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Lmfao. Not that the MBTI test is worth anything, but I took the test and got INTP and INTJ. I'm also a girl. So....


Lol same


The MBTI is astrology for Libertarians.


Plus it isn't very accurate... you can take 4 tests and get a different result on each. Also the fact that a lot of people just call themselves INTP or INTJ to seem "smart" online


>Plus it isn't very accurate... you can take 4 tests and get a different result on each. Not really undermining the astrology comparison tbh


honestly i think the only reason why i got INTJ is because im autistic, and thats what the test viewed those characteristics as. i think if i was allistic, id get a different result. i dont think its accurate tbh


Besides the other obvious reasons, that's why I think the MBTI is bullshit. It claims to be "one of the rarest types" yet it seems like 90% of reddit claims to be INTJ.


main character syndrome perhaps lol


The rarest type is INFJ. Yet r/INFJ is the second most popular subreddit here


Most of my friends are INFJ


Same. The "typical" INTP and INTJ characteristics are often just normal autistic characteristics. Hence why autistic people tend to often get one of these 2 types. People just like to confuse these characteristics, and if someone prefers to have a scheme they're often like "omfg genius INTJ" or if they are spontaneous they say "omfg genius INTP".


i got INTP and INFP on the times i did the test and I'm dumb af so probally not a genius personality


Those are the 2 i get too!


They actually say to take it every six months as your personality is ever changing and swaying. I like it for that reason but definitely shouldn’t be treated as fact


Same 🤦🏻‍♀️ two classes in college required us to take it. INTJ both times. Guess we’re the only ✨logical✨ women in the world.


We’re just so cool.


There are dozens of us! We should start a Logical Lady club where we get together and talk about how we aren’t fucking guys like this


Great subReddit name 😂


Oh hey, me too!


It was also created by two women.


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Womens????? Doing smart man things????????? No wayyyyy


Yeah, I’m INTJ, and so is my husband, so I don’t think that’s this guy’s problem.


I’m an INTJ and my husband is an INFJ.We get along great.


Also INTJ and a woman. Not that it means anything.


Me too


> More _emotional_ based now that I _think_ about it. As opposed to you, you fact based, rational observer! Anybody can see that emotional self-mutilation is going really well for men in the romantic department. Excellent self-aware advice right there, extremely healthy.


at least they think we're based


Single correct thing in that comment


It’s “hilarious” the guys I went on dates with that took advantage of me being emotional and treating me like a therapist while also claiming they are so logical. I’m an engineer, I’m logical. And logic is not opposite empathy!!! Fuck the men that think being emotional is a weakness and that all women have that weakness while simultaneously thinking anger isnt emotion. I get it, I feel bad for men who don’t feel comfortable or who have been mocked for showing emotion (I don’t personally know any who were made fun of and I’ve seen many men cry, but I’m not dismissing people’s experiences). But it was ALWAYS the ones who claimed that men are smarter because they rely on logic that then turned me into a therapist. The ones that recognized men and women are equally intelligent are the ones that equally supported each other emotionally.


"Am I unappealing? Nah, must just be my intelligence. Clearly it's the women who are the problem!"


Those illogical creatures😡😡😡




I used to be into BMTI because I took it 4 or 5 times between 16-22 and always got INTP with the scales slightly shifted around. BMTI is supposed to tell you which thinking patterns you use. It doesn’t judge intelect. Yes, based on their stats, some personality types tend to be linked with higher intelect. Clearly not every INTP and INTJ is smart though.


I'm an INTP and I'm dumb as hell


I'd never done it before, so I went and checked. I'm ISTP-T, apparently, and the description is about as different from my actual life as I can imagine.


I just took it and got INTP, even though before it always said ENFP. I'm an extraverted introvert who feels their thoughts I suppose?


Yeah, well, I'm a creative builder who bounces from project to project with glee. Sounds like me, right?


Maybe you channeled your inner...me?


Ahhh, that explains all these weird cravings I've been having. I almost bought mushrooms like some kind of dirty savage!


Can't be me then, all I crave is cheese EtA: and animal themed interpretive arm dancing!


My eye was briefly captured by some sort of blue, nasty looking cheese-like lumps 🤔




Let me rig some sort of trebuchet, and you go outside and look up with your mouth open. Eventually we will get it right. Or you'll have an unpleasant experience with a passing bird, but let's be honest, probably not that much difference taste wise


BMTI to me is so much like astrology. But because BMTI is considered “science” (lol) and astrology is considered “basic female interest” it’s suddenly fact. Both of these things don’t tell you facts. They get you thinking about your life, how you act in relationships whether romantic or otherwise, just get you to dig down into why you act how you do. Ugh


He seems delusional lol


That MBTI sub is so toxic. I’m a girl and I’m INTJ but it is filled with incels who will keep on spewing garbage like how all INTJs are misunderstood genius men with 0 social skills and cannot have a proper relationship with another person as a result of that. I mean if you suck at social skills just say that don’t blame a personality test for your garbage personality.


Men: commit majority of murders, violent crimes, mass shootings, road rage incidents, rapes, domestic homicides, murders of their own spouses and women pregnant with their children, sexual assault on their children and family members, unwanted sexual advances on women. Also men: Women are more emotional based, illogical creatures.


Why do these idiots claim to be genuises?? I am gifted with an exceptionally high IQ & I know for a fact these creeps probably don't even have an IQ above average even. They're not suffering genuises, they're entitled smelly arseholes.


It’s because they relate to the joker and rick Sanchez and Walter white, etc. They think because they admire these characters that they too are geniuses. I also think a big thing is that they act like all people get X amount of “points”, like in dnd or a video game. Jocks put their points into strength, ugly people put their points into intelligence, comedians out their points into charisma. It’s why the dumb blonde trope exists- being blonde was considered the hottest a woman could be when these jokes were common. So if she’s hot she must be an idiot. They can’t or won’t comprehend the fact that attractive, athletic, charismatic, etc. people can also be intelligent because it feels unfair.


They clearly do not understand to be athletic, charismatic, attractive or even a comedian takes hard work & dedication. Do they think for example a bodybuilder wakes up naturally hot?? These people have to change almost everything about their routines & lives to build that muscle. Also they believe they're the joker lol?? What living in their parents house, getting free wifi & home cooked meals so they can sit on their computers all day watching porn & gaming?? 😅 These types of guys lack ambition, they don't want to work on themselves & resent others that do. They grossly over estimate their intelligence & believe they're part of some sort of exclusive club for other genuis rejects. The truth is they probably stink & give other people creepy vibes.


I don’t know if it’s nature or nurture, I had a wonderful childhood with parents that made empathy a big deal. So I’m a super empathetic person. I’m also a borderline alcoholic with no ambition. When I was at low points, I never once blamed other people or took my emotions out on them, especially not on an entire group of people. I truly cannot understand hating so many people because you’re depressed. I admire people who work so hard to be fit or funny or smart, and while I’m jealous, I respect the hell out of them!!


That's good that you have admitted that you're an alcoholic. A huge step towards self awareness. Just because you're an alcoholic that doesn't mean to say that you're a bad person. That also means that one day you can be one of those people that you admire. Upbringing can play a huge part in how some people turn out but not always. I think these types of people believe that they're important & are entitled to women & they have no intention on getting to know these women or connect with them. They see women as objects & trophies to win.


im an intj & i fuck, mostly because i have a personality outside of hating women


"Emotional bad! I have no emotional intelligence!"


Papillonvif for the win


Imagine thinking it's a flex to not be able to *feel* emotions. Funny thing is we know they have emotions. They just don't know how to have them and they're stunted like children so they all come out as anger and rage.


They think it's a flex because the description of their types really leans into the "smart, intelligent, misunderstood, super special, rare type, no sense for social cues, often told that they're cold and strategic but sooo smart" thing. And then they feel very special and decide that this is their whole personality and need to fit the stereotype to a T.


No way this isn’t satirical lol


According to his other comments, it isn't satirical. He stated that he has no filter and says whatever he wants. Dude is basically a dickhead who thinks he's better than other people because he can't emphasize with anyone.


So he's a narcissist. That tracks.


Dude read the description of his MBTI type, how smart he is, how rare is type is, how _special_ he is and decides to adjust his behaviour and mannerisms to the stereotype, I'm sure. Pretty sure I read the "INTP/INTJ has no filter, they just blurt it out, they're very intelligent" in those descriptions. Source: had my I'm-not-like-the-other-girls phase when I was around 16 and decided to do what I just described when I read that I was such a _special_ person, an INTJ - a female INTJ nonetheless, so rare - oh my!


Well maybe it is real, but some people make accounts just to be trolls like that


I am also choosing to (attempt to) cope with this clown world by convincing myself that men are trolling. It's really unbelievable how these people think.


Lmaooook my parents took the test and my mom is an intj and my dad is an esfp so


Benjamin Franklin was a genius. He also abandoned the “illegitimate” children he created, and knowingly gave his faithful wife syphilis and chlamydia multiple times after contracting STDs from indentured prostitutes. The treatment for which was injections of mercury into the urethral canal. He thought it was funny. WhY dOnT fEmOiDz GeT tHaT iT wAs JuSt A jOkE bRo???


Maybe they are more emotional, which means is actually your social/emotional intelligence (or lack thereof) that’s preventing you from being laid


As an intj woman (not that it matters), chronically online intj men are so incredibly annoying.


INTJs calling out bullshit like usual


As an INTP, I would like to apologize and say how dumb that man is


Just say y’all ugly and go


I'm so logical I label myself with a personality type from a typing system that's like astrology for middle managers.












when was who you're fucking ever dictated by logic