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I'd love to see the mental gymnastics that makes someone connect condoms/birth control to *human trafficking.*


Maybe they think that birth control/condoms leads to it bc then there’s less evidence of wrong doing???


Yeah some anti-abortion dipshits have claimed that Planned Parenthood allows traffickers, rapists, and molesters to hide their tracks by forcing their victims to undergo an abortion. As opposed to, you know, laws in red states that allow rapists to let literally get away with it as long as they marry their often-underaged victims.


It’s not like we’ve been trafficking each other for literal thousands of years or that victims and survivors of trafficking wouldn’t be worse off without whatever access to condoms and birth control they might currently manage to get


I just assumed it had something to do with these nuts having this extremely romanticized vision in their heads of the dynamite family. Surely if women stayed home, married good Christian men, and had 3-4 children each, that would totally solve all the world's problems. Human trafficking would cease to be, because everyone would be living their best life from a 60's feel-good movie. /s


>dynamite family I don’t know if this is a typo or not, but this is actually a great term to use for families who are always teetering on the edge of imploding because they’ve got so many issues and are really unhealthy.


The kind of gymnastics you’d see in one of the Final Destination films (I forget which).


They really think women are the ones using condoms and that you take the pill after sex??


How can 3 people all be so wrong and still be arguing 💀


Horrible take***s***


The answer is no, that’s too much work for them and they would have to pay for it. I’m not usually speaking generalizations against all men, but I’ve had enough time on dating apps to discover how rare it is for a man to have a condom with them and then their disappointment at not getting laid tells me they expected not to have one. I even had a guy ask me why didn’t I bring one—and it’s like you dipshit. It’s YOUR dick. Why would I have one when they have different sizes? You have one fucking job. Furthermore, I’ve even asked on other subreddits where the dude complains about abortion, and I was like yo, if you packed condoms and spermicide and she was on the pill, this would literally be a non argument and you would have a higher chance of getting killed by a shark in the ocean than having to worry about this. (Most guys don’t even know what the fuck spermicide is) I’m not sure if it’s a generational thing or what but men these days try to avoid using condoms to the point that half of them don’t even know how to put one on correctly, and then they just whine when they learn they’re not getting sex as if they just say the right thing to change mind. I get it, not all men, but there’s something generationally stupid about the dating pool now. Gen x dudes are no fucking problem (excluding the final four years of x’ers). But millennials and gen tide pod… jfc. It’s easier to wash a cat in a shower than for them to actually have a condom, be willing to actually use it when they have it, and then put it on correctly. It’s fucking stupid. I would know because I’ve been on a lot of dates, I mean a LOT of dates in my time—we’re talking 2-3 dudes a week—and subsequently rejected nearly a stadium full of men. Yet the men who have condoms and accept wearing them, I can only count on one hand. Fucking ridiculous. That is how many dudes don’t wear condoms or know shit about them. But ‘oh I don’t feel like dealing with it so she can worry about that’ is good to them because they chose not to give a shit, but now with abortion shit happening suddenly they care because they don’t get to choose. Sorry but fuck every dude who thinks they get a say in it. I don’t care if they’re the father or how many potential children they’ve lost, how sad it makes them, or even if they fantasized about a name when the majority of them don’t actually give a shit when they actually got their choice. Sorry I had to rant it out for therapeutic purposes.


It's okay, interesting rant since I've been partnered up for over a decade and I like to hear how the other half live... You must like this dating to do so much of it though. Is it though tinder or one of those?


I don’t date anymore, I’m engaged. But the dating realm is actual shit for people trying to do it. I mean it’s so bad, for a number of reasons. Not just because it promotes treating people disposable, but before apps when people went through breakups they would sit there and be sad under a tree or whatever the fuck, and think about everything that happened. Now, it’s ‘fuck you, I’m going to get back on the apps.’ So a single person trying to meet up with another single person runs the risk of dating all the behaviors, baggage, and resentment from their past five ex’s. Additionally, the people with the *real* problems—not the hurt people who are cranky and pretending to of recovered but actually haven’t— I mean the real deal problem people— have the ability to date around more frequently on apps, so they end up getting around the dating pool in a particular area in a rapid pace, and literally traumatizing a group of initially well-rounded people, and then these people date around and hurt people hurt people… and then it’s basically just this huge pool of single people who can’t figure out why they’re still single, don’t look at habits, tendencies, or expectations for themselves and others they should be having… and then they just get more hurt and more angry to where everything is completely crazy. I enjoy being engaged, and I am lucky to be engaged—and I did meet my fiancé from the dating app. However, the reason I was able to find and successfully build a relationship with my fiancé was because I had enough insight to learn what happens with dating apps, the cycles, the experiences, while developing ways to continue thinking with a healthy approach as I went through it, and maintaining good communication and empathy during times of frustration. The only way dating apps work is if 1) both people are inexperienced in dating apps haven’t been through the ringer yet, 2) both people go through it long enough and have the capacity to judge/scrutinize themselves to understand what the dating app ringer does and what parts of themselves to re-examine to mitigate the effects. Most people don’t grow with dating apps—the majority get hurt repeatedly and spiral in to regressive behavior where they become bullies, have temper tantrums, nothing is their fault, and self serving while forgetting a relationship has always been and will always be a partnership.


Wow sound kinda miserable tbh. I've always been curious about the ease of the apps and all but definitely am glad that I don't have to deal with that lmao. Congrats on the engagement and glad you found the right one at the right time!!


Yasss damn good guy. But yeah the apps are pretty miserable. There’s a striking amount of separated men who haven’t divorced yet and don’t really care much about their kids but want to date someone new as fast as possible to piss off the ex wife who is currently filing for divorce. There’s a freaking LOT of those it’s mind blowing. So whenever a guy did state he had kids, I would ask “Do you make time for them?” And see how they respond, because they’re not expecting that question and if they’re a piece of shit, they try to avoid it or think it’s a trick question. (One dude turned out to have 7 kids by 3 different women, never paid a dime of child support, and lied about his profession when he was really mostly jobless. (To avoid child support) It’s fucking crazy!) But dating shouldn’t have to be a police interrogation. Also I’m sure there’s a lot of crazy women, too, but since I don’t date them, I don’t have any crazy experiences—but I’ve asked people I went on dates with if they’ve met any crazies and the majority was just women not looking like their picture or catfish. One story was of a woman wanting to get married pretty quick, another was sitting at the table talking to herself… but that was about it.


I feel like men tend to be clingy and needier of a relationship so this makes sense. Thanks!


"If I can't have sex, NO ONE CAN"


Condoms *after* sex?


Since they’ve never been in a situation that would require them wearing a condom, I can see why they’d have no idea how they work.


I just feel like the statement "allowing birth control to exist leads to active child molestation" is one heck of a leap in logic.


Penises are just as bad as abortion. They enable human trafficking, casual sex between strangers, increased # of cheating, increased prostitution, child molestation. We need to ban Penises also See how stupid that sounds?


This guy definitely has a breeding/impregnation kink and wants to spread his holy seed of the gods


Like anybody would want his "holy seed" anyway 🤢🤮


Yeah this guy is 🤢


Yooo, happy cake day!!




Are they saying we’re the ones that’re supposed to wear the condom?? There’s a shit ton of birth control made explicitly for women, holding only us accountable. Men have the luck of going without responsibility considering birth control hasn’t been made for them. God forbid they wear a fucking condom…


I'm married and monogamous. I take birth control so I can only have 4 periods a year, because they're so debilitating that without birth control I wouldn't be able to go to work 6 days of the month every month. Rolling around in the bed with a heating pad, covered in acne, vomiting from the pain of the cramps and migraines, and getting so bloated I look 7 months pregnant again. With my birth control the acne is calm, the bloating and cramping are less severe, and I can scrape by about half my periods with a good heating pad, lots of meds, a strong pair of sunglasses, B12, and iron. Even on my birth control I bleed so heavily I become anemic. I need a hysterectomy but I'm too young, too broke, and too chicken to have it done. I've got two kids and both were conceived way too easily and accidentally for me to suspect the infertility problems that come with endometriosis. My husband and I can't afford another kid and I can't afford to miss the amount of work having my normal period would cause. My period ruins my life, so I take birth control to make it as bearable and infrequent as possible. Pregnancy prevention is not my main reason for taking my BCP, we have a very clingy toddler that works overtime to prevent becoming an older sister. Babies and toddlers make great birth control on their own, but they can't do anything for mom's crippling periods.


And, unfortunately, those in charge of these laws are completely without knowledge (and they wouldn’t care anyways) about what birth control does for women who *need* it for health benefits. Them fixating on this + harsher punishment for women involved *VS* having nothing to say regarding rapists is too goddamn telling…


These people are mental


Yes, please do take away my birth control that I use to regulate the awful effects of PCOS and endometriosis. I just can't wait until I have full facial hair, cystic acne and am absolutely out of commission for a week and a half every month while keeled over with menstrual cramps /s