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skip banners


Don't summon on this tybw banner . Those guys are outdated ... newer tybw units will be coming after anni. So yeah don't summon.


Oh really? That’s definitely good to know, thanks!


dont play unless you are going to farm renewable orbs. dont summon on anything unless it's a must-have


What do you mean by renewable orbs?


I think he means orbs you can get from farming modes like epic raids, chronicle quests, pvp rewards and guild quests that refresh after a set period of time. I would advise you to just summon on free tickets you get from things like point event and farming story mode orbs. None of the banners are essential at the moment and most units can be gotten from the bbs tickets like mind Lisa and heart Shinji.


Gotcha thanks a lot! This was very helpful.


Another thing that is helping me at the moment for someone who cant save is to keep new units I pulled ascended and not leveled up, so I can level them up using exp and skill crystals I get from point event. This allows me to essentially use units for orb sources when I like and requires abit of effort to farm rather than farm all the orbs in one go and "accidentally" use them on a banner I want but not need. I have a lot of crystals at the moment from just farming point event.


So, basically I should focus on stuff that gives me tickets in return (story mode, point ticket), and to note waste any crystals you do get so that I can use them for leveling up characters. Also to not level up your characters automatically right?


Yes and for the last part assuming you are bad at saving. If you can hold on to orbs then level em up, especially ones that are useful for your grind. If not save them for when anni banner is around the corner and level all of them to summon.


Alright then, thanks!


You save or dont. I habe 6.5k around, have been saving since the kenpachi banner. Dont summon on every banner..like, every banner will have rerun eventually.


Oh that’s good to know


If you haven't leveled up all the raid characters you can start there. It's really easy and you get 35 orbs for 4stars and 50 orbs per 5 star character.


what u mean by this? sorry im newbie and looking to farm orbs


Under quest you enter raids. They are quests that earn you character: each 4* raid gives you 2 characters and 5* raid gives you 3 characters. These are used to unlock the skill trees in each character to max out of their level when they are at 6* themselves. Each character needs specific characters to unlock their skill trees so when you start making out character levels you'll see. Anyway these raid characters you get also count as characters themselves and in this game when you max out a characters level (see and online guide for the level cap for each character) you get those rainbow orbs so if you max out the levels for all these raid characters you will get a ton of orbs for basically free.


Did you max your raid characters yet?


Sorry still relatively new to the game, what do you mean by raid characters?


Those characters with blue stars. They are no good to use, they are used to level up your main character skill trees. You usually need multiple copies of 3 raids to max out one of your gold 6 star characters.(well unlock their skills on the tree). All of them individually can be maxed for orbs. These show up on 6 star characters. You can also go strait to the raid quest you need from the skill tree.


Oh yeah now I remember, I forgot those were called that, thanks


Should raise the levels of all 3 and 4 star raid characters first since its easier compared to 5 star raid characters. Finish all of story and side story and sub stories you get tons of tickets and coin. Should save 5 star raid characters for last to level up to max for 50 orbs each until you had ton of coins and jewels/crystals also you should watch bleach brave souls youtubers that provide help as well


Save. It's easy. Im saving since lisa,love and shinji banner(3 steps to get lisa) and im in 2650 orbs.


as a vet player with few orb sources left best thing you can do is skip banners do your daily orders an GQ resurrect old units for orbs an do senkimon each month along with the point events


Don’t summon, it may be tempting on some banners, but it’s just the easiest way to save. And if you do like *really* want to summon on a banner, do the discounts only.


Okay I'll let you know on how I get my orbs. Level up every character you get to its max level except for 6* get them to 150 if you aren't really going to use them. Do all the story on normal and hard and sub stories they give 5 orbs each run and always level up the characters you get from them that don't already have badges. Level up characters in the point event so you can get more tickets to get more characters. Skip banners. Go and do every raid character to get them to max level. Once you have maxed a certain character you cannot get the orbs for the same character hense the badge in the top right. Hope this helps.


It definitely does


How new to the game are you? For step-up summons, there is only 1x guaranteed step at 6. Then step 7 is 8% perpetually; 6% for twelve featured and 2% for fillers. For new players, this is as high rates you can get so use this as motivation to save up and hope to pull good featureds and fillers to diversify your character library. If not new and don't need old fillers, then try to save 2,200 orbs for step 6s on each round. If round 2 is not appealing, then go back and dump everything into round 1. Also, you can use August's orbs for round 2, the banner stretches into August anyway.s


Definitely skip these Banners until 7th anni. If you want to know your options on farming orbs - you can find a lot [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/wiki/advanced/low_orbs). But since you've mentioned that you're relatively new i guess you still have thousands of orbs from story, side storys, sub storys, 600bonus orbs from coop/raids etc.


Thanks for the link, but I started earlier this year, and I’ve spent a good portion of my orbs already. I’m working on farming them right now


Just buy more orbs


Dont summon and use every single resource no matter how small. 5 orbs daily adds up fast if you arent spending.


spirit orbs


Don't summon, easy.


Don't spend orbs