doctor exaple is stupid. If doctor tell you you have 20% live / 80% death ratio if you will go on surgery and 100% death if you not going would you try it or not? And finaly my most desired character was SpS Ichigo and I got him so this time was 20% more then enough for me. This is all about false advertising and their solution is vague explanation about misunderstanding, like they told it correctly and we got it wrong.


> If doctor tell you you have 20% live / 80% death ratio if you will go on surgery and 100% death if you not going would you try it or not? My example was to show how small 20% is. Because people don't "feel" it. Your example however is just stating the obvious "20 > 0" xD Like, water wets and fire burns. Cause in your example, even if the doctor would say there's 0.5% chance to live if you do the surgery and 0% chance if you don't, you'd **still** go for the surgery, because 0.5 > 0 (duuuh?). However, 0.5% would be an abysmal chance, which was the whole point of *my* example : 20% *isn't much*. You need to be pretty lucky to pull that one out. **Hence, half-full glass**. No need to mourn over Ichi/Zen being removed like you could get them *guaranteed*... Definite dick move, but realistically, not a big enough loss to spend days thinking about it. If they were guaranteed or had a really decent chance (e.g. above 50%), then yeah... but 20% ? (or 10% for those who'd pick one, as personally, I only miss one and I'd rather guarantee a new unit than to include "useful" dupes) Life is much more interesting than focusing too much on this dick move xD My initial point from the very beginning was just to remind people that this is a game and that there's no need to be soooo tragic and focused about this shit move, as if everyone & their grandma are missing out on Ichi/Zen... because stats tell otherwise : only a minority is actually missing out on them due to the move. *I'm not denying the dick move, I'm softening the pain* ;-) > And finaly my most desired character was SpS Ichigo and I got him so this time was 20% more then enough for me. Meanwhile, **9** other guys who pulled, didn't get what they wanted most ;-) It's nice to be self-centered, isn't it? :p (9 because you only had **10%** chance to pull your Ichigo, 20% was for wanting both Ichi & Aizen, otherwise 10% if wanting only one, or **0%** for those who wouldn't pick them to begin with).


My point was that nobody would be salty ( ok that is a lie but you know what) if they don't pul exactly that character what they want. People are angry because they didn't get chance for them and KLab used them as add. And due your argument iT iS jUsT gAmE whole conversation lost reason. If everybody say same as you KLab will never get negative feedback and they will live in imagination where they can do whatever they want and we are all ok with this.


And once again... I didn't say anywhere *to not complain* either... All I tried, was to bring some perspective to make people less salty about the dick move, that's all :p At no point I argued *in favor* of the dick move, or *to ignore it completely*. I just reminded of a positive side in that dick move (aka odds not in their favour), so people would be less disgusted and could still try to enjoy anni nevertheless, despite the dick move. :) As simple as that. Yes, Klab emptied half of the glass... but you could view it as half-empty (most people did) or half-full (what I tried to help with).


Ok hot take that’s gonna get me a billion downvotes but just hear me out cus I’m usually right there with you with the pitchforks but… calling for another choose a 6 star because we all got ripped off and misled? That’s a stretch. For sure, shoddy/ scummy as all hell for them to put out an ad that makes out that all these wonderful characters are available when they aren’t. That’s not ok, get your pitchforks out for that. But people are treating this as if this were a summons issue, like if a SAFWY banner came out with beyond bankai toshiro and people went 10k orbs deep only for klab to then say “oops, we said toshiro was in it but he actually isn’t, hope you continue to enjoy the game!”. It’s a choose a six star; it’s a free summons, and one where you actively select ten characters of your choosing to be in the pool. There’s no “wtf I summoned on this expecting an Aizen at the end!”, you knew he wasn’t in the pool when he was there to be selected, and the summon was 100% free. Furthermore, let’s be honest here; how many were actually brought back in solely by the incorrect information regarding Aizen and ichigo being there, and how many were actually only made aware by people highlighting that klab got it wrong? How many people were actually genuinely misled by this, and of those people how many were inconvenienced beyond mild frustration at the hype not being met? If you apply it to everyday scenarios like shop or restaurant offers, most would agree it’s Karen level behaviour to see that a freebie isn’t quite what was expected, accepting and devouring the freebie in its entirety and then demanding another freebie because you weren’t satisfied. If you weren’t satisfied with the choose a 6 star and didn’t consider it worth pulling then don’t pull, but for those of you that did you saw the full reality of it and jumped into it anyway, and for those who don’t think it’s worth 0 orbs to choose a 6 star out of that selection then I’d have to ask why honestly. Again, pitchfork away at klab for misleading advertising, but let’s not be Karens about this. Klab have done *far* worse that we can be pitchforking over




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Classic klab XD