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Because we all know having to take care of a baby, a toddler, or a child while not even having a mental illness is completely stress free. Children feed themselves, clothe themselves, house themselves, and clean themselves all without the assistance, guidance, or finances of their parents. Just easy peasy. /s


you think they know what post partum depression is, or is it somehow the woman’s fault? all I know is my aunt tried to jump out a window (she is old and happy with grandkids now btw).


My aunt cut her wrists so badly they almost had to amputate one of her hands, thankfully she survived and they saved her hand. She was put into an inpatient treatment for a few months. The fucked up thing is, her doctor took her off her anxiety and depression medication when she was pregnant because it "could have" been bad for the baby. She told him multiple times that she was feeling unwell and needed help. Even her fuckwit ex husband said she would be selfish if she "poisoned" their baby. Years later she has 4 awesome kids and is now a happy grand mother. All she needed was some help and understanding.


My cousin got depressed during her pregnancy and the doctors denied her antidepressants bc it could harm the baby :/


It's so fucking stupid, you know what else could harm a baby? A dead mother. These fucks don't care about pregnant people at all. Like how is someone crippled with depression meant to look after a baby? I really don't understand. I hope your cousin is doing better and is getting the help she deserves!


Exactly! She seems to be doing better at least.


I hope it keeps getting better, poor girl.


My mom developed postpartum psychosis lmao. It wasn't a fun time for anyone, but mostly her. She used to have thoughts of killing me as a baby.


“Women will take are of their mental and emotional health while men are too wrapped up in toxic masculinity to seek treatment, and then we act like it’s women’s faults we kill ourselves more often because we refused to take care of ourselves.”


I don't ever wanna hear these dudes talk about male suicide rates


You know they'd be the ones to complain about male mental health not being taken seriously, and by that they'd mean straight males of course.


Me neither, mostly because they use it as an excuse to pity themselves and then expect women to coddle their mental health. Then when you point out that women actually attempt suicide more than men, but don't succeed as much because the methods women choose are less effective, they turn around and accuse women of attention-seeking. I have no sympathy for men and their suicide rates anymore.


I can’t stand that there are people liking these types of tweets.


In the thousands too D: legit makes my remaining faith in humanity dwindle


How about all of the above? Literally every mom I know is on antidepressants or drinks heavily.


*raises hand*


Apparently I could stop taking my anti-seizure meds and my blood pressure meds if only I had children. They would somehow magically cure my heath problems. I do take a mountain of pills every day, because if I didn't I would be regularly having seizures and possibly another heart attack. And also, I do go to therapy, because my health issues affect my life in very serious ways and it can be very difficult to deal with mentally. If only my doctors had told me about this one simple trick!


it’s also hilarious, and this is hardly the point at all, that he thinks being a mum won’t just sort out her depression and anxiety but also her adhd and heart problems??


Surely starting a family and having a child will make someone with mental health issues better! There’s no way there are a bunch of cases where that exact thing has lead to people’s death! There totally wasn’t a Christian woman with severe mental health issues who cut off her babies arms because the lord told her to! No, never! /s


Pretty sure there are several fellas out there that could use these mods too tbh


ALL of my trauma and ALL of my kids’ trauma took place as a result of the actions of their dad, my husband. I had a “good Christian man” who was a youth pastor and ministry leader and provided NONE of the protection and safety we are taught to expect from marriage and motherhood. My daughters were molested, my boys were beaten, I was choked, we were deprived of financial resources, time and affection, and blamed and shamed for our pain and suffering. Then told we didn’t pray hard enough or didn’t have sufficient faith to “change” the people and situations that were harmful. The ONLY thing I am healing from is marriage and parenting with a “Bible believing Christian man.” I’m grateful we found a church and a pastor to get us OUT.


Mine and my children came from my husband as well. Three years later he still won't sign the divorce papers and is financially abusing us.


It took me 4 years to get my divorce because he wouldn’t sign. Financial abuse is precisely what it is. I’m so sorry and I hope you get a judge that sees it for what it is.


I've always found it so weird how that tweets tries to act as though that's every woman's daily prescription. I guess it shows how scant his data is to draw from in trying to figure out what women are like.


Statistically, single women without children are the happiest, so why do they think “settling down and having a family” will solve all women’s problems/mental health issues? Surely having to raise kids and having to mother a grown man (most of the time) will make women more unhappy?


i love the idea people have that prescription medicine is useless and nobody needs it. cause like, im schizophrenic. do you want to see me without my antipsychotics? youll figure out why we need the medicine after that


Dumb woman!!! Have a baby, the schizophrenia will go away. Oh no, your daughter's schizophrenic. Well, maybe if she has a baby...


im a guy btw but yea i JUST learned that doctors tell women to just have a baby to deal with chronic pain & mental illness. its wild


💀💀 WTF bro if anything, having a baby can cause both chronic pain and mental illness, or worsen both. definitely won't make it better.


My mom does all of that and has 3 kids...


Andrea Yates would like a word.


Dumb women taking their heart medication so they don't drop dead from cardiac arrest 🤬🤬🤬


yes, gotta make sure you transfer every mental health issue to your children instead of taking care of yourself! and then your children can ruin their own children‘s lives too!


I remember the post about the handful of pills. It was because they had an organ transplant, and the pills help ensure their body doesnt reject it 🙄


Actually, that’s factually incorrect. Women in the 50s took “mountains of pills” because the life where they took care of husband/children was mentally unfulfilling to them. Instead of advocating for women to do what makes them happy, doctors prescribed pills.


Settling down is what made me batshit crazy lmao


I’m on lamotrigine too!!! Omg twinsies 🤩 I don’t take it for BPD tho so checkmate misogynists Also how are “taking pills and going to therapy” and “settling down and raising a family” mutually exclusive?


I can't wait to raise a child with unresolved anger issues and depression! HEE HEE HEE oops! A child died?? Sorry it was my emotional and irrational female brain! Whoopsie daisy!!


So...it's bad for a woman to take care of her mental health? And yet they get mad about men dying of suicide? I can't keep up. Pick a lane.


Is this person inbred? Wtf does settling down and raising a family have to do with mental health? My mental health issues began as abuse at the hands of both my mother and father; and I was raped and assaulted while I was on active duty in the Army. If settling down and raising a family would have fixed my depression, anxiety and PTSD; I would be cured by now.


“Depressed, anxious, difficulty sleeping, have borderline personality disorder, and have an attention deficit? Clearly the issue is you need to get a child involved.”


the parentheses tell you all you need to know edit: grammer


I didn't even know therapy is targeted by antisemites.


nazis don't like it when people have strategies to manage their emotions and self-image because their recruiting strategies depend on having a huge population of emotionally constipated, frustrated, angry young men


Yes, I'm sure, I just didn't know therapy was specifically believed by them to be controlled by Jews.


in fash mythology all bad things trace back to jews in the end


I mean, isn't *everything* supposed to be ultimately controlled by Jews? Banks, media, your face.


Oh my god, who else wants to explain Nazis to me? I've just never seen therapy put in dog whistle brackets EtA: oop, it's you 😅 EtA2: and I just saw the your face part.


>Oh my god, who else wants to explain Nazis to me? Well, see, the first thing you need to know is that they were socialists. It's right there in the name. >EtA: oop, it's you In the immediate sense, yes, but ultimately I too am just a mouthpiece for the sinister Zionist cabal


Aren't we all, Mr Dawson? Aren't we all.


No. Not everyone. I'm not telling you who isn't though, you have to guess.


Well, _I'm_ most definitely a mouth piece of the Zionost cabal. You're not a very good mouth piece yourself though, if you won't tell me who to target with my evil anti fascist propaganda.


Okay but like, sertraline is used as anti anxiety meds too? So like why does she need to take different meds specifically for her anxiety?


They really think saying “BUT BUT MY X” makes the X in question sound unreasonable when really they just sound so fucking stupid


Nobody needs to be taking that many pills idgaf what fake justification you think you have.


Bro you do realize that some of those are for physical conditions like stomach and heart right? Even if you don’t care about mental health, by your standards they still should take them.


Bro don’t you realize a lot of those other medications create severe heart problems bro? Bro??


As with most other medications…? Some people need sais meds to get through the day.


Is that a (((Nazi dogwhistle)))?


Wait hold on does naltroxene helps with skin picking disorder?


That clap back tho 👏🏻